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Boy Drama...😬 (UPDATE #3)

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Boy Drama...😬 (UPDATE #3)

#237420 Posted on 2021-03-24 07:03:08


     So a couple weeks ago, we were in the cafeteria, eating lunch.  My friend is dating someone that I never really liked---her name is Hope and her boyfriend's name is Dorsey.  Anyway, he kept looking over at me from the other side of the cafeteria and he held his hand to his ear, motioning as a cell phone, while mouthing the words, 'Call me.'  I shook my head no and my friends laughed at him, including his girlfriend.  He then told one of my other friends, Brooke, to tell me that he thought I was "hot."  He later caught me outside in the hallway and told me, himself, that I was "hot" and he would "leave his girlfriend for me if I wanted him to."  I once again turned him down and he caught me again in the hallway going to the bathroom.  He had earlier told me that he wanted to talk, so I told him I would give him my personal email, and that time he asked for it and I gave it to him.  The next day in gym, warming up, he wanted me to walk beside him and so I did.  He once again told me that I was "hot" and if I was interested, he would "date me."  I said "no."  Later that same day, during our actual gym activity, he said that he was going to be getting his driver's license in a year or so (he was held back, so he's about 15 or 16 and he's still in my grade) and he was gonna come pick me up at my house and take me out to eat.  I said, "No, you're dating Hope."  He said, "I'll take all of y'all out to eat," referring to Hope, Brooke, and myself.  Brooke and I laughed and she said, "My dad would probably kill me before I got in the car."  The day went by, and he caught me again in the hallway going to the bathroom.  He asked me, "Why don't you like me?" and I replied, "Because I'm not into you and we have nothing in common" and I walked off.  Yesterday, again during gym, he said, "Come here, Brooke, I need to talk to you about something."  I followed close behind and heard my name mentioned and she laughed.  She then dropped behind to chat with me about a completely different topic.  Then Dorsey said to me, "Yeah, Madison, you can't be telling me what to do 'cuz I'm older than you, I'm gonna be 15/16 soon."  That hit me and I got all defensive, saying "No one ever said anything to you about me controlling you, so leave me alone!"  He laughed at me and another one of my friends, Johnnie, came up to me and said, "Dorsey's is a butthole."  He made another comment to me, but I can't remember what he exactly said and I finally told him, "'Just leave me be!  Jesus Christ!'"  My friends laughed good humoredly and that was all he said to me the rest of the day.
     About a week later, Dorsey told me that he "loved me with all his heart" and he wanted to "marry me."  I just ignored him and walked off like I had been doing every time he tried to talk to me.  The next day, he told me to give him a hug and I once again got snappy and told him "no."
     I went to a friend's house to hang out over the weekend---her name is Kylie.  Another one of our friends was over too---named Emma.  Emma and I hadn't seen each other in years, so we had a lot of catching up to do and I ended up telling them both about Dorsey and that whole ordeal.  Emma told us about her most previous breakup with a guy named Landen.  The entire day, Emma seemed totally obsessed with him even after their breakup... until Landen facetimed us.  She instantly changed and acted like she hated him and wanted nothing to do with him.  I was in the frame at the time and we were all watching TikToks and laughing, you know, doing normal girl stuff.  Then Landen asked for my name and told him my full name.  A couple minutes later, he snapped Kylie on Snapchat asking for my Snap.  Kylie told him that I didn't have a Snap, or a phone, which is true.  He kept telling Kylie that he wanted to date me and I was "cute."  Kylie showed me all of his snaps and one of them said, "'Would you date me?'"  I typed back, "'Maybe.'"  Turns out, he's my grandmother's neighbor and he's pretty country---he shoots guns, rides horses, rides dirtbikes, fishes, and plays football.  Emma later found out that Landen was snapping Kylie about me and I woke up in the middle of the night (Emma and Landen were still facetiming and it was about 4 am).  I heard Landen say that if we got together, he would take me riding dirt bikes, riding horses, and all this other stuff with him.  And then I got up to get some water and Emma mentioned my name.  Landen, hearing my name mentioned, called out for me and swoony-kind of voice and I got into frame with Emma.  We were watching TikToks again and Emma saw a video that made her mad, so she threw her phone across the room and it hit the wall, waking Kylie up.  Landen, Emma, and I were all talking about a bunch of different things and Landen asked me if I wanted to come over to his house and cuddle.  I honestly, got a little embarassed and didn't phrase my response how I really wanted to... I replied, "'Not right now.'"  Emma caught me and whipped around to face me with a shocked look on her face.  After that, I went back to bed and the next morning we didn't talk about Landen much---we just rode around on the four-wheeler and the go-kart all day.
     I went home that day around 5 pm and Landen had my email, so he was supposed to email me so we could talk.  (He still hasn't emailed me back).  My personal email wasn't working right, so I told Kylie to text Landen to tell him that my personal email wasn't working, so it might be better if he used my school email.  Apparently, he saw the text from her but didn't reply with anything at all.  Yesterday, Emma emailed me and told me to "quit going after Landen."  I straight up lied to her and said that "I only wanted to be friends with him."  I think she knew that I was lying and replied and I quote, "'Me and Landen just broke up, I would like it if I can get over him before you start going after him.'"  I emailed Kylie and we were talking about it back and forth and then she told me that she was on the literal phone with Emma as we were emailing!  But all in all, I understand where Emma was coming from when she said she wanted some time to get over Landen before we got close because I went through a break up like that too where my boyfriend and I were really close and had been dating for over 3 years until we started drifting apart and he came out as homosexual.  But then again, I really didn't want to go after Landen romantically, just as friends until either of us wanted to push it.
     Anyway, that's all the tea I have for now!  If you got this far, congratulations, because I know you just read a heck of a long story...  Wish me luck later on with this thing lol!

