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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#89736 Posted on 2017-01-29 08:07:38

Ahadi suddenly leaped down from where he had hidden himself, a fierce, golden brown male with a black mane, and dangerously gleaming green eyes landed in front of Gryphon. "Leave my Kingdom immediately, or be prepared to be a meal for the vultures, and jackals. They are already circling and waiting." He warned Gryphon, not recognizing his brother-in-law, and treated him as every male that dared to enter the Desert.

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#89739 Posted on 2017-01-29 08:21:12

(Sorry i completely forgot to reply with Toxic!)
Toxic lay in the den, giving her youngest daughter a bath, Watching the other three. "You're next, Zurrii." She grunted with a smile as she finished the sandpaper tongue bath of Ryaki. Reaching for her smallest, but oldest daughter, she scooped her up with a large paw and brought her over to her chest. "Now Ryaki, don't you dare go and get dirty again." Toxic warned beforr going on with Zurrii's bath.

Gryphon stepped forward, his large paws sinking into the sand. "Ahadi, sir, do you not recognize your own brother-in-law? Where are my sisters? Uru, and Shenzi?" He looked around, not seeing the red or white pelts of his sisters. When he had left the pride, Uru and Shenzi were still close friends, living under the protection of Ahadi's father.

Uru stepped forware, immediately recognizing her brother. "Gryphon? Gryphon!" She races forward, knocking him over with such force, pinning hin down and nuzzling into him with a smile.

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#89741 Posted on 2017-01-29 08:26:26

"Gryphon?! Well, that's different then. Vultures and Jackals, go find food elsewhere. You are certainly not feasting on my brother-in-law!" Ahadi stopped snarling, jerked his head upright, and opened his green eyes wide. Then turned to yell at the scavengers to go find food elsewhere. The Vultures and Jackals flew and trotted off; knowing that somewhere there'd be a old carcass or unfortunate dead animal around.

Kalikow came racing up, panting from the heat, but so excited, and very nervous. Karzai and Tarzai looked at him with surprise, having not expecting him till later on, and certainly not alone! He ignored his family and looked around for Toxic; spying her giving her cubs a bath a short distance away in the shade of a cave.

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#89746 Posted on 2017-01-29 08:35:56

Uru backedd up, letting Gryphon off, but once he was back on his paws she nuzzled into his mane covered chest again. "Where have you been? How'd you get back here? Where's your mate and cubs?" She remembered that before she was queen, they were barley out of adolescence, and Gryphon had a mate, and two beautiful daughters.

Toxic looked up in surprise when Kalikow come barrelling into the Gateway, then towards her in the cave. Standing up she quickly shooed the cubs to go play with Karzai and Tarzai. "Kalikow? Is something wrong?" Worry gkazed her blue eyes, her tail tucked at her side.

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#89757 Posted on 2017-01-29 09:01:20

"No..... it's just that........... oh........... how on earth do I start. Okay, time to be blunt. You've committed a crime, stolen something from me, and, I want to congratulate you. You've stolen my heart and I want to let you know if I've done the same to you." Kalikow put it all on the table and hoped desperately that she didn't turn him down. He'd die if she did.

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#89760 Posted on 2017-01-29 09:09:54

Toxic's eyes light up in surprise. "Kalikow....I...I do..." She froze, realizing what just happened, and what was about to happen. In a matter of seconds she would be a Queen. His Queen. And he would be her King. But she couldn't have cubs again for a while, and didn't know if he would treat hers like his own. That was something that he had to do. She would put her cubs above her own love for him.

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#89761 Posted on 2017-01-29 09:11:45

"Okay then. Will you be my mate? My Queen? I won't declare my fatherly duties until your cubs are weaned. Though I cannot allow your son to remain with our pride after he has turned 2 years old, your daughters are welcome." Kalikow suddenly felt the urge to procreate leave him and felt at peace for the first time in his life.

Last edited on 2017-01-29 at 09:19:50 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#89773 Posted on 2017-01-29 09:52:25

Jewl finally done with being alone stood back up and walked back to the pride slowly and sat back down on the rock looking around the pride. Looking at her cubs she gave a flick of her tail signaling them it was time to take a nap with her. Laying down she looked at her cubs waiting patently to come toward her.

Zircon looked at Chula once more before getting up and walking towards his mother as he laid down beside her closing his emerald green eyes snuggling up to her. Quartz yawned looking at Solo as she made her way to her mother and curled up beside her mother closing her eyes. Sapphire looked at Nafsi and purred once more aganist her as she went and walked to her mother and siblings laying down beside them and closing her eyes.

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#89875 Posted on 2017-01-29 15:27:46

Night came. The Grasslands/Elephant Graveyard Pride settled down for the night, Scar joining them after being gone all day, and was quite happy to find out as Zira had said, that Chula had decided to take the lionesses hunting first thing in the morning. They had decided on going after the herd of zebra's that lived down in the Savanna, for they had permission from Queen Kacy and Queen Cali, as the zebra's up in the Grasslands had migrated out of the Grasslands to who know's where. Solo was going to be on patrol in the gorge while Shula and Kori were going to just hang out at the den. Scar listened, while keeping his eyes closed, and pretending to be asleep.

Zira grinned, while stalking around her lair, her red eyes shining, and her muscles rippling under her pelt. She could hardly wait, for this time tomorrow, she'd be the Queen, and the mate to the King.

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#89879 Posted on 2017-01-29 15:36:16

Jewl was asleep next to her cubs in the den a tail wrapped protectively around them as she purred in her sleep. Drawling a cub closer with a paw she rolled onto her back feeling her cubs nestle in deeper beside her. Zircon was asleep mouth open and on his back while his sisters slept together pushed up against Jewl to stay warm through the night.

