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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#2354 Posted on 2016-02-15 12:34:47

Who will triumph? Who will rule the Savanna? The Lions or the Cheetahs? Will the older generations ever learn to work together?

Though the young ones are doing well as the Lion Guard, led by Prince Tarzan along with his friends, a rhino calf named Bamar, who is the strongest, a young zebra named Ginelly, who is the bravest, a giraffe named Lilly, who is the keenest of sight, and a cheetah cub Kane, who is the fastest. They are learning to work together to protect the Savanna, and defend the Circle of Life. While King Kunar and his pride are trying to keep the peace between the prides who are on the borders of the Savanna.

Simba sighed with sadness, for he knew that King Basra's older brother had died, and the feeling of sadness had spread throughout the entire pride. He laid down with Lalita, snuggled with her, and fell asleep fast; even with the pride roaring in grief.

Kunar could hear roars of grief coming from Basra's kingdom, but knew that there was nothing he could do. All he could do was listen and roar out a message to let Basra know that he was thinking of the Lake Pride in their difficult time.

Solo was lazing around like a fat and happy cat, while Chula was nagging him as usual. "See here, you big king you, until we find another lioness or two, I need your help with hunting. I can't find enough game to feed these two cubs of ours with what I'm able to catch." Chula angrily told him, while Solo laid on his rock, eyes closed, tail twitching, and pretending to be asleep to ignore his mate. He was tired of her nagging, but knew that she was right. However, he hated to be the chaser, while she was always the catcher. It was tiring to try sneaking through the grasslands of the outlands, trying not to make a sound, and not be seen; which his mane made that super hard. Suddenly, he felt a slap on his face, jerked upright, to stare right into Chula's fury-filled face. "Are you even listening to me?!" He smirked, got up, stretched, yawned deeply, and then grabbed her. She yelped, tried to struggle loose, but when they rolled down the rocks to the ground, she couldn't help but giggle, and snuggled into his black mane. "You are a royal pain in the butt, you know that? But I can't help but love you.........." Purring, she said, and he purred back. Then, they were pounced on by their cubs, Shula, and Cholo, growling, pulling on Solo's mane, and on Chula's ear. The small family laughed, while Solo happily grabbed his cubs, hugged, and licked both them and their lovely mother. He loved his life and vowed to find a few more lionesses for Chula to boss around; besides help her more with the hunting.

Last edited on 2016-02-16 at 19:39:22 by Feathered Gold

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#2553 Posted on 2016-02-15 15:10:08

A golden lioness layed inside a dark den and breathed softly in and out with her cubs sleeping nearby. Syrup breathed in and out slowly murmuring a word in her sleep and rolling over to the side her paws kicking up in the air. Meeku the large tawny male cub growled in his sleep and moved his paws smacking his brother beside him in the sleep.

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#2564 Posted on 2016-02-15 15:14:43

Sully paced outside the den, staying in the shadows, which wasn't hard as he was a very dark brown lion, and blended perfectly. He sensed danger, but couldn't quite detect where it was coming from exactly. He had no intention of letting any harm come to his beloved Syrup nor their cubs. He would die before letting any of them get hurt.

Bacardi laid in her personal den, resting, and watching her three five month old cubs happily playing. Koki sulked nearby, for he had been told that he was not going to be king. Bacardi looked at him, "Stop your sulking Koki, for I have other plans for you......" Koki looked at her, "What could be better than to be king mother?? I am the oldest." Bacardi smiled, "Simple, because you are going to be the king of another land." He looked at her with puzzlement, "And what land would that be mother????" Bacardi grinned evilly, "Why the most green, luscious, and fertile land there is! The Savanna below us. You and your gang will overthrow the pride that is living pretty there, but not by force; YET. You need to get stronger, faster, keener of sight, braver, and fiercer than any lion that has ever lived. As does your gang, + your two little sisters. Once your training is complete, you will enter the Savanna, but stay low. Get rid of the old rulers, make it look like rogues did it, preferably near the Nomad's Land, and then disappear for a short time. Then, come back, get yourselves accepted into the pride, one-by-one, except for your sisters. The lionesses will be more likely to be accepted faster, but they will befriend a young lion or lioness, preferably one of the royal cubs, you start a stampede, then rescue the members with the help of your sisters, and surely you will all be granted membership to the pride in gratitude for rescuing their members. Then, you will gain their complete trust, work at it for sometime, and when they aren't looking; take out the young rulers. The pride won't be as strong, as there maybe 20 now, but most of them are old, so within 5 years, they will be dead, and there will be only 10 lionesses; as well as the rulers. When you are done, the pride won't have a choice but to accept you as their true king, and our kingdoms shall unite!!!!" Bacardi laughed with pure evilness at this, Koki grinned, his green eyes shining, and growled; claws digging into the rock he was laying on.

