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Earning Your Wings [RP]

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Earning Your Wings [RP]

#46025 Posted on 2016-06-09 19:50:03

Wendy giggled as she leaned against the large wall. She breathe heavily, her shoulders heaving. She laughed as they both stood there panting. Finally, her heart stoped racing and she was able to make a reply. " Ooh... tough one. Hmm... I'd have to say either black or silver." She said, her bright grey orbs glowing with a thoughtful look. She stood up straight and waited for him to give her the go. Wendy was so excited. She couldn't wait to get into the la ge arena.

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#46077 Posted on 2016-06-10 06:12:06


He was still internally scolding himself for not thinking before speaking when Elle decided to answer back. Her smile must have been contagious since he couldn't help but grin back at the shorter girl. You are right, we are all lucky to have been chosen. Jeremy said thoughtfully, maybe it wasn't all about who got what color, but instead about the chance of the experience. The dark haired boy figured he would make the most of the chance he was given. Her second comment had been what he was thinking earlier, with a little more emphasis on being the best. You took the words right out of my mouth. he chuckled.
As they neared the center of the arena Jer could feel the adrenaline start kicking in, his heart was beating so hard he figured Elle could hear it. His head became light and the sun shone just a little brighter than it usually did. It was like he was in a dream, a trance or something of the like and he mom was about to walk into his room and wake him up to go to school, and ruin the moment. He took a deep breath and the world felt a little more real. The boy turned to see his other friends trailing in behind them, well this certainly isn't a dream. he thought.

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#46087 Posted on 2016-06-10 06:41:05

James thought a moment about black or silver, letting his heart calm down from the run only to speed up again. "Black would be nice," he finally mumbled to himself. Silver might be a bit shiny. but maybe not. He looked into the arena and straightened, realizing they were one of the last to begin to enter. He smiled at Wendy. "Shall we?"

As they got closer and closer to meeting their dragons, Elle's heart picked up a pace that was so fast she thought that it might just break free and keep going. She tried to calm it down with a deep breath, but to no avail. She looked up to the taller, darker haired boy and noticed him glance backwards. It all felt unreal. Elle remembered when she was a little girl and had a stuffed dragon that she would take everywhere. She still had that dragon, but wasn't as obsessed with it as she was then. Still, she had always loved dragons, and Elle felt all this was just like a dream come true and an unreality. She looked up from where she aws glancing at her feet walking along and her breath caught in her throat. They were almost in the arena. She thought she could hear the rustling of dragon's wings and huff of their breath. Maybe she was imagining things.

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#46093 Posted on 2016-06-10 06:59:43

Rueben (to Melanie)

"Hey, Mel," Rueben greeted, "You look fabulous today, daaaaling." Always taught by his father to be a gentlemen, he made his arm into a triangle, gesturing Melanie to link her arm through his. "Shall we go meet our awaiting dragons?"

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#46164 Posted on 2016-06-10 10:42:24

Dexter laughed, and slowed once they were in the arena. He looked around with awe, and grinned. He didn't care much for which dragon he was receiving as long as he was getting one! "I heard dragons can be smarter than humans, I wonder if that's true!" He said out loud to the others, brushing his hair back in thought. "This is so awesome!" He couldn't seem to hold in his excitement, and grabbed Kye, James, and Wendy into a tight group hug withva loud whoop.

Mel hesitated, glancing at Reuben cautiously before she warmed up a little and smiled a little. She giggled very quietly, a rare occurance for the girl. She linked her arm with him, "We shall." She agreed, and went to join the others.

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#46244 Posted on 2016-06-10 18:02:40

Two people stood in the wide clearing of the arena. The one on the left was an very old woman with a hunched back. The people of Swyn knew her well and respected her; she was the daughter of the first dragon riders. Her name was Hilda Kingston, and she had a very soft voice, but was strict, unusually strong, and usually whipped kids with her cane. But when a rider received a complement from her, it was definitely something to brag about.

The man on the right was William Carol, a handsome young man with shiny blond hair and a muscular, tall body shape that drove every girl in Swyn crazy. (Even the 13-year-olds) William was very kind, patient, but tended to favor the quieter kids. He was the great-grandson of Hilda and Rueben's older brother.


"Okay, everybody, file in quietly," Hilda called over the noise, not being heard. William slapped the back of Rueben, teasing him. "Who's your pretty new girlfriend, Rue?"

"Her name is Melanie," Rueben said through clenched teeth. He hated it when his brother teased him. "And she's not my girlfriend."
William laughed and whispered in Melanie's ear, "You keep him out of trouble, 'kay?"

