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Raiyne/ Juniper Victorian romance (private)

#252311 Posted on 2022-02-07 11:54:47

Andres chuckled at Amberlee’s plea to want more of him. The Mare just standing there unmoving.
“ Seems to me she wont let it happen, Amberlee. She is yet a royal animal and everyone must  obey their wishes too” he  stroked her neck before  getting on  her and then  looked at  Amberlee I think she  wants you to stay down on the ground this time” he  said with a smirk “ but  UI promise you that she will always be stubborn at her old age. So dint get your hopes down because she knows my own limits at royalty, Amberlee.” Then added as he  clucked Carbriel on “  since you are a maid in my father home…. Why don’t you  lean us back to your house so you can get back to your  homework.”  She knows the rules so she knows to obey them, whether she likes it or not.
Carbriel snorted and stopped, holding her ground. Not moving, making Andres   laugh louder “ Shes giving you her own version of a test. Try and get her to move with out any of my help’ he said taking his  feet out of  the stirrups and hands off the reins. “ Go on.”
He watched her try her hardest to try and get Carbriel moving, making him laugh  internally. He then looked at the pocket watch before eyeing the ever struggling beauty “alright that’s enough… at least you made a tiny piece of progress… Seems to me I have to add another thing to your  weekly duties at the house” Get her to  study the horses and work with them he thought as he  spoke a word to Carbriel and she walked on. Hoping that Amberlee didn’t hear it. Carbriel whinnied in her old way and walked on.

“ You will learn the way of the horse, Amberlee. This one is stubborn when she wishes to be. Ternura on the other hand, is easy. But I don’t want the easy way…  Challenges are what im after right now for you. And it will be hard at the beginning, but they will ease into something…. More enjoyable”
He had his heart on what the future held for them. Not just him. His birthday was the next, and the trip with Claude was the last thing on his mind.  I really hope I come back in one piece.  He thought when at last…  they reached  the house and Andres  whistled a signal to Carbriel that told her to stop. And she did. When she fully stopped, Andres got off and turned Amberlee towards him “ I agree to your idea on staying when your father doesn’t need you. Wich  hope isn’t too often.  But that isn’t up to me.  Now get inside and finish those books. I have important thinks to finish at father house.”

He kissed her lips before hopping back in the saddle and trotted all the way to the house. Not knowing about the letter from the royal.

When he reached the house, he saw Westley and got off a few feet before he reached him “ Good to see you out on a lovely day like this, Westley… did anything come while I was with Amberlee and the kids?” He asked taking his hand out and waited if anything would appear.

When he finally  was given the item Andres looked at it and saw an insignia “ Well well well…. If it isn’t that persistent royal at it again.” He chuckled as he read the  short letter. Mumbling  here and there before pocketing it and headed inside. Grabbing a piece of food that was made while hew as gone and headed into his study to look at the letter that  was given to him from Claude  Claude wont ever stop at nothing to get Amberlee… so Im going to make this hunting trip something of a game and see how he likes it. He thought as he wrote in his schedule when and where he would be tomorrow afternoon.

When he got done with all that, he  stood back up, found his rightful clothing for the trip and set then aside on the dresser. Along with the giften knife and his pocket watch. His ring, he wouldn’t take. Afraid of loosing it and never seeing it again.
The day was filled with meetings and more meetings so when the day was done after a wonderful meal, Andres left the royal table to get read for a long day ahead with Claude. And he hoped that he would get a chance to see Amberlee in town when he came back from the trip.

Last edited on 2022-02-07 at 13:29:11 by Juniper

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#252359 Posted on 2022-02-08 01:33:31

  Amberlee scowled at Cardriel when the mare wouldn't move. She crossed her arms, "let's see who gives you sweet berries as a treat again," she mumbled, quickly realizing she was getting nowhere with her. Not only was it a very frustrating situation, it was embarrassing beyond belief. No doubt he thinks me incapable now, she thought, thanks a lot, Cardriel, I thought we were friends, she silently scolded the mare. 
Amberlee took a deep, heavy breath, then began the journey home on foot. She was grateful for the walk, actually, if only that it gave her a chance to blow off some steam before snapping at Andres. You temper will still cause you a lot of trouble if you don't watch your tongue, she thought, scolding herself inwardly as she walked at a rather fast pace.

Amberlee listened to Andres as he spoke, riding comfortably on his horse while she walked. But she never once looked at him. She kept her gaze forward or down, depending on the terrain, stubbornness getting the better of her. "Cardriel used to be the nicer one, or at least she was when I found them in the forest. But now I see it was nothing more than a farce," she said with a slight bite to her words, but kept her tone forcibly polite enough that it wouldn't really be considered rude. She did, however, clench her jaw when he said he wanted to challenge her. What is wrong with you? she snapped mentally, not daring to voice the words, in fact, what's wrong with me? Why don't I just tell you to march along and go on with life? Why am I so compelled and driven to prove myself to you? It gets worse with every challenge! She curled her hands into fists, quickening her pace.

By the time they reached the house, Amberlee had blown off some steam but not all of it. Her breathing was a little harder than usual from the quick pace, but nothing too bad. She was surprised when Andres turned her toward him, and even more so when he agreed to her terms of sleeping over. She tilted her head slightly in surprise. I was sure you'd argue, fight me on it...I guess I was wrong. I guess, maybe you can be reasoned with, she thought, a grin tugging on her lips.
He once again told her what to do, to get inside and finish with her books, and she found herself both loving and hating it. Although the kiss that followed had her leaning more one way than the other as she pressed against his lips. Only then did she remember the challenge. It's okay, that'll start tomorrow, she thought as she kissed him. 
She watched him as he trotted away, remaining where she was until he was well out of sight. Only then did she sigh and turn back to the house. She spent the rest of the day studying both books until her brain felt like mush and she knew she wouldn't get any more reading done. "At least I finished the rules, and I'm nearly done with the second one as well," she said, glancing at the books and her notes, "I wonder if he'll let me hold onto the books for a while?" she asked herself. After enjoying a lovely dinner with her father, and one of the pastries gifted by Claude, she finally crawled into into bed, curling up under the thicker blanket for some heat. Her mind drifted off to Andres, still wondering if he was true about his feelings or if this was a game to him. She smiled, thinking about every kiss, every confession of love. It had to be real, it just had to be. With that smile on her lips, and her thoughts on him alone, she drifted off to sleep.


