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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#94382 Posted on 2017-02-20 19:46:50

Kifo hit the ground, but quickly got back up. Shaking out his dull fur, he sprung at his brother, pulling his golden hindquarters to the ground. "How do you like me now???!"

Bahari watched her brothers tussle on the hill. "You guys are dumb!" She yelled, padding towards them, Kubadilli and Skano on her tail. Krebu joined. The two birds twittered as they flew in intertwined cycles. The lioness unsheathed her claws, pressing them into the earth as she climbed.

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#94385 Posted on 2017-02-20 20:20:54

"Kifo, I am not in the mood. Besides. Bafari's coming and she's gonna kick both our butts if you don't cool it!" Marzipan wasn't scared of his sister, but didn't care to deal with her claws. He threw Kifo down and pinned him hard. Then, he was lifted up by Zuberi by his trunk, and was gently set onto his back. Zuberi never would understand why lions loved to wrestle like that and shook his head.

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#94412 Posted on 2017-02-21 05:02:52

"Awe, you're no fun anymore you old lump." Kifo cooed. "I betcha I'll beat you down the hill and back!" The male raised his hindquarters and was ready to blast through the grass.

But before he did, Bahari reached the top, and pressed his butt back down with unsheathed claws. The male winced. "Stop fooling around." She glared at him. "This is serious. With Gecha's death we have to find another member." She glanced around, "Any ideas?"

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#94442 Posted on 2017-02-21 09:27:55

(^^ reposting my last reply since I got skipped over)

Nafsi's head hung low, feeling as if it was her fault. She could've saved him, but she didn't. She turned, walking to the two boys, her nephews, and offering a weak, sympathetic smile. "I know this probably won't help, but you two had a great father. Better than he and I ever had." She said quietly, before walking away, feeling tears fill her eyes, but she shook her head. She refused to cry, not in front of her nephews or the rest of the pride. Not in front of anyone, not even herself. It wasn't worth it, looking like a cub, especially when she had been raised to never show weakness or to act like a fool.

Toxic was taken aback by his sudden rush of words. But slowly a smile spread across her muzzle. "Of course I'll be your mate Kalikow!" She pushed her muzzle into his mane, nuzzling him lovingly. She was positive before that her feelings for him weren't mutual, but now she knew that she was wrong. "And of course, Pombe will have to leave, but I expect that Jeuri and Haki will want to go with him, but Zaidi will more than likely stay. But they are hardly old enough to leave the den, so that's a long ways off." She didn't want to see any of her cubs go, but she knew Pombe being a lion, and a very headstrong and stubborn one at that, would have to leave soon enough. Hearing their names, Jeuri, Haki, and Zaidi all made their way to between Toxic's legs, staring up at Kalikow with wide eyes. Pombe, being left by himself, looked up, before running over and jumping onto Kalikow's side, bringing himself up onto the large king's back.

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#94477 Posted on 2017-02-21 13:55:01

Kalikow laughed, smiled at his Queen, and nuzzled his step-cubs.

Marzipan shrugged, not sure who to suggest to replace poor Gecha, and Zuberi began to think deeply.

Shula continued to cry, but Scar gradually stopped, eying his half-brother with delight at him being so upset. Shula suddenly stopped and said, "I killed my own father. When I thought I could reach him, I accidentally pushed his paws, and the ledge he stood on crumbled to pieces. If I hadn't pushed, he'd still be alive." "What?! Are you crazy Shula? If anything, it was my fault. I didn't pick a stronger ledge and that's why he's dead." "No Scar. I was the future King. I should've been more careful. I can't stay here. Tell Mom I love her and tell Kori that I went towards the Serengeti! I love her but don't want her to follow me. Tell her to raise my son to be the next King, but I just can't be the King. I just have to get away from this accursed ground." Shula took off as he yelled these words. Scar growled deeply, his eyes flashing, for his suspicions were correct, and he would have to deal with Kori; but decided to send someone else to do the job. Also, the plan worked to make Shula think he had killed his own father, while during the time when Scar had managed to get his hold onto that ledge just before Solo had fallen to his death; he had leaned over, knowing that there was no way for anyone to see him in all that dust, grasped Solo's paws, who had shuddered in pain, and stared with horror at his son. "Long live the King....." He hissed into his ear and threw him off the ledge to his death.