Last edited on 2016-02-15 at 16:49:29 by Feathered Gold

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#3833 Posted on 2016-02-16 19:51:01

Lalita snuggled feeling Simbas warmth seep into her own body. She slightly smiled, still sad of course. But also haply that she had found a good lion to be with, she knew he would take care of her(did I miss something? Who died? And is lalita.... You know xD ;). )

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#3933 Posted on 2016-02-16 22:17:17

Simba purred deeply, though he was fast asleep, dreaming of little cubs following their lovely mother, and him teaching them about the Circle of Life. Perhaps, since their future cubs, and Basra's cubs weren't related at all; so perhaps, just perhaps if they had a son, he could be betrothed to Basra's heir, and they would rule the Lake Pride together. That was his hope and it could very well come true.

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#3936 Posted on 2016-02-16 22:21:16

Lalita heard Simbas purrs and fell asleep feeling the vibration of his chest throughout her body. She lay her head on his neck snuggled up tight. Happy and dreaming of one day having sweet little cubs following her around. She smiled dreamily and was fast asleep in no time

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#3951 Posted on 2016-02-16 22:51:45

Basra rested outside of Josie's den, protecting her, and their cubs; while the rest of the pride slept in a exhausted slumber from their mourning. He thought deeply, about his childhood, growing up with Rasa, always getting into trouble, and getting scolded by their dad. Then, he remembered when he had been told that he would be King of the Lake Pride, while Rasa would be King of the Nile Source. They had both gone on to be kings of their father and mother's homelands, hadn't seen each other for over 3 years, until he had been fatally wounded, and returned to his birthplace to die. Basra sighed again, swore that he would give his brother's pride a good home, and raise Rasa's cubs. Also, since several of his own lionesses were without cubs, still had milk, and he looked to see the orphaned cubs were snuggled with them. Basra smiled and nodded with approval.

The lionesses who had lost their own cubs because of Basra and Simba's massacre, found a new peace of mind by taking in the orphaned cubs from Rasa's pride, to the delight of both the cubs, and lionesses. The cubs were no longer hungry, the lionesses nipples no longer hurt, and both felt the intimate bond between a mother and her cubs. They had almost completely forgot about their dead cubs, almost, and were happy once more. Now they understood why the other cubs had been killed, for they themselves, though they never would've admitted it, had been frightened about the cubs. The five male cubs who had been killed were acting just like their dads, fierce, downright mean, and threatening to kill the little female cubs. Their fathers didn't like females and were going to kill their own daughters until Basra and Simba came in to take over. Basically, if it hadn't been for their new rulers, ALL the cubs would've been dead, so it all worked out for the best. :)