Just as the invitation stated, at dawn, Claude mounted his black as night stallion and rode into town. He was dressed in his finest, with a short sword tucked into his saddle, a pair of daggers at his side, and an exquisite bow on his back beside a quiver filled with arrows, he looked the perfect mix of exquisite gentleman and stone cold hunter. His stallion wore the black and gold tack of his house, along with a deep gold colored numnah that displayed his family crest embroidered in black silk. A display of wealth if ever there was one. The ladies he passed seemed to instantly swoon at the sight of him, but aside from a slight nod of his head or the occasional little smirk, he didn't pay them much attention. He was focused, like a predator hunting his prey.
At his side, travelling on foot, were two younger boys, looking to be around 15 and 17 respectively. Their only job was to trail the hunters at a respectable distance, and assist with anything that was needed of them, whether it was to help track down animals, carry the hunted prey, or shine their boots, anything the royals needed, the squires would attend to.

Claude scanned the folk moving around so early in the morning. The town seemed to be waking, with more and more people moving around. He purposely checked the blacksmith. He found Thomas already working, but no sign of Amberlee. Well, that's annoying, he thought, where is she?
"Good morning, sir blacksmith," Claude called out in his usual arrogant charm, staying mounted on his horse.
Thomas looked up, "ah, good morning, my lord," the old man said with a happy smile, wiping his hands clean on a piece of worn cloth, "looking mighty fine there," he pointed out, noting the weapons, complimenting the lord.
"Why thank you, I am going on a hunting trip with a friend," Claude grinned, "where is your daughter? Has she not come with you today?"
"Oh, Amberlee is still at home, my lord," Thomas answered honestly, "she was up late last night studying for her new job, so she was a little worn this morning. I advised she took the day to rest, but knowing my daughter, she'll likely show up here sooner or later," he chuckled nervously, brushing his neck with his old, weathered hand.
Claude's smirk almost turned sinister. Working her to the bone already, and she isn't even yours yet, he thought, you're making this too easy. "If she does come to town, would you please ask her to meet with me?" he asked in a friendly manner, "I would love to talk with her more." That was the only explanation he'd offer, along with a charming smile.
Thomas hesitated, Amber, you've gone from being invisible to suddenly being sought after by two royals. I only hope their intentions are pure with you, my child, he thought. "Certainly, my lord," he said with a bit of reservation, "I will tell her when I see her, but it might not be today," he explained humbly.
"It's okay, doesn't matter when, I'll make time for her," Claude purred, "don't worry, good man, I am not going to steal her away. I simply want to get to know her better," he chuckled. He looked toward the road leading to the Osborne estate, wondering when Andres would arrive.
Thomas wasn't entirely sure if he trusted it, but he knew better than to argue with a royal. Unlike his daughter, who inherited her stubbornness from her mother, he knew when to bite his tongue. "As you wish, my lord," he said humbly, bowing to Claude.

Last edited on 2022-02-08 at 01:45:10 by Raiyne

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#252363 Posted on 2022-02-08 08:04:12

The following morning, at dawn, Andres woke up rather… tired in his opinion. But that didn’t stop him from getting out of bed, into his long black slacks, and his black tailcoat. He didn’t have much weapon wise, but he hoped that his own fathers’ sword, his two daggers, and his own set or ten arrows with a red and gold insignia, would do. “ Its so much to carry. But as long as I don’t loose any of them, I should be fine. He took off his ring, placing it on the dresser before walking out of his bedroom, through the many halls, and headed to the kitchen to grab a few sugar cubes and a carrot for Ternura.
Then and only then did he creep silently out the heavy mahogany doors and towards the stable to get his mothers’ mare all set up for the trip with Claude.  He really is a sneaky one… that Claude he thought, shaking his head. He  brushed Ternura before grabbing her red and gold  quarter blanket, saddle, and her bridle “ Come on girl. Time to go for a trip. Lets hope you can get through it more than me, Ternura’ andres said stroking her head and gave her a sugar cube before leading her out and climbed on and headed towards the town where the other royal was supposedly waiting for him.  Would he actually be there? Or would he just walk off.  He thought about his thought and shook his head as he    trotted towards town and there he was…. Claude on his pitch-black stallion. There is no way it couldn’t be him. But it was. He walked Ternura over to him. “ Well, good morning to you too, Claude” he chuckled  standing beside him, Ternura biting her bit and  tossing her head at how close the stallion was. And Andres noticed and  sstroked her neck “ easy there, Ternura… he wont hurt you. “

It was a while until Ternura was calmed down with half a carrot and two sugar cubes. “I’m so sorry about her… she’s never been near a stallion. Who in my words seems like one fine horse.  Now come on… I think we better get going before the towns folk come along”

As he trotted off with Claude a while later, he couldn’t keep the only thought in his mind. Amberlee. But he didn’t dare mention her to Claude. He knew he was after her. “ So… What are we  out for ?” he simply asked hoping the thought of Amberlee would disappear from his mind.  She is mine after all.. He thought to himself  And no one is having her except me.

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#252368 Posted on 2022-02-08 10:18:21

   Claude grinned at Andres, the kind that might send shivers down one's spine. "Good morning, Andres," he said charmingly. He studied the mare Andres was riding, her nervousness around her stallion. He opted to remain silent until he finally got his mare to relax, silently judging him.
When Andres attempted to give an excuse for his mare's behavior, Claude grinned, "there's a reason I've trained Kuro to always ignore mares," he said, "he will only breed when told to. It makes trips on him far more manageable," he said with no lack of pride, reaching down and petting his muscular neck. The stallion gently nodded his large head at the affection, but did no more than that, waiting for his rider's command. "He is a fine stallion, he's an Asterion," he purred, "he was imported along with a few mares. These horses, as you well know, are bred for their strength, spirit, wisdom and most of all, their speed." 
Legend had it the fae had made the Asterion horses from the four winds. They are believed to be the most ancient horse breed and because of this, they are highly sought after and exceedingly expensive. This was yet another display of his wealth. 
"But yes, I agree, let's get going. Before one of us gets distracted," Claude chuckled. He bid Thomas a farewell, then steered Kuro out of town and into a nearby forest.