Kori, at that moment, showed up. When she hadn't found a way down to the gorge, she had run back up to the trail that led down to where the water buffalo had been, and had made her way down the dust-filled gorge to where Scar stood with his father's body. "Oh........... my King....... why????? And, where's Shula? He must take his place in the Circle of Life." She stood proudly in front of Scar, who was filled with rage that she still dared to treat him like he was nothing, as that is how Chula had taught her to act towards Scar, and then looked down the gorge. "He ran that way. Turn right at the split in the gorge." Kori ran forward, her slightly swollen stomach bouncing, and turned right. However, she found herself at a dead-end, and growled. "I must've made a wrong turn, or..............." Someone came up behind her and touched her. "Hello Kori." Kori gasped, whirled, and started when she saw Zira. "Oh! Zira! How did you get away from Kalikow, but that doesn't matter. Have you seen Shula? Scar said he ran this way." Kori asked frantically, as she looked around for a way to get up the walls. "It's not important where he went. Sooner or later, he'll be dead. But, you can be waiting for him when that does happen...." As she said this, Zira leapt onto Kori's back, catching her totally off guard, and the two lionesses fought. However, Zira was a bit stronger from her powers the volcano had given her, and easily mauled Kori; to death she thought, as she left the lifeless body of the never-to-be-Queen behind. Then, a lion with a permanent snarl on his face came out of the cave/tunnel from the land beyond the Grasslands, and looked around. He had heard two lionesses fighting and had come to see what was up. His eyes widened when he saw the lifeless lioness nearby, jumped down, and ran up to see if she was dead. He sighed, lowered his head, and then started when she twitched and moaned in pain. He decided to help her out, for he could tell that she was royalty, and gently carried her back into the cave/tunnel towards the home he had made for himself.

Scar, with an expressionless look on his face, eyed his crying Aunt Nafsi who sat nearby. He wondered if she would remain loyal to the fallen monarchy, or would she follow him. If she didn't give her loyalty to him, he'd have her exiled, or be killed. He then walked over and sat down beside his fallen father, when Zira arrived, and sat down next to him; giving him a wink. He felt happier, knowing that Shula's cub would never grow up to challenge him, and that the bane of his existence would never be able to raise her grand cub to be the future ruler. had just arrived in his sights, in front of her lionesses, and Scar growled deeply. The former Queen would either surrender or be killed; her choice. He was the King now and his word was the law.

Last edited on 2017-02-21 at 13:59:31 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#94723 Posted on 2017-02-22 18:33:45

Nafsi was hardly aware of anything going on, and only started listening once more when she heard a growl come from behind her. Twisting her head, she saw Scar and Zira laying beside the dead body of Solo. She stood up, the hair rising on the back of her neck and along her spine. Her lips curled back in a fierce snarl, revealing her long front canines acquired from her father's side. "You killed him...on purpose...My brother...your father!" She roared, her claws digging into the ground and destroying the soil beneath her large paws. A fire gleamed in her eye, and she felt an evil rage build inside her. It was unlike anything she'd felt before. It felt like what she imagined her father to have been like every second of his life. She raised her head high, eyeing up Zira and Scar. She could easily take them both, but not at the same time. She was to prey and sleep deprived to take on both fit, younger lions by herself. And Chula was definitely not what Nafsi wanted to fight along side. Her green eyes switched back and forth between them both. She knew if the time came, which it more than likely would in a few seconds, she'd either have to kill them or be killed herself. That was a challenge she'd only faced once before, when she had to take on a loner who had challenged the "Queen" of her former pride before she had joined and then later left Cali's pride. She had won, but that loner had minimal fighting ability and only could use his weight and strength against her, fought similar to a dole. "Scar..." She growled lowly, still watching them both, ready to attack at any moment.

