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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

#88614 Posted on 2017-01-22 09:35:17

(Okay, Fishy is back, so that's great. :D Don't need pup RPers.... We're all good. Whew. ;D)

Aqui - RW Beta
He was going to talk about what made a good mentor, but stopped himself. That wasn't what was needed now, a lesson about mentoring. He admonished himself with a slight grin. Being beta was becoming ingrained in his think pattern. Besides, he had first hand knowledge of good and bad mentors. His favorite mentor as a pup had been what any good mentor should be, but had died in a fight for food. Aqui had gone to his next mentor, a wolf with no thought to his puppy mind and brain. One mentoring session, this wolf began to torment Aqui about his skills in hunting when he slipped that he had killed Aqui's previous mentor, not the elk they were trying to down. Aqui had told his pack, but no one believed him. He shook off the thoughts. "We did really good taking it down. It didn't take long as it could have." He thought a moment. "Your mentor was wrong about you being slow, Saphria, if your job today was any sign." His ears perked toward the pack. He stood slowly, reluctantly. He nodded to Saphria before heading toward the camp, knowing he had heard someone mention Nyx and her pups. He smiled. Pups!

Kiyiya - LV Pup
She blinked her eyes open when her mother called her, sitting up. She nudged Ahruth lightly. "Food, Ahruth," she whispered to him. She stood and shook herself off, a weak attempt at flattening her ruffled fur. She padded to Mommy and licked her near the mouth. "I can wait for Ahruth, Mommy, if you want." She cast a glance towards Zulik, remembered her chance earlier to pounce on him. Oh, well.

Shazda - LV Delta
She sighed and gave her fur a shake. When Cana entered with Akhan, she let out a relieved sigh. He would eat, then it would be a blur when the Deltas could get some food.

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#88742 Posted on 2017-01-23 10:29:33

Cana LV queen

Her bright yellow orbs followed Zulik out side then looked back at her other two pups, "you better hurry up before Zulik eats it all!" she grinned, "come on" backing out of the den. She turned to the prey pile seeing that Akhan had taken his fill, "plenty left for everyone" she thought. Although she'd eaten recently the fawn meat was too good to let the opportunity pass by, they rarely got fawn meat becuase it was a seasonal type of prey. Trotting over she pulled off a delicate strip of meat and waved her tale at the pups to signal them over. Flicking her head she tossed it in the air to see which of her pups would catch it first, then turned back and took some for herself. Walking to the long grass at the edge of camp she tucked in to her meat watching the pups play.

Zulik LV pup

The little grey-black pup raced over to his mother, nearly tripping up in his excitement, he'd had deer before but this smelled sweeter and more delicate than deer, I'll have to ask mum what this is! he thought. The meat was tossed up and he lept up to catch it but missed, coming back to earth he looked around frantically where's it gone!?

Shapria RW delta

Smiling up at Aqui, "thanks, silly of me to get wound up about it" she looked back to the water as he left, she'd give Nyx some time to show the alpha and beta her new pups before she went to see them. In all honestly she wasn't that keen on pups they got very annoying when they grew up. Her thoughts drifted to her brother shed left behind...

Elanae RW pup

She scrambled helplessly to her mothers milk, finally finding her and taking a big drink. This new world was cold and bright and full of scents she didn't understand yet. She curled up into her brother and sister.

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#88794 Posted on 2017-01-23 14:33:05

Kiyiya LV Pup
She was torn between waiting for her little brother and rushing outside to get meat. She had just resolved to wait for Ahruth when Mommy threw the meat in the air. Zulik will get it, she thought. When he missed, she leaped to her feet and ran out, snagging it just before it hit the ground. She looked to her mother, pride shining in her eyes. She had never done that before. Acorns and pinecones she had always missed. She gave a little wag of her tail toward her mother before taking a little bite from the meat. It was tender, a sweeter version of deer. She loved it, but dragged it clumsily to the den to share with her brothers. She was going to tease Zulik about his clumsiness, but as she opened her mouth to speak she noticed that it might hurt his feelings. "Zulik, come share with me and Ahruth!" She took another nibble on the delicacy.

