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Earning Your Wings [RP]

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Earning Your Wings [RP]

#47376 Posted on 2016-06-16 08:15:02

Elle looked up, quickly wiping the tears off her face as Mel turned the corner. "I'm fine," she said, standing up. Her face reddened in a blush. She shouldn't have run out. Another mistake. "It's okay," she said, guessing what Mel came out for. Her voice was a bit unsteady. She thought about the dragons and her stomach clenched. Were they still waiting?

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#47415 Posted on 2016-06-16 12:07:03

Although the girl said it was okay, Mel still felt bad when she saw the tears. "I'm sorry." She said anyway, and awkwardly ran her hands up and down her arms. It was clear she was horrible at apologies and helping people but she was trying her best. She looked down and hesitantly went to hug the girl. "I, uh, hugs make me feel better sometimes." She said simply, mentally cringing at herself. She was not openly affectionate, and so the simple gesture was huge in her own eyes.

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#47426 Posted on 2016-06-16 12:50:11

Elle smiled at Mel, then said, "Umm." She realized that Mel didn't readily give out hugs. "No, it's okay. It's all good." She ran her hand through her hair before turning to look at the arena. "You should go in... I still need to get something I dropped." Elle looked around for a dragon behavior cheat sheet she had brought with her. "It's a piece of paper, I'll find it soon. You go on ahead." She smiled at Mel, hoping she knew it was all good. Elle wished she hadn't run out. Why had she cried? Oh yeah. Because I'm a big mistake. Her thought wasn't bitter but resigned, and she scanned the ground for the paper.

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#47493 Posted on 2016-06-16 17:43:42


The dark haired boy knew the reddish-brown haired girl was not completely okay, but he at least felt better letting her know how he felt. When she interrupted the conversation claiming that she left something outside Jeremy's attention was on her once again. You're not okay... he thought, sighing as Elle left the arena. He was going to follow her but Mel had beaten him to it.
He kicked at the pebbles as Dexter tried to change the subject and Kye completely ignored his attempt. After a few minutes he looked towards the door, the girls were still outside, It is probably a good thing. he thought. They're probably talking about girl things or something. He turned towards the podium and hoped that they wouldn't call any names or start the ceremony with out them. It's fine, they'll be back soon. he told himself as he started to sweat slightly from the stress and sun together, keeping his eye on the large door they had passed through a few moments ago, boy did it feel like forever since he stepped through and into the arena...

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#47500 Posted on 2016-06-16 19:24:25


Kye stood quietly, which was quite a surprise for her, she usually never shut up and always had something to say. But right now, she doubt anyone would want to hear her words. For all she knew, she might even make another girl run off crying if she even thought about speaking. But sadly, her attempt to keep quiet failed as she sighed and opened her mouth to speak. "Do you guys think Elle hates me?" Kye mentally groaned, of all things to come out of her mouth, it had to be that. Why she couldn't just drop a subject was beyond her, it just came out, it was what she was thinking and now it was put into words, words that could only make things worse of course. And after cursing herself in her head she smiled. "Never mind, do not answer that." She finished slowly.

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#47516 Posted on 2016-06-16 20:14:15

Mel looked like she was ready to refuse, shifting her weight around on her feet with uncertainty. "Uh, no no, let me help you. It's the least I can do." She offered, and quickly walked around the area without waiting for a response. "What's on it? I'm assuming it's something important, yeah?" Her unusually soft tone carried in the air, and hearing herself sent shivers down her spine. Even this new attitude was freaking her out. She kept reminding herself to stop hurting people's feeling to avoid situations like this. A secret softie she may be, but revealing this side of her was not fun for her whatsoever. "So, what do you think about this dragon thing? Kinda strange our whole group is doing it together, no doubt it'll be fun..." She paused. "And annoying." She muttered, clearly thinking about a certain ebony haired twig that got on her nerves every time she saw him.

