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[Arty] Raffle for the Sea/Galaxy Pon :)

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[Arty] Raffle for the Sea/Galaxy Pon :)

#175619 Posted on 2018-06-22 22:34:03

Okay, this is gonna be a Write/Draw-to-Adopt with a twist :)

So everyone can buy one ticket if they so choose (75k). You can enter once by doing Write-to-Adopt and you can enter once by doing Draw-to-Adopt getting you 2 tickets each ^.^ (disclaimer: I give extra/less tickets based on effort)

Will end Sunday, July 8th @ 6:00pm CST ^.^


What would you name him/her;

Backstory/New Story;


This only requires you either draw or color your entry to match the character to the best of your abilities but if you do both (with decent effort) I will reward you with extra tickets :)

Here's a PSD of the pon (sans lines/shading) so you can see how I did the colors if you want; -click-


Player's Name - # of Tickets

  • Raptor (Write/$) - 3

  • Beacon (Write/$/Draw) - 5

  • Oswin (Write) - 2

  • Snoglobe ($/Draw) - 4

  • Siren ($/Draw) 4

  • Ruby (Write/$/Draw) - 7

  • Maple ($) - 1

  • Syrien (Write) - 2

Siren Wins her :)

Thank you for all your entries and interest in her, I loved seeing it and I wish more people could've won XD

Last edited on 2018-07-09 at 08:59:20 by ArtuD2

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#175626 Posted on 2018-06-22 22:54:13

Some folks do like contests where you have to fill out a form saying the name you’d give the character, a backstory on it, breed, why you think you should get it, etc   Not sure if you’d wanna do that but yah. :)

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#175630 Posted on 2018-06-22 22:56:52

I don't have any clever ideas but I love the design lol 
I second what Outlaw said, some forms have less to fill out than others. You could also do a random select raffle type thing.

Last edited on 2018-06-22 at 23:02:45 by Oswin

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#175650 Posted on 2018-06-23 06:19:28

Or you could just give it to me c; c; c; 

I don't support write to adopts since I hate writing for them or the random chance of a raffle. I'd say draw to adopt but people probably have the same feelings on that as I do about writing lol. This might just have to be one I actually try for if you go the writing route.  i have ideassss >> 

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#175652 Posted on 2018-06-23 06:32:05

I'm not the biggest fan of draw-to-adopts because not everyone is able to do art.
Besides that, I don't really have any suggestions, sorry, but that is one beautiful pon. :o

Last edited on 2018-06-23 at 06:32:26 by Raptor

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#175659 Posted on 2018-06-23 08:22:12

I would to a write to adopt or draw to adopt (though others are more skilled than me in the draw to adopt)! This character would go so well, with my recent custom I got, with those 'gold' markings ♥

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#175661 Posted on 2018-06-23 08:42:40

I kinda like the raffle idea. I can’t draw to save my life, and making up stories isn’t my strong suit either. Raffles allow basically everyone to have a chance at it, even those without tons of money, credits, drawing skills, or writing skills :)

Btw that pon is super adorable and I love it c:

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#175662 Posted on 2018-06-23 08:48:30

Alright, main post has been updated ^.^

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#175664 Posted on 2018-06-23 09:43:22

What would you name him/her: Northern Light

Backstory/New Story: Northern was born into a small  herd, living in the secluded mountains of the north. It was a harsh, tough life, especially for foals, many never made it to adult hood. The weather was the biggest predator of the horses, as well as cougars, wolves, and the occasional bear. Northern had a harder time then the rest as she was born with a black coat that stood out enormously against the usually snow covered landscape. Never less, she made it to three years old under the watchful eye of her mother, a beautiful white mare with gold eyes who had reared many foals, and her sire, the leader, a large light dapple grey. The day she turned 3 she and the herd where wondering looking for grass when out of nowhere a pack of large, powerful Arctic wolves sprang at her. She spun to run to a hiding place but there was nowhere, her coat stood out too much. Her mother sprang between her and the wolves, and they brought her down before the stallion and others reached them and drove them off in a flurry of hooves. The damage to her mother was too great however, and she died. With her last breaths she whispered to her daughter “Look to the Northen Lights. They will guide you, and when you see them you will know I’m still with you.” Northern’s father was heartbroken by the death of his loyal lead mare, and simply went insane. One day he wondered off on another of his journeys to find his mate again, and didn’t return. With both leaders gone the herd dispersed or was picked off. 

Northern remembered her mother’s words however, and the next night after her father vanished, as she saw the first light of the Northern Lights, and heard the gentle twinkling of them, she set off on the trail they lit in the snow. For two years she followed their trail by night, until they led her to the furthest north, where day ceases to show its face and the night reigns, and where the Northern Lights danced endlessly through the sky. She had spent so much time in the Aurora Borealis’s light her coat took on the colour of them, and gold streaks appeared in her tail and mane, the same colour of her dam’s eyes. She lived in a hidden valley, where she guided lost souls and danced with the lights in her free time. And time and time again, she appeared on the night wind to whisper to others what her mother had whispered to her. “Look to the Northern Lights. They will guide you, and when you see them you will remember your loved ones.” 