Aqui RW Beta
He padded into camp, mind still back at the stream sitting by Shapria. Back when his mentors' faces had flashed in his mind. He let out a sigh and shook those thoughts from his mind as he entered the pack's main camp. He peered around a moment, seeing where everyone was. All was good. He lifted his paws one after the other, and entered the Queen's den. A gasp of admiration escaped his throat at the squirming bundles. "They're beautiful, Nyx!" He wondered for a moment if he would ever be the father of pups. He felt saddened that these pups would grow without a father. But he knew the pack would dote on them. A soft smile creased his muzzle. Java will be please, he thought.

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#88985 Posted on 2017-01-25 03:39:24

(I am so sorry I haven't posted! I am very very ill and I am hardly able to keep my eyes open long enough to be considered even partially awake, let alone to type out a whole reply. Just writing this I am struggling to keep my eyes open. I understand completely if someone wants to take over my characters. I didnt expect to get as sick as i am. But it doesnt appear I'll be better any time soon.)

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#89162 Posted on 2017-01-26 09:37:59

(hope your ok soon!)


Confused he looked around seeing Kiyiya had the meat. "Hey! I was trying to catch that!!" he exclaimed, with a pouty look he joined his siblings to eat the meat, "fine you won that one Kiyi" he grumbled.


She watched her pups play and argue she smiled, they definitely need mentors soon she thought. As much as she would miss snuggling up with them in the queens den she needed to get back out hunting and exercising, she was loosing form and wasn't proud of it. Her thought turned to Akhan, I hope he sees they are ready to grow up when she suggested it earlier he had stayed quiet rather than offering an opinion, she wasn't sure what to think of that.


Shaking of the nostalgic feeling that had come over her she headed back to camp to meet the new pups!

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#89167 Posted on 2017-01-26 10:01:56

Mako (Little Valley)

Mako waited as the alpha queen and pups ate their fill, he stood up and walked over to the kill pile. He could see the pups playing near it as he got closer, he stopped near a rabbit picking it up. He wanted t eat it now, but didn't want to eat near anyone. He left the kill pile, clutching the hare. When he was away from everyone he sat down and began to eat, from where he was eating he could still see the others.

Vixen (Rustling wind)

Vixen watched as Aqui entered the queens den, she looked away form the den and looked around camp. She trying to figure out what she wanted to do, she wanted to go back in the cave. While at the same time wanted her friend to have time with her pups alone, she sighed and stood deciding to go for a walk.

Magnus (Rustling wind)

Magnus let out a yawn and stretched, a smell filled his nose it was something other then his mother and siblings. He cuddled up closer, moving to where he was nearly on top of his sisters. He let out one more yawn, before falling asleep once more.

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#89169 Posted on 2017-01-26 10:03:32

(Thanks Tiger! I went to the doctor. I have the stomach flu, and am on bedrest for the time being. But I will try and reply.]

Ahkan LV Alpha

Ahkan had retreated with his meat to his ledge. His mind on what Cana said about the pups. She was right, they were getting old enough to start their training. But they had yet to decide who the heir was to be. And that needed decided before any of their training were to begin. Kiyiya was out of the question. A female Alpha? Never. Not in his pack. But Zulik was so clumsy and didn't seem to be maturing any time soon. Wasn't the most intelligent either. But Ahruth was so quiet. And so numb. Not to mention that he was the runt.
There was no obvious choice for the next Alpha. But it needed delt with soon. Cana wanted to get back out into the forest, and Ahkan knew that. But making sure the next Alpha of his pack was the best choice for the future was more important to him than Cama having to wait just a bit longer, and he hoped his mate realized that.

Ahruth LV Pup

The small silver pup sat, watching Kiyiya and Zulik. He grunted when they went for the meat. "I'd like some, too, you know." His voice quiet yet strong as he spoke. His belly felt empty after missing out on the chance to nurse. Now smelling the heavy scent of the fawn and rabbits drew him in, making the pang of hunger even worse.