When Andres asked what they're out for, Claude shrugged, "whatever we can find, old boy," he said playfully, "I have heard that the forests of Alden are home to a great number of fauna and flora. So, I thought maybe we could have a little game. A challenge, if you will. We'll warm up with a few pheasants, and after that, we'll go after our real prey. Who ever bags the most spectacular beast, wins," he offered with a playful yet taunting grin, "sure you are up for such a challenge? Rumor has it the heir to house Osborne is quite the proficient hunter, so surely such a thing won't be difficult for you?" he asked almost sincerely, "oh, and I have planned us a little lunch. So you need not worry about going hungry," he said politely

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#252373 Posted on 2022-02-08 11:03:19

 I was right! He knew the fae… he knew she was one of them! I have to ask her about this a bit more  he thought as he heard the story that came from Claudes lips “ How come you know so much about my family line, Claude…  It cant be. Im  wealthy and all… but  your like the top of the top, Claude…” he was amazed he was even talking at all.  SSHut up right now Andres before you  say another stupid thing
“ Well Kuro really is behaving himself, ill tell him that much” he chuckled as he spurred Ternura forward after many attemts “ Ternurs, come on girl… just because he’s a stallion don’t.. need to be a pain in the  tail!” she snorted and danced, her eyes wide and legs prancing.

But after a bit, she finally calmed down yet again  “ The deal is on, Claude”  Andres said with a smirk and a smile “ We shall see who wins this  challenge. But I have a proposal for you before we  begin… “ he  bit him lip trying to find the right words.

“ If You win I will give you anything you want as a reward…except one… If I win..I want  one of your horses. “ lets hope he accepts it and we can get this  trip over with… the lunch is the one thing I can wait to get…  “ I don’t eat  during trips…. But I’ll make this one an exception”
 I cant wait to get back to the forge and  talk to Amber about the horses and what she really knows about magic… Theres more to this story than  I see. And she will be forced from me to tell all she knows.

As they  trotted through the forest, Andres watched Claude at first before  grinning and  tried the same thing, but with greater precision.
As a half hour turned into an hour and one hour turned into two hours, Ternura began to slow down,  froth on her legs and  bit, breathing hard. “ come on girl… two more hours to go… I promise I’ll give you a cold bath and plenty of treats after, ok?” She snorted and  kept on going.  The satchel only half full, Andres sighed “  I have yet to beat you, since you did say the Osborne's were born to be  amazing hunters. I have yet to prove to you that what you just said is more than true” He  pushed Ternura deeper into the forest and  found what looked like a rare type of deer  that’s my only shot at winning this challenge he thought as he  spurred Ternura on ad chased the deer for a bit before taking his second to last arrow and let the arrow fly through the air. Missing it by a half inch. “ Damn it” he said  quietly as he  lost it for a little bit, but he didn’t give up. He found it after an hour and tried it one last time. Hitting him right where it belonged.

Ternura went to a trot as the deer dropped to the ground. Andres hopped off and went to the poor creature “ I wish it wasn’t you I had to kill for this challenge” he said ending its life. “ Claude… the challenge is  over.” He said looking up “ You asked for a challenge and I proved your point. “

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#252376 Posted on 2022-02-08 11:34:48

  Claude cocked his head at the proposal. "This was supposed to be a friendly little game, but if you want to put stakes on it, then you can't exactly have any reservations," he said bluntly, then looked him up and down, "alright, fine. If I win, you give me anything I want, except for one thing. If you win, you can have one of my horses. However, the reservation I put in place is that I will prepare a herd, and you may choose one from that specific herd," he said with a wide smile before heading off to hunt.

Hours later, Claude met up with Andres again. He let out a whistle, "my my, quite the bounty you have there," he said, admiring the very rare deer, "I didn't think you'd actually take the shot, but it seems I was wrong. Congratulations," he complimented quite merrily, "for what it's worth, my plan was to offer all the pheasants we shot to the poor of Alden, since we certainly don't need any more meat in our stores. Unless you have reservations about me doing that?" he chuckled, "come on, the squires will take care of your kill," he said just as the two squires appeared seemingly out of nowhere and made their way over to Andres' kill, "follow me to the river, and let's have a bite. Your mare looks like she could use the rest," he motioned to the black mare. Kuro, on the other hand, had barely broken a sweat. "To answer your earlier question, I make it my business to know about royal families. Contrary to popular belief, our families once shared rank. I can't imagine why that changed over the years," he said softly, "perhaps, as heirs to our houses, we can work to rectify that," he said charmingly.

Claude lead the way to a nearby stream. He knew this area was frequented by a certain lovely lady, and might have chosen this specific spot for just that reason. It was a lovely area, with enough of a grassy patch beside the stream that it almost looked as if it were made for a picnic. A blanket had already been lain down, and on one of the corners was a basket packed with various fruits and cheese and cold meats, as well as sandwiches, some pastry desserts and beverages. And beside the blanket, stood a woman. She was absolutely striking, her beauty seeming almost unreal. She shared Claude's midnight black hair and sun kissed skin, and her eyes looked like the desert sands. Dressed in her burnt orange and gold dress, she was an absolute vision. 
"Ah, Cassie, I was wondering if you'd make it," Claude said as he dismounted his stallion. He walked over to the female and kissed her cheek. He then turned to Andres, "Andres, I'd like to introduce my sister, Cassandra Faustus," he introduced.
Cassandra had an extremely alluring aura about her, from the way she looked to the way she carried herself. She curtsied low before Andres, keeping her back straight and head bowed respectfully low, "it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my lord," she spoke, her voice like the songs of birds. 
"Cassandra will be joining us for lunch. I thought it might be good for our houses to get...reacquainted with one another. After all, House Osborne and House Faustus were once allies," Claude said with a wide grin.
Cassandra smiled sweetly at Andres. 
"Let's eat while we wait for the boys to haul out our two deer. Then we can decide who was the victor," Claude said happily, leading the way to the blanket and making himself comfortable on it, while Cassandra patiently waited for Andres to choose his seating first, before sitting next to him.
Kuro remained standing near his rider.

Last edited on 2022-02-08 at 11:38:24 by Raiyne

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#252378 Posted on 2022-02-08 12:37:48

Andres eyed Cassie and bowed to her a little before taking Ternura’s tack off and  shooed her away “ get  some grass, Ternura…. And maybe  hang out with Kuro… “ he suggested and Ternura  pawed the ground as if to say no but she knew that even thought was  his mothers horse, she still had to obey him. She ate some grass as Andres sighed and turned back to the  two. He found a soft spot on the blanket and sat down, his back straight and composed. “ well… you are right on that account, Claude… we were allies…but things did change over the yeas and I suppose we never needed each others help for those long  years. “ he grabbed a sandhich and bit in. “ who ever made these… is the most amazing  creator ive met”he them looked at Cassie “ if you made this amazing spread… you deserve a kiss on those hands of yours” he chuckled  you aren’t gonna kiss her hand, Andres.. only on one figure will you lay your lips on he scolded himself before taking his eyes off Cassie and on the conversation at hand. “ If you want to come and re- ally with me… I suggest you talk to my father about it. Not me. “
Ternura on the other hand wasn’t having it. She kept nipping at Kuro and running off to try and get him to take a chance on her. But failing greatly.

