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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP)

#87274 Posted on 2017-01-12 19:20:21

Nyx RW Queen

Nyx lifted her head seeing Vixen enter and started thumping her tail loudly on the den floor. Seeing Aqui come in slowly and call Vixen back out to be scolded she felt a whine rumble in her throat. Slinking further into her nest as she closed her pale yellow orbs in pain. Giving another short whine she rolled onto her side panting heavily her flanks heaving up and down. Struggling in her nest to push away from the pain she have a short howl as her face twisted in agony. Panting heavily in her nest drool forming out the side and falling into a puddle she continued panting knowing the pups would arrive soon.


Giving a short nod he picked up the medium sized fawn in his jaws. The gray male set off to camp holding there prized catch they caught. Resisting the urge to bite the fawn he continued on shaking his pelt as he walked. Soon his amber colored orbs landed upon the camp as he entered the camp in a brisk pace. Dropping the fawn down on the ground gently he stepped back and walked over to go sit by himself like he normally did.

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#87275 Posted on 2017-01-12 19:55:09

Mako (Little Valley)

Mako lifted his head as he saw Pyro coming back to camp, he licked his lips at the site of the fawn. He knew would have to wait until the alpha ate along with the queens, before he could even think of eating. He laid his head back down, there was no point at staring at the fawn, it would only make him more tempted to go and eat it. He wondered how it would take for him eat.

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#87403 Posted on 2017-01-13 16:12:36

Shazda - LV Delta
She hurried off to the rabbits, digging them out and rushing back to the camp, following Pyro. Her mouth watered as the gamey smell of the rabbits rushed her nostrils. She would have to wait. She let out a huff of breath as she entered camp, glad to set down the rabbits. They were a big temptation after hunting for a while, but not so great it couldn't be resisted.

Aqui - RW Delta
A pang hit him as he saw Saphria slink off. He felt bad at his harsh words, but he needed to remind the flourishing young pack of the rules. He excused himself from Java and rushed after the she-wolf. He followed her scent and quietly came up behind her at a stream. She was crying, and he felt his heart squeeze knowing he had caused it. He gently padded up beside her, breaking the silence and letting her know of his presence. "I'm sorry," he said, more soft than his usual soft voice.

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#87408 Posted on 2017-01-13 16:37:57

Vixen (Rustling wind)

Vixen looked back to the queens den, there was no point in her sulking over this. She stood up, as she headed to the den she noticed that Aqui had left and gone somewhere. She entered the den, giving Nyx a small smile. She sat across from her "I ate when I shouldn't have", she curled her tail so that it was touching her front paws. "so did you get enough to eat" she didn't want to stay on the subject of what she had done wrong.

Mako (Little Valley)

Mako looked back to the fawn, he saw that Shazda had come back as well. He saw that she had a few rabbits with her, he hoped that he might be able to grab a rabbit for himself. Not that it would happen, but he could hope.

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#87451 Posted on 2017-01-14 06:29:21

Java - RW Alpha

Java lifted her head from her paws when Aqui began to scold the deltas for eating before he did. She knew he would feel bad about, but they had to learn. "No, Aqui, you weren't too harsh on them," she told him with the wag of her tail. Soon after, he left in the direction that Shazda ran, making her shake her head. She stood up and paced around, trying to think of something to do for the remainder of the day.

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#87462 Posted on 2017-01-14 08:35:16


Hearing another wolf come up behind her she quickly flicked a tear from her nose and lifted her silver head so not too look sad, but Aqui had already seen, she turned to face him, "no, no Aqui you were right, I forgot! It's my fault and that wasn't even really a big deal..." she drifted off not wanting to explain why she got upset over it.


With a bashful grin at Akhan "come on, we better get back to camp, the hunt will be back soon and the pups will be awake" giving him a nudge she trotted off towards camp with her belly full of rabbit, looking back to see if he was following. A thought that had been playing on her mind for a while now resurfaced "Akhan... do you think it's nearly time for the pups to be put into training with a mentor?" she paused to check his expression then continued "Kiyiya and Zulik are ready to begin exploring outside of camp... Ahruth might benefit from longer in the den but the other two can't begin training without that would be very unfair on our littlest." she continued on babbling slightly, she wasn't sure if Akhan would agree. "Maybe if he is partnered with a sensitive, understanding mentor he will do well?" she looked at him for approval of her idea.