(Nafsi is like a dog, give her loyalty and she'll do whatever you want. Though remember she is the son of Scar, and if it is pulled out of her she will be equally, if not more so, as ruthless as he is and show zero mercy.)

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#94725 Posted on 2017-02-22 18:48:23

Scar ignored Nafsi's outburst; for the moment. Right now, he had a larger problem on his paws, as Chula had reached the place. "SOLO!!!!!!" She screamed, leaping down next to him, snuggling under his front left paw, and sobbing. The lionesses all started to wail and roar in mourning, while Zira slipped away again. Scar stood above Chula, tears coming to his eyes again, for he felt that slight guilty feeling again, but refused to let it show. Chula finally got up, sobbing, and looked around for Shula. "Where's Shula? He has to take his father's place as King!" She demanded of Scar, who glared at her, and snorted. "If he has to take his place as King, then why did he claim that it was his fault for Dad's death, and run off like a coward? I tried to grab Dad, but the ledge just couldn't hold us both. We both fell, then managed to get a hold, but he lost his grip, and I just couldn't grab him again! I feel like it's my fault but Shula insisted it was his. What else can we do? I have no idea where he went exactly, but he didn't want Kori to follow him, though she refused to listen to me, and raced after him instead of staying here like Shula said she should." Chula trembled, both with grief, anguish, and fury; but didn't know how to say this. Finally, she sucked it up, took a deep breathe, and sighed. "Then, as the law demands, if the heir refuses to take his place as King, and if there is no other cub from the Royal couple; then the one next in line is to be King. You.......... (here she whispered under her breathe), to my disgust, are the King. Your majesty." She bowed down low to Scar, though inside her heart she was filled with fury, but she forced herself to be submissive; for now. The rest of the pride bowed to Scar. Chula then stood up quickly, looking straight at Nafsi, and glared. "Bow before your King or you will be torn apart!" The rest of the pride growled and all looked at Nafsi.

Last edited on 2017-02-24 at 08:11:08 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#94731 Posted on 2017-02-22 19:17:42

Nafsi growled, watching as Chula seemed to become a different lioness. "You fool! His mate just ran to remain hidden, so you wouldn't know this was their plan the whole time. But I don't listen to petty former royals. I listen to kin of the king only. You are not of such blood." She turned bowing deeply to Scar, before turning to Chula. "I honestly see no point in you being a part of the pride. The only reason you were here in the first place it seemed was because Solo needed a Queen. You're to petty and ungrateful and hateful towards the King, to be of any use." She snarled, seeming to go along with Scar, but inside she would plot against him. Though she was smart enough not to leave her partners alive to give away the plan, as Scar had so foolishly done with Zira.
"Growl and snarl as you might, Chula, my point has been proven and I see you useless. If the King is to let you remain in the pride after how you've treated him and his mate, then there is no justice in this pride. That is something even my father had some of." She snorted, turning to look at Scar after she finished.

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#94734 Posted on 2017-02-22 19:51:04

Chula flinched as the idea of her being banished herself because of how she had treated Scar, and then Zira was brought to her mind, but then she snapped, "How DARE you!!!!! I am the daughter of Queen Kali and Prince Chumvi of the Savanna! I have more royal blood flowing throughout my veins that you have in your entire body!" She hated to admit that Scar was the King, but refused to let her hate of him overtake her, and also was extremely offended that Nafsi had said that she was a common lioness. Though, her being petty, and ungrateful were the reasons why her sister Cali had been chosen to be the Queen of the Savanna instead of her. She only became Queen because Solo and her had fallen in love with one another. However, she drew her breath in, stopped yelling, and turned to Solo. "If you decide to banish me, you have every reason too. I was wrong, wrong to treat you that way, and wrong to send Zira off with Kalikow. But, what about a Queen? You need a mate to provide you with cubs."