Andres laughed “ You silly mare. That’s not the way the win a stallion’s heart, Ternura. You know better. Plus… this one probably isn’t your type…  more of….. Carbriels type” Ternura snorted at him and walked off in search of those berries that Amberlee fed her a while back. Ignoring the stallions’ whinnies and gentle snorts in her direction.
Before long, Andres was laughing and telling jokes like it was old times ith his friends. “You really do have a heart after all, don’t you, Claude. “ he laughed tacking up Ternura once more “ How about this… you come over to my fathers place tonight and the three of us can discuss further details about being coming allies once again between our two families?” then added “ Now…. As for the winner of this…challenge….” He said looking at the two boys before eyeing Claude  once more before standing as Cassie’s side." And then.... maybe... just maybe you and I can become the greatest of friends" he said  to Claude. He could feel the  stare of his sister on him and it  made him feel fully, but he kept his mouth shut and his eyes focus on what was at hand.

Last edited on 2022-02-08 at 12:38:41 by Juniper

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#252422 Posted on 2022-02-09 03:07:06

  "We may not have needed each other before, but we might need each other in the future," Claude said plainly, taking a bit of his own sandwich, then he gazed at Andres while he chewed, as if studying him, trying to decide if he was trustworthy or not. "Rumors have reached my ears of something dark that this way comes," he said with an eeriness to his tone, "apparently it's been moving swiftly, and both men and women have gone missing in it's wake," he said softly, almost whispering like it's a secret that could not be spoken out loud lest the wrong ears hear it.
"Claude! Are you really going to upset this lovely picnic with such deranged rumors?" Cassie scolded her brother, then turned her gaze to Andres and smiled sweetly at him, "I was the one who packed it, yes. And if you feel so inclined, I won't stop you from giving me that kiss," she said with a blush painting on her cheeks.
Claude cleared his throat.
Cassie sighed, rolling her eyes playfully at her older brother.
"Perhaps we will have to speak to your father, if there is no other way," Claude sighed, "however, I thought as heir, you would be able to make such decisions on his behalf? I am here on my father's behalf, after all. Does yours not trust you with such responsibility?" he asked a little suspiciously
"Claude! I will not have you insult Lord Andres like that!" Cassie snapped angrily at her brother, scowling at him, "the lord is a good man," she said, turning her gaze to meet his, "I can see it in his eyes," she said gently, affectionately, smiling lovingly at him.
Claude's gaze drifted between his sister and Andres. But he merely chuckled and shook his head, returning his attention to the picnic.

Kuro soon lost what interest he may have held in Ternura, once again resting his weight on one leg and cocking the other. His head was comfortably low, and for all the world, he looked like he may have ben wanting to nap. His tail swished occasionally, and his breathing was steady and even, but other than that, he didn't move.

After the picnic, Claude grinned at Andres' proposal. "That sounds like a fantastic idea," he exclaimed, "we will be round for dinner, then" he nodded.
Cassandra was smiling sweetly at Andres, that alluring aura of hers stronger than it was before. She gazed affectionately at him, hoping he would look to her and perhaps call upon her.
The two squires appeared, presenting both the animals. They lay them down side by side. 
"Well well, it appears we have a draw," Claude chuckled, sounding very amused by this development, "so, either none of us gets a prize, or both of us do. Which would you prefer, Andres?" he asked with a charming smile, "if you decide none of us gets a prize, then it seems we will have to have a rematch soon to determine the true victor," he shrugged.
"Do I get to join for that picnic as well?" Casandra asked excitedly
Claude looked to his sister, then back at Andres, "of course, dear sister, I can't see why not. And I'm sure Lord Andres wouldn't mind getting to know you better, now, would he?" he asked suggestively.
Cassandra beamed with delight, clapping her hands excitedly.
Cassandra's mare came walking out of the forest, also an Asterion, but a stunning grey. Cassandra walked up to the mare, then with the help of her brother, mounted her and sat side saddle. After helping his sister, Claude mounted Kuro, "shall we travel back together?" he asked, "the squires will take care of the hunted prey," he said, turning Kuro back to town.

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#252440 Posted on 2022-02-09 12:03:54

“ I think its best if we try again another time.” Adres agreed “I havent hunted in years. So, a little practice wouldn’t hurt every now and then.” He gave a chuckle at Cassandra’s protectiveness of him is she protecting me? he thought as he saddled up Ternura fully. Her eyes stayed on the stallion as she was getting tacked up. But when they actually began to head back, she was side to side with Claude’s sister’s mare. Walking beside another mare all to simple for Ternura.

“Well now… Ternura… you only lived among mares, you really need to understand the life of stallions to” he patted her neck and Ternura shook her head in disdain at the idea of being near a stallion. “Oh come on, Ternura…. Stallions aren’t all bad. Like lets say… Kuro. But you already have no heart for him so…. You’re just gonna have to deal with it till  you and I get home.

Andres decided to keep the picnic conversation going. Just to be safe. “I will have the responsibilities handed over to me on the day of my birthday, Not too long now… but that is beside the point… right now it is to get preparations ready for tonight. Cant focus when you are on an empty stomach, now can we? SO ill have something made” he teased looking at Cass. I wonder….. he thought as he took his eyes off of her for a moment and focused back on Claude “  I should be free for another trip in a week… have lots of royal things to get done before my birthday.”

He couldnt help but glance over at Cassandra for a few seconds before looking away flustered How am I going to explain everything to Amberlee when I see her… So much is happening, and I don’t want to upset her…. But Cassandra is just so alluring to me. Its as if she is pulling me towards her He thought “My father can be a hard working man, Claude, not many things go past him very easily. He loves to take days to think things through… but with you as a possible allie once again… I think you and I can change that with him”

They finally reached the beginning of the town when Andres looked around before turning his attention back to Claude and his sister “ It was a wonderful time with both of you. I had a fabulous time.” Then he looked at Cassandra “ I hope I get to see you  again, M’lady” he gave her a gentle and warm smile before turning Ternura  back around and walked through the town, stopping by the  Forge to check on Thomas and of course, his lovely daughter. But it was only Thomas there that day.

“ Thomas… where’s my lovely rose this afternoon? I kind of wanted to discuss something with her and its urgent. Something to do with a type of horse and another thing as well and I don’t want to loose my train of thought” he hopped off of Ternura to give her some water and a snack as Andres talked to Thomas for a bit.