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#87781 Posted on 2017-01-16 15:38:34

(hey everyone, lets keep this going!)

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#87975 Posted on 2017-01-17 19:10:52

Nyx RW Queen

Lifting her head to look at Vixen she let a whine escape from her throat as she pawed the floor. Rolling onto her side again and panting heavily pain twisted on her face in agony she whined again. Closing her pale yellow orbs she heaved and bit down on the nearest twig as a pup came out. Whining once more and struggling away she breathed in as she pushed again another one coming out. Whining and looking to Vixen as she panted heavily drool dripping onto the den floor in a puddle. Letting out a small howl she pushed once more the pup coming out. Sighing in relief as she was done she raised her head weakly to look at her precious pups.

Pyro LV Delta
The grey colored male laid onto his side watching the prey pile. Giving a mumble he closed his amber orbs in an attempt to clear his head from the tempting prey. Giving a moan he rolled onto his back watching the clouds.

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#87991 Posted on 2017-01-17 20:12:21

(My life became very very hectic recently and I am unable to take the time to right detailed, quality responses currently. I am so sorry guys! I completely understand if you guys want to kill off or have someone else play my characters. I don't know when I'll get a chance to be on to write agaun, but it probably won't be until this weekend at the earliest. My most sincere apologies!)

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#88470 Posted on 2017-01-21 07:17:26

Vixen (Rustling wind)

Vixen wagged the tip of her tail, she could see three pups. "You have to name them now", she gave Nyx a warm smile. She thought about telling the others, but thought that Nyx would want to rest before ever came in to see the new members. She stood up and headed to leave the cave, "I'll let you rest before I tell the others unless you want them to know now." she looked back at her as she spoke.

Magnus (Rustling wind)

Magnus let out a little grunt as he searched for his mother, he was hungry and wanted to eat. He slowly made his way to her side, nuzzling up to her and began to drink the milk his mother provided. He was warm laying next her, it didn't take long for him to fall asleep after he had his fill.

(not all that sure how to post for a new born pup :P )

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#88566 Posted on 2017-01-21 18:56:02

(Sorry guys for not being active! I was on vacation for a week. Let's try to keep this going. I believe we need one person to play a pup of Daphne's and if anyone is willing to take over Agapi's characters until she returns -if she would like to take them back when she is able to - that would be highly appreciated)

Aqui - RW Beta
He hated how she tried to hide her tears. That was one downfall of being beta - the others didn't like showing weakness or pain to him. He suppressed a sigh, moving in closer to comfort the she-wolf. His pelt brushed against hers when he sat down next to her. "You're allowed to be upset," he said quietly, staring at the rushing water. "Emotion isn't a bad thing." His ears flicked slightly, his dark eyes softening.

Shazda - LV Delta
After she set the rabbits down she sat, waiting for the Alpha, Beta, and Queens to eat. Her stomach rumbled slightly. The after effects of carrying back warm prey and not being able to bite down and enjoy it. This momentary hunger was better than living without a pack, though. She looked around the clearing contentedly.

Kiyiya - LV Pup
She was pulled from the dream world slowly, her eyes still slightly heavy. She lay still for a moment, cherishing the warmth of her brothers on each side. Finally she sat up, blinking her eyes to clear the sleep from them. She flicked her ears toward the den opening, hoping for her mother to enter. Her ruffled puppy fur would need attention, but she was too tired to focus on that right now. She looked at her brothers and blinked a few times. A grin began to play on her tired face. She could jump on Zulik and he wouldn't be strong for a few seconds until he woke up completely. A yawn over took her. Maybe not. With a soft smile, she lay back down between her brothers and drifted into light sleep as she waited for Mommy.

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#88599 Posted on 2017-01-22 06:27:17

(I'm back, but i was sick yesterday. If you guys would be willing to powerplay Ahkan and Ryaki [only their basic actions no words or anything] for what they need to do to keep the RP going until i get home and get on my laptop [currently on my phone and it is extremely hard to type out full length replies] then that would be great.)

