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Greek Mythology Roleplay

#142807 Posted on 2018-01-23 14:16:17

She shrugged, leaning over in her chair so that her whisper wouldn't echo around the room. "No idea," she replied quietly. "Maybe they'll show a siren and all you boys will fall out of your seats." She snickered and then glanced around the dark room. Jeff walked to the wall and fiddled with something. Jade couldn't make out if it was a projector or what. The screen lit up and Jade blinked, her eyes squeezing shut at the sudden brightness. "Ow," she grumbled.

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#142808 Posted on 2018-01-23 14:20:23

 Ethel raised a hand to shield her eyes from the light. Eyes narrowed, she slowly lowered her hand, squinting at the screen. One look confirmed the underlying dread that she'd had since they had entered the room: it was just like those stupid videos that they occasionally played at schools. She sighed, scanning the chairs for a place to sit. Her gaze rested on a seat near the back.

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#142823 Posted on 2018-01-23 15:19:29

Katie had already retreated to the back, while her friends sat towards the middle with the others. She grimaced a little, tilting her head so that the light wasn't blinding her, and tried to focus, but her thoughts kept drifting to Harley. Poor Harley, and poor Anita. Katie hadn't known her for a long time, but she still felt like family. Just thinking about the two had her mood back down to an all time low.

"You've got me there." Alex sniggered back, rocking back on his chair and almost falling out of it when the screen lit up.
"Boo!" Alex laughed, covering his eyes with an arm while flashing the thumbs down sign. 

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#142826 Posted on 2018-01-23 15:28:33

She laughed and slowly opened her eyes. "Man, that's bright," she mumbled. The screen was brightly lit and just standing there blankly. "Wonder if the video will start?" she said. She subtly reached her arm out and then roughly pushed Alex's chair back on all four legs. She wagged her finger at him. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to rock your chair?" 

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#142827 Posted on 2018-01-23 15:29:29

(OH NO.... Poor Kahlen and Denver, watching something their dad made. XD)
Kahlen took a seat near the back, where she could see the door. Her brother sat next to her and put his arm around her. "Look. I know you don't like it, but give it a chance. Give them a chance." She covered her eyes as the bright light flashed.

Denver sat next to his sister. When the blinding light appeared, he blinked a few times.

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#142832 Posted on 2018-01-23 15:35:09

"No, actually, she didn't." Alex grinned, but stopped rocking his chair regardless. "Oh my god, I'm literally going blind. This is my sight, signing off." Alex sighed dramatically, slumping down in his chair. "But seriously, I hope this starts soon."

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#142836 Posted on 2018-01-23 15:38:34

Jade crumpled in half, laughing. After a moment, she regained her composure. "I'm going to die of boredom," she agreed. She peeked at the screen and quickly looked away, dots covering her vision. "Ow," she said again. "Don't look directly into the sun, kids." 

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#142963 Posted on 2018-01-24 17:21:31


The bright light faded, to be replaced by an image of Chiron. The video speeds up, explaining that Chiron is a centaur, the safety of Camp Half-blood, it's magic weather, and more. It explains some more complicated mythical beasts, and takes them on a video tour of the camp. It seems a bit outdated, however, as the ranch house in the video is not blue like it is now. It then explains how demigods smell nasty to monsters and monsters try to kill demigods. It also explains how killing a monster just sends it to Tartarus to "respawn," whether that takes three weeks, three months, three years, three decades, or three centuries.

Last edited on 2018-01-24 at 17:23:11 by Oswin

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#142990 Posted on 2018-01-24 18:14:16

(Bonus feature, if you want to listen to a classical music example of Kahlen's personality, look up Undertow by John Mackey.)
Kahlen nodded. Her life made sense now. She knew why she and her brother had been relentlessly attacked, and it all clicked. Her brother squeezed her hand.

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#143006 Posted on 2018-01-24 20:59:41

"Wait." Alex whispered quietly to Jade. "So that means we could kill a monster and DIE in the process.... but the monster could come back and terrorize the camp in a matter of weeks." 

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#143066 Posted on 2018-01-25 13:58:58

Her countenance darkened. "Yeah. That's... not fair. What's the point of trying to kill these things if they're just going to come back?" She thought of the chimera that they had almost died because of. She glanced at Alex's leg, proof of its danger. And that girl... Jade scowled and answered her own question, voicing her thoughts aloud and under her breath. "We keep fighting to save those we love," she muttered. She thought of her mom. Yeah, she definitely would have become kitty chow as long as her mom got away.

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#143068 Posted on 2018-01-25 13:59:05

 Ethel sat forward in her seat, intrigued. Most of the video's content was too far-fetched for her to comprehend, so she instead focused on the video itself. It was incredibly outdated, but that was what made it more tolerable than what she'd expected. Her entire family was pretty much obsessed with the past, which explained why her first and middle names were considered to be old-fashioned.

 James had to stifle his laughter the entire time. Everything in the video was so old and, frankly, quite silly-looking. However, all humor aside, he couldn't help but actually pay attention to what the video was trying to teach them about. After all, he'd eventually have to go toe-to-toe with some of the creatures that were mentioned, and he wanted to at least have a fighting chance.

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#143077 Posted on 2018-01-25 14:20:25

"But what's the point in fighting when the danger just returns?" Alex murmured back, sighing and running his hand through his hair. He slumped, grimacing a little as his leg shifts but not really paying it much attention..... he's more concerned about the never ending stream of monsters.

Last edited on 2018-01-25 at 14:20:36 by The Gaiaphage

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#143084 Posted on 2018-01-25 14:40:29

She watched in silence as images of monsters flicked past on the screen, and suddenly the room went dark, the video over. She turned to Alex to address his question. "Oh," she said, "I guess we should have let Theo deal with the chimera himself. She should have let us die - " she glanced over to Kahlen and then back to Alex, "and I shouldn't have gone back for you." She paused, and then continued. "Like I said, we would keep fighting to save those we love, even if we have to fight over and over and over again. At least to me," Jade stood and looked down at him, finishing in almost a growl, "it's worth it no matter how many times I stare death in the eyes for my friends." She brushed past his chair and walked out of the room, heading out to the porch. She leaned on the rail, trying to ignore the fact that she could practically feel Chiron's curious gaze. Tears gathered in her eyes, and she furiously wiped at them, angry because of their presence. I'm sorry, Jade thought, I could have saved you. I should have kept fighting. She could practically see that smile and feel the comforting hug. I miss you. She sank to her knees.

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#143103 Posted on 2018-01-25 15:15:53

Alex was cursed under his breath, pushing himself to his feet and following her after a bit. He paused at the door, uncertain of how to make this right. "I've never had a family." He started, chewing on his lip as he decided to just bite the bullet and come out with it. "Not that I'm looking for pity or anything. I've just.... I haven't ever had anyone else to look after. So, to me, protecting others is a completely foreign thing. I've never had to do it before." He put a little more weight on the door so he could stand semi-comfortably. "But I see that what I said was hurtful.... and now, this here? This camp? This changes everything." He let out an almost bitter chuckle. "I'm going to have to learn quite quickly how to get along with others, nd not be so insensitive." Alex's voice lowered seriously, full of emotions. "I really am sorry, Jade."

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