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Show System Discussion

#268943 Posted on 2023-05-08 08:15:13

For the first time in a long time, my showing income is a major loss. I used to earn a net profit from showing my horses. Today, it's a major loss. I spent 70k on a show and only earned 20k back. I will be monitoring my current 1st gen horses and see if it gets any better.

I am curious if anyone else is having the same problem.

For those who don't know where to find their showing profit/loss.

You can go to your bank and search those two sentences:

1. "Amount spent on show entry fees yesterday."
2. "Amount earned in shows yesterday."

If your #2 is higher than #1, it's a net profit. If your #2 is lower than #1, it's a net loss.

Last edited on 2023-06-10 at 13:09:25 by Lucia

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#268944 Posted on 2023-05-08 08:24:12

That's not an accurate figure. It only shows the amount spent vs the amount from shows running between each progression. Looking at your horses it looks like not all of your entered shows from yesterday have run, so it will look a little lower than if they all had run. By contrast, by running today they will make your earnings look higher tomorrow. 

If you wanted a more accurate number you would have to no pending shows for a day, progress the next day and enter shows, and then not show for 1-2 days and total the numbers up over those days. 

Last edited on 2023-05-08 at 08:27:44 by maplɛ

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#268945 Posted on 2023-05-08 08:28:19

Even with that, I almost always got profit even when some of my horses show haven't run. A few times, it's a loss but the loss is small and often turns out to be an actual profit.

I analyzed my remaining horses whose shows didn't run. It still will turn out to be a loss. The remaining horses most likely will earn me 20k max based. That will be 40k or less. Which means it is most likely to be a 30k loss or more.

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#268946 Posted on 2023-05-08 08:35:01

Would you at least be breaking even with the numbers even if it's not as high a profit? I wonder if it might help with the gripe some people have had with money being too easy to obtain sometimes. * I misread I thought you meant you were usually making 70k profit not that you had spent 70k. How often do you show your horses? 

 I showed pretty late and progressed pretty early so I don't have a good reading on my numbers but I spent 22k and earned 38k on highest entry showing. So I'm definitely breaking even with continued showing. This is a mix of national, regional and local but mostly local horses that I'm showing. Since the novice band numbers didn't change they shouldn't be affected at all. 

Last edited on 2023-05-08 at 08:44:42 by maplɛ

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#268947 Posted on 2023-05-08 08:50:30

I show my horses daily. However, the new change already forced me to show all of my horses regardless of their standings. I normally only show horses who are at the higher end of their grades. However, with the new ranges, it's much harder to check who is at the higher end. I can't check by a quick glance like I used to. I have to compare every single horse to the grade chart and I do not have time for that.

Plus the new changes meant there are more grades with a larger range. In the past, the regionals have 99 points range. Now, it's at L3. My horses usually slowed down at Regional and now, they will slow down at L3. So the new ranges kinda backfired on me since that means I will have more horses stuck at the lower end of the grade for longer than in the past.

In the past, on my lazy days, I would just show all of the horses. Those days, I usually break even or have a small loss. A major loss is a concern for me as it never happens to me in a long time. It will be interesting to see if more people will show their horses or not. If we have more entries, then the winning pots will be higher but if people don't show their horses then it will only screw me over.

That's why I said that I will continue to monitor my foundations for the next few months. I don't mind breaking even but if it's continuous to be a major loss, then I can't even survive. The first day of the new change, it's a major loss. Will things change over time? That depends on several factors. Will more people show their horses and help increase the winning pots or not? Will the new level changes help my horses to spread out better or not? Etc.

Last edited on 2023-05-08 at 08:54:42 by Lucia

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#268948 Posted on 2023-05-08 09:24:12

I've recently begun showing my horses again, and I usually don't find enough shows for all of them so they compete against each other with no other competition, which guarantees me all of the prize money, regardless of the fact they are competing in the hunger games fashion most people tend to avoid. So I haven't noticed a whole lot of difference...