Scar stood to the side, eyed her, and decided to reveal Zira. "I do have a mate and am furious you sent her off with the King of The Gateway. However, I shall let her tell you herself." He stood aside, Zira stepped out of the shadows, and glared at Chula. "He may have taken me to be his mate, but I fought him off, and outran him. I will not be the mate to a male who will not take the time to get to know me first before being intimate. Scar took the time and that is why we became mates. And we became mates just before the Stampede; right afterwards we heard the rumble of many pounding feet, raced to the edge of the gorge, and saw Solo racing for his life. I ran along the edge of the gorge, while Scar raced to find Shula. I lost track of Solo when the dust came up and tripped on a rock; knocking myself out on the hard ground. When I came too, it was too late."

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#94762 Posted on 2017-02-23 04:15:30

As Bahari looked out onto the Savannah, deep in thought, Kubadili suddenly tore away. Bahari stood, watching as the cheetah mix followed an unknown animal's dust cloud, with two lions after it! "Come on Lion Guard!!" She roared, chasing after their one and only fastest.

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#94773 Posted on 2017-02-23 07:59:00

Nafsi was furious. Scar seemed to have no interest in anything she said, only in Chula. She turned, stalking away with a low growl. Her shoulders rolled and pulled at her red coat, muscled burning with the want to tear out the throats of all three of them. But she suppressed the feeling. She would not. She continued walking, her paws hitting the broken, dried out ground with a thud as she did so. "Young cubs, never raised properly anymore. That's why all three of them are petty, ungrateful, horrible, poor excuses for lions." She said under breath, shaking her head with a snort. She wouldn't stand for being ignored. She'd find a good pride, a pride that respected her and made her actually feel like she belonged.

Toxic was buzzing with happiness. She stepped back from Kalikow, laughing as she watched the cubs, Pombe now batting at the King's ears. Jeuri, Zaidi, and Haki playing with his tail. "Hey, hey, leave King Kalikow's tail alone." She said with a smile, bringing her daughters back from his tail. "AND his ears," She snorted, taking Pombe off her mate and setting him beside his sisters.

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#94793 Posted on 2017-02-23 12:50:54

Chula shrugged, for she had never liked Nafsi anyway, and had only accepted her because she was the sister to her beloved Solo. First things first, they must give Solo a proper burial. Scar sensed what she was thinking and decided that he deserved that much respect. Though, he still had every intention of punishing Chula for how she treated him and especially how she had treated his mom! Zira noticed his fixed expression on his face as he looked at Chula, nodded, and would carry out his wishes later; once he told her what they were.

The pride scraped up the dirt that had been broken up by the stampede and covered Solo in the hole he lay in. Then, they took many flowers, and grass picked fresh from the Grasslands. Singing their mourning song, the lionesses spread the grass, and flowers all over the new grave; wishing him well into the next life with the other Great Kings and Queens of the Past. Scar then led his new pride back into the Grasslands, with Zira and his mother Asia happily walking on either side of him, and Chula was forced to take the rear; to her disgust. However, Scar started dishing back at her what she had forced him to go through, and it was only the beginning. The Elephant Graveyard/Grasslands Pride respected the Circle of Life, however, they were a much more savage in their rule, tending to turn towards the tyrant side of ruling, unlike the gentle rule of Queen's Kacy and Cali.

Far away, just coming out from the Forbidden Pass, ran a teary eyed lion. Shula ran faster, faster, and faster as his paws pounded the ground until he couldn't run anymore. He was so filled with grief that when he did stop, he didn't think of checking his surroundings when he collapsed on the ground in exhaustion. Shadowing figures crept on him, their eyes narrowed, and started calling for their comrades. Hyenas. Dozens of them. And they HATED lions. They would attack and kill a lone lion. Sadly, Shula realized too late that he was in danger. He woke with a start at the war cry and the piercing pain of their teeth. He fought bravely, but just couldn't shake off fifty hyenas. "FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!" Was his last cry and the never-to-be-king lay there, torn to pieces, and the hyenas gnawed the meat off his bones.

