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Earning Your Wings [RP]

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Earning Your Wings [RP]

#43458 Posted on 2016-06-02 07:25:25

Elle took a piece of gum and walked back over by the birds. The one adult fluttered onto the grass right by her feet. Elle turned back to glance at everyone else, checking to see if the doors were open. Nope. She popped the gum into her mouth and turned back to the birds.

Jimmy grabbed some gum and pulled his book out of his pocket. "Yeah, that'd be great," he said to Brenden about the book. Instantly, Jimmy absorbed into the world of the story.

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#43527 Posted on 2016-06-02 11:19:50

Jeremy (Sorry I was on vacation and out of state for a few days)

What time is it? he thought as his brain returned to consciousness. If I am waking my self u-... my alarm didn't go off!!!! Storm grey eyes flashed open as the boy realized his alarm didn't go off in time. He pulled the sheets from the bed in a flash and he dashed around his mom's small cottage. His heart was pumping fast as the adrenaline kicked in. Black T and dark jeans, that's good enough. he thought to himself as he quickly threw on the tight fitting t and boot cut jeans. Jeremy quickly brushed out his long ebony mane and threw it into a low ponytail then raced out of the house. I can't believe I did that though... I was supposed to be early for the dragon pairing!! he thought angrily to himself as he sped to the arena, sweat dripping down his brow and the back of his neck. Maybe I should just cut it off. he thought about his hair as he ran, Nah... he thought after a moment, grinning as he rounded the corner to the arena. He stopped running and walked up to his friends. Hey guys! he called to the group, the run had only left him a tad winded but it was not all that evident in his voice, a giant grin rounding out his features.

Last edited on 2016-06-02 at 11:24:20 by Amarathine

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#43897 Posted on 2016-06-03 13:59:03

The small girl pulled a worn out t-shirt over her head and threw on some jeans. She sat on the ground as she put on her socks and pulled on the old tennis shoes that rested next to her bed. As soon as both shoes were on and laced up, she pulled herself to stand up. Wendy walked to her large dresser and grabbed her hair brush. She worked her way through the long strawberry blonde locks. Her a mach was in knots just like her hair. Finally, once she'd tamed her wavy mane, she pulled it up into a high pony tail. She grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder as she walked to the large motor hanging on the wall next to her door. She examined herself carefully. She straightened her shirt out. Wendy mostly liked what she saw. The only thing that bugged her was her height. She hated being so short. And her weight as well. She wished that she weighed a little more. 90 just wasn't enough for a girl her age. She sighed as she reminded herself that she couldn't change those things. So, instead of focusing on the negatives she just smiled and headed for the window. She opened it and climbed out and down the trellis. She got down quickly, for she was nimble because of her size. Wendy JJumps off of the tall trellis and turned around. As soon as she gained her footing, she raced towards the arena which wad only a 2 minute run from her house. Once she reached the arena, she daw that most of the other kiss were there. Wendy was shy and hated groups, but at least she new everyone here. She too a deep breath and smiled at everyone she passed. She was able to keep her cool until she saw Dexter. Wendy had a crush on Dexter and had liked him for years.She helped her breath as she entered the group. But she soon realized that the only empty space was next to Dexter. She nearly tripped as she slowly made hr way to the space next to the boy. She Smiled at everyone. "Hey guys! Excited?" She questioned shyly.

Last edited on 2016-06-03 at 14:01:04 by Libra

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#43943 Posted on 2016-06-03 19:19:32


Kye looked at the new arrivals before snorting with a shake of her head. "Man, and here I thought I was late." She said with a light chuckle, before waving to Jeremy and Wendy. "Nice of you two to join us." She rolled her shoulders slightly before stretching her arms above her head. She felt a little stiff, but that could be because she accidentally slept on her lounge chair instead of actually making it to her bed last night. "And yeah! of course I am Excited!" She added after her short stretching, pumping a fist into the air with a whoop of excitement. Her blonde hair bouncing slightly before settling as she settled down herself.

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#43949 Posted on 2016-06-03 19:35:34

Wendy blushed at Kye-Ree's comment. She looked down at the ground, causing her hair to fall in front of her face. Key had always been a little much for Wendy and had a way of making her feel uncomfortable. But Wendy tried to shove that out of her mind. Today wasn't about negatives. Today was the day she met her dragon and her training parter. How exciting was that? She looked back up and brushed her l ok my, wavy strands oht of her face and tries to smile towards Kye.

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#43970 Posted on 2016-06-03 21:48:49

Dexter grinned at everyone, then at Wendy, excitement clearly in his eyes. "Totally, and the best part is that I won't be paired with a stranger. I got you guys!" He waved his arms out to them, then popped his strip of gum into his mouth. "Warning ladies, winner gets the most pranks but the best hugs. Am I right?" He smirked in Mel's direction with a wink.
He slung his arms around Wendy and Kye's shoulders, "Of course the rest of you will have your turns, just not as much." He looked around at his friends, blowing a bubble with his gum pleasantly.

Mel glared at Dexter, taking the piece of gum from Brendan with a huff. "I pray I never get paired up with you. I'd rather be stuck in a ring with two bloody lions!" She snorted, and crossed her arms. She didn't want to admit it but she was excited to see what the future had in store. She's never seen a dragon but plenty of books have explained much to her.