Dexter whipped his head around to stare at Kye in horror, as if she had spoken the unspeakable. "Are you a nutcase?" He exclaimed, completely ignoring her last request, like he always does. "We are friends, there is no way Elle can't hate you just from this little incident. I forbid it. Not that I need to anyway, but it's like insurance you know? Got to have insurance." He nodded seriously, then snapped his head up. "Hold on! Do we get dragon insurance? I cannot sign anything without parent's permission!" He announced as if everyone needed to know.

Last edited on 2016-06-16 at 20:14:44 by Palaye Royale

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#47525 Posted on 2016-06-16 20:38:53

(Since Rose Anna is still not appearing, Brenden can join whichever group for now but will still get a separate dragon)


Rueben, through the girl drama, stood silently next to Dexter. When he heard Kye-Ree's question, his eyes grew wide. "Kye, get real. Elle can't hate anybody," Rue defended, not letting his crush be critized. "Dexter's right. It's just a little, dramatic incident. Elle's the sweetest, kindest, hottest girl I've ever....I mean, she could never hate you."

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#47543 Posted on 2016-06-16 23:03:47


Kye rolled her eyes, "I just said don't answer that." She mumbled, though Dexter just kept going, and it only made her chuckle. "Now who sounds like a nutcase?" She added, she had no idea what dragon insurance would be like, but she doubt it even existed, though she could give the thin boy credit for trying to change subjects. But when Rueben opened his mouth to defend his obvious crush, she had to stop herself from gagging slightly in the love sick words that just left the boy. "Okay, we understand Rueben, but if you continue that..." She had no idea what to say after that, she held her hands out like trying to grasp the answer, but nothing came. "Just don't finish it." She decided to settle that with a grin.

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#47547 Posted on 2016-06-16 23:20:45

"Whoa ho hoo! Is it just me or do we have another lover boy in the house? Don't let Mel find out!" Dexter smirked, thinking back to the grumpy girl's embarrassing moment. He leaned back against Kye dramatically, resting the back of his hand against his forehead in despair. "Why doesn't anyone speak like that about me?" He whined unnecessarily, his back arched awkwardly. "I give out free hugs, and pranks. Like, what?" His eyes were hidden under his dark hair, but his bottom lip poked out just slightly in a natural pout. "I don't understand."

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#47556 Posted on 2016-06-17 00:00:10


Kye quickly balanced herself once Dexter leaned back, though she couldn't help herself chuckle and play along. "Oh, because you are too clingy." She muttered while also trying to stifle her laughs. She felt slightly guilty for teasing Mel behind her back, but she was a sucker for a good laugh. And it was better Mel then herself being laugh at, boy would she not handle that well, and she guess that came with those that liked to tease and make fun of others. "Maybe if you, oh... I don't know. Stop using me as a wall, we might speak about you more." She added not long after, grunting as she gathered her footing while trying not to drop the boy on the ground.

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#47575 Posted on 2016-06-17 05:15:15


The conversation was starting to get to him, everyone was worried about themselves and it bothered Jeremy to the core. I'm going to go see if the girls are okay. he said quickly, interrupting their conversation. He didn't give anyone a chance to tell him no, and he would have ignored it anyway, his partner was outside and he needed to make sure she was okay.
Jeremy spun on his heel and jogged off towards the arena doors. Mel should have had her back by now. he thought, frowning. I hope she's okay. The ebony haired boy rounded the corner and saw her sitting on the grass, Mel standing awkwardly in front of her. At least they aren't fighting. he thought as he walked over to the pair and squatted besides Elle. Are you alright? he asked softly as he looked her over. Her cheeks and eyes were the slightest shade of pink from crying. He knew she would say yes just to make him stop asking about her but he asked anyway.