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#268951 Posted on 2023-05-08 09:54:23

given the new system has barely been out for a couple days i'd assume the transition period would cause some weirdness, there's been a couple days where bigger stat ranges were competing against each other. i had done all my showing just before the update rolled out so a lot of my horses who were previously at the top of their grade now had to compete while being near the bottom. but that transition period should have passed by now i think? i'd be more worried if this was still happening a week or so down the line. not to mention throughout the past i regularly get profit loss days, but rolling over the next day i'll see that i have way more than my usual profit.

throwing this one in cause honestly i have no idea what happened this day lolll

i'm still adjusting to the new system and trying to track what happens to my earnings when i don't show horses based on grade. so far over the past 2 days i've only gotten $5-6k in profit per day but again, way too early for me to form a full opinion about this system just yet.

Last edited on 2023-05-08 at 10:04:14 by forgottenland

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#269213 Posted on 2023-05-18 00:22:53

I'm not going to show my horses anymore. With levels ending at 49/99 it was reallly easy to tell when a horse was closer to the top or bottom of their grade. Now, it's too much effort to figure that out for the number of horses I have. Not trying to spend hours upon hours showing them. Oh well.

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#269215 Posted on 2023-05-18 07:18:32

Why not try showing them without trying to get the top of the grade tiers? It can help but it's not a be all end all tactic to showing when the spendings/winnings averages out over a horses lifetime. You're far more likely to get more stats overall from showing than from the riding school if you are showing every day vs the select few days that horses are at the higher end of a grade. It seems to me if you're aiming for stat increases then the more shows the better?

I'm still bringing in a fair amount of profit, the change hasn't impacted anything winnings wise for me and it's more beneficial with horses now having more of their own grade to compete against vs being spread out in low population disciplines/tiers. 

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#269227 Posted on 2023-05-18 12:11:13

I still seem to be making a decent profit from showing. I had to go back a few days to look as I haven't been showing daily lately. 

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#269260 Posted on 2023-05-22 07:01:27

@ Wox, I definitely can understand you. Before the changes, all of my horses are spread out among the grades. I usually have 4 or fewer horses per grade level. Now, I have a bunch of horses in L4 and L5. It's taking them forever to get out of that level because the range is much larger than the original L4/L5 range. It's not easy to identify who is are the lower end of the grade or not so I can't just school the horses in the lower end like I usually do. Due to that, it has taken them much longer to earn enough stats to get out of that level. 

It's frustrating. It's like our complaints aren't being heard. It was a well-known complaint that a lot of us hate the large range in Regional+ levels.

In my experience, you can take a Foundation horse from Novice 1 up to National 1 in their lifetime fairly consistently, with daily showing and optimized NSS, tack, treats. This is a super fun experience, and I love to see the horse rising in the ranks throughout its life!

Generation 2 kind of stalls out progress-wise. They start off with stats in the neighborhood of Regional 1 and still end up in the National 1 and National 2 area at the end of their lives. A few will hit National 3. It makes showing a slog because I have so many horses clustered up across so few show levels.

Foundation/Generation 1 goes up a total of 15+ levels, while Generation 2 only goes up about 6 levels. I haven't ever made it to Generation 3 because it's more fun for me to start over with Foundation horses.

what if we did the Olympic level idea but the other way around? like Olympic 5 is at 5000 stats instead of International 5 and the other grades are "squished" accordingly? shorter stat ranges + efforts to keep stats down could be a good thing together,


my reasoning is because after thinking about it, showing in National and beyond does feel boring a lot of the time, so maybe faster grade gain without faster stat gain could help people feel progression better without creating more stat monsters? and horses will spend more time showing instead of schooling.

I liked the idea of stretching the show level gaps before, but actually the later suggestion of shrinking them instead sounds even more appealing. Lucia brought up a good point that wider gaps would have a major downside -- having to wait longer for horses to reach the competitive window while stuck with schooling (yawn-a-rama :D). And the universal 50-100 gap between levels indeed sounds comfy and gives consistent progress feeling either if you're working with a foundie or a 10th gen horse with them big ol' stats.

Personally, I would love to see stats restart at 100 with every generation.

That would level the field, and help showing and I believe the market too.
On page 2, Zanthia said that they buy foundations, train and show them their whole lives, and then just repeat that because their gen 2 foal stats already start so high that showing becomes kind of pointless. This is exactly what I ran into as well. I felt more accomplished with my foundations than I did with my next gen. The incentive for breeding would be to raise conformation and lower NSS, though a horse with 60+ NSS can still have a decent showing career.

