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Video Games!

#17855 Posted on 2016-03-11 11:17:22

Who else plays 'em?
My list includes: Skyrim, Portal, Legend of Zelda, and Okami. I also like to mess around with Goat Simulator and Minecraft. I just started the demo of Undertale, and I think it seems pretty cool so far. Way back when, I used to play Zoo Tycoon 2 a lot and make fancy stables for my prezwalski horses, zebras, and quaggas. :)

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#17862 Posted on 2016-03-11 11:33:17

I've got all the Sony systems. I just finished Until Dawn (awesome scary game), huge CoD player (3.3 k/d) although I haven't bought a game since Ghosts. I play minecraft as well and am working on the Nathan Drake series as well as the Witcher 3.
I have been toying with the idea of building a pc since Black Desert came out but I'm still on the fence about dropping a grand on a pc lol.

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#17873 Posted on 2016-03-11 11:45:44

Don't get me started...

★ Amnesia: The Dark Descent
★ ARK: Survival Evolved
★ Decay - The Mare
★ Don't Starve
★ Kingdom
★ Life is Strange
★ Papers, Please
★ Plague Inc: Evolved
★ Rust
★ The Sims 3
★ The Sims 4
★ To the Moon

Xbox: 360
★ Alan Wake
★ Alice: Madness Returns
★ Alien vs Predator
★ American McGee's Alice
★ Assassin's Creed II
★ Assassin's Creed IV
★ Battleblock Theater
★ Dead Island
★ Dead Rising 2
★ Destiny
★ Dragon Age: Origins
★ Dragon Age: Inquisition
★ Fable III
★ Grand Theft Auto V
★ Halo: Combat Evovled
★ Halo 2
★ Halo 3
★ Halo 3: ODST
★ Halo: Reach
★ Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
★ Minecraft
★ Oblivion
★ Red Dead Redemption
★ Skyrim
★ Viva Pinata

Xbox One
★ ARK: Survival Evolved
★ The Deer God
★ Destiny

★ Animal Crossing: Wild World
★ Hamtaro: HamHam Heartbreak
★ Pokemon Black Version
★ Pokemon Leaf Green Version
★ Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team
★ Pokemon Ruby Version

Forgot my Phone/Android
★ Neko Atsume
★ PewDiePie

Last edited on 2016-03-11 at 11:46:47 by vos ♚

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#18917 Posted on 2016-03-13 18:25:03

Awesome lists! :D I hear ya about not wanting to spend a ton on a decent gaming PC. There are some games that I would love to try some mods for, but I'm pretty happy just plonking in front of my tv and not having to worry about the whole things crashing because I put something in the wrong folder. :P Maybe if I had a lot of time that I could dedicate to gaming, as well...but I just don't have the time for it like I used to, so I can't justify spending that much just so I can a fox companion in skyrim.

Aw, Deer god sounds cool. I'm sure I'll have to break down and get a ONE at some point, I figure I would hold out for the next Elder Scrolls and then get one. They'll be cheaper by 2020 anyway. :P

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#18921 Posted on 2016-03-13 18:27:08

Basic Mario/Sonic etc, classics and of course most RPGs (Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Hack series etc) mostly.

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#18923 Posted on 2016-03-13 18:32:18

Kingdom Hearts, Disney Infinity, pretty much any Harvest Moon, Prof Layton, Nancy Drew (though they are changing voice actors/going a new direction so well see when/if this new one ever comes out), Minecraft (though I fake play that, as my bro calls it, since I just build and usually have all the baduns off XD, used to play Call of Duty with my bro, Sims 3 (haven't even played 4 yet, but I like three so it's all good). Many more I'm sure but brain can't really think. If we want to talk old school, I still have my Nintendo 64 and I love to play Diddy Kong Racing still XD also still have my GameCube and it gets pulled out when I feel like playing my Scooby-Doo games. I which we still had our Genesis system cause Toejam and Earl was the bomb, but the cords on that all finally gave out and the system itself had been having problems for awhile. Though I think you can play Toejam and Earl on the PC these days it just isn't the same XD

Edit: Omg how could I forget Animal Crossing XD Thanks for the reminder Vos X'D

Also Fantasy Life is like a huge trap of fun XD

Last edited on 2016-03-13 at 18:38:24 by Wonder Wiki

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#18929 Posted on 2016-03-13 18:41:41

i play harvest moon and pokemon mostly. I enjoy MMORPGS but I don't have enough time to really play them often. xD

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#18931 Posted on 2016-03-13 18:42:33

Yeah... About that pc... I totally bought it tonight... ._.
My bf will help me put it together when it gets here, probably Tuesday or Wednesday... Lol

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#18936 Posted on 2016-03-13 18:47:31

I have to say, Zoo Tycoon was a lot of fun. Sadly one of my favorite things to do was let the Lions loose and watch them throw people in the air XD the people running and screaming was hilarious to me... and I love killing Nancy in her games too, there are several that when I replay the games I purposely seek out XD

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#18941 Posted on 2016-03-13 19:00:36

Ive played minecraft since beta! :D
Other games I have played-

Zoo tycoon
horsez ( ive actually played a ton more horse games. Just can't remember all their names)
red dead redemption
need for speed (have been playing since hot pursuit III, so, a very long time XD)
sims deluxe and sims 3 (never had any in between surprisingly XD)
Amnesia: the dark descent
dead space
drawn (really nice game if you like art and puzzle games)
Pokemon diamond for ds

Hm im sure there are more, but those are just ones I currently remember XD
i'll edit if I think of more

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#18942 Posted on 2016-03-13 19:02:32

PS2 was my main system for a long time, and now I've got a PS3. Someday I'll get a PS4, but by that time I'm sure the 5 or whatever they do next will be out, haha.