The days passed by, with Koki training with his gang, about 10 young lionesses, and 2 males his age. Though when he had first arrived, they had shunned him because he was dark brown, and they ranged from pure white to light tan at the darkest. Now, they accepted him, for he was just as fierce as them, and had fought with the young male who had been in charge of the gang. He had been their leader for over 5 months, Bacardi told them the news she had, they had been delighted, and had been in intensive training ever since. Fighting one another, working on their roars, sharpening their claws on the cliff walls, climbing the sheer cliff walls as there were cliffs in the Savanna, lifting heavy rocks together to build up their strength, then they would do it separate when they were stronger, running laps around the pride's valley to build up their endurance, as well as searching with their eyes for their food from a long distance. Basically, they had been put into a strict training program, and on a strict diet of mountain goat; which Bacardi believed would make them more tough. All the training they were doing, to make them faster, stronger, braver, keener of sight as the mountain goats were pure white against the pure white snow, and fiercer when they took on the fierce mountain bear in their fights to just fight it, not kill it; though it had killed several young cubs recently. What Koki didn't realize, as he had lost his memory in the avalanche over 6 months before, was that he was being trained to kill his own family, and the gang would be able to easily take on and overpower the Lion Guard!!!

Last edited on 2016-02-17 at 16:55:43 by Feathered Gold

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#4481 Posted on 2016-02-17 17:40:56

Lalita woke yawning her sharp dagger like teeth shining in the light. She gazed over at Simba and smiled. She started purring, she rubbed her head on his shoulder lightly so as not to wake him. She stood slowly and stepped back stretching her tight muscles. She needed to run again, keep into shape. She gave Simba a light peck on his cheek and turned ready to leave

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#4495 Posted on 2016-02-17 17:50:27

Simba opened his green eyes, which shone in his dark brown face against his even darker brown mane, and smiled. Watched his mate leave the den, snuck out after her, determined to spend some time with her in the long grass, and waited for the perfect time to pounce.

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#4501 Posted on 2016-02-17 17:52:56

She sniffed smelling a small rabbit. She grinned and crouched, waiting to pounce. The rabbit looked around, its little eyes widening at the scent of lion. Right before it could hop away she pounced, her claws killing it instantly. She broke its neck just in case and sank her teeth in.

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#4510 Posted on 2016-02-17 18:06:03

He saw Lalita catch one of the many little rabbits that lived around the lake, spied a gazelle drinking from the lake a short distance from its herd, snuck up, and before the herd could sound the alarm; Simba struck. He leapt onto the antelope, pulling it down, and they both rolled into the water; attracting the unwanted attention of the monster of Lake Tanganyika.

Gustave spied the male lion drowning his prey, smiled, and decided it was time for a meal. He hadn't eaten for over three months and was hungry.

*Note - there really is a huge crocodile named Gustave in Lake Tanganyika, close to 20 feet long, and has been reported to have killed over 300 humans in the past 15 years.

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#4514 Posted on 2016-02-17 18:08:34

Lalita jumped when she heard the splash. She loomed up and saw Simba killing some prey. She watched, suddenly remembering about the monster. "Simbaaa" she screamed panicking. She ran over" Simba get out quick" she said quickly. That's why no one swam in the water

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#4518 Posted on 2016-02-17 18:14:09

"Huh????" Simba looked up, the gazelle struggling to get out of the water, and then Gustave struck. Simba snarled, slapped the crocodile hard on the muzzle, who closed his eyes in pain, let go, and Simba ran away; his back side bleeding badly. Gustave hissed and disappeared under the water. No one knew where he was, but then one of the hippo's grunted, and there was a fierce fight between him and the big male hippo who was protecting his her about 1/4 of a mile down from where Simba lay. The gazelle collapsed in exhaustion, Simba, even though he hurt, put it out of it's misery, and panted next to its dead body. "Ouch...... did he have to bite me there??????" Looking at his butt and worried he could never have cubs with Lalita.

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#4519 Posted on 2016-02-17 18:16:00

Lalita smiled, she couldn't help it. He looked at his rump like it was the end of the world. She ran over" are you ok" she asked her smile gone now. "How bad is it?" She asked trying to examine the wound without hurting him. It was bleeding a lot.

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#4521 Posted on 2016-02-17 18:17:55

"It's the end of our dreams!!! I might not be able to sire cubs!!" Simba gasped, licking the blood, and cautiously dipping his tail in the lake and dribbling it on his butt to wash the blood off.

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