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Another Cleanout

#186679 Posted on 2018-08-25 21:37:53

So... I am officially admitting that I am a compulsive design/character buyer which results in a large hoarder of characters that collects dust. 

The hoard

Now I went through years of built up characters that I a) never use or b)Don't really use any more. So there are a lot and I mean a lot! All are in folders based on pricing (free, trade, flat sale, etc..). PLEASE read below for the section you are looking to buy from and read that written section below all the way through please! I will try to keep this as updated as I can! If you see a character in the hold folder feel free to message me saying you are interested and I will let you know when it is available :) The ones on hold I am going to message the creators or previous owners that I feel would like them back :)  

Flat Sale Characters: 
Prices are negotiable but please, please message me to keep this somewhat organized I don't feel like going through thousands (not really) post to locate it! If you post here there is no guarantee that I will see it and reply. If you simply want to pay the price it is listed for feel free to post below! In addition these characters may not be sold for more than you bought them for unless accompanied by art.

Offer Characters:
Please message me! Again, same as flat sales, I don't feel like going through thousands (not really) post to locate it! If you post here there is no guarantee that I will see it and reply. Most of these guys I am attached to so no low ball offers! In addition these characters may not be sold for more than you bought them for unless accompanied by art.

Trade Characters:
I am looking for art! I may consider designs but as you can tell I am trying to downsize! I am looking for designs so post below or message me with examples and which character you would like. From there, I will probably message you with questions about your skills (just if you can do addons, customs, etc...).  In addition these characters may never not be resold and must only be giveaway or traded.

Free Characters:
I know this is probably the first folder you looked at o.O! Anyways I will not just give them to anyone (I know I said this last time but I really mean it now)! You MUST fill out the form below vvv In addition these characters may never not be resold and must only be giveaway (not even traded)
Current Name & Link:
New Name: if you want a new name
Why do you want this character:
Small Background: Doesn't even need to be 1 paragraph long! But if you want to make it long, go for it!

If you are the creator of any of these and wish for me not to sell the character message me! I am trying my best to locate rules and posts!
This is basically a copy of my old post with a different link. 


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#186688 Posted on 2018-08-25 21:59:12

I’d like to buy this cute foal, please.

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#186694 Posted on 2018-08-25 22:12:20

I'll take these two off your hands if it's alright :)

Last edited on 2018-08-25 at 22:12:41 by snoglobe

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#186696 Posted on 2018-08-25 22:16:59

may i snag

this - 250k
this - 50k

and then you also got yuna from me i believe, i would love to have her back, another player has one of her offspring that i designed so she kind of hits close to home for me

Last edited on 2018-08-25 at 22:22:36 by wey

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#186726 Posted on 2018-08-25 23:35:09

Current Name & Link: Horse design trade game
New Name: Rainforest Runner
Why do you want this character: his colouring is amazing!! Plus I’m a hoarder of pretty ponies.. lol. 
Small Background: Runner lives in a rainforest. He got his name partly due to the fact of bein born in a rainforest, and also as he was soon sprinting through it full speed. 

Current Name & Link: Unamed
New Name: Destrier
Why do you want this character: his colouring is awesome 
Small Background: Destrier was used a warhorse by Native Americans. Other tribes, used to their little Indian ponies, where frightened by his and his offsprings size, and would flee. 

Current Name & Link: Boop
New Name: Foxtrot
Why do you want this character: her colouring and pattern is amazing. 
Small Background: Foxtrot was born on a ranch. The rancher’s daughter picked her out of the foals, and she has become the girl’s Western dressage horse, reining horse, barrel horse, and anything else. 

Current Name & Link: Ally
New Name: Ice of Diamonds
Why do you want this character: I love unicorn style characters, and her colouring is cool. 
Small Background: Ice reigns over the rainbow unicorns that reside in a small, quiet valley, where falls reflecting the colour of rainbows thunder, and streams flow. 

Sorry if the backstory and that is lame, I’m tired, lol. 

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#186743 Posted on 2018-08-26 00:13:13

Current Name & Link: 2
New Name: Reena
Why do you want this character: Because she makes me think of my stuffed tiger. ♥ She's one of my stuffed animals closest to my heart.
Small Background: Reena was part of a herd of pegasi, who were chased out by man who thought them "unnatural". Most of the herd was killed, but Reena survived and is currently travelling with Indigo, another unnatural horse (if you want a pic of Indigo, I can send it to you). They are roaming the land, simply surviving and banding together more unnatural horses who weren't killed or driven out.

EDIT: I forgot! I really really want Coconut, also (because of my stuffed animal Coconut who I've had since I was two) I suck with offers, what were you thinking of?