Here are a few quotes from other players from the Official Showing Discussion thread where players talked about their concerns about the large range at higher levels. Now, the large range started at N2 as the new N2 range is already larger than the old N1-L5 range.

A lot of the stat gap issues I’m reading about on page 3 (at least in the lower levels) can be fixed by mixing showing and schooling your horses. In order to have a fighting chance, a horse needs to have a decent amount of stats earned within a showing bracket. While they are earning 1-6 (sometimes even 7) stats per day from schooling, I wait for them to reach the half way point in their bracket, then move them to a “showing” division.

As this person mentioned, we tend to deal with the large range by mixing showing and schooling our horses. However, just like what Wox mentioned, the new range makes it harder for us to identify which horses need to be schooled or not. Therefore, it has taken away our ability to mix showing and schooling our horses with ease.

Overall, the new range is basically the opposite of what we are hoping for. Had they made the new range easy to identify and memorize, I would've been able to tolerate the new and larger ranges since I still can mix schooling and showing my horse. But I can't even do that so it really ruins the showing experience for me. Showing used to be a strategic activity for me. I used to strategically place my horses into shows or schools. I would make sure that my horses are spread out to ensure that all of my horses have the best chance of placings and to reduce the competition among my horses. Now, showing my horses had become a mindless grind job since I just show all of my horses now. I've gone on a brief hiatus in the past week because I am just so sick of showing my horses and barely see any progressions. A bunch of my 1st gen horses stalled at L4/L5 and it's frustrating as heck. There are no good rewards in schooling our horses and all we need to do is to click a button to school our horses. Without showing, I just don't see the point in playing this game. I can't earn achievements and there's no excitement with schooling since there's no placings.  

If I want to play one of those mindless clicking games, I would've just downloaded one of many idle game apps on my phone. I like to play games like this for its strategic aspect and I am running out of strategic activities to work with. This game is starting to feel like more of an idle game instead of a strategic game. It's disappointing. 

For now, I am going to show my horses mindlessly until all of my 1st gen dies. After that, I will just go on hiatus until I decide what to do with my 2nd gens.

Last edited on 2023-05-22 at 14:48:57 by Lucia

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#269267 Posted on 2023-05-22 13:56:05

i have mixed feelings about this.
the way i see it, it's basically a change that either hurts or does not affect the current state of each individual's gameplay while hopefully improving the long-term gameplay for all of us. it's difficult to see the potential improvements right away but the negatives are clear immediately.

so a few days after the update i took maple's suggestion to do showing the same way most people on EV do and not worry about horses being close to the end of grades. on one hand, it sure takes way less time to complete a day of showing than it did even before the update :p on the other hand, here's what my earnings look like before and after the update.
March 5th to March 20th
March 21st to April 4th
April 5th to April 21th
April 22nd to May 7th *update happened during this
May 8th to May 22nd

i marked where the update happened, since it was after my earnings and fees were already tallied up i'd still consider that day to be pre-update. i've also marked where i stopped checking grades and also days where i earned about 3-4 times as much as i spent in fees.
additionally you can see there are some days where my profit was extremely low or even negative but the next day i had extra profit. this is usually because sometimes i'll get my showing done too close to rollover for the actual profit to show up, so keep in mind that most of my really bad showing days are my own fault and you can see that they evened out on their own. c:

i'm not good at math and can't calculate this, so i'm sorry if this is this wrong but i really feel like im spending more and earning less now. before i was spending about $20k per day and often earning back twice as much as i spent. now it's about $25k-$30k in fees and while i'm still breaking even, i'm usually getting profits under $20k now. the one day that i did have a massive profit ($79k earned - $29k spent = $59k) was right after a day of negative profit so i don't know if that one even counts.

to be clear this isn't exactly because of the grade update, if i did this as an experiment before the update i think i'd have seen similar results.

i'm mainly torn about this because i guess it doesn't really affect me? i've got plenty in my bank already and i'm not trying to save up for anything or buy horses. i feel like complaining about less profit doesn't make sense if i'm already a fairly wealthy player. so it's not that i'm upset about earning less money, it's more about being forced off a playstyle where giving my horses individual attention would result in better rewards for my efforts. and it's probably affecting other players too but i'm not sure whether it's a large part of the playerbase or only several others who like to watch stats the same way i did. i just don't really know how to feel.