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#88601 Posted on 2017-01-22 07:05:17

Cana (LV queen)

They were nearly at camp, Akhan hadn't replied but she knew he was thinking it over. As they reached the entrance to camp they slowed to a walk and Cana gave Akhan a quick nuzzle "I better go find our pups" she said and trotted to the Queens den, her long black tail swishing in a relaxed way as she went. Scenting the rabbits the hunters had brought in she thought of her own rabbit she'd just had, maybe i should've just waited for the hunters... ohh well more for everyone else she grinned as she thought of how Akhan had seen her miss t the first time. Poking her head in to the den she saw Kiyiya had woken up and was now just dozing, "hey sweetie, there's fresh meat just been brought back, would you like some?" she looked at her other two pups still asleep, the size difference between the brothers was astounding, she had to admit to herself I'm surprised Ahruth made it threw the first week. She shook away the upsetting thought and nudged Zulik, "come on, the hunters are back".

Zulik (LV pup)

There was a really tall, dark, shadowy wolf standing over him, he was trying to get up but he was stuck, the wolf was growling and barking at him, he had to get away! A gentle nudge brought him out of his dream filled sleep. He sat up and shook his head to get rid of the scary image and opened his blue eyes with a yawn, he was about to whine about his scary dream but at the word meat he forgot all about it, "Meat!? Great!" with that he bounded out of the den into the afternoon sun.

Shapria (RW delta)

As Aqui sat down close next to her she felt a shiver of nervousness and a bashful grin adorned her face, she'd been thinking how nice it would be to get to know Aqui alone before the hunt, now it seemed to be reality. There was a softness in his eyes that relaxed her, "Thanks Aqui," she looked up to catch his facial expresssion before returning her blue gaze to the water, "I just don't like getting things wrong... it seems to take me a long time to learn stuff. My mentor always used to pick up on how I was slow to learn which frustrated me a lot." She spat the word slow at the thought of her uncaring mentor she'd had as a pup. "But anyway" she said trying to lighten the mood, "we did great bringing down that deer..." she trailed off unsure what to say now.

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#88605 Posted on 2017-01-22 07:18:48

All the pups are given rpers. Me, Tiger, koda

Nyx RW Queen

Taking a shaky breath she breathed in the scent of her newborn puppies looking at them in awe. Nuzzling each one closer to her stomach she looked at the only male and licked his head seeing he was a mixture of Summit and her. "I will name you Magnus" she said laying her fluffy tail over her puppies. Looking at the other light silver pup she wagged her tail "I will name you Elanae" she said licking her pups head and turning to the first born s she thumped her tail "You will be Saffron" she looked to Vixen "If you want to tell the pack you may" she said dipping her head slowly as she looked at her precious puppies.

Saffron RW Pup

The dark black she-wolf pup nuzzled closer to her mother and her brother Magnus. With eyes and ears still closed tight she crawled on top of her brother fighting for the best spot to nurse. Shrinking back as she felt a slobbery object hit her body she rolled over her brother and to his other side tagging on his ear with her mouth.

Pyro LV Delta

The gray male twitched in his sleep he had fallen into again. On his back he was faced up to the sky. Waking back up and looking at the good prey he sighed feeling the hunger pain inside him. Giving a sharp growl he rolled onto his side looking at the prey pile.

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#88606 Posted on 2017-01-22 07:47:47

Vixen (Rustling wind)

Vixen nodded "I'll tell the others", she gave Nyx a smile before leaving the cave. She was sure who to tell first, so she went to he middle of camp. She looked to all the wolves smiling, "Nyx had her pups" there wasn't really anything else to say. She looked to the queens den, she was going to let her rest before going back.

Magnus (Rustling wind)

Magnus moved closer to his mother as he felt her tail on him. He let out a small whine as one of his sisters rolled over him and woke him up, it didn't much bother him though he was more surprised then anything. He moved his head resting it on his sister as he slept.

Mako (Little Valley)

Mako gave Cana a side glance as she headed back into the den, he was glad the pups had just slept the whole time she had been gone. He turned his attention to the prey pile, licking his lips, the more he looked at it the more tempted he was go eat. He looked away and instead looked around at the other wolves, most where ready to eat a well.

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