Last edited on 2021-06-01 at 08:40:52 by Rosewood Manor Equine

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#237423 Posted on 2021-03-24 07:26:38

oh goodness... It sounds like you have had quite the eventful day... I have experienced this alot so I can very much relate to you here! 

If you need to, you can always PM me if you want to talk about it!

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#237426 Posted on 2021-03-24 07:33:23

@TallOak, thanks!  I'll definitely PM you if I feel I need to 🙂

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#237436 Posted on 2021-03-24 12:19:30

If you ever need someone to rant to I'm here! I could give the little bit of advice that I do know :) 

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#237457 Posted on 2021-03-24 15:00:51

@CrescentCreekStables, I'll come to you if I need to, thanks!  :)

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#237474 Posted on 2021-03-24 19:35:32

Big oof. Hope everything works out for you!

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#237478 Posted on 2021-03-25 03:44:37

@PhantomDark, I hope so too!

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#237509 Posted on 2021-03-25 15:53:35

Wow, boys. I have always been picked on and bullied due to my love and obession with horses. It's always been mainly the boys, usually two or three who did the most which ever school I went to. (I've been to like 4) Thankfully it's mainly just two boys here at this school that pick on me the most. The other week one moved, so only one to go. I will admit, I kinda like the attention as I'm not popular. But sometimes during lunch, the boy who is still there will come up and touch my back. Then, my friends would say, "Go get your boyfreind!". They always say I blush and that I like him, and that I should get his number. I've always said, "If I wanted his number, I would of asked for it already." My entire life I've had the nickname: HorseGirl. I'm fine with it, but everyone says it like it's a bad thing, but it clearly isn't. Sometimes I walk in the hallways and some of the boys will go "neigh". It's kinda funny, but I kinda like the attention. I don't know, but maybe that one boy likes me. I don't know. But for thing, I have never had a crush or fallen in love, or even been with a boy in my entire life. Even my brother says that I "act" different around his friends which are girls and our neighbors which are 2 boys. Even earlier when one of the boys was over my younger brother said that I like him, and I try to show off. Clearly I don't. 

So yeah I kinda get how you feel lol Hopefully things will sort out!

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#237708 Posted on 2021-03-31 13:44:45

@horsegirl, Oof, you seem like you have your own version of some boy drama lol.  But hopefully it works out for the both of us because I'm sure you're ready for it all to end just as well as I am.

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#237715 Posted on 2021-03-31 14:29:44

Oh yeah totally. lol

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#237736 Posted on 2021-04-01 12:31:14

Boys.......... *eye roll*

They can be amazing, but other times can be a pain in the butt. Just stay strong, true to yourself, and the right guy will eventually come along. :) I'm 30 and still waiting for someone who can handle me. 

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#237750 Posted on 2021-04-02 04:27:11

@Feather, I will definitely agree with the fact that boys can be a pain in the butt lol.  But thanks for the motivation. :)  I think this should all be over soon to be honest; I talked to Emma the other day when I played an April Fools joke on her and she was getting ready to head to Florida for Spring Break (and she seemed really cheery and happy).

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#238019 Posted on 2021-04-10 17:15:13