Last edited on 2018-06-23 at 14:49:15 by Midnight Outlaw

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#175672 Posted on 2018-06-23 10:07:51

I do belive that I shall try for this pon 8D


What would you name him/her; incanto (Latin for sing, sing an incantation, sirenize, charm, glamour, glamor, according to google translate)

Backstory/New Story;
incanto appeared out of nowhere in the large pond (or small lake depending on how you wanna look at it) by my stables. The hippocampus that made his home there sent word that a new creature had invaded his space. So, I went to greet the newcomer and see if they were exploring the area, or if they'd like to become a permanent member of my ever-growing herd of weirdos. When I finally reached the mouth of the lake, Basilicus, my hippocampus, was there waiting for me, "You need to be careful with this one Laura," he said, " this bloke gives off a bit of a sour note to me." I remember reaching down to ruffle the grumpy waterhorse’s mane and chuckled. "You sure you’re not just saying because it’s in your lake?" Basi grumbled a "no" before swimming off in the general direction of the intruder. Basi tossed a muzzle in its direction, he didn't have to though. The intruder was impossible to miss. Now, I've seen a lot of strange horses in my time here. I have 3 unicorns that call my humble stable home, two horses that glow (one of which is slightly radioactive), and a largeish cat that can talk, with a kangaroo pouch on her belly and also likes to hoard random items. And that's not even all of the odd balls that live here. But I have never seen a horse that looked like they trapped an alien galaxy in their body before. I moved away from Basilicus and started edging closer to the galaxy horse standing at the edge of the water. "Hello, friend," I said, taking another cautious step closer. "My name is Laura, I own this place. Who are you?" The horse just stared at me with eyes a bright luminescent yellow. "You don't have to be afraid of me, I won't hurt you.” I didn’t notice it then, but with every step closer, the world started to fade around me, soon it became just me and incanto. How I knew that was his name is beyond me. But it didn’t matter because I started hearing the most beautiful music I had ever heard, I felt like dancing to its lively tune. “Would you like to dance Laura?”  incanto’s galaxy studded coat seemed to leap off of him and danced around me in time to the music. I still remember how stunning it was, how I had started swaying, completely captivated. “I can’t really dance…” I said dreamily. incanto just grinned at me, his eyes had started getting brighter, the stars were spinning faster around my head and the music got louder. Something in the back of my mind screamed danger, but it was all just so beautiful… “Come closer! Dance with my Laura!” encouraged incanto. He was just so beautiful, I couldn’t resist his enticement…. So, I went closer….

[To Be Continued]

Last edited on 2018-07-07 at 11:55:17 by Ruby II

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#175675 Posted on 2018-06-23 10:16:43

What would you name him/her;
Drukne, Danish for 'Drown' (according to Google Translate)

Backstory/new story;
Drukne is a goddess. Her earliest memories are of a deep, dark ocean, the only visible light far, far above her. She vividly remembers falling for what seemed like an eternity, her vision slowly going black as she fought for air in the midnight blue water. However, despite remembering her fate in clear detail, whenever she tries to remember the events that led up to it, her mind goes blank. Any other god or goddess could explain to her that, since she's immortal, she is not actually dead, and did not have a life before she drowned (which is why she is unable to remember anything besides her descent), but... no one has, because no one knows she exists. She is the goddess of those who have been lost at sea, her murky blue pelt representing the ocean and her golden stripes representing the last bit of light that one can see far above them before everything goes dark. She is lonely and afraid, still very uninformed about who she is and why she is trapped beneath the waves.

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#175694 Posted on 2018-06-23 12:10:53

aww, that was a sad but pretty story Raptor :)

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#175704 Posted on 2018-06-23 13:13:30

What would you name him/her; 
Venus (Mare) - Roman goddess who rose from the sea 
Backstory/New Story; 
Venus never knew her first name. She would have flashbacks come to her in her dreams but it was like she had something stuffed into her ears. Everything sounded muffled. The only sound she could hear was the sound of waves crashing against rocks. She assumed this was because her herd often stayed close to the beaches as they traveled. The wonders of the sea had always intrigued Venus even now you will see her look out across her new home.

As a foal, Venus always had a hard time opening up to other horses. She would stand in the back corner or behind a tree and would watch the other foals interact with one another. Her shyness was assumed to come from the bullying she dealt with on a daily basis. The bullying had gotten worse and eventually a group of foals cornered her on a cliff that stood high off the oceans surface. The foals advanced toward her, despite the fear in her eyes. Her hooves would slip on the rocks as she backed away. Eventually she slipped and plummeted into the ocean. The current in the water caught her and she was pushed farther out away from the shore. She cried for her mother but her cries did not reach the shore. Eventually she was pushed out into the wide open sea. Where she would end up was unknown to her. Eventually, she saw a far out island that looked to made of mostly rocks and sand. She started to swim toward it and eventually reached the island. Tired from the swim, she laid down and closed her eyes letting sleep take over.

When she woke up she saw a skinny black foal with an odd looking tail staring down at her. The foal gave her the name Venus, after the Roman Goddess who rose from the sea. Together they lived in a cave with a pool of water that, once a month, the moon would reflect off of causing the gold, that was embedded in the rock walls, to shine and glitter.

I will also be entering with a draw-to-adopt featuring the horse mentioned in the story and apart of the cave ^^^ 
I will edit this post with it when I am done ;) I imagine her and the horse mentioned will become partners or basically siblings.

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#175709 Posted on 2018-06-23 13:44:53

What would you name him/her;
Zale (male)- meaning Power of the Sea in Greek

Backstory/New Story;
Zale was born in a laboratory, part of a genetic mutation experiment. After logging the success, the scientists released him onto Assateague Island with a tracker and small camera to study his interaction with the wild horses there. All went relatively well until the annual pony swim. When the wild ponies were driven into the water, Zale seemingly disappeared, never to be seen again. His camera and tracker sank to the bottom of the channel, somehow dislodged from their secure positions. Zale swam out of the channel and made his way to mainland US, where he climbed onto land and began his trek. He preferred to travel through streams, rivers, and other bodies of water as he could easily blend in and was born with abnormal swimming skills thanks to the experiments. Eventually Zale stumbled upon a friendly herd of horses in a secluded valley and accepted their invitation to join them.

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#176202 Posted on 2018-06-25 12:59:25

Does this have an end date? I'm going to enter but I'm also gonna be busy the next few days and be slow :c 

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