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World Of Strays - Role Play-

#82730 Posted on 2016-12-25 07:44:31


Karma looked at her, did she not know that the humans probably aren't coming back. "I think it might a while before he ever comes back" her voice was soft, "are you hungry" she nudge the ham toward her. "We can share" it was on the small side but it was food, she smiled still wagging the tip of her tail.

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#82758 Posted on 2016-12-25 12:05:29

Bailey nodded. "I know it'll be a while." She looked back to the house. "I'm hungry, thanks." She took a small nibble of the ham. "Sometimes I wonder if Man is in danger." She looked at the house again. "The humans with the flashing cars weren't nice to him."

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#82764 Posted on 2016-12-25 13:14:42


"I'm sure he's fine", she gave her a small smile she didn't want to tell her that he probably wasn't coming back. She took a bite of the ham as well, "where have you been staying since he's been gone". She herself had been staying a different places, not really staying at a place for more then two nights it was habit more then anything.

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#82768 Posted on 2016-12-25 13:22:09


Levi prayed, thankful that no one had heard his tags making a clinking noise. He was about to back his way out of the cylinder before he saw one of the dogs drop a ham and share with the other. Maybe I can snag a piece. He crawled forward, keeping his nose to the ground while approaching the two dogs. They seem nice enough.

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#82780 Posted on 2016-12-25 14:04:46

"No worries," Kaya said, as the two declined the bird. Her eyes narrowed in confusion at the words pet store. "I think I'll stay with Spruce and Colt. Thank you for the offer though." Kaya watched as the stocky Maine Coon made his to the store, then turned to Spruce and Colt. "Well, if you guys still want somewhere to stay dry, the place where I live has plenty of shelter." Kaya got up and retrieved her bird, stopped, then looked over her shoulder. "I can take you guys to a place with food and shelter. You just have to trust me." The nimble she-cat gathered the bird in her mouth and started to walk briskly towards her home, her ears flickering to hear if Spruce and Colt had decided to come.

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#82785 Posted on 2016-12-25 14:29:15

Spruce & Colt:

"We'd gladly join you, thanks." Colt answered politely, padding after Kaya. Spruce drug her paws as she followed, shooting wary glances at the she-cat. This is a trick, isn't it?

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#82790 Posted on 2016-12-25 14:41:40


Karma saw movement form the corner of her eye, she turned her head looking toward it. It was a dog, she noticed that he was keeping low as he got closer to them. She smiled shaking her head, no doubt he was hungry. Then again a lot of dogs probably are, she looked down at the ham. She could always find more if she needed to, she looked back to approaching dog. "You don't have to craw you know, it's not much but I don't mind sharing".

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#82799 Posted on 2016-12-25 15:32:16

Kaya's ears stopped flickering as she heard the steady beat of the two other cats behind her. She slowed her pace a bit to see Spruce's wary looks, who were overpowered by Colt's enthusiasm. Kaya offered a friendly smile, then continued on her way. "This is not a trick, or a trap. I've lived here for my whole life with plenty of food and shelter. The occasional raccoon or dog passes through the alleyway, but you'll get used to it." The sand colored she-cat nodded her head to the right. "Just one more turn, and we're there." Kaya crawled under a fallen beam, then she was in the alley. She looked back to make sure Spruce and Colt didn't have a problem, then dropped her bird onto a box. "It's not much, but I call it home." Kaya said as her eyes swept the dark, but dry, alley.

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#82815 Posted on 2016-12-25 16:14:50


"I can deal with dogs and raccoons." Spruce snorted, sitting down and slowly licking herself. Memories of escaping the animal shelter consumed her, but she fought them down. At least, she tried. She had been so young, so happy to leave the wild and have at least some kind of family, some kind of home. Now it was all she knew. Even being in an abandoned alley triggered the pain, the sadness.


"This is very kind of you." he told Kaya warmly, sitting beside Spruce. "So, what's your story?" he asked her. I hope she doesn't mind me asking. Spruce is always secretive about that.

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#82817 Posted on 2016-12-25 16:28:23

Bailey had seen the dog approaching as well, but had stiffened. He looked like a dog she had fought once. The smell was similar, but only in the way that he was a male, a dog, and the same breed. Different dog. She felt herself relax. Not too much, because she didn't connect well with other dogs. Not since her puppy days with Winston, Max, Angel, and Patches. She sighed and took another nibble of the ham, finding herself not too hungry anymore. "I've been staying here, in the yard."

Quincy let the rope fall to the ground with a smack. It wasn't as fun as it would have been if Miss Q was there to try to get it back. He sighed. Oh, how he missed his human! He sniffed around in the grass, kicking up faint sniffs of her. That sweet skin scent mixed with salt mixed with the soaps she used. He breathed in deep on a particularly strong scented grass strand. Mmmm, Miss Q. How he missed her.

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#82821 Posted on 2016-12-25 16:36:21

Relieved to hear that she could join the stranger, Whip scampered after Ace. Ace seemed nice, in a carefree sort of way. He was very different from her timid self. It dawned on Whip that the cool and collected Ace could be driven away by Whip's anxiousness. Worries began pouring onto her like the rain as she padded after her new friend who may not be one for long.

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#82825 Posted on 2016-12-25 16:50:50


Karma looked back to Bailey, "why, why not someplace else I mean it gets wet and cold out here". She didn't understand why she would just stay out here willingly, "you know you could come with me, I don't really have a place but it's always fun to have others around". She looked back to the other dog, he was still low to the ground, and hadn't said anything yet.


When he saw that she was following him, he turned back to looking forward. He looked at the sky, happy that it stopped raining. "I didn't catch your name" if she was going to following him around he wanted to know who she was. He slowed his pace so that he was walking by her side, he glanced at her a few times.

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#82829 Posted on 2016-12-25 16:58:58

She stiffened and took a step back. She stared at what she had counted on to be a new friend for a moment.... two moments.... then sighed. "You know something? He's not coming back, is he."

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#82832 Posted on 2016-12-25 17:14:32


Levi came out of his crouch and was now standing in front of the two dogs. "Sorry," he said looking away from them as he did so. He watched the two dogs carefully before eyeing the scrap of ham. "If you don't mind, may I have the rest?" He didn't want to stay long with the strangers, just looking for an easy meal.

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#82833 Posted on 2016-12-25 17:20:38


Karma was taken back, she was willing to share but not give up the rest after they had to eat to. "No but you can have some of it", she looked back to Bailey "I do know something yes". She still didn't want to tell her but it was probably for the best, she sighed "I don't think any of them will be coming back, I'm sorry". She tour a piece off the ham, leaving enough for one dog which she was planning letting Bailey take it. She gave the piece she had in her mouth to the newcomer, "you can have this".

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