“ If she isn’t here… I can come back later “ I really need to talk to her no matter the cost he thought  hen his mind changed from the image of Amberlee to Cassandra.  I cant  change my allegiance to Cassandra just because of a weird feeling I had for her at the picnic…. It changes nothing he thought when he finally got back onto Ternura. Head dizzy and overall confused.  Who’s heart do I belong to now? He thought as he soon reached his fathers place and got off Ternura. “ Take care of her for me, Westley…I have important business to attend to and make sure no one interrupts me”

Last edited on 2022-02-09 at 13:31:38 by Juniper

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#252487 Posted on 2022-02-10 06:59:46

  "I'm sure I can handle the famous Osborne patriarch," Claude chuckled, hearing Anders mention his father and how he was, "but I can't wait until you get handed the reins, I feel working with you will be so much more...rewarding," he said with a charming smile. Especially since all this is so much easier than I though it would be, Andres, you're making this too easy, he thought with a wicked grin, soon she will be mine, and there's clearly nothing you can do to stop it.
Cassandra noticed the glances and grinned, glancing at Andres as well, "I had a fantastic time as well, my lord. It was so wonderful meeting you, as if the fates had deemed it we meet," she said with a dreaminess in her voice, "you will see me again very soon," she purred to Andres, winking at him, "farewell for now, and don't forget me, my dear lord," she waved at him before she adn her brother rode off.

Thomas looked up from his work, then greeted Andres with a warm smile, "welcome back, my lord. Amber told me you were going on a hunting trip today. She had eagerly awaited your return, but since she didn't know when that would be, she just left to the markets for supplies. You just missed her, I'm afraid," he explained, "I'll let her know you're looking for her though," he said.

When Amberlee returned from the markets some time later, Thomas told her that Andres had come looking for her. She beamed with excitement, immediately almost lighting up as her heart raced. He came here looking for me? I wonder why, she thought. As she took a step out the forge, Thomas stopped her, "where are you going?" he asked
"I'm going to see him," Amberlee said happily, jogging away, toward the estate.
"He said he'd come back!" Thomas tried calling after Amberlee, but realized she didn't hear him. He chuckled, and waved a hand at her, returning to his work.

When she approached the gate, Amberlee slowed her pace, more so to get her breathing under control. She couldn't dare risk showing up to him all flustered. She also grounded herself, reminding herself of this ridiculous challenge Andres put up that she had to resist the urge to kiss him when she saw him. Ugh, this is going to be hard, she thought, just thinking about him makes me feel faint and giddy. She noticed Westley at the gate and grinned at him. Today, he had tasked another guard with watching her, who she happened to lose quite easily in the markets. It had started becoming a game to her. She walked right up to him and gave him a quick hello before moving to step past him. 
But Westley stopped her in her tracks with his spear. "You may not enter," he said firmly.
"But I am here to see Lord Andres," Amberlee argued, "he came looking for me earlier, so I-"
"His majesty has ordered that none disturb him," Westly said firmly, not giving her an inch of space for argument, "if you cause trouble, I will have you locked up for the evening. His highness is expecting important guests and he must prepare!"
Amberlee took a step back, her brows furrowed. I have half a mind to slip past you just to prove a point to you, you rude man, she thought. "You do realize I am to start working for him-" she began but was once again interrupted.
"As a maid. Therefore, when and only when you actually do start working here, you will use the servant's entrance to move where you will not be a burden to his highness or his guests. Now, be gone!" he snapped loudly, stomping his spear on the ground.
Amberlee took another step back. She glanced to the manor with the hopes that she'd see Andres, but he was nowhere in sight. So she decided to turn away instead, and left.

Flustered and a little rattled by what just occurred, she stormed down the road heading back to town, nearly bumping into a large black stallion. The horse snorted at her, but his rider seemed to have him under control. How clumsy, she thought, I hope word doesn't get out and he'll be mad at me for this, she stressed as she profusely apologized to the rider, not lifting her gaze.
"Amberlee? Is that you?"
The familiar voice forced Amberlee's emerald gaze up. She wasn't sure if she should be relieved or suspicious to find him here. "Lord Claude," she said, curtsying to him, "forgive me, I didn't see you there," she apologized again.
"There's no need to apologize, it was my fault for not watching where I was going," Claude said as he dismounted.
Amber tilted her head, no royal she's ever known has ever apologized for anything, save for Andres. Andres. The name made her heart ache. But she took a second look at the mighty stallion and then gasped, "is he..."
"An Asterion, why, yes he is," Claude said charmingly, "he is my stud. Do you know of their kind?" he asked curiously
"Only what I've read from books and stories I've heard," Amber breathed, gazing in awe at the mighty beast, "he's absolutely marvelous," she complimented. Her gaze drifted to the grey, "and that one as well?" she asked, her eyes dancing with bright curiosity
"Yes, she's one of our top broods, actually," Claude explained.
"Come, brother, we're going to be late," Cassandra moaned.
Claude glared at his sister, then cleared his throat, "how rude of, might I introduce my sister, Cassandra Faustus," he said, motioning a h and to her.
Only then did Amberlee notice the rider. And she nearly gaped at the beauty astride the mare. She curtsied, "hello, my lady, name is-"
"I know who you are," Cassie said coldly, then scowled at Claude, "can we go now?" she pushed.
Amberlee scowled at Cassie. No need to be so rude, she thought, you should be taught some manners, That outer beauty fades to nothing if a rotten heart beats beneath it.
As if he'd sensed her thoughts, Claude placed a finger beneath Amberlee's chin and brought her gaze to his own. "Forgive my sister, her tongue turns sharp when her stomach is empty," he said with a charming grin.
Amberlee tensed at the touch. No, this isn't right. Only Andres may do that, she thought.
"She is right though, we are late. But tell you what, how about I come pick you up tomorrow and take you to my estate. Then you can meet all the horses, and perhaps even take a ride on one of them," Claude offered.
The offer seemed sincere enough, so Amberlee smiled, "as long as there are no strings attached," she smiled, "my heart belongs to An- Lord Andres."
Cassandra snorted.
Amberlee glared at the female, but her gaze was returned to Claude's one again, "no strings attached," he promised, "I'll pick  you up tomorrow then," he purred, brushing loose strands of her hair in behind her ear.
Unlike when Andres touched her, this male made her skin crawl. But she thought she should at least be polite. She held her ground, and his gaze, as if they were equals. But she did move her head out of his touch. She didn't want anyone else touching her like that, no one but Andres.
Claude grinned, "never loose that spirit," he said, then swiftly mounted his horse. "Good night, sweet Amberlee," he purred, then spurred his horse forward, followed by his sister.
Amberlee felt something sting her nose as the sister passed, so strong it almost made her recoil. Is  that magic? she wondered, Andres is human, if they're using magic on him, I don't know if he can stop it. A fear rose up in her heart and she decided to do something that was incredibly stupid adn would get her into a world of trouble if she was found. She slipped into the shadows of the forest, and followed them.

