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Can we unanimously lower credit sale prices?

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Can we unanimously lower credit sale prices?

#267306 Posted on 2023-03-14 16:28:21

Hello everyone and welcome to this credit economy meeting! This is simply a thread made in hopes of everyone realizing that credits aren't worth what we're selling them for lol. I mean, look at this(player names left out so as not to point fingers, do not be upset with the players selling credits this high♥ I'm sure most were just auto pricing and accidents, like 1mil per credit was prob meant to be 1mil total, and 700k+ was just auto pricing cuz the 1mil altered the average price :3)

Now, I'm sure the 1mil per credit was a mistake, they were probably intending it to be 1mil total(benefit of the doubt, you know?)

I got excited when I saw a credit for sale for 200k, it was bought within 15 minutes of an ad being posted. That's rather sad. EV doesn't have to reflect the rl economy :(

Also, I was reading old threads, and people were upset about credits being 60-70k instead of the usual 40k. That was 6+ years ago. This has been a problem for a long time, though no solution(soft caps and such) was able to fix it. It's up to us players to lower prices. As soon as I can get my hands on a few excess credits, they will be posted for sale for about 150k. 

Please, if you read this, don't follow along with the credit prices and let it auto-price. I've found something out. Many artists(including myself) say credits are equal to usually 100k. That's wonderful! The only problem is, some people may not want to pay with EVC as they feel they aren't getting the whole value out of them, especially if they paid 400k+ on them. So all of y'all artists, keep doing what you're doing. Eventually, the credit sales will match the worth you've established nd all will be good♥

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#267526 Posted on 2023-03-23 09:18:53

This is a great thing!

Beacuase now the default price is I think $59,700, so please please please no 500,000 anymore guys D:

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#267541 Posted on 2023-03-24 11:57:35

Anddd... now it's upped to $400,000. ;_;
On the bright side, it's lower than $500k.

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#267545 Posted on 2023-03-24 18:06:33

ugh really? Whyyyy do we gotta be like this, c'mon guys D:

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#267548 Posted on 2023-03-24 18:37:23

Just a year and a half ago it was 200k… and people thought that was high

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#267549 Posted on 2023-03-24 18:38:38

that's ridiculous D: 

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#267551 Posted on 2023-03-24 20:51:56

one of the things encouraging credits going up for sale at these kinds of prices is that people are buying them for these prices. if we want to see credit sales adjust to what we seem to consider more reasonable prices, the best way is to not buy the expensive credits. if you don't see credits in the credit sale tab when you need them, usually someone is willing to sell a couple for less exagerrated costs if you post in the forums :) 

also i don't have anything against people selling credits at high prices because i have to admit to doing it myself when in need of some quick EVD ;--; i think the best way to prevent it from happening is to just not buy them so then there's no incentive to put them up for that much.

Last edited on 2023-03-24 at 20:54:08 by oswin

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#267553 Posted on 2023-03-25 08:10:44

It's frustrating to see people buying them for a high price. I stay firm with my $80k per credit price and I am able to find sellers to sell them to me. In less than a month, I successfully purchased 10 credits from 3 different sellers. I know it's possible to get credit for that low. However, other players keep offering higher prices when they could've offered $80k and been firm. If everyone sticks with $80k, we can drop the value really fast. Sadly, it's nearly impossible to stay united in today's generation. Everyone has their own agendas. 

Last edited on 2023-03-25 at 08:12:52 by 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖆

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#267566 Posted on 2023-03-25 19:47:33

I think part of it is also probably inflation. It's easier to get money now, I make about 110k/day through riding school. As the game gets older, more people accumulate more money. If you've got 10m in the bank, you get 50k in interest every day. With prices as they used to be, you could effectively buy a credit every day for "free". There's no finite amount of credits that one player can use in a set time, so demand will still be high. If people will pay 400k-500k then prices will stay at that range, their isn't an incentive beyond altrusim to charge any less.

Last edited on 2023-03-27 at 22:32:52 by Ж wox

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#267568 Posted on 2023-03-26 06:11:24

I don't think it's particularly fair to say don't buy them until the price drops, people are usually buying because they have no other option in order to renew deluxe and autoshow/care. They might have been looking for lower credits and no one has sold any, or they just don't have any time left. No one actually wants to buy at those prices. But if the option is there and people can afford it with their game money then yeah they're gonna get bought. 