Last edited on 2018-08-26 at 00:15:34 by Coconut the dog

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#186787 Posted on 2018-08-26 02:14:22

Aaaw... Midnight Outlaw..... I fell in love with boop..... so sad, that you claimed him....

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#186791 Posted on 2018-08-26 02:21:16






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#186801 Posted on 2018-08-26 04:45:51

I know you are hesitant on Moon so it's fine if you don't quite want to give her away! :)

Current Name & Link: Moon
New Name: I'll keep it if that's okay!
Why do you want this character:I think she is a stunner! I love her markings and her color. I think she would be a great addition to my herd!
Small Background: Moon was born in the Luminescent Herd. She was always one of the smartest foals. One day in a bad blizzard, the herd could not find shelter. Her mother couldn't make it and passed away. Moon was heartbroken. As she grew older she also grew fond of the foals in the herd. Now she is the foal caregiver. She watches the foals when the herd searches for food and adopts the foals who are abandoned. She is one of the most important mares in the herd.

Current Name & Link: Ally
New Name: Mystic
Why do you want this character: She is super pretty and I fell in love with her as soon as I saw her!
Small Background: Mystic comes from the planet Saturn. When she turned 4 years old she moved to Mars. Everything was different there and she felt like she didn't fit in. She quickly realized that Mars wasn't the place for her. She decided to move to Pluto. That's when she met Astro. She approached him in a friendly manner and they soon became best friends. He invited her to join the Stargazing Herd. She accepted and she is now one of the happiest mares on Pluto!

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#186803 Posted on 2018-08-26 05:24:26

Current Name & Link: Ally (I have no idea why, but my links are not working no matter what I try. I know how, it's just not working...
New Name: Arabella
Why do you want this character: So I can make her into a beautiful unicorn and spoil her by practicing my pixel art on her. ♥
Small Background: Arabella was born during the coldest, iciest winter her glory had ever seen. She was not due until spring, but little Arabella could not wait. The entire glory feared she would not survive, but survive she did. And with her came the surprise of a lifetime. When she touched her tiny horn to the ice, it melted. Grass grew wherever the icemelt touched, luscious, vibrant strands that would carry the glory through the rest of the winter. The air above the grass patches was warm, as if it had been touched by spring. Her starving glory stood around in shock, watching the innocent little filly save them in ways she didn't even understand. Her mother wept, and where the tears landed, bright blue flowers grew, smelling of lilacs. Winter ended quickly that year, and little Arabella grew into a beautiful, graceful mare. She never was able to melt ice again, but she only gained more respect from her glory. She was kind and patient, clever and cunning, wise and warm-hearted. When the old Queen passed without having offspring, even though Arabella was young, the entire glory vowed to serve her as their Queen. Arabella accepted, and she now leads the herd with grace and wisdom.

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#186806 Posted on 2018-08-26 05:58:26

I would like to purchase this one for 15k, please! Sending once confirmed.

Current Name & Link: this one & this one
New Name: Empi & Isto, both parts of the word 'trust' in Greek
Why do you want this character: I absolutely adore semi-natural characters, and I love the brindling on the first one (Empi) and the rabicano on the second one (Isto). Also, Isto's pink hair is fabulous, and I love characters with accessories/etc., so Empi's braids are nice as well.
Small Background: They look like they could be siblings, so this is what I came up with: Empi and Isto are twins, the gods of trust in others and trust in oneself, respectively. Empi is basically a human (horse?) lie detector (sometimes frustratingly so), though she has very low self-confidence, whereas Isto is clueless when it comes to the intentions of others, but is confident in his own abilities, sometimes to the point where he could be described as arrogant. They're nice horses, and like to help out when they can, though expect a healthy amount of sibling bickering.

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#186816 Posted on 2018-08-26 08:13:13

@Isla - It is all yours! Go ahead and send payment and I will mark it as sold :)

@Snoglobe - They are all yours! Go ahead and send payment and I will mark them as sold :)

@ Wey - They are all yours! And I would be willing to give Yuna back to you. Go ahead and send payment and I will mark them as sold :)

@Coconut - I don't have a set price for coconut :) 

@Caddy - You can post a write to adopt for boop. :) My free ones aren't first come first serve, I give them to those who I feel like would use them the most and have the best background story :) Also all of your links lead to the same horse, the free one, boop. 

@ Raptor - I messaged you back :) 

@ Outlaw, Coconut, Lumi, Syrien, and Raptor - I am going to think the write to adopts/free through for about a week and to see if anyone else enters and I will decide from there :) 

Last edited on 2018-08-26 at 08:18:12 by Beacon

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#186830 Posted on 2018-08-26 09:46:55

Current Name & Link: Horse Design Trade Game

New Name: I'm not sure of the name... I'd probably do something either in a foreign language or something that has to do with water and the ocean.