When Claude and Cassandra arrived, one of the guards went to call Andres, to announce to him his guests had arrived. And the moment Andres stepped out, Cassandra ran to him, "my lord, hello," she chimed, "I told you you'd see me again soon," she rushed closer, taking his hand in hers, smiling affectionately at him.
Amberlee's heart was shaken. Maybe it's not what it seems. Maybe there's an explanation for this, she thought as she watched them from the shadows as they all greet one another like old friends.

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#252489 Posted on 2022-02-10 09:00:33

“ Well hello there, M’lady” Andres said  with a bow of his head. Then his heart sprung in his chest when her hands where in his  this isn’t right at all…. He thought as his eyes instinctively looked away from Cassandra and towards the forest but didn’t see anything.  Then shook his head and looked back at his guests “Well come on in. And please take off your shoes. “ Then added with a chuckled “ Fathers rules”

He opene the wide oak mahogany doors and closed it behind him as he took off his on black boots before walking past them. His back to them “ If you stay here I will go talk to my father and let him know that  we have some…guests.. “ He smirked when he felt Cassandra’s  eyes on him all the while as he walked up the royal  stairs to his father study and knocked before walking in.
“ We have two royal guests right at the door, father and I am responsible for their gathering here today. As you know we have been needing allies. And I believe with all my mind that this family is the one that could help.”
“ Well… I will be down shortly to greet them. I know about all this since you talk to me about it the day before. Now leave me” he waved his hand at his son and Andres rolled his eyes as he walked out of the study and back down the royal stairs back to their guests “He shall be down shortly. “ he simply said as he  leaned against the  wall , his hands around his chest and his head leaned back with his eyes staring at the ceiling. All the while, feeling the only female eyes on him.   Who does she think she is  had to himself angrily.  But no sooner he scolded himself, did his father  came down the stairs but stopped when he saw Cassandra and Lord Claude.
“ Well… if it isn’t the famous  pair.” He chuckled, finally reaching the bottom and walked towards the three “ Lord Claude and Cassandra. What  lovely surprise to see you here in my own home. Come… get comfortable. “

He led them to the dinning table. Andres behind them, his hand on his chin. Thinking of how well this meeting of allyship would go. When each of them ere seated, then Andres seated in the only other chair, beside Cassandra.  Of course this was how it had to be… he thought as his  hands rested on the  table just before speaking once more.
“ Lord Cluade thougt it a marvelous idea that his family and ours became one. Ally with each other like we did in the past. “ he gave a pause and cleared his throat. “ I thought it a great at idea. But I wanted to ask your thoughts on it before we settled on anything”

Hector looked from his son to the guests. But more at Claude “ Well…. If you have heard, Lord Claude… I am a hard person to make deals with, but…. I could possibly make an exception here. “
The meeting had officially begun and would end for a good five hours. In the second hour, a knock was at the door and Andres got up from the table and walked to it . straightening his paisley and opened the door to see the only love of his life, Amberlee.

“ What do you think you are doing here?” He whispered “ Im in the middle of a very important meeting.” He didn’t give her a second time to even talk. He just dragged her inside and headed towards the stairs to his study and closed the door. “ Explain” he ordered as he sat on his bed, looking at her   She is so in trouble “ And before I forget you and I need to talk about something"

Last edited on 2022-02-10 at 12:42:23 by Juniper

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#252500 Posted on 2022-02-10 13:21:03


  Amberlee saw Cassandra take Andres' hand, and she had to slap her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming at him. What are you doing? I thought you said you love me, why would you suddenly allow her to act that way around you? her panicked thoughts raced. She felt an ache in her chest so severe, she felt sick. Then she saw him look into the forest, look right at her, but either he didn't see her, or he simply didn't care enough to acknowledge her presence.

Cassandra smiled at Andres when he took her hand, warm and inviting. She wondered what he was looking at when he looked into the forest, but she remained focused on him. In her deep crimson and gold dress, she once again looked like the very picture of beauty and wealth. She did, however, gasp when she was told to remove her shoes. "Surely you're joking, my lord," she protested.
"Come now, Cassie, it's not that bad," Claude chuckled as he kicked off his shiny black boots and placed them by the door.
Cassandra for a servant to remove her silk slippers that matched her outfit, revealing toe nails that were perfectly manicured with red polish and little gemstones, along with the golden anklet that circled her petite ankle. She made sure to flash it for Andres to see. She kept her gaze on Andres as he walked away, wondering how long it would take before he fell for her completely.

When Andres returned to say his father is on his way, Cassandra smiled sweetly at him, "my lord, I hear your family boasts gardens of note. Perhaps, after this, we can take a walk through them together?" she asked sweetly, batting her eyelashes at him. But they couldn't continue the conversation because the patriarch of the house had arrived.

Claude bowed deeply in greeting, and Cassandra curtsied deeply, both greeting Lord Hector politely before following him to the dining hall, Cassandra of course, staying close to Andres.
She was overjoyed when he sat beside her, even though it was completely by design as it was the only seat open. Tonight she would ensure, no matter what, that his heart belonged to her. She pouted slightly when his hands rested on the table, she wanted to hold his hand. But he seemed to act as if he didn't want it. Okay then, if you want to play hard to get, I'll just have to make you want me, she thought.
Claude chuckled when Andres said that their families were to become one. I suppose that's one way to do it, perhaps you should be married to my sister, leaving that stunning little commoner free for the taking, he thought.

"First of all, might I say what an honor it is to be meeting with you like this, Lord Hector," Claude said charmingly, "yes, as your son so eloquently put it, we were hoping to once again be allies. Rumors are on the spread of dark things moving about, and I feel it is in the best interest for both our houses if we band together against the coming dark," he said, getting straight to the point, "I know in the old days, strong alliances were secured by marriages," he glanced at his sister, before returning his gaze to Hector, "but I am aware that times have since changed. So, perhaps we can negotiate other terms if something like marriage is not what you are after. My family has vast wealth, this much is known, and my name is very influential, our lineage dating back hundreds of years or pure royals. So I'm sure ther eis something we can find that we both agree on," he said charmingly.


