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Birchwood Farms

"Exquisite Racing Stables & Rehabilitation Center"

irchwood Farms

Exquisite Racing Stables & Rehabilitation Center

Colourful Minis

In 2019, we sold off our herd of Dutch Warmblood foundations in search of a new focus. Racing miniature horses seemed like a fun and seldom seen around the Equiverse community. Many of our minis are rarer colours, leopard patterned and have blue eyes.

Sabino Arabians

Arab racers were the first breed of horses we specialized in back in 2016. Soon after, we narrowed the focus to flaxen, sabino and double sabino Arabs. Birchwood is also a proud admin and member of the Sabino Horse Society where a lot of our horses are featured.

Appaloosa Crosses

 Our newest focus are crossing our Appaloosa rescues with other racing breeds. As of 2022, we have Appaloosa Sport Horses (x TBs or Trakehners) and grade pony breeds. We also have interest in trying Araloosas (x Arabians) and Walkaloosas (x TN Walkers). Other grades we have were rescues with good racing potential and will not be included in our breeding programs.


We sometimes will have other racing common breeds as part of our Appaloosa grade project or snatched up from the Rescue Center so they may have a second chance!

Sale Pen
Our sales horses are mixed in with our retired herd located in the Birchwood Meadows.

We only ask that if you decide you no longer wish to keep the horse, please transfer back to us instead of surrendering to the RC. Thank you!

→ We only raise racers so I'm happy to trade other treats & tack as well.

A horse gallops with his lungs,
preserves with his heart,
and wins with his character.
— Federico Tesio

Helpful Hints
🏁 : In Training

Regional grade and higher receive a crown (♔ or ♕) in their title and a Winner's Circle background

Carrot +1-2 SPD
Turnip +1-2 END

Sugar Cube
+0-1 AGI
+0-1 SPD
+0-1 STR
+0-1 INT
+0-1 END

Hay Cube
 +0-2 AGI
+0-2 SPD
+0-2 STR
+0-2 INT
+0-2 END

+0-3 AGI
+0-3 SPD
+0-3 STR
+0-3 INT
+0-3 END

Account Information
Member Name Birchwood Farms
Member ID 101598
Account Type Basic
Joined June 7, 2016
Last Active 2025-02-10 09:06:12
Member Information
Money on Hand $1,944
Money in Bank $96,517
Player Level 13
Horses 300 / 300

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 958854
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $347,007

Member Level
Level 13 Experience 198036 (53%) EXP Required 366900 EXP Left 168864

Birchwood Farms's Horse Divisions
Birchwood Champions Circle LOCKED 21 horses
Not trained today
Birchwood Meadows 8 horses
Not trained today
Birchwood Racecourse LOCKED 50 horses
Not trained today
Birchwood Training Center LOCKED 50 horses
Not trained today
Mio Mini Downs 19 horses
Not trained today
Rehabilitation Center: Arabs & Minis LOCKED 50 horses
Not trained today
Rehabilitation Center: Other LOCKED 102 horses
Not trained today

Club Memberships

Elite Racehorse Registry

Appaloosa Club

Akhal-Teke Club

Racing Club

Arabian Club

Rescue Horse Lovers

Rescue Center Horse Club

Sabino Horse Society

Preferred Specialties
Miniature HorseRacingColor