I don't tend to purchase off the market and buy privately when I can, but I also can't afford to buy them with RL money currently.  I could probably buy every single credit that got listed for the next year, but I don't have the desire to hoard them, and that definitely wouldn't be fair on other players or to the economy. I also don't agree with the current prices, but with how easy it is to gain wealth these days I personally think the worth of a credit is around 100-150k. In the days when it was 50k, money was a lot harder to come by, you were limited to 200 horses and you could find credit items on rides and the wishing well, so the value never really had a reason to change. 

That being said, the inflation of credit prices are being looked into as per the roadmap. It will be a tricky balance, you don't want people to stop buying and selling on credits because it's not "worth it" anymore if the cost cut is too steep, but having too high a price restricts less wealthy players from accessing credits also. It's too unstable currently for the cycle of buying and selling credits to be useful for all players and not just a certain few.  

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#267569 Posted on 2023-03-26 08:37:05

@ Maple, will the EVD inflation be looked into as well? EVD is so easy to gain once you're rich enough. But not as easy to gain when you're poor. It seems like 10mil or 20mil is the cut-off between easy vs hard to gain. IMO, there's absolutely no reason for us to have more than 50 million in the game. At 50 million, we can easily spend a bunch on game stuff and it will barely make a dent in your bank and you will regain the money back really fast with interest. Anything higher is basically worth nothing. It's like we are dealing with a similar situation as IRL Zimbabwean dollar here. A large amount of EVD is worth nothing to wealthier players as they do giveaways, contests with a large payout prize, etc. It's basically the same as how children in Zimbabwe treat stacks of dollars as toy blocks and build stuff with them for fun.

Last edited on 2023-03-26 at 09:04:38 by Lucia

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#267570 Posted on 2023-03-26 09:06:55

There’s no plans currently but there are optional money sinks that have been added over time and you don’t earn interest after 50m on hand/banked. If people don’t want to spend their earnings then that’s up to them. I’m not even sure what you would adjust anyway? Often when someone gets a lot of money quickly it’s from credit sales from what I see, very rarely from other sources. 

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#267573 Posted on 2023-03-26 13:57:11

The problem is that there's not enough "money sink" to curb inflation. As I said, there's absolutely no reason for players to have 50+ million. And yet, we have a bunch of players with 500 million. Even more players with 50+ million. This shouldn't be happening in the first place. It results in currency having zero value for wealthier players. That's why people are willing to pay 500k for credit instead of 100k. If we control inflation, the currency will hold more value and people will be more restrictive on how much money they are willing to pay for credits, horses, arts, layouts, etc. 

I earned my 5 million purely from showing, riding school, selling cull horses, and deluxe incomes (extra interest and show incomes, etc). A year from now, I most likely will have 20-50 million in my bank without having to sell credit or art. Yes, the credit and art sellers reached 50+ million much faster but it doesn't change the fact that we still have inflation that results in diminishing value of EVD.

Last edited on 2023-03-26 at 13:58:02 by Lucia

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#267574 Posted on 2023-03-26 14:05:13

Bunch of players with 500m? There's only 2 players with that amount. Myself and Yeon, which is just accumulated from being on the game for a literal decade... And neither of us are dropping millions back into the game when it's just not necessary. Same for most of the leaderboard, it's players that have been playing for years. 

I'm really not seeing an issue with the value of money, horse value is pretty much the same despite it being tanked by a limitless foundation store, which has been fixed now. As I said, there's money sinks in place but that's the players discretion on whether or not to use them. If you've got suggestions then please post it in the suggestions board but if people don't want to spend the money they've earned then that's fine. 

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#267575 Posted on 2023-03-26 14:10:51

the thing is, i don't think there's really incentive for sellers to reduce prices right now. they've already been selling credits for $400k-600k so there's no point in suddenly pricing lower. i remember reading somewhere that when there actually was a cap players just quit selling through the credit sales page and sold overpriced EVC through the forums and PMs. it's just kinda hard to ask people to just lower prices if it's only going to benefit us.

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