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#89186 Posted on 2017-01-26 12:41:08

Zulik LV pup

Looking at his little brother he said "well come get some then" he offered out a sliver of meat to Ahruth but slowly backed away. "You need to be faster Ahruth!" He mumbled around the mouthful. In his head this was not unkind, he just wanted his little brother to get involved and be competitive like a normal wolf pup.

Saphria RW delta

Heading into camp she saw Aqui enter Nyxs den, I'll give them a moment she thought. The silver she-wolf looked up at the sky, small cloudy flicked quickly across the blue-ness, autumn wouldn't be too far away and these lazy summer days were not to be wasted. The winter will come...

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#89224 Posted on 2017-01-26 15:40:32

Kiyiya - LV Pup
She looked to Ahruth, surprised. She lowered her eyes to the meat, then raised them again to her little brother. "You know," she mumbled, "I did tell Zulik to join me and you, Ahruth." She normally didn't fight with her little brother, but butterflies were filling her stomach as she remembered her father's admonishment earlier. "Zulik," she said softly, a quiet reminder to be kind. She tore off a decent chunk of fawn and carried it to Ahruth. "Here," she said. "Get more if you want." She recalled how he hadn't had any milk. She turned and smiled at Zulik, her eyes challenging him to a game later. Then she bounced off to sit by her mother. She curled her tail around her feet and looked up at her mommy. "Mommy, when can we start to learn to be a big wolf?" Kiyi grinned, her eyes twinkling. "I wanna be the bestest wolf in the pack, so you and Daddy will be proud of me."

Aqui RW Beta
He exited the den softly, giving Nyx a smile and a wag of his tail. He wondered when Java would stop by. He walked by Saphria, lost in thought, eyes soft after seeing the new lives in the den.

Shazda LV Delta
She took off a little bit of meat from the fawn, savoring the taste. Though she had carried in the rabbits, she preferred the fawn meat. It was soft, sweet, and a delicious reward for the hunt. She ate it slowly, savoring it.

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#89265 Posted on 2017-01-26 20:01:03

Nyx RW Queen

Shaking her dark black fur she blinked her pale yellow orbs at them in sorrow for them. Giving a half whine at them never going to be able to meet there father before them. Turning to Aqui as he entered she thumped her tail with please at him as she looked at her pups. Pulling them closer to her warm black fur as she looked at them with love. Licking Magnus, Elanae, and Saffron on the head gently. Looking back to Aqui she thumped her tail on the ground loudly as she watched him. Waiting for any others to come look at her precious pups.

Saffron RW Pup
The dark black furred pup snuggled closer to her siblings. Giving a yawn she turned to Aqui not knowing he was there and crawled blindly foreword at him. Latching onto a big paw of his compared to her she tried to suckle the big paw. Giving a whimper and a squirm she turned away rolling back over onto Magnus right on top of him.

Pyro LV Delta

The grey furred male rolled onto his stomach as he saw Shazda go to the fawn. Standing up and walking to the fawn he tore into the fawn's flank ripping a piece of meat off quickly and carrying it to go eat in peace. Beginning to eat the savory fawns meat quietly in his spot.

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#89403 Posted on 2017-01-27 15:03:37

Vixen (Rustling wind)

Vixen padded out of camp, she didn't have any place in mind to where she was going. She ended up by a river, sitting down she watched the water run past. She let out a yawn, she laid down putting her front paws in the water. She decided she would take a nap here, then go back and get a better look at Nyx's pups.

Mako (Little Valley)

Mako licked the blood from his jaws as he finished the hare, he just laid there watching the pups play around. He was bored and wanted something to do, he could see that both Pyro and Shazda where still eating. He was bored enough to talk to someone, but didn't want to interrupt them while they eat.

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#89439 Posted on 2017-01-27 17:10:22

He padded mindlessly around the pack's camp for a few minutes, stewing and stewing. He knew that Nyx was probably mighty proud of her pups. Seeing as Java hadn't yet had the chance to go in, he decided to go back in. When he entered, a young she-wolf pup latched onto his paw. He smiled softly at her as she turned back to her siblings. "I bet they'll be a pawful," he joked quietly.