Cold water splashed upon her face and Kori awoke with a start. "Owwww!!!! Who are you, what happened, and where am I?!" She demanded at the blurry figure that held an empty bowl dripping with water. He put the bowl down and frowned. "And what kind of way is that to greet your rescuer? I found you, mauled to death, and just managed to save your life; that's who I am!" Kori blushed, for her vision became more clear, and she could see the male more clearly. "I'm sorry.......... um, what is your name?" The male chuckled, smiled, and said, "My name is Ntwadumela, which translate to He who greets with fire. I greet my enemies with fire, the fire of my protectiveness, and of love. I sadly was defeated in battle back in the Serengeti by two males younger than myself and driven away. I came here to find a new home and possibly a new pride; though that's not guaranteed. I just want to live in peace and not to have to fight again." "It makes sense, but I had to get back to my pride. My mate is gone and I am carrying his cubs. I am Queen, well Princess Kori of the Elephant Graveyard/Grasslands, and my mate was King Shula." Here Ntwadumela widened his eyes, for he had saved the life of royalty, and knew that he should be serving her forever. "I......." Kori stopped him with a raised paw, "No, you do not owe me anything, nor shall you be my servant. I am in YOUR debt. The least I can do, since you saved my life and my mate is gone, is when I am well again, be your mate. I only ask you spare the lives of my unborn cubs." Ntwadumela was surprised by this offer and by her strange request. When a male took over a pride where he was from, the former pride male's cubs were killed, yet this lioness apparently lived by other laws. He decided to grant her request and accept her offer. "Yes, I shall do as you ask, and I accept your offer; however, that will wait until you are able to move with ease. No flinching or quiet moans." Kori and Ntwadumela nuzzled and agreed upon these terms. Another reason why Kori wanted Shula's cubs to live is because she suspected that Scar and Zira had something to do with Solo's death and Shula's flight.

Kalikow just laughed. "It's fine Toxic! I grew up with 4 brothers and my sister Karzai. I can take a few cubs gnawing on my ears and tail."

Last edited on 2017-02-23 at 17:48:10 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#94885 Posted on 2017-02-24 04:20:52

As the unknown animal slowed, the two lions circled, with Kubadili and the rest of the Guard honing in on them. As the two lions who "caught" the dog like mammal bickered, Kuba scurried in and helped her out of the circle. Carefully creeping away, the two bolted, in opposite directions. Bahari followed the new animal. Eventually Kuba met up with them. As the stopped to examine the new animal, Bahari whispered to Marzipan, "Is she a hyena??" The dog turned her head towards the lion "Ha! A hyena.... nah, I'm an African Wild-dog, a painted one to be exact."

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#94905 Posted on 2017-02-24 08:15:03

Zuberi and Marzipan arrived at that time. Zuberi stopped short, lifted his trunk, and flapped his ears; growling/grunting. "A Painted African Wild Dog!? That's the first time I've ever seen one here. My mom told me this strain of African Wild-Dogs used to inhabit this land, but the Hyenas drove them out years ago, when she was still young. And that was over 60 years ago; just before King Herex himself came to this land with good Queen Isa." Marzipan eyed the new creature, having never seen anything like it before, and figured that if Kubadili had such a hard time trying to catch it; this Painted African Wild-Dog obviously was very fast and would make a wonderful addition to the Lion Guard.

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#94947 Posted on 2017-02-24 13:38:32

"Well, I left." The dog shrugged. "My mother told me I was forbidden to come here, but she never told me why." Bahari chimed in, "So, what's your name?" The dog stood and lifted her head, "Tofauti." Bahari smiled. "Nice to meet you, I'm Bahari, leader of the Lion Guard." She touched her paw to Tofauti's shoulder. "And I'd like you to join us." When she pulled her paw away, a roaring lion head appeared, patched just like her fur. "Really?" She asked. "I'm a protecter?" Bahari nodded. "And you get to stay here, in the Savannah."

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