Meanwhile, Amberlee had been debating with herself whether she should leave or barge in and demand to know from Andres what in the world was going on. Eventually, she decided to slip past the guards. This took no small amount of effort, there were guards everywhere. Sticking to the shadows, she managed to scale a tree, then jump to a nearby wall, and descend the wall again into the garden, and throughout all that, she only obtained one scrape on her lovely hand. Navigating the garden was easy enough and soon she reached the front door. She lifted a trembling hand, then squared her shoulders and knocked.

The moment she saw Andres, a smile tugged on her lips. She was both grateful and relieved it was him answering, and happy that he came to her. But then he seemed upset as he dragged her to his study and closed the door. "Andres, I ... I mean, I wanted to...I don't actually...wait, why are you so mad at me?" she asked, scowling, "father said you came looking for me at the forge, so I thought I'd come to you. I...wanted to make sure you're okay, and ask how your trip went," she fumbled over her words, her eyes wide and a little bewildered, "and another thing," she said, lowering her gaze, "I...I don't trust that female you are entertaining down there," she said softly, wrapping her arms around herself, "something about her seems off. I think she's...I think she's dangerous," she said with furrowed brows. She knew she had broken so many rules coming here, and she hoped that he would not punish her too severely. She had realized, though, she loved him so fiercely, that she was willing to risk it if it meant keeping him safe. 

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#252513 Posted on 2022-02-10 16:48:14

“ I don’t care if she’s dangerous or not, Amberlee. She and her brother are guests in my father’s house. But over all of that, you are the only love of my life, Amber, and nothing will change that. I promise.” He then looked at her the way he always did. With passion and lust in his eyes.  He grabbed her hand in his and kissed it before looking into her eyes and leaned into her and placed a long kiss on her perfect lips.

But after a while he went to sit on his bed. “ Amber… I want to know about that special horse breed… you know the one that Cassandra and Claude have… I’ve dreamed to have one… but we never have the money to get one even if we are rich. “  That’s part of it Andres… keep talking!

“ If you want to know everything…. The hunting trip was a blast...the picnic was a blast. Everything was good.  Excepet that you weren’t beside me. Plus… I think theres some magic going on that’s been affecting me and I feel like im going mad.” His eyes then darted to her.  “ Amberlee… if you think im cheating on you or anything of the sort… its not what you think. I never told you the one thing that would be important… if it ever happened to me.” It took him all his guts to even spill it out. “ Im susceptible to magic. All sorts.” He couldn’t even look at her now.  There Amber, now you know how I feel… He thought. “ come on… lets go down stairs and you can sit on my lap if you want to make up for what happened with Cassandra. Or… I could kiss you right here and now and forget the matter that happened downstairs”

Meanwhile downstairs at the dining hall Hector was eating with their guests “After all we have talked about, lad…  I don’t see why we cant be the allies we once where” he said as he  ate a tuna sandwich and then look his wine goblet in his right hand and made a toast “ May our two  families become the allies they were meant to be and may ore come from it whatever it may be”

And in the old patriarch’s mind, he was thinking about the marriage proposal that Claude proposed.
“ As for the … marriage topic… best if we talk about that another day.” Then focused on his sister. “I’m sorry for my sons rude behavior…. But yet.. my wife’s garden is vast and filled will all sorts of things. You are welcome to walk through it if you like”

Just then,  after the long kiss up in the bedroom, Amberlee and Andres walk back don the royal stairs hand in hand and talking.  A kiss exchanged here and there. Just to make Amberlee fall for him over again. “ Amberlee… how about this… I will take you on a date tomorrow afternoon. “ He wanted to make sure that Cassandra heard it. He wanted to make it very clear that Amberlee was his and no one else’s.  Then walked out the door with Amberlee and intertwines her hand in his as they headed for the garden.  " I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier... I was out of line... forgive me, Amberlee. " then when they reached the center of the garden and behind some tall rose bushes, he kissed her lips after taking her neck gently in his hands. Sending the love he felt for her through her system all the way down to the tip of her toes.

Last edited on 2022-02-10 at 16:49:04 by Juniper

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#252528 Posted on 2022-02-11 10:14:45

  Amberlee's heart skipped a beat when he kissed her so affectionately. Skipped many beats. And she felt a little better. She moved onto his lap as soon as he sat on the bed. "What is it you'd like to know about them?" she asked with a gentle smile, then giggled, gently tracing a line down his jaw, "legend has it, the first stud and brood were created by the fae using the four winds. The Northern wind for spirit, the Southern wind for strength, the Eastern wind for speed and the Western wind for wisdom. All the great heroes of old owned one of these magnificent beasts. However, it is said that the pedigree of the horse is, in fact, traced through the mares, which is why they usually fetch a much higher price than the stallions," she told him, "I've never actually seen one, until today that is. I bumped into Lord Claude and his sister when they were on their way here, and I must confess the horses are every bit as magnificent as the legends make them out to be," she breathed almost dreamily, "some even say that an Asterion can grow so attached to his rider, that he'd sooner forsake his own life than see his rider harmed," she whispered as if it were a secret, "it's been a dream of many to own even one of those fabled mounts, but very few ever achieve that dream. I'm sure that one day, you will own one as well," she said sweetly, "but please, tell me about the hunting trip," she asked.

She listened intently as he spoke, telling her about the trip. Her smile faded when she heard he was susceptible to magic. A panicked fear flooded her eyes for a moment. But when he turned his gaze away, she gently turned his gaze back to her and kissed his forehead. A simple sign that she didn't judge him, and wouldn't hold it against him. "I still love you with all my heart," she whispered against his forehead. 
She pulled away and smiled when he offered that she sit in his lap, "if you're brave enough to do such a thing in front of your father, then sure, I don't mind," she chuckled before the two shared a long and passionate kiss.


Downstairs, Claude had done a fine job of sweet talking his way into Hector's good graces. He lifted his goblet in salute, the light glinting off of his ring. "Hear hear," he exclaimed with a bright smile. 
Cassandra raised her glass too, but her mood had soured significantly since Andres left. She was never rude to Hector, not once, but she hardly spoke, and smiled even less. When Hector apologized on his son's behalf, she forced the sweetest smile onto her lips, "it's quite alright, my lord," she said sweetly, "he must have a reason for simply abandoning such an important meeting. I have heard he's a very busy man, so I shall not hold it against him," she lied as easily as breathing, inside she was seething with pure rage. She fiddled with the pendant around her neck, her aura still making her incredibly alluring to any who were susceptible to magic, and it was even stronger now than before, "I think I will take a walk through the garden though. By your leave, my lord," she said politely. She got up, bowed before Hector, then slipped out.
Claude watched his sister go. He waited until she was out of the room before he spoke again, "if I may speak frankly, my lord, I understand the marriage idea is a little old fashioned. And, in today's time, some families believe it is not the father's choice anymore. Just know that Cassandra was raised the old ways. She will wed your son, if that were your wish - and his - and make him a fine husband. I dare say, I think she even has a little crush on him," he chuckled, taking a sip of wine, "however, I have also heard your son has asked a commoner to be his girlfriend, the maid no less, so I know this may be a problem," he sighed, "such actions make for interesting rumors that spread far and wide. No offence to your proud family, of course," he added respectfully.