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#89480 Posted on 2017-01-27 20:57:59

Nyx RW Queen

Looking up at Aqui she nodded "Yes they will be a pawful" she joked back motioning to her three tiny pups. Looking at Aqui she cast her orbs to the ground for a moment before looking back up at him blinking her pale yellow orbs up at him. With her throat hitching in her throat she looked back at him. "Aqui..... I know its been a while since Summit died....I like you a lot" she mumbled to him casting her eyes back to her pups and giving a half whine as she looked back at the male in front of her. "If you don't like me I understand" she said giving off another half whine and looking at the ground.

Saffron RW Pup

The dark black pup shifted beside her littermates and sent a squeal loudly as she could feeling her mothers fear scent. Whimpering and crawling onto Magnus completely she whimpered once more and latched onto an ear sucking on it.

Pyro LV Delta
The gray mixed male chewed one last mouthful before looking back to Shazda and to the other deltas around. Shaking his fur and standing up giving his ruffled fur a shake and inhaling a breath. Flexing out his legs he began he looked at any delta around to start a conversation with.

Codex FR Alpha
The light red male gave a half growl aloud to himself seeing no deltas move. "Fine I'll hunt for the pack by myself your welcome to join me if you want" he said directing it to any wolf in the camp. Blinking his light amber eyes and walking swiftly head high to the camp entrance. Leaving the entrance he threw his nose to the ground ready for the hunt ahead of him.

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#89540 Posted on 2017-01-28 09:24:55

Aqui RW Beta
He blinked. Had Nyx...? He stared at his paws a moment, his heart thrown into confusion. He had always disliked the fact wolves wouldn't approach him personally, because he's beta. Had thought of it today. And now... He blinked again, clearing his thoughts. "I..." he stammered. He took a deep breath and lifted his eyes to Nyx, his confidence back. "Thank you, Nyx," he said softly. "You're a wonderful she-wolf but, I just..." He didn't want to hurt her. "I don't know where my heart stands right now." He sighed, hating how he had to do this. Nyx was wonderful, but his heart didn't beat hard when around her, he didn't feel it. Didn't feel anything more than friendly affection. "This won't affect our friendship, right?" he murmured. "I still think you are a great friend, a great wolf." He looked at her pups, and a realization hit him. It wouldn't feel right, getting close to Nyx in a way that Summit had before when she reared his pups. His eyes softened sadly. "I'm sorry, Nyx." He looked back to his paws. "I think... Maybe I should let someone else visit." He smiled at her. "I don't want this to ruin your day to be proud and happy. Your pups are absolutely stunning." He stepped up to her and gave her a friendly nuzzle before leaving the den.

Shazda LV Delta
She finished off her meat and shook her fur out, licking her muzzle around her mouth for any remnants. She sat, curling her tan tail around her small paws. She smiled, realizing how everyone was looking for a conversation. If their glances around meant anything. She blinked her chocolate orbs and waited. She didn't mind being by herself, thinking.

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#89560 Posted on 2017-01-28 10:30:49

Nyx RW Queen

Nyx nodded hearing those words of uninterested in her. Blinking her pale yellow eyes and lowering her muzzle avoiding eye contact hoping the beta would leave the den now. Giving a simple shake of her head and standing up she looked at the corner that held Summit's scent the most from when they would lay together. Giving a half whine and picking Mako up gently in her jaws she carried him to the corner sitting him down gently. Going back and picking up Elanae and picking her up and walking to the corner and setting her down. Going finally to Saffron the finale pup she picked her up and walked to the corner laying down nuzzling into there fur. Breathing in there warm scents she laid her muzzle down near Magnus touching his side.

Pyro LV Delta

Falling asleep once more he was dragged back into a nightmare that kept repeating inside his head of how is littermate died. Giving a loud whine and moving a paw in his sleep he twisted to the side whining again as the events played through his mind. "No" he said moving another paw in his sleep loudly as he twisted once again whine coming from him as he growled in his sleep.

Last edited on 2017-01-28 at 10:35:32 by Daphne101

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