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#46250 Posted on 2016-06-10 18:23:12

Dexter overheard William, and howled with laughter, letting go of the group of kids from his one of many hugs. "Melanie with a boyfriend? The moment I see that is the day pigs will begin to sprout wings and fly!" He paused, thinking. "Although, I wouldn't be surprised if I caught her on a date with the devil himself." His grin grew as she ent a chilling glare in his direction. He only blew a kiss at her in response.

Melanie was not pleased with being called Rueben's girlfriend, and her cheeks turned immediately turned a light shade of pink from embarrassment. She quickly dropped her arm from Rueben's, and crossed her arms. "I will end you." She hissed her usual empty threats at Dexter, and her angry eyes flickered over in William's direction. "Very well, but who will keep me out of trouble?" She asked in a more polite tone as she was taught to respect people older than her.

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#46265 Posted on 2016-06-10 20:18:25

The small girl flinched when she was pulled into a large bear hug from Dexter. She was squished against his boddy and she felt the warmth from his small frame. She shivered as his breath glided against her neck. She glanced to Kye-Ree and immediately blushed. She knew Kye had a crush on Dex too. It had always been in Wendy's nature to step aside if another girl had a crush in the same boy. And Wendy tried her hardest to do the same regarding Dex, But it was killing her inside. She sighed in relief when the boy finally let go of them all. She walked to the other end of the group of kids as they walked into the arena. As they walked in, she took notice of William. She offered him a small smile as she walked past and do the same thing for Hilda. Wendy knew what effect Will had on Swyn's female population. By she hafn't ever felt that way.

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#46271 Posted on 2016-06-10 21:07:31


Kye grinned as Dexter stopped in the arena, the taller boy gave a laugh before talking about the dragons. Though before Kye could respond, the thin boy pulled Wendy, James and her into a group hug. In which the short blonde returned and gave to the others. She had quite a good look at Wendy, whose face tinted red slightly, when the girl glanced her way, Kye smiled towards her. Though the group hug was ended quickly as Dexter pulled away and his thoughts were taken over to Mel. Kye heard a bit of the conversation before grinning and making her way to Mel before throwing an arm over her shoulder. "Don't worry, Rueben will take care of you. You are pertners in this." Kye started before leaning in slightly, "But if he doesn't, you got all the rest of us." The curvy girl finished with a kind smile.

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#46303 Posted on 2016-06-11 05:51:11


As Rueben noticed Melanie's cheeks grow red, he looked down at his feet. It was always like William to mess with him. "Dude, you're embarrassing her," he whispered in his older brother's ear.

William laughed, ruffled Rue's blond hair, and jogged off, calling back, "You both keep each other out of trouble."

Rueben turned to Mel. "God, I hate him sometimes. He's just being a jerk."

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#46305 Posted on 2016-06-11 05:52:07

(Oh and I will message the players who are doing Brenden and Rose Anna)

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#46308 Posted on 2016-06-11 06:21:29


As Bren strolled into the arena, he glanced around for Rose Anna. "Hey guys!" He yelled. "I don't think Rose Anna is here!" He turned around, gazing in all directions. "Yeah, don't see her." He shrugged. "Will I still get my dragon even if she's not here?" He asked, terrified.

(So sorry I haven't been active. I've set aside roleplaying due to having to pack my house and get ready to move. )

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#46389 Posted on 2016-06-11 11:27:49

(I messaged Daphne twice since the rp has started and she hasn't gotten back to me.)

Mel looked from Kye to Reuben, shaking her head. "Welcome to the club." She glanced over at Dexter with an irritated sniff. "Honestly, I don't know what you see in him." She whispered to Kye, ducking her head down to prevent herself from embarrassing her like the others just did to her. She turned back to Reuben, her expression softening, "But we have each other's back, yeah?" She held out a hand for him as if to shake.

Dexter looked over at Brendan, "Uh. Will there be groups of three?" He questioned with his hand up. "My dude can't be working by himself!" He went over to Brendan and threw an arm over his shoulders. "He'll be lonely." He said sadly as if it was the most tragic thing ever.

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#46407 Posted on 2016-06-11 13:17:56


The dark haired kid gave Dexter a playful punch in the rib, "I'll be able to fly solo." He grinned. "Maybe they'll change the pairings." He flashed a bright smile at Mel. Just maybe, he thought.

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#46440 Posted on 2016-06-11 15:49:52


Kye chuckled at Mel's response, she herself didn't know why she liked Dexter, for all she knew, it could be just one of those crushes where nothing happens. But right now, she was glad being partnered up with him, he was a fun guy and she didn't need to be anything more with him to have fun. Though as Branden mentioned they were missing someone, Kye glanced around to also find out that indeed someone was missing. The short blonde moved over towards Dexter and Branden before grinning. "I don't mind being in groups of three. More the merrier."

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