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#275581 Posted on 2024-10-16 14:38:25

Hello fellow EV'ers
I'm not sure if many do, but I like to put my stable name (Supernova) in front of my horse's names. I think we should have brands. Like a 4 letter/number brand that stays with the horses when they are sold or transferred. This I feel would make it easier to keep up with former horses you used to own. I also feel that Deluxe members should also have this feature. Please LMK how you feel about this.  

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#275770 Posted on 2024-10-26 15:47:49

I noticed that after many days, the breeder of a horse bred by another player reverts to the player who owns the horse, this will help to keep people from claiming they bred the horse, and if the horse is sold the buyer can request the brand either kept or removed. So I support

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Mand'alor The Rider

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#275778 Posted on 2024-10-27 00:28:48

Ehm, that's just not right Mandalor. The bred by caption always stays on the orginal breeder, even after many, many days.

In a way you could also see that as your brand, Spock. And though I do like your idea -I used to put Blodwyn in front of all my Welshies for a while haha-, but as the game doesn't have any active development going on it won't get picked up anyway.

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#277437 Posted on 2025-02-03 09:55:14

I put a fancy B character for mine but I notice it doesn't always look right and just looks like a box sometimes. It would be easier for me to set it rather than copy/paste.

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Birchwood Farms

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