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Greek Mythology Roleplay

#143195 Posted on 2018-01-25 19:45:05

Alex nodded to Chiron, taking Jade's hand with a grumbled "I can get up by myself.", standing up with her help. As they headed to the infirmary, Alex muttered to the other three. "So how many unclaimed kids do you reckon are here? Because seeing as how our parents haven't noticed us for the first sixteen or so years of our lives, I'd say a lot."

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#143197 Posted on 2018-01-25 19:51:48

"Chiron did say that was for our safety," Jade replied. She shrugged. "Besides, they're probably busy with... I don't know, god stuff." She felt shaky, but didn't tell anyone. She hated this feeling of helplessness, especially on top of what she was beginning to guess would be part of her "torment." She hated that voice, but more angering was the fact that she was afraid of it. She unconsciously reached for Alex's hand, but the touch jolted her from her thoughts and she quickly retracted her hand, blushing.ย 

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#143201 Posted on 2018-01-25 20:01:08

A paper dropped into Kahlen's hand. She read it and cursed under her breath in Ancient Greek.ย  (although she didn't know it) She tore it up into tiny pieces that flew away on the breeze.ย 

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#143204 Posted on 2018-01-25 20:28:28

"What was that about?" He asked Kahlen. She laughed coldly. "Well, if you'd like to know, Dad says 'Have fun and don't call on any favors, please, I'm busy with work,' and he also said that our... mother," She hissed, "is very proud, but she's moving to South America without us. Not that she really did anything anyway." Denver sighed. Kahlen and their mother never really got along. Their personalities tended to butt heads a little bit.ย  "We'll... work it out," he said clasping his hands together. "Let's pay a visit to the infirmary."

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#143205 Posted on 2018-01-25 20:31:20

Alex gently (and subconciously) laced him fingers loosely with Jade's so he wouldn't wander off while looking around, s he had a tendency to do so when in his own. //That's all it was.// (Ya sure Alex) The long strawberry field led to an arena, and archery course and a stables, and the hills bled into rough sand, leading to a pretty beach. His gaze fell on the cabins - a rough cresent shape of twelve large cabins, with other smaller cabins dotted around them, like lambs straying not to far from their mothers. "I wonder which one is ours?"ย 

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#143207 Posted on 2018-01-25 20:37:01

She looked at Kahlen with concern, but didn't really have anything to add to what Denver had said. She smiled when she felt Alex's fingers in hers. She shrugged. "I don't know. We'll find out, though." She chuckled and said, "Guys, this is supposed to be a tour, but we literally have no idea what we're doing. We lost our tour guide." She motioned to a field where the satyr munched on grass. And then she was standing in front of the infirmary.ย 

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#143208 Posted on 2018-01-25 20:39:03

Denver opened the door. "Ah. The infirmary. My home." He held it for the others. "After you, he said cheerfully.

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#143211 Posted on 2018-01-25 20:49:23

"Thank you, good sir." Alex laughed, hobbling his way in through the door with Jade in tow, wincing a little as they walked past older kids working on the injured girl from the hill, her three friends sitting in chairs nearby, stone faced. A young girl of probably about ten glanced up from where she had been scrubbing her blood stained hands viciously at a nearby sink, her sleeves shoved up to her elbows. She sighed, drying her hands quickly and sanitizing them. "Newbies." She muttered, turning to them and adjusting her surgical mask with a cough - she was sick and working. "Who of you needs help?"

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#143214 Posted on 2018-01-25 20:53:44

Denver looked around curiously. He knew instantly that he'd be spending a lot of time here. "Is Harley doing okay?"ย 
Ariel looked up at him. "You're the kid from the hill? Nice job on those bandages. Apollo kid?" He nodded. "Cool. Me too. Harley's doing... okay," she said hesitantly. "Thanks for helping."

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#143215 Posted on 2018-01-25 20:54:52

She averted her eyes, wincing as they passed the girl from the hill. She felt bad for the girl, and hoped she would make it. The young girl approached them, and Jade raised her and Alex's entwined hands. "He broke his leg," she said.

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#143219 Posted on 2018-01-25 21:46:50

The girl assessed him with a professional eye. "Okay. If you could take a seat over there," She nodded to a neaby empty bed. "So what-" She was cut off by a cry of pain and a yell from deeper into the building, responding with her pulling on plastic gloves in a blink. "I'll be right back." She disappeared further into the building, leaving Alex and Jade to their own devices. Alex sat down, pulling Jade with him. "Did you seeย how young she was?"

Last edited on 2018-01-26 at 10:51:52 by The Gaiaphage

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#143333 Posted on 2018-01-26 14:04:56

She nodded, plopping next to him on the edge of the bed, partly on her own and partly because of his tug. "They start early here, I guess," she said. The girl had plunged deeper into the infirmary. Jade couldn't imagine being in here all the time. It was kind of stuffy, people constantly moving and helping injured or sick kids. Cries of pain from some of the more serious injuries broke into the air periodically. Jade knew jokes might be taken as inappropriate in a place like this. She didn't like it here, but if it would help Alex's leg she'd endure it