also, in the past during discussions about changes to EV the issue of how people would react to major changes has been talked about a lot. some of us have said we'd prefer compromising and easing into changes to not drive away players who are comfortable with the current systems. others have said that it doesn't matter whether major changes cause people to leave, if the change is for the better and improves things for the larger part of the playerbase then everyone who dislikes the changes will just have to deal with it. personally i'd prefer the former but i understand it's easier said than done to please everyone, and either way i just would like to see EV improve more and more. so i think just because these changes are making gameplay worse for me it doesn't automatically mean it's actually made the game worse, if it's improved the experience for the greater part of the playerbase i can probably live with it. but since i don't know if it even has improved things yet i guess i'm on standby lol.

as a side note, i'm not really sure how showing/no schooling would result in higher stat gain than alternating showing and schooling, if my horse has no chance of gaining stats from today's shows (either by being at the start of their grade or because the show is absolutely not going to reach 5 or more horses by the time it runs) then doesn't sending them to school at least give a better chance of gaining stats? schooling's not guaranteed to give stats sure, but if i send my horses to empty shows that's literally throwing away any chance of stat gain that day. either way i can't really tell if my horses are feeling stalled in their grade progression just yet.

sorry for writing yet another essay, if it feels like i'm clogging up the thread i can move this to its own topic! ^^ would also not mind if someone with better math skills took a shot at my earnings to see whether i'm worrying over nothing lol.

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#269268 Posted on 2023-05-22 14:08:47

I don't really have an opinion one way or the other on the update itself, but in case it might benefit anyone else, I added the max number of each bracket to each of my horse's names (I.e. Cold Brew [330]). It was a bit of a chore on it's own, but it's allowed me to continue schooling/showing with relative ease until I get used to the new numbers. 

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#269269 Posted on 2023-05-22 14:59:41

as a side note, i'm not really sure how showing/no schooling would result in higher stat gain than alternating showing and schooling, if my horse has no chance of gaining stats from today's shows (either by being at the start of their grade or because the show is absolutely not going to reach 5 or more horses by the time it runs) then doesn't sending them to school at least give a better chance of gaining stats? schooling's not guaranteed to give stats sure, but if i send my horses to empty shows that's literally throwing away any chance of stat gain that day.

Exactly!! That's why I schooled my horses. I would school my horses instead if I noticed that there's a lack of entries and there's not enough time left for someone else to enter their horses before the show runs. I will only lose money and my horses will not gain any stats if I showed them instead. Even if the school did not give me stats, at least I still will earn a net profit and often gets free treats. Another factor to remember is that schooled horses do not require Tack Repairs. If I entered my horses in low entries shows, I will lose money from the showing itself plus the tack expenses. It's the same for showing a horse at the low end of their grade. If they don't place in the top 3, there are no winnings. I still will have to pay for tack repairs for that horse as well. I usually show my horses when I am confident that they will win at least 50% of 10 shows daily. Anything less than that, the risk is not worth it. I cannot justify spending money away knowing that I will get nothing in return.  
Schooling a horse instead of showing them when there are not enough entries or the horse is on the low end is a logistical move for someone who is conscious about their money.

EDIT: I decided to gather all of my Show Expenses and Earnings and Tack Repairs from the 8th to today. I went on a hiatus between the 16th and today so it ensures that all of my horses' shows are fully run and show up on today's balance. 

Formula: (Total of "Amount earned in shows yesterday.") - (Total of "Amount spent on show entry fees yesterday.") - (Total of "You repaired all items of tack that needed repairing.")

The result for 5/8 - 5/16 (including 5/22 spent and earned) is... drumroll, please...

-$16,434 Net Loss. Ouch. I thought I would break even or earn a small profit since there are more days when I had earned more than spent.

Last edited on 2023-05-22 at 15:35:34 by Lucia

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#269276 Posted on 2023-05-22 19:27:33

I feel like a better solution would have to been to add in more levels, like Novice 1-9, Local 1-9, Regional 1-9, etc... than how it was done...changing upper levels to spread out more and have less of a gap between them. 

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