     Sunday, April 4, I was able to use my grandmother’s phone to text Kylie and ask her for Landen’s number so I could text him since he still hadn’t emailed me.  After a little while, we started texting back and forth and he kept calling me all these sweet little names like “cutie,” “beautiful,” “baby,” etc.  On Monday, Kylie and I had plans to get together so she got to come over to my grandmother's house to stay the night with me for a couple days.  I gave her her first little riding lesson on Cricket and we rode four-wheelers over the Landen’s house for the very first time to meet him in person!
     He came outside and he kept teasing us and muttering random phrases under his breath until Kylie and I had to leave and he texted me afterwards saying that he was going to kiss me when we were over there but he thought about it too late.  So we planned out another time to hang out over at his house where we then sat around at a picnic table and talked about just random stuff.  After a little while sitting around talking, Landen got up and he kept teasing us like he was going to throw a stick at his
 until he actually did throw one---don’t worry, we were just playing around.  I threw a stick back at him and he walked up to me with his arm outstretched like he was going to put his arms around my shoulders.  Instead, he said, “Tag, you’re it!” and ran away from me.  Keep in mind that Landen plays football so he runs pretty fast---just a hare faster than I do and I almost caught him until he swerved away and I went tumbling forward and fell.
     We jumped on the trampoline and laid around talking about random stuff again until we had to leave because it was getting late.  The next couple of days, Kylie and I rode four-wheelers to Landen’s place every night until Kylie had to go back home on Wednesday.  What I didn’t know Monday night was that Landen had secretly asked Kylie if she would become his girlfriend!  I didn’t find that out until Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.
     Tuesday, Landen’s other friend, Jeremiah, came over to his house to spend the night a couple of nights and Kylie and I went to hang out again of course with them both.  This time, we all walked around the entire property where we met Landen’s horses, cattle, etc.  The entire time we were walking though, Landen and Kylie held hands and walked beside each other while Landen and Jerimiah talked the entire time, practically leaving me out of everything.
     Wednesday, Kylie and I had to work cleaning out an old house on our property and the boys found out that we had to work on it, so they offered to come by and help out.  At the same time, they had gotten into some stuff they shouldn’t have and we told them off; told them they shouldn’t come.  After all of the work was completed, we went over to Landen’s once again just for about an hour before Kylie had to go home and that time we all just hung out on the trampoline.
     After Kylie had gone home, I told Landen that she had left and he asked me if I liked him because he had noticed I was kind of jealous from when we were hanging out---every time we were together.  I told him that I was a little jealous because I was practically left out of everything and one day he was falling head over heels for me and the next he was dating my best friend!  I tried to change the subject a few times and he kept on bringing up the jealousy thing.  I asked him if we could just forget that and he said “no” because he wanted to make sure he got past, with me, the realization that he had messed up and he was really sorry, saying that it “should’ve been me he was hugging, cuddling, holding hands with, etc.”  I told him that I knew that and I wished those things had all come true but they hadn’t and I wasn’t going to ruin his and Kylie’s relationship just for the benefit of me being with Landen.  So I wished them the best and we told each other that we loved each other as friends.
     The next morning, he texted me and told me he had a question about buying a truck and then he completely changed the subject and asked me why I liked him, so I told him why I liked him.  I brought up having quite a lot in common and he asked me what I thought we had in common, so I once again gave him my honest answer.  Later on that day, we were talking about hanging out and he proposed we hang out because he felt bad
 about how he left me out.  I told him that I had moved on and he said, “no, I know that hurt you.”  We decided to hang out to fish and he asked me if I wanted to cuddle.  I declined and said that I wasn’t going to cuddle him because he was dating Kylie at the moment.  After I declined, he told me that he was gonna screw up his entire relationship with Kylie and I kept telling him not to do that.
We were fishing and he still kept asking me if we could cuddle and I kept declining.  What made it worse was his fishing line got tangled (it was an open reel) and he couldn’t get it untangled, so he got frustrated altogether and walked off.  I told him I was going home too since we were both kind of annoyed at each other.
     I apologized for making him mad if I did but I wasn’t going to take advantage of Kylie not being with us in person so I can be with him.  He said that he was having a hard time choosing between Kylie and I because he liked both of us, so I told him to look at what he and Kylie could have as a couple and what he and I could have as a couple so he could choose.  He chose her
 but said that he wanted me.
     Friday, we planned to hang out (but ended up not doing so) and he said he wanted to cuddle again.  I said no because my little brother was going to have to come with me too.  I got really tired of him asking me that question so many times that I gave in---I said I would allow him to put his arm around me and maybe even hold my hand, but that was it.  When we had to cancel he confronted me for liking him because “everyday I wanted to hang out.”  I told him that I only wanted to hang out because I was bored and had nothing else to do
 and I only liked him as a friend.  He said that he could tell when a girl liked him and that it was “all his fault” that he pushed things with Kylie too fast and never got to be with me beforehand.  I told him that he should just control his emotions and find something to take his mind off everything, but he told me in response that he normally doesn’t do anything to “take his mind off stuff” but cries about it instead.
     Today (Saturday), I proposed a game of Questions Only where you ask someone a question, they answer that question, then ask you a question, and you keep doing that over and over until you want to end it.  We were playing today and one of Landen’s questions for me was “why do you like me?”---the same question he’s already asked me before.  So I literally went back to our previous texts and copied and pasted the same thing I had told him before to answer that question.  After a few more questions, we decided to stop because he couldn’t think of any other questions for me haha.
     A couple days back, though, I was telling Kylie about everything (and I mean everything) and we began talking about how he shouldn’t make titles for the girls he likes so he can be with different girls without them being jealous because of him “cheating on them.”  And I know it may seem off or wrong, but it just makes a lot more sense for a guy that normally gets attracted to several girls at a time if you know what I mean

     Again, wish me luck with everything so far!  I’ll be updating more on this same thread line of posts and if you even got to the end of this
 well, good for you!

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#238036 Posted on 2021-04-12 07:45:24

Well clearly if he keeps on asking the same questions, he likes you. If he won't stop asking those questions, he should be with you. Hope everything works out!

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#238050 Posted on 2021-04-12 14:48:48

@horsegirl, I would really like to be with him, but he's with my best friend right now and I don't want to ruin their relationship.  He did say though that if they ever broke up, we could get together so I'm going to be hopeful until anything changes.

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