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#43986 Posted on 2016-06-03 22:55:54


Kye chuckled before wrapping a arm around Dexter's waist and winking at Mel, "Don't worry, Mel. Dexter just loves giving hugs, look at him!" She announced excitably before looking at Dexter with a smirk. "And I always win." She said before releasing him and making her way towards the others. She believed she would be really good at this, and maybe that sounded a little cocky. But she didn't really care, she just couldn't wait for the challenge to start and only hoped it would be even a little dangerous as that only added to the excitement.

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#44059 Posted on 2016-06-04 08:33:42

Jimmy glanced up from his book. He would have thought they were entering the arena because of how loud they were being. He grinned a bit when he saw the true source of it all before turning back to his book. Fictional images of travelers trekking up a steep and thin trail flashed through his mind. Dangers surrounded them. Jimmy turned the page.

Elle watched everyone having fun and being rowdy and went over to join in the fun. She was so excited to meet her partner and, more importantly, her dragon. The feel of the rough scales under her hands and the connection between her and the beast was what gave her an itch to just pound the doors open and meet the dragons. She groaned dramatically. "I don't want to waaaait anymore," she whined, a big grin on her face as she joked around.

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#44293 Posted on 2016-06-04 20:04:50


Jeremy shook his head and rolled his stormy blue-grey eyes at Kye-Ree's comment. It wouldn't be like me to be early. he chuckled in response and his eyes fell on a rather embarrassed and shy looking Wendy. Since he had met the girl in preschool she had always been the shy quiet type. She's a little rough around the edges still, huh? he asked her, almost whispering.
Another round of eye-rolling began as Dexter trying getting in good with the girls, he had always been the flirt and it irked Jeremy for some reason. Maybe he was just jealous that they seemed to flock to the skinny ebony haired boy.
As Kye started to speak about winning or something Jeremy turned his gaze to the arena doors. The giant hinged wooden doors dwarfed the youngsters and his mind wandered as to the color dragon he would be paired with. After a few seconds he figured he would be alright with anything but a purple one. A few more passed and he rethought that answer, it was a privilege to become a rider, and any dragon was deemed special, even if they were a color that he didn't like.
The boy blinked twice, and brought himself out of the trance as he heard Elle's complaint. You put into words what we are all thinking, mostly. he looked to Dexter with a giant grin on his face, clearly trying to jest with his friends.

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#44417 Posted on 2016-06-05 06:49:14

Elle laughed, but she still was impatient. She couldn't wait to meet her dragon. What color would it be? Would it be affectionate or strictly concerned about doing its job? She told herself to enjoy the time with friends and worry about that when she met her dragon. She thought of something amusing to do while they waited and a game popped in her head. "Let's play freeze tag!" she said. It was kind of random, but it would be fun. "I'm it! And I'm giving you ten seconds to scatter. Rules: stay near the arena so we can enter as soon as it opens. Freeze when tagged by me, unfreeze when tagged by teammates. When everyone's frozen, I win and the last one to be frozen is it. Ten, nine, eight..."

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#45082 Posted on 2016-06-06 18:02:02


Kye smiled, "Okay, your on, Elle." The blonde haired girl grinned as she started to move away from the person that was in. She hasn't played freeze tag in so long it was kind of nice to try it again. "Let's move guys, Elle cheats." Kye said with a chuckle, her grin widening as she sped up. She knew Elle didn't cheat, but it was still funny to say otherwise.

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#45091 Posted on 2016-06-06 18:19:45


Elle stopped trying to chase Kye. "Hey, I don't cheat!" She kept her tone teasing, but she was hurt by Kye's words. Like always, Elle hid her true emotions and kept a teasing grin on her face. "If anybody does, it's you Kye." She darted forward and made a lunge for Kye's back. She felt air between her hand and spread her arms wide, still running. "See? Proof!"

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#45122 Posted on 2016-06-06 19:45:16


Kye laughed as she ran as fast as she could, "No, I just run faster." The blonde haired girl yelled back, before stopping by the large gates to take a few breaths. "Okay, time out." She said through rugged breaths, holding her hands up to make a 'T' shape. She was tired and now it kind of made sense why she stopped playing these games in the first place, because right now she felt like she was going to die of loosing air. "My porky body can only run so much." She added soon after, leaning against the gate with a grin.

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#45151 Posted on 2016-06-06 23:06:27

"Amateurs! All of you!" Dexter exclaimed, releasing Wendy to wander over to Mel, and put an arm around her shoulders. "Mel, and I could school each and every one of you in a heartbeat! Am I right?" He asked the grumpy girl beside him, shaking her gently with a wink. Of course, he was only teasing her. Honestly, he's never seen the girl run in her life, unless she's chasing him angrily. "Don't even get me started on James' skills either." He grinned, thinking of the idea over in his head.

"You are an idiot, do not touch me!" Mel shoved him off of her, and crossed her arms defensively. "Being on any team with you is a curse, and I feel bad for the girl who gets stuck with that." She stamped her foot down, her irritation growing as the genuinely happy boy only laughed at her reaction.

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#45243 Posted on 2016-06-07 08:58:07

Jimmy looked up at the sound of his name, trying to figure out what was going on. A game of freeze tag? "I think I'll sit out," he said, turning back to his book.

Elle looked to Kye with a grin. "No time outs!" But she still turned and ran straight towards Dexter. She was small and generally pretty fast, though not the fastest. But her ability to maneuver always came in handy in games like these. "Don't worry Mel, I'll freeze him so he can't move!"

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