"A date? Why, that sounds like a wonderful idea," Amberlee giggled happily, smiling sweetly. She had completely forgiven Andres and decided to tell him, "you need not worry, my prince, I have forgiven you. I'm sorry for forcing my way in here and interrupting your meeting," she apologized, squeezing his hand. "Oh, Lord Claude wanted to take me to his estate tomorrow to show me his herd. Will you come with me?" she asked, "that way you can meet the horses as well. And...I don't feel too comfortable being alone with him," she confessed, "then after, we can go on that date." She stole a kiss from him. She waited until they were in the gardens, then she whispered to him, "would you mind if I got you a protection trinket?" she asked softly, "it will not charm or hinder you in any way, all it will do is protect you if people are trying to use magic against you. Would you wear something like that?" she asked. Her gaze met his and it was filled with a warm and sincere love and care for him, "I just don't want anyone taking advantage of you," she confessed.

When they reached the center of the garden, and Andres kissed her, Amberlee's world flipped upside down. She wrapped her arms around him and leaned into him as they kissed, hoping he could feel every bit of love she had for him. 
What the lovers didn't know was from the bushes, watching like a venomous viper, was Cassandra. She snarled softly when she saw the two. How am I going to break them up? Should I make my presence known? Should I tell his father what he's doing? she thought, then grinned wickedly, or maybe I should just charm him with my love charm, and force him to kiss me right here in front of her. She walked out from the roses, then gasped loudly when she saw Andres and Amberlee.
Amberlee winced when she felt the magic sting her nose so much that it hurt. "What in the-" she turned her face, still holding Andres, and saw Cassandra. For a moment, she tensed. "Andres, please, we need to get away, she's using a charm spell," she tried whispering desperately to Andres, hoping he wasn't yet affected.
"Andres, what are you doing with that commoner?" Cassandra asked, her heart seemingly broken, "I thought you and I had a connection. At the picnic, you were the one who said you wanted to see me again!" Cassandra was making a far bigger scene than was necessary, "and now I find you making out with this girl right here in the gardens!" Tears lined her eyes, and she seemed utterly destroyed. She sniffed as one tear ran down her cheek, "I will forgive you though, if you make it up to me. Prove to me right here and now that you love me most," she demanded.
Amberlee tried pulling Andres away, "we need to leave, now!" she said defensively, trying desperately to get the prince of her heart away

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#252551 Posted on 2022-02-11 14:14:08

“ You know I would wear anything…as long as no one see’s it. Of course I’ll go with you. I promise” Andres said with a bright smile and kissed her head. His hands around her waist. But he wouldn’t be making it to the the supposed date. Then he heard her voice.  Cassandra he thought as she then emerged from the bushes “ Cassandra… I…. I didn’t know you would be here… I… was just wanting to discuss something with Amberlee….” He fumbled with his words as his eyes clouded over a little at the magic that began to envelop around him. His hand dropped from Amberlee’s waist and he slowly, every so slowly, like in a trance, walked over to Cassandra.  And in a minute, was standing in front of her.

“M'lady” he greeted her as he always did, his hand reaching up to her elegant face. His eyes all over her.  She cant charm me like… like this. My heart belongs…belongs to Amber…I have to fight this…He thought as he began to reach his hand to her neck and leaned in, his eyes closed and placed a charmed kiss on her lips. Right in front of his girlfriend. But with all his might, he couldn’t break the charm he was not under. And he began to believe he belonged to Cassandra and she, him.  Nothing that Amberlee could do, would stop it. But would probable try her hardest.

Andres then released the kiss and grabbed hold of Cassandras hand. The way he held Amberlee’s and walked off with Cassandra back inside the house. Leaving his girlfriend outside, standing there in awe of what just happened.

When they got inside, the young Lord’s arms ere around Cassandra waist, eyes no longer cloudy, but still susceptible to the magic.  “Father…. I think im going to take the day off and hang around with Cassandra for a while.” Then turned his attention to Claude “Feel free to stay and join us, Claude… im sure your sister would want you to.  What in the world has gone wrong with this picture…. He thought as he looked away as he was pulled away from them.  This is gonna be one long night….he thought as they reached his study/ bedroom and he instinctively took the bed and placed two fingers to the bridge of his nose and sighed. His ring showing. “Cassandra…. Why did you do that… I was in the middle... you know what… never mind of what I wanted from Amberlee… the damage is done.”

He leaned his head against the wall as he sat on his bed, thinking of what to do.  When he felt some weight and in a matter of seconds his eyed darted to Cassandra sitting on his lap. He was about to reject it, but the magic was too strong, and he held the urge back and just looked at her. “ what would you wanna do first, M’lady” he asked as he leaned in for another kiss. Then he thought of the deal he made with Claude about getting one of his rare horses “Hey Cassandra… I asked your brother Claude about the horses and I wanted to…you know… check out one of the groups of horses and possible think about getting one from him. But I don’t know what I could give in exchange for it….”
As that was going on, Lord Hector was looking at Claude “What in the world just… happened with my son…” he began “Amberlee isn’t gonna be happy. Excuse me for a moment.” He walked out into the garden and walked to here he found Amberlee sitting on the ground, her head in her hands, crying.

“ My dear…” he said kneeling to her and  made her look up at him “ It may not be what it seems, Amberlee.. there must be some explanation of all this. Im positive it wont last.” Then added as he stood her up on her feet and wiped her tears with a dining napkin “ Is there anything you would like me to do to try and help with this situation? Anything at all?” What he saw in her eyes that moment was one of fear. “ It’s the magic, isn’t it? Ill make a deal with you… if you and I find him something that could protect him, I will be the first one to give it to him. Do we have a deal?” Then added “ And another thing… if you wanted to marry my son one day, you never have to ask me.  He will ask you when he feels like it’s the time. He loves you. I know that. Just… give him a little space to find his footing in all this. Now Run along back home. Get those books finished while your at it.” He then gave her a hug hoping it would help her. “ Alright.. come on get yourself home. If you want, I can walk back with you”

Last edited on 2022-02-11 at 18:34:00 by Juniper

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