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World Of Strays - Role Play-

#82835 Posted on 2016-12-25 17:34:52

Bailey sighed and laid down. "What happened? Why did all the humans leave? I know some were bad, but some were good. Good humans wouldn't leave their dogs." Bailey stood and took a bite from the remaining ham. She didn't pay much attention to the newcomer, just knowing that her new friend was nice in sharing. Bailey didn't know if she would have. "My name's Bailey, by the way."

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#82840 Posted on 2016-12-25 18:07:05


Levi grabbed the piece of ham given to him. "Thank you, uh, thank you," he said with the ham stuffed in his jaws. He backed away and looked at the two females. "It's Levi by the way." He turned and dashed away, not interested in their conversation. He went inside the house, his house. He never left it in hopes his man friend would return. Setting the ham on the floor, he nibbled at it graciously. He was definitely grateful for them to share.

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#82841 Posted on 2016-12-25 18:13:47


Karma looked down at her paws, she wasn't even sure where they went. "I don't know where they went, there just gone", she smiled "well it's nice to meet you then".She looked back up as the new dog said what his name was and thanked her for the food. She nodded her head "Your welcome Levi" she watched as he went to one of the houses, she looked back to Bailey. "I'm sorry that you miss your human, but your more then welcome to come join me".

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#82847 Posted on 2016-12-25 18:33:53

Bailey turned and looked at the house. "Well... I guess so." She turned back to her new friend. "My human, Man, he... he wasn't the nicest human." She kept her voice low, as if her human were nearby. "He trained me hard and wouldn't tolerate mistakes. But I still love him. He's mine." She paused. "But his friend, Ya Know... He hated me and I hated him. He would come out to slap me for no reason, and wouldn't let me get out of the rain." Bailey thought a moment. "What were... what were your humans like?"

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#82850 Posted on 2016-12-25 18:38:43


Karma was silent for a moment, she never really had a human to call her own. "I never really had one I was just going from human to human", she shook her head she didn't like talking about it. "why would you stay with you man if he wasn't always nice, and trained for what", she knew she said that he had taken her to fight but what kind of fight exactly.

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#82856 Posted on 2016-12-25 18:52:18

Bailey thought a moment. "I wasn't sure at first what he was training me for... Then one day - the day I met Ya Know - Ya Know brought a big black dog over. The dog attacked me and when we were done fighting, he attacked Man. I jumped on him." She paused. "After that, Man took me to dog fights. That's what I was trained for." Bailey sat for a moment, thinking about her friend's first question. "I stay with Man because he's my human. Dogs are supposed to be loyal to their humans, and Man is mine." A short pause. "Another reason is that even though he didn't always show it, Man loved me too. He worried about me when the humans in the flashing cars came. He didn't want them hurting me."

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#82860 Posted on 2016-12-25 19:04:03

"Whip" she responded cheerfully. Asking for her name could mean that Ace was fine with having her around. As they walked, Whip's mind wandered to distant memories. She remembered when she was a just a pup, the humans training her for the races. When her training ended, they gave Whip her name to own proudly in the races. Whip was fast and earned more than a few wins in the races. Life was good. Until that one day. Whip shivered, not wanting to think about it.

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#82867 Posted on 2016-12-25 19:28:32


The large cat stretched out, before curling up for a nap.


Noire found a small fort made out of tree branches, probably made by human children playing in the woods. It wasn't very sturdy, but she hoped it would offer her a little shelter and keep her hidden if she was being pursued.

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#82870 Posted on 2016-12-25 19:37:51


"It's good that he cared for you, but why would he train you for that" it didn't make since to her. "I guess if I had a human I'd be loyal as well", but seeing as they a disappeared she wouldn't have that luxury. She stood up "do you want to stay here or do you want to see if we can find more food", she was still hungry.


Ace grunted his response to her saying what her name was, he saw her shiver. he gave her a side glance,he had thin fur and he wasn't even cold so why was she. "So did you have any humans before all this happened" she must have, who else could of thought of a name like Whip.

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#82921 Posted on 2016-12-25 23:03:49

"I don't try to figure out the workings of a human brain. All I know is Man knows best." She stood and shook herself off. "Sure. I'm hungry. Besides, we might find a nice sleeping spot." She smiled at her new friend. She liked the fellow pit bull. "What's your name?"

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#82954 Posted on 2016-12-26 05:38:07


Levi climbed the stairs, his stomach was still growling and he was starving. He looked out the cracked window down at the street where he just was. The two pit bulls were still there, talking by the looks. Watching them interact made him realize how lonely he was. It was his own fault he didn't have any friends, he didn't trust other dogs the way he used to. He sighed as he jumped back to the floor and headed down the stairs. Walking back outside, he decided to hunt down some more scraps. "A turkey leg," he said while pulling the large bone from the trash. Not much was left but all he had. He gnawed on it getting the scraps off and saving the bone for later. "Maybe there is more at the big food building down the street."

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#82959 Posted on 2016-12-26 07:38:13


Karma stood up, "It's Karma" she looked around trying to think of where to look for food. "Want to try the pet store, it might be a good place for shelter to" there was doubt there was food there, probably not a lot but who knows. She looked back to her smiling "if where lucky we might find a bone or two", she liked the pet store. When ever she did have a human they'd always take her there to pick something out.

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#82966 Posted on 2016-12-26 08:21:42

The pet store was a good idea. That's where humans stored animal food. Bailey thought it was a smart solution, but most likely the store had already been raided. She looked around and thought she spotted Levi moving off his porch and disappear. Not sure if he could hear her, she barked, "Levi, we're going to the pet store. Wanna come?" Bailey looked at Karma to see if she was okay with that.

He reached the pet store. Sniffing in deep, he smelled pet supplies and... humans. Not current smells, but there nevertheless. He trotted with confidence to the treat rack. Pulling down a small box of the large Milkbones, he tore it open and ate one. Others would like some, too, so he decided to eat just one. Next he went to the toy rack. New toy to brighten his day. He picked out a soft squeaky toy - a pink pig. Good. Should he grab a bag of food? He had some at home... A few extra too. It was always good to be safe. He heaved a huge bag down and began to slowly drag it to the door. It was going to be a slow walk home.

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#82978 Posted on 2016-12-26 10:00:17


Crow's eyes opened as he woke up to the sound of someone else in the pet store.
"As you can see, there's plenty of food. Take what you need." He stated groggily, before stretching and sitting up.
"It's no fresh kill, but it will keep you full."

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#82982 Posted on 2016-12-26 10:07:14

Whip didn't really want to talk about her past much. Although, she supposed that secrecy wouldn't make Ace trust her. "Um, sort of," Whip murmured. "Awhile ago, I was in greyhound races. All the humans would have their greyhounds and we would be let out onto a track, and the race would begin. The winner, well I'm not sure what the humans would get if their greyhound won, but the champion would gain the highest respect of all the greyhounds. I was the champion for a while. Then…" Whip glanced at the scar on her leg, and decided not to bring it up. "I wasn't anymore. I just couldn't anymore. Seeing that I was doomed to loose, my humans left me." She thought that her response may have darkened the mood, so she continued the conversation. "What about you?" She asked Ace. "Did you have any humans?"

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