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#89893 Posted on 2017-01-29 16:10:33

Late that night, in the wee hours of the morning, a new male stepped foot into the Nomad's Land. He walked with a permanent snarl on the right side of his face, for he had a scar that came from a fight with two males about a year ago, who severely injured him, and took his pride. The wound went clean to the bone, forcing his skin to go up in a snarl, and healed that way. He found that he was still able to keep his mouth down on the left side, but not the right, so it looked like he was snarling/sneering at you when he really wasn't. He had, after healing from his wounds, tried to retake his pride, but was driven away for good for there were two of them, and only one of him. As well as the fact that they were almost half his age; about 5 years old while he was 9 years old. So, he left. Left the Serengeti for good, left everything, and everyone that he knew. He arrived at the pass early in the evening hours, hesitated for a moment, and without a backwards look; started up. He was able to slip past Ahadi, as he was occupied with Gryphon, and arrived later that night/early morning in the Nomad's Land. The nomad's who lived there all smelled a new lion. Some growled and backed off, others snarled, and stalked forward to "welcome" the stranger. However, they were sent scampering with their tails between their legs, as he was just as fierce as he looked, and he licked the blood off his claws and his face. He left the Nomad's Land as fast as he entered it, entering the Grasslands of Solo, and headed towards a rocky outcropping between the volcano and Elephant Graveyard. Ntwadumela, or He who greets with fire, has arrived.

Last edited on 2017-01-29 at 17:40:58 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#89925 Posted on 2017-01-29 18:40:42

Jewl rolled back onto her side again her paw twitching in her sleep as she curled up tighter to her sleeping cubs. Shifting one more in her sleep and flicking her tail gently and wrapping a paw around them. Zircon curled up tighter to his mother and purred rolling over onto Sapphire and twitching his tail on sleep. Quartz rolled onto her back this time and flicked a tail to the side.

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#89927 Posted on 2017-01-29 18:49:34

The sun rose. The pride woke up. Chula yawned and looked around. Solo was already gone, as was Scar, Shula, and Kori. Chula sighed, stood up, stretched, and called for the lionesses. "Come ladies. It is time for our hunt." The other six lionesses got up as she called for them, stretching, and following their Queen.

Scar arrived at the volcano, calling for Zira, who raced out to meet him, nuzzling under his strong chin, and purring. "Come darlin'. It is time for us to take our destiny in our own paws....." He nodded and followed her down her secret path to the gorge. They carefully navigated in the rocks, keeping themselves hidden, and thankfully; the wind was blowing straight at them, so they weren't being discovered by the peacefully grazing buffalo. They got themselves into position and in time too; for Solo appeared just below the herd, whom smelled him, but didn't react, for he was alone, and they also knew he wasn't hunting, just patrolling. Zira and Scar waited for the perfect time to stampede the herd.

Shula and Kori had just finished up their breakfast, having caught a lone impala that got separated from its herd, and now were playing keep-away. Shula was in a fine mood, his belly was full, his mate was in heat, and she was being extra flirty this morning.

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#89929 Posted on 2017-01-29 18:59:16

Jewl blinked her eyes looking at her cubs as she stood up hearing queen Chula's roar. Looking at them once more she smiled and left the den and joining the queen and the other lioness for the hunt. Blinking her emerald eyes and looking around seeing Solo had already left this morning she sighed and turned back to Chula ready for the hunt ahead of her unaware to Zira and Scar's plan.

Quartz turned over to Sapphire and blinked open her amber eyes looking at her sister then to Zircon her brother. Standing up slowly and following to the den exit she looked outside seeing the lioness and her mother with the queen. Blinking her amber gaze she sat down and watched them planning on following them when they left.

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#89931 Posted on 2017-01-29 19:19:10

Solo continued to sniff around, smelling a strange male in his Kingdom, he followed it. Carefully avoiding the snorting buffalo on the plain above the gorge, who warned him with snorts, tossing horns, and eyeing him; he gave them a wide berth. The strange male's scent disappeared up the rocky u-shaped plain. Apparently he climbed here and Solo shrugged as he turned around and walked off down towards the gorge. He'd find the intruder later and deal with him.

Zira saw their chance, nudged Scar, who gulped, but nodded. They split up, one to the left, and the other to the right. The herd began to snort even more, stamping their hooves, and some even bellowing. Solo froze, for the herd was starting to move, he grunted, and trotted faster, faster, and faster. He suddenly stopped, turned around, and roared at the herd to stop. However, the herd began to panic, and raced forward; loosing control of themselves and Solo ran for his life. He ran as fast as his legs would take him, the herd storming over the plain's edge, down into the gorge, and soon surrounded the King. He was getting hit from every side, groaning with pain, then got knocked down completely. Zira and Scar raced to the edge of the plain, could see the massive herd racing down the gorge, and didn't see Solo anywhere. "C'mon!" Zira yelled over the sound of pounding hooves, Scar followed, and climbed up above the stampeding herd. Zira raced along the edge of the gorge, watching for any sign of Solo, while Scar ran to find his brother. He found him and Kori just returning to the den for nap. "SHULA!!!!!! The buffalo herd are stampeding in the gorge and Dad is down there!!! I can't find him ANYWHERE!!! Help me!" Scar cried out, really was worried, for he still felt guilty about the plot, but shoved it aside. "WHAT?! DAD!!!!" Shula and Kori raced towards the gorge, with Scar right beside them, and Zira quickly hid herself when she spied their forms form on the horizon; as she had no intention to reveal herself right at the moment.

Last edited on 2017-01-29 at 19:20:01 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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