Why do you want this character: First, I adore the design and the colors! They go very well together and I love the stripes. If I won him/her I might pair him/her with my character Darce; I've been searching for a mate for him/her for a while. I'd like to get art of them together. c:

(btw for the background I'm just gonna call the character Unnamed because I don't know what I'd choose for the name)

Small Background: Unnamed was young when their herd moved on to a new place for the first time in his/her short life. When they first set off, Unnamed thought it would be a simple boring trip, and he/she was very matter of fact about that. As their journey continued, Unnamed found it very interesting to go to new places. When they arrived, Unnamed was soon begging other foals in the herd to go exploring with him/her. As Unnamed got older, he/she was adventurous as always, although because of an encounter with a raccoon when he/she was younger, Unnamed was more cautious, although he/she still liked to explore and adventure from time to time.

I tried my best, it's only me second background/backstory ever, so...

Beautiful design ♥

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#186833 Posted on 2018-08-26 09:52:46

awesome! sending payment now but will not be able to save for a bit if that’s ok c:

edit: payment sent and everything has been saved

Last edited on 2018-08-26 at 11:35:10 by wey

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#186841 Posted on 2018-08-26 10:08:02

Current Name & Link: Ally
New Name: Abbi
Why do you want this character: I don't have many pastely purple, bright characters in my herd and she would be a cute addition ♥ And I find myself shipping her with my Moondust
Small Background: Abbi was born into a herd hidden from civilization, no one knew of the hidden unicorn herd just beyond the depths of the forbidden forests. Although a cute foal, she was born without a horn. Her parents felt shame in the fact she had no horn upon her head. They kept her hidden from the herd and soon chased her off, wanting her out of their life for good so they may raise a normal foal. Out on her own in the big scary forest all she could do was walk. One day she stumbled upon another foal out on it's own in the forest. She approached and quickly made friends with Moondust, and they began a life long friendship together. Now they cannot be separated, and have created their own little herd of misfits, all unnaturals whom didn't fit in and seeked acceptance from others. Giving others the chance for happiness and life, safe from disapproving eyes.

Current Name & Link: Nala
New Name: Nala
Why do you want this character: I saw her when you had the first forum open, but told myself I didn't need her... BUT I do need her. I love her art style, and coloring. I have a soft spot for thick appy spots.
Small Background: Nala was born in captivity, nothing really special. She was broken in and trained by the ranch owner before she was sold on to Sweet Revenge Equestrian Center, where she was put to work and started being specialized. She made many friends there, as well as a few enemies. Though she adores her new trainer, and would do anything to please him.

Current Name & Link: For Adopt Game
New Name: Devil's Damnation // Double D
Why do you want this character: I LOVE his smoke-esque markings and how they seem to melt onto his face.
Small Background: Double D was a bully from the moment he was born, bullying all the foals around in the same herd he was born into. He'd chase them off, and always get himself into trouble from his own mother. He feigned not caring but he did care for his mother dearly. When a roundup crew came in and chased them to a pen, he was devastated as one by one they were split off and soon enough more two legs took them away from eachother. Some in pairs, others single. He was took as a single, squealing as he was taken away from everything he'd even know and thrown into a metal box. He didn't take well to becoming a human's toy, and attacks fairly often. He only wants his herd back, even though he has a small one now.. He yearns to go back in time to save them from capture, to allow his mother freedom for the rest of her life.

Current Name & Link:
New Name: Blue's Ruse
Why do you want this character: Very unique markings, and I love his color scheme. He looks mystical while still realistic!
Small Background: Ruse actually had come from the same herd Double D did, just older than him when they were rounded up. He took better to everything though. He was bought by a family with a little girl in mind for him. He settled well and took training and breaking like a champion. Soon enough the small girl was brushing him daily and leading him everywhere for adventures. He followed her with curious eyes as she went on and on about everything they'd do together in the future. And she never lied. He took her through progressions of competitions and never gave a bad move to her, taking her from lead line all the way into 2' jumpers. He remained loyal to her, and their bond was unbreakable.

Current Name & Link: Moon
New Name: Crispy
Why do you want this character: The warm colors and cool eye color has my heart hooked ♥
Small Background: Crispy was broken in to be a child's pony and that was that. Tote around the kids and put up with their terrible signaling and screaming nature. Trust me kid, If I was gonna throw you you'd know it. She occasionally was ridden by adults, but it was few and far between. After throwing one too many kids out of rage she was put out on a break for awhile. She got bored and restless not being ridden and soon took it upon herself to slip the fence and run free, out into the forest where she could finally be free... Too bad she got spooked by a moving tree branch and ran straight back to the barn where she was soon sold on as "Too much of a problem" and bought by SREQ where she could finally be rid of those bratty kids... or so she thought.

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