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Stay Tuned RP

#197473 Posted on 2018-12-18 20:56:00

Hunger drove Aub out of his doze, and he sat up with a grunt of disapproval. As much as he wanted to chill out and let himself get better, he was very hungry. After a significant amount of muttered grumbling, he stood up and headed out of his room, entering the kitchen and almost falling down if it wasn't for the counter. Well, aren't I just the unstable mess. Once he had regained his stability, he went through everything, but didn't find anything that he considered "food". Auberon sighed and looked at Mason, then went over to where he was and sat down on the couch next to him, placing his elbow on Mase's shoulder, and his his head on his own hand. "Where are your car keys?"

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#197736 Posted on 2018-12-23 16:53:45

She sat the big horse easily as it trotted along the path through the woods towards the mansion. She'd pack what she needed, gather all the animals, and get outta this town. "But where to go.. can't be somewhere too hot, I hate heat.." she pondered out loud. They entered the mansion yard and she swung down at the stables and untacked the horse, then gave him a quick brush down before turning him loose, thinking all the while. She entered the house and went into her library to go study the map. "Been there, and there.." she began muttering, going over the map. "Cripes, is there anywhere I haven't been?!" She suddenly wondered.

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#198359 Posted on 2019-01-07 07:12:28

 Mase stopped what he was doing with the bass, dragging his eyes away from it and staring blankly at Chance. "It's a guitar. You play it," he told him flatly, blinking as if the fact that Chance had simply put it down confused him greatly, before Auberon stole his attention. He turned to face Aub, tilting his head slightly. "Why do you need them?," he questioned. "And why do you think I'll give them to you?"

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#198372 Posted on 2019-01-07 11:24:03

Chance didn't reply, looking at his pocket where his hands were. He didn't move to reach for the instrument. This place made him uncomfortable, though he wasn't sure why. After a moment of debating whether or not to do so, he pulled his phone out and texted his mom, asking her to bring out his guitar. 

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#198613 Posted on 2019-01-14 23:18:55

His eyes drifted to the ceiling for a moment as he thought over his multiple snarky replies. After a moment (I mean .5 seconds), he looked back at Mase and shrugged. "I never asked if you'd give them to me, I only asked where they were. That could imply I just wanted to take them from wherever they were hiding." Auberon rolled his eyes, rolling into place next to the old dude, letting his elbow drop from Mason's shoulder and into Auberon's lap instead. Starring blankly at the scenery (Imeanlackthereof) in front of him, his fingers fussed with each other restlessly, which only caused his gaze to grow darker and weaker. "Some idiot left my car behind, and that same idiot also has a lack of food in his place. I figured I'd do two idiots a favor and go buy food for the rest of the week so the idiots don't starve." At first, the name "idiot" came off very brutal and distasteful, but as Auberon progressed, the name became less forced, becoming something that he almost appreciated rather then resented. 

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#198654 Posted on 2019-01-15 14:31:13

 "Well, some idiot hasn't thought about how exactly he's going to afford to buy this food," Mason countered, raising his eyebrows slightly. "I'm not letting you take my truck to go get food you can't even buy, Auberon. Nice try."

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#198655 Posted on 2019-01-15 14:34:47

"You are like an overly annoying older brother. I can afford food you ding-dong. I have enough money to buy a ring. But the ring ain't gonna be bought if I die of starvation, so logically the food should come first." Auberon rested his head against the back of the couch, huffing in irritation.

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#198657 Posted on 2019-01-15 14:47:28

 "Aww, you see me as a brother? How cute," Mase teased, resting his head beside Aub's in an almost mocking sort of way. "But the answer's still no. I don't trust anybody with my stuff."

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#198659 Posted on 2019-01-15 14:55:24

Auberon raised his hand and lightly slapped Mason across the face (he would have done harder but his lack of energy wouldn't allow it). "I'm walking then." As he stood up, he proceeded to almost fall over again, which resulted in quite a bit of swearing on his part. He made his way over to the front door, opening it and calling an overly happy "bye!" over his shoulder before he closed it behind him.

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#198661 Posted on 2019-01-15 14:59:22

 His eyes trailed Auberon as he walked up to and then out the door, blinking unaffectedly. "Well, he's gone now. What do you wanna do?," he asked, turning to face Chance. Still keeping to himself, not doing much. We'll see what we can do about that.

Last edited on 2019-01-15 at 14:59:46 by Raptor

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#198662 Posted on 2019-01-15 15:08:36

Auberon was going to walk a few steps, but he made the bad descion of looking down which resulted in him collapsing a little harshly onto the ground. That hurt. This isn't going to work, is it? Managing to get onto his knees at least, he thought about how helpless he actually felt, which resulted in him hating Mase a little more for not at least helping him much. 

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#198664 Posted on 2019-01-15 15:13:51

Chance shrugged, glancing away from the pattern on the carpet. "My mom's bringing my guitar." 

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#198850 Posted on 2019-01-19 20:03:08

"Blast this for now" she grumbled, spinning and stalking away from the map. She grabbed her truck keys and wallet and headed out to the garage, where she opened the door then swung into her black GMC truck. Se turned the key, then shifted it into reverse as the diesel engine came to life. She backed it out with the skill of long use, shut the garage door, then drove out of her yard and down the long, overgrown driveway. Once at the gravel road she checked both ways, then spun the wheel and pinned it. It swerved onto the road, fish-tailed, then under her experienced hand straightened out, black rims flinging dust behind her. She checked the RPM's then lifted her boot slightly, slowing it to a more legal speed. She signalled at the highway, turned on, and followed the pave into town, where she pulled into the parking lot of old-fashioned bar. She hopped out, slamming the door in the process, then entered the building, smoothly stepping to the side upon entry. It was an old habit. She nodded back to the five other people sitting around the room, including the bartender, then went to the bar and sat down.

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#198853 Posted on 2019-01-19 20:14:11

With ansigh of both hopelessness and distaste, Auberon finally got himself to his feet, balancing himself for a moment before heading towards the road. He couldn't remember a whole lot of the walk he had done previously, but he knew the area well enough to get to a store at least. He kept on walking, letting his eyes track the road in front of him while silently trying to keep his mind from blacking out.

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#198855 Posted on 2019-01-19 20:22:28

She ordered the usual, which consisted of a mix of whiskey and Irish Brandy. The Irish in her demanded it she supposed. It tasted good anyway. She turned sideways so she could watch the door at the same time while sliding the money over to the tender. He took it with a grateful nod for the well sized tip. She took several sips, nodding slightly in satisfaction at the taste.

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