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#47661 Posted on 2016-06-17 15:04:47

Elle looked up, shocked, when Jeremy came out. "Yeah," she said, looking at the ground. "I'm looking for a piece of paper I dropped. Mel's helping me look. It's a dragon behavior cheat sheet," she added, to Mel. She stood hastily, wiping her eyes again. "But you both can go back in if you want, in case they start." She didn't want them to miss the start of the most important day of their lives because of her. She was sure everyone inside was talking about her. She scanned the ground for a burst of white in the green grass. She walked past the entrance towards the tree with the birds and there the paper lie, in the grass near the tree. She stooped and picked it up. "I found it," she told the other two. "Let's go back inside." She stood by the entrance awkwardly, waiting for them to come over. She glanced inside at the others but couldn't hear if they were talking about her or not. She hoped they could meet their dragons soon; she usually turned to animals when she was angry or upset, they calmed her. That's why she had been so relaxed earlier - the birds near by had attracted her attention. She looked around at the grass and trees outside the arena and wished with all her heart that they would meet their dragons. She looked at her cheat sheet. "If the dragon stiffens as you approach, stop approaching and speak in low tones, complimenting the dragon. When it relaxes, continue to approach slowly. This dragon is angry or upset." Well, that shouldn't be too hard. But what if it doesn't relax? I never found out... Don't approach? Request a different color? "If the dragon is shifting it's paws and not looking at you, it is nervous or scared. Talk soothingly, again in low tones, to calm it." Simple enough. "If the dragon looks straight at you and is relaxed, there is no need to talk unless you would like to. Some dragons are known to rush towards their new riders in eagerness." I hope mine rushes at me. Though that may be intimidating.

Jimmy's ears were listening for Will's voice. Or the woman. Maybe the sound of pawsteps. He was mostly engrossed in his novel, not paying attention to the commotion around him. He looked up once, scanning the room, and heard Reuben saying something about Elle. He looked around and noticed Elle and Mel gone. Jeremy was gone too. He shrugged to himself, thought, I don't need to get involved, and turned back to his book.

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#47697 Posted on 2016-06-17 17:27:52

"I am not clingy!" Dexter exclaimed, standing up straight as if she had offended him. He turned, and frowned at her with a pout. "I am... nah. I'm not independent. I don't know what I'd do without other people." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. He shrugged, glancing around at everyone else before turning back to his new partner. "Hey, the price of becoming my potentially new best friend is being my wall, and arm rest. If you can't handle this, then you are gonna have a rough time, Girlie." He winked, and noticed Elle at the entrance with Mel approaching. "Yes, can we meet our dragons now? The suspense is very close to killing me." He insisted, turning to the older woman, and Will.

Mel followed after Elle, pausing as she went to walk past her. She offered her a small, private smile, then began making her way back to her partner. "Seriously." Just like that, her friendly expression turned blank, and she propped her hand against her hip in a very sassy pose, emphasizing her impatience. "I'm afraid Rose probably forgot or something." She didn't point it out, but she herself was surprised when she had agreed with Dexter.

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#47767 Posted on 2016-06-18 00:21:16


Kye smirked at Dexter before replying, "Oh, I can handle you." The blonde stated, patting the thin boy's shoulder before continuing. "That's why I haven't hit you yet, because I have the best self control. That's probably why I was made your partner and new best friend," she half quoted him with a forced smile, she stung slightly with being friend zoned, but would refuse to let that show. "Because anyone else would have broken by now... Maybe except Mel, she still seems to be living." She finished with a chuckle, looking over to see Elle, Mel and Jeremy who seemed to have left while Dexter and her where mucking about, all came back to the arena. She was going to greet them, but then decided against it because despite Rueben saying Elle couldn't hate her, the sensitive girl would still not be happy to see her. Kye was one of the reasons she left in the first place. So instead she opted for staying silent (For once) and watching as the others greeted them.

Though when Dexter mentioned dragon's, she couldn't stop herself from speaking then as she thrust a fist into the air with a yell, "Yeah! When do we get to see our dragons!" Kye's grin stretched across her face as her eyes brighten, at least the subject was changed slightly, so hopefully they could all move along.

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#48170 Posted on 2016-06-19 18:09:18


Rueben shoved Dexter playfully. "Aw, man, tons of girls like you. Elle likes Brenden, obviously, not me, but I cant stop liking her. Trust me, girls like you." Giving him some knuckles, he jogged over to Melanie and Elle. "Is something wrong, ladies?"

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