Skyrim is awesome, and is probably what I play the most.
I love both Bioshock and Bioshock: Infinite. (Haven't played 2, but it's on my list.)
Played a bit of Alice: Madness Returns at a friend's house and had a ton of fun, but don't have my own copy, heh.
My next goal after I finish my current playthrough of Bioshock: Infinite is Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
I also really want Last of Us, because it sounds amazing.

The Silent Hill series has long been my favorite franchise, though I only played 1-4 + Origins. 2 is generally considered the best game, and I agree it's fantastic, but 3 was my favorite (and I found it scarier.)
Okami is a beautiful game! I love whenever anyone mentions it. It's wonderful!
I played the Kingdom Hearts games over and over and love them.
I played most of the Final Fantasy franchise from 7 through X-2, at least a little bit.
Persona 4, weird little story that it was, ha.
Liked God of War and God of War II a lot. Quite cathartic, haha.
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance was a fun fantasy RPG.
Psychonauts is a fantastic PS2 game. It's about a summer camp for psychic kids, and it has a ton of really great visual style.
My favorite PS1 game was actually a weird little JRPG called "Legend of Dragoon." It was kind of a shameless Final Fantasy ripoff, but I liked it better than any of the Final Fantasy games of the time.

Nintendo DS:
Pokemon, especially SoulSilver, because the original Silver/Gold/Crystal was the gen I first played seriously.
THE ZERO ESCAPE SERIES. A little bit lesser-known, but a really great series. The first one, 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors, was fantastic, as was the second one, Virtue's Last Reward. They're primarily puzzle games, with groups of people trapped in life-or-death situations where they have to solve "escape" scenarios in order to get out. There are a lot of mind-bendy plot-twists, as well as psychological and philosophical dilemmas. They both require multiple playthroughs, as getting different endings relies on information only gleaned from some scenarios and not others.
The third game comes out this year or next, and I am so excited.

I've never had a gaming computer, but way back in the day (darn you kids get off mah lawn) I played a few games on the family computer. The main one was Marathon 2, a first-person shooter/sci-fi game. Marathon was what the studio that did Halo did before Halo, ha.

I learned to game on an Intellivision, because I'm old, so I played the heck out of a few of those games. Treasure of the Tarmin was the absolute best, hahaha.

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#18950 Posted on 2016-03-13 19:25:47

I tend to be a picky gamer, heh.

I have The Lion King for the Super Nintendo.
First video game my father ever bought for me, still love it to this day!

I have Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2
The entire Devil May Cry series
A number of equestrian games for Playstation 2 and PC; too many to list!

Multiple Resident Evil games for Playstation and Xbox 360

And as far as my steam library goes...
Battleblock Theater
Bloody Trapland
Castle Crashers
Don't Starve Together Beta
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Garry's Mod
Left 4 Dead 2 (which is what I mainly play)
Payday: The Heist
Payday 2
State of Decay
Zero Gear

I have the Sims 2 and like every expansion, but that's old news.
Own the Sims 3 and multiple expansions, but my laptop nopes with it now a days.
I also enjoy playing hidden object/puzzle combination games from Wild Tangent games.
And as far as MMORPG's go, I currently play Guild Wars 2 semi-actively.

But generally speaking, I play L4D2 and Guild Wars 2 and that's about it.
The other games are "meh, I'm bored so let's mess around" games.
And generally only something I play when friends want to.

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#18968 Posted on 2016-03-13 19:57:35

Deer God is a really neato little game. It's an amazingly beautiful pixel sidescroller type game. You start out as a youngling and age up as you progress. You get special powers and stuff and it's all really cool.

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#18975 Posted on 2016-03-13 20:03:14

Skyrim. Skyrim. A little more Skyrim. Ha. I can (and have) play that all day (and all night). I'm considering moving in. lol

My first "game system" was a Commodore... now you know I'm old. :P :D

I was long-addicted to the PC version of the Sims, along with its various expansions (except 'Vacation', because that always looked rather lame to me, lol). I also went through a Doom phase... and I still have it, somewhere. Don't have access to my desktops right now, so all that stuff is stored away. :(

Grew up with a Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega, and an Atari. Does anyone else know the game Populous? Holy crud, I spent HOURS playing that, lol. I actually have a PC version of that somewhere too.

I play Ikariam online and Clash of Lords II on my phone. When I'm not playing Skyrim, I mean. hahaha

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#18980 Posted on 2016-03-13 20:16:50

Wild Tangent does have some awesome search and finds, as well as Big Fish. I need to redownload some of those lol.

Oh gosh equestrian games, I played everything from Barbie Riding Club (which I would still play if my computer loved me at all) to Let's Ride, the Rosemond Hill one being one of my favorites due to how big the map was and during competitions, if you didn't feel like doing them some of their maps were huge as well. Sadly it too is one I can't play due to my computer hating me. It got me all excited, worked until the menu and then wouldn't go any further :'( I might retry that one cause I can't recall if I used the same trick I use to get my older Nancy games to play.

I used to play this American Girl game, back before they had made Josephine, that you picked one of the five they had at the time (I believe it was Molly, Felicity, Kirsten, Addy and Samantha, but don't quote me XD) and you could use all of their family and friends to make plays. I can remember making a play when my grandparents were coming to visit about just that XD my mom put it together, then we recorded our voices and ta dah! Lol so much fun XD

Edit: Tropico (I think I spelling that right ) and Sid Meyer's Pirates are also enjoyable to me, but I hate that there is a limit on them of how long you can play. Tropico I believe you can still keep playing, but it doesn't count towards anything if I recall correctly, but with Pirates you are forced to retire at some point and you have so much stuff you can do you never get it all done XD

Last edited on 2016-03-13 at 20:25:22 by Wonder Wiki

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