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Earning Your Wings [RP]

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Earning Your Wings [RP]

#48682 Posted on 2016-06-22 07:10:19

Elle shook her head. "No, we're fine," she replied to Rueben. She glanced around the arena and was disappointed not to see dragons. Her hands gripped her paper so tightly they turned white. She heard Kye yell about seeing the dragons and smiled. She really wanted to meet hers, too. She knew that most of them were going to get very impatient very quickly now. She blushed at the thought. She had held them up a bit.

Jimmy looked up when the conversation turned to dragons. Maybe they would get the dragons out now. He stuck a piece of old paper in the book, closed it, and put it in his pocket again.

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#48979 Posted on 2016-06-23 15:51:58

"If you say so, my man." Dexter blew raspberries, and automatically wandered over to Mel to bother her. Nothing new. "Sooo, Mel. When are you going to confess your love for me? I could use a plot twist about now." He threw an arm around her neck, and pulled her in for an unforgiving hug, smashing her face into his small chest. "I may have to warn you though, I'll probably reject you. Just to keep it interesting." He patted her head fondly as she pounded her fists into his back with a loud groan. He may not admit it, but Mel had a special spot in his heart. It wasn't a crush at all, but he has become rather fond of her.

Mel lifted her head to prevent her from suffocating. She dropped her arms limply at her sides, glaring at him with a sigh. "You wish. My love for you is nonexistent." She tried to push him away but failed from his strong grip. As much as she secretly loved hugs, she was determined not to give in. "Unhand me, you lunatic." She grumbled, taking a step back but he only followed. They both struggled for a short moment, "Ugh, Rueben." She whined.

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#49213 Posted on 2016-06-25 08:38:19


Rue laughed, his boyish, mischievous smile flashing. "Aw, Mel, Dexter is just professing his obviously existent love for you." He was cut off by Hilda yelling at the young students.

"Come gather round, children. Time to meet the dragons!"

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#49348 Posted on 2016-06-25 22:36:02


Kye watched as Dexter annoyed Mel, the girl obliviously wanting to get away and even Rueben was not helping. She thought it was quite funny and would have helped Mel if they weren't all interrupted by Hilda's loud voice. But at the word dragons the short blonde leaped up into the air with a yell of joy. "Yay! Dragons, finally! "

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#49893 Posted on 2016-06-28 20:14:52


His intuition proved right, he knew she was going to play it off as if she were just fine. Must be a girl thing. he thought to himself as he nodded and starting looking for the cheat sheet. It didn't take her long to find it which made Jeremy even more curious about her earlier answer. If she had been okay then it wouldn't have taken so long to find a white piece of paper laying in the grass. Oh well, he shrugged to himself Maybe once we start riding she will open up to me. he thought following her into the arena. He ignored the conversation going on between his other friends and turned his thought to how he could get the girl to be open with him. After all they were going to be partners and his safety counted on her ability to let him know when things weren't okay.

As Reuben questioned the two girls Jeremy walked by, no sense in creating drama this close to obtaining my dragon. he thought silently as he sought out his earlier position in the ring. His hands buried themselves in his pockets as he waited for the announcer to start the ceremony. This is taking wa- the announcer spoke over his thought Finally he smiled up at the master dragon rider excitement once again flowing through his body.

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#49908 Posted on 2016-06-28 20:49:02

It was as if a switch had been flicked on in Dexter, and he automatically dropped Mel from his grasp, causing her to stumble back with one harsh push. He released an unnecessarily loud whoop, and snatched up Kye's wrist to pull her over to Hilda. He brushed his fringe back, his childish hazel eyes gleaming in excitement as he stared at the older woman expectantly. "Us first?" He squeaked, totally ignoring Mel's loud insults sent in his direction. He has waiting his whole life for a moment like this, and waiting another moment proved too difficult for him.

Mel huffed, and brushed herself off, and glared at Rueben as she regained her balance. "You. You will pay." She warned, pointing at him sharply. "Some partner you are." She sniffed, and crossed her arms. It was clear she didn't mean it whatsoever, but her sassy attitude prevented her from smiling about it. She strolled after the others to the older woman to hear about their dragons. She struggled to hide her nervousness, twitching and pulling at her dark hair anxiously.

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#50518 Posted on 2016-07-01 17:01:34

Elle fell in beside Jeremy, wondering if they would get that silver dragon he had expressed interest in earlier. Her heart beat quickly as her dark eyes turned to the older woman that her friends and her were gathering around. She glanced quickly at her cheat sheet, trying to memorize as much as possible in the little time.

Jimmy trotted over to the woman, glancing to see if Wendy was following. Dragons! The word made his heart beat faster as a rush of thrill made his body shiver. His eyes turned bright with excitement as he pounded over and skidded to a stop.

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#50677 Posted on 2016-07-03 04:25:18

Rose walked to the where the other guys and girls were and joined the circle. Smiling she looked around the circle and pulled her red hair into a ponytail and looked around. Taking a deep breath she thought of the dragon she could be paired with.

Last edited on 2016-07-03 at 09:56:04 by Daphne101

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