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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#89636 Posted on 2017-01-28 15:29:22

"Of course you are welcome! Come and eat with us." Solo smiled and nuzzled her. Chula sat about 20 ft. away, still in a bit of a huff/snit because she was offended that Quartz had dared to bite the tail of the Queen, while Shula chuckled. He liked his little cousins and though his mother was being ridiculous.

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#89639 Posted on 2017-01-28 15:40:28

Nafsi forced a weak smile, sitting up. "I could not possibly eat prey I didn't partake in the hunt of. " She said firmly but respectfully. Nafsi was careful to mind herself. She wouldn't take prey from a pride that had hungry cubs and an unfull King and Queen. Her stomach rumbled loudly, which caused her to feel extremely uncomfortable. She knew she already looked lithe due to her build she recievee from her father, but she was slightly underweight from being on her own with minimal open hunting grounds. She didn't want the pity of the pride, she would much rather have her own prey that she caught, even though she wasn't an amazing huntress.

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#89644 Posted on 2017-01-28 16:01:49

Solo rolled his eyes, but smiled, and nodded to her. She obviously had their biological father's pride, from what he could remember, he was a proud lion, and wouldn't change his mind.

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#89647 Posted on 2017-01-28 16:27:20

Nafsi stood up, letting her small bit of muscle that showed flex and tug her pelt. "So, I don't think everyone here and I have met formally. I've met Queen Chula. But the rest of you I am unsure of. But anyhow, I am Nafsi, daughter of him," She said with a cough, before continuing. "And another lioness who none of you would know. But I am not him, and I am willing to prove that." She said with a nod. She felt the need to prove herself, after constantly being questioned because of her bloodline.

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#89676 Posted on 2017-01-28 19:04:01

Solo knew how she felt, for he himself had to prove to everyone that though he looked just like him, he wasn't him. He nodded to her with a smile and watched her flex her muscles. Scar's mother, a lioness named Asia, sighed, and lowered her head even lower. She used to be Chula's best friend, but when Chula found out her son was Solo's son as well, she hated her, and as such; treated her really badly, forced her down in rank, and she wasn't allowed to eat until everyone else had eaten their fill. That was another reason why Scar hated Chula, for treating his mother so badly, as well as sending his mate away with that weird looking King.


"Zira, how on earth did you get away from him?! I can't believe it! I thought for sure I'd never see you again!" Scar said with delight and awe. Zira purred, nuzzled him deeply. "Easy, just had to fight him. He's a big push over! Well..... not really, but I fought my way loose." "Great!!! But, what powers are you talking about? I'm honestly confused." "Oh, I'll tell you later. Right now, we need to talk about making you the King." "The KING?! Zira........." Scar began to furiously explain why he didn't care to be the King and to scold her, but Zira sighed, and walked off slightly shaking her head. "Oh dear Scar, you really don't realize what we have here, and who you really are. We are lions, and that's what's important." She leaped onto a ledge, turned around to look at him straight in the eye, smiled cunningly, and began to sing:

Zira: There is no greater power than to rule over the land!
We both have it inside us
It's here where we stand
My friend you know it's true
Look close and you will find
Ruling every animal is destiny for our kind

So if we join together
We will never fall
Lions must rule forever
Lions over all.....................................

*Here she walked into her den/cave that was inside the volcano itself, with lava waterfalls, and lava pools. It was a creepy, hot, and very different den than what Scar was used too.

Lions over all
No animal is more grand
Lions over all
It's why we rule the land!

We crush any resistance
So enemies keep their distance
Lions, lions over all........

Scar: If we do what you suggest
We'd be evil and cruel.
Using force and threat like that?
That is no way to rule!

Zira: But if we're joined together
We will never fall
Yes, lions must rule forever
Lions over all!

Lions over all
No animal is more grand

Scar: Stay noble and grand

Zira: Lions over all
It's why we rule the land

Scar: We must protect the land

Zira: We crush any resistance

Scar: Friendship and kindness

Zira: So enemies keep their distance

Scar: Will always find us

Zira: Lions, lions over all..................................................................

*Here, she, and Scar eyed each other, both with determined looks in their eyes, and Scar growling slightly.

"Forget it Zira! I am NOT interested in being the King!" Scar snarled and stalked off a distance to stare into a lava pool. "Oh, but why? Why does Shula get to be the future King and not you?" Zira asked with a malicious look in her eyes. Scar kept his back to her, "One simple reason. Queen Chula is his mother." "But, then why did your father flirt with your mother? Are you sure that Chula is his true love? I feel like you've been treated like dirt, but the Queen, just because you aren't her son. You were going to be exiled, weren't you? But, somehow, you proved yourself, and were allowed to stay. Am I correct?" Scar turned to look at her, his face fallen, tears in his eyes, and nodded. "Well, perhaps it's time to do justice. On her. Time to make her pay. Especially since she gave you to Kalikow. And maybe make Solo pay too, for he obviously didn't protest that injustice, as you are my mate." "Of course! SHE knew we were mates, and punished you for what? That stupid law?. She also has kept you, the true son of Solo, from being the rightful king. He didn't fight for either injustice, not protesting that I shouldn't be forced to go with someone I don't love, and not choosing you to be his heir, so it's time for them both to pay." Zira twisted the truth, making Scar twinge on the inside, feeling like something was still off, yet it sounded true, and as such; allowed her to manipulate him. "You're right Zira! I am the rightful King and must take my place in the Circle of Life. She must pay, but I can't kill my own dad." "Oh, that's easy to fix. Chula is leading the hunt on the Zebra tomorrow beside the river. I heard Solo say that he was going to be on his patrol in the gorge while the pride was hunting, and a large herd of Water Buffalo are grazing by the pool at the far end of the gorge. We're going to be upstream, to lay in ambush, you and I are the best at ambushing, and startle that herd." "Okay, but what does that have to do with punishing Solo?" Zira snorted. "Easy, Shula and Kori are hunting Zebra on the ridge, but when they hear the King calling for help, naturally they'll run to help him, but those walls of that gorge are so steep that'd he'll fall to his death. Shula and Kori will feel awful for not being able to reach him in time, we'll come up as we heard Solo cry out for help, but are too late. They'll run away with guilt and Chula will die of a broken heart!" "Oh, that sounds great.........." Scar grinned with evilness, ignoring that twinge of guilt, and the two plotted through the night.

Last edited on 2017-01-28 at 19:07:56 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#89693 Posted on 2017-01-28 20:08:47

Jewl blinked at her half sister and stepped back "Im not really that hungry for it you can take my spot" she stepped back looking at both Nafsi and Solo and flicked her tail walking to a large rock and hopping on it to sun herself. Laying down sideways on it she let out a purr closing her emerald eyes.

Zircon growled leaping at a bug infront of him giving a little roar as he pounced. Once killing it he purred loudly going to his aunt the Queen Chula and purring up against her. "Hello auntie" he squeaked and rolled onto his back batting at her side with sheathed claws to not hurt her.

Quartz sighed walking to her uncle Solo and growling as she batted at his tail giving a giggle as she took it in her mouth gently and swatted. Rolling onto her back with his tail still in in her mouth she purred loudly up at him.

Sapphire blinked her emerald eyed gaze at Nafsi from behind her mother. With her being such a curious cub she walked to where Nafsi was slowly scared that each movement would send the lioness chasing after her. Stepping forword once again to get closer to her aunt she purred reaching the spot she wanted to be in to observe her aunt.

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#89697 Posted on 2017-01-28 20:26:03

Nafsi looked down at the little cub as it made its way cautiously to her. "Hello, little one." She held out a paw slowly, offering to play. Nafsi didn't love cubs, but she was no monster. Watching her niece, she forced yet another weak smile, her same emerald eyes gazing softly down at the cub."You'll be a big, strong lioness like your mother one day, won't you young one?" She let her faux smile turn into a smaller, genuine one.

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#89702 Posted on 2017-01-28 21:28:36

Chula decided it'd be best to at least tolerate Jewl's cubs, though she hadn't planned on tolerating any cubs until Shula and Kori had their own cubs. "Hello Zircon." She gave her nephew a small smile and then looked at the horizon once more.

Solo chuckled, pulling his tail out of his niece's mouth with a jerk, swished his tail around like crazy, and smiled at Quartz's frantic attempts to recapture it. He loved cubs and loved to play with them; unlike his mate.

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#89723 Posted on 2017-01-29 05:39:31

Jewl lifted up her head looking at the commutation going on but flicked her tail in comfort as she purred feeling the suns rays go onto her side and warm her. Closing her eyes because her cubs were being watched she rolled onto her back breathing on the air around her.

Zircon smiled as he crawled onto Chula's back with a giggle as he purred "Play?" he said batting at her ear gently and leaping at her tail batting it with his little paws. Giving a little swipe at the tail and pouncing at the tail he growled as he leaped past and missed the spot completely.

Quartz giggled as she continued to try and catch Solo's tail that was moving to quickly. Finally crouching down and leaping at the tail she growled pouncing at the tail and catching it finally."Uncle Solo look" she said puffing her chest and holding his tail gently in her mouth pride shining in her amber eyes.

Sapphire smiled at her aunt's willingness to play. Crouching down and leaping at her big paw and landing on it. She purred rubbing up against Nafsi and looking at her tail. Crouching once more she leaped at the tail missing it by a fraction landing upside down. Shaking the dirt off her pelt and standing up she pounced once again batting the tail like snake in her paws gently with a purr.

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#89726 Posted on 2017-01-29 07:23:31

Solo laughed, "You're going to be a great huntress, I just know it!" He lifted his tail, with Quartz still dangling from it, and held it to his face with a grin.

Chula sighed, but with contentment, and rolled over onto her belly; catching Zircon with her front paws, holding him firmly, and gave him a noogy.

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#89728 Posted on 2017-01-29 07:40:51

Nafsi watched the war about to be waged on her tail begin. Letting the cub pounce back as forth, Nafsi lazily moved her tail around just barley quick enough to keep it out of reach of the tiny hunteress. 'Mind giving ol' Nafsi your name before going to battle on her tail?" She chuckled, looking over her shoulder at the cub.

(Anyone remember Gryphon? Toxic's eldest, Uru's brother? How bout Shenzi? Also Uru's sister from Toxic? Welp, muuuwwwaaahhhhh)

A large, white lion trotted through the desert, his long, white mane patched with sandy and dorty, but never the less he looker stunning. His big, wide shoulders and large muscles pulling at his well kept white fur. He knew the land he roamed very well, for he had been born here, and as an adolecent he had traveled here. He had only moved away when his sister and her mate took over the rule of the Desert. But he was back now, and he was looking for a pride of his own.

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#89732 Posted on 2017-01-29 07:51:42

(I do!!!!!! O.o)

Ahadi lazed around with his seven sons, quite content, but also concerned. They were all large males, around five years old, and had no desire to move on; find a pride of their own. They just assumed that they could stay here and mooch off the food the lionesses caught. And their father did NOT appreciate the idea, which is why he hadn't cared to have anymore cubs with their mother, until they had shooed their sons off. Their daughters were more than welcome to stay, but the sons had to go. He decided it was time to get rough, but needed to make sure it was okay with Uru first. He got up, walked into the den, and found his Queen, mate, and best friend. "Uru, it is time. The boys have got to go. We have 7 lionesses; most of which are our daughters and the boys are too lazy to hunt for themselves! I want them out of here, and not towards the Savanna. They need to go down the pass into the Serengeti! I am going to chase them off and am not afraid to be rough. I just wanted to let you know my intentions." Then, a roar rang out from the lioness on sentry duty, alerting them to an intruder in the Desert, and Ahadi ran out to confront this danger with a vicious snarl.

Kalikow plopped down in the tiny cave after giving up his chase after Zira, with a sigh of annoyance, and grumbled. "I need a mate. How am I supposed to sons and daughters without a mate? My pride only has my sister and my old mother." Then, something came back to his mind, and he lifted his head so fast that he hit it on the low ceiling. Moaning, as he rubbed his head, and sighed with annoyance again. "Perhaps, just perhaps the reason why I've been trying to find a mate so frantically is because I didn't know how to express my feelings to Toxic. Oh geez................. what an idiot I've been!" He slunk out of the den, shook his mane, walked over to a small spring, washed himself, and raced home to tell Toxic how he felt; to ask those five dreaded yet most wonderful words before he lost his nerve.

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#89733 Posted on 2017-01-29 07:55:18

Jewl lifted her head blinking her eyes at the sun above her. Giving a scratch at her radio collar around her neck she stood up shaking her pelt and stretching for a moment. Leaping off the rock and walking to Solo "I will be close, I'm going for a walk for a while" she answered with a purr rubbing against him and beginning to walk away from the pride to go spend some time by herself which she rarely got. Close by but alone she sat down looking around as she lifted a paw and licked it slowly grooming herself.

Quartz giggled and let go tackling Solo and standing on him loudly purring. "I love you" she said giving off a another purr that seemed to come off her in waves. Giggling as she tugged at his mane with her paws batting at his mane hair.

Zircon giggled as he was dropped onto her belly area. Giving a purr and nuzzling her head he looked at his aunt with excitement in his emerald eyes as he swiped at her head playfully and her ear in front of him was to tempting.

Sapphire blinked up at her aunt looking at her as she smiled. "Im Sapphire and that's Zircon and Quartz" she said motioning to the cubs playing with King Solo and Queen Chula. "How are you related to mommy?" she said tilting her head at Nafsi and pouncing at her tail that was moving. Failing to catch it she stopped and lept onto Nafsi's back batting at an ear that was a much easier target.

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#89734 Posted on 2017-01-29 08:00:17

Chula moved her head around, never liking cubs chew on her ears, not even her own, growled to warn him to stop, and gave his fluffy head another noogy as she began to stand up to walk off; as she had enough playtime.

Solo was just having the time of his life, enjoying life to the fullest, as cubs were the goal of every pride, and vowing to protect them to the death. Not realizing that this was his last full day with his family, for in the heart of the volcano, trouble was brewing.

Scar and Zira. They had finished their plot and satisfied that it was foul proof; began to have fun with one another. Chasing each other around Zira's new lair, their purrs, roars of delight, and everything you can think of happened. Scar finally managed to catch Zira, his purr of happiness turned to one of desire, and Zira allowed him to mount her; purring the entire time. *fades out of that scene*

Last edited on 2017-01-29 at 08:04:58 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#89735 Posted on 2017-01-29 08:01:25

Uru looked up when Ahadi began his rant about their sons. She had been extrenely hesitant to make them leave, because she didn't want her babies to be away from her, or to have to be on their own. She was about to put up a fight about her sons leaving when an intruder was sounded, and Ahadi raced out of the den. Slowly getting uo, Uru followed him, shaking out her red coat. She was in no rush to defend their territory, for most intruders they had were lionesses looking for a pride or harmless loners who lost their way. But she was still a fierce Queen to be reckoned with if there was danger.

Gryphon heard a roar of multiple lionesses, and he knew hed been seen. Well, when you’re a stark white lion in the middle of the desert is is hard not to be seen. He trotted slowly towards the roar, keeping his claws sheathed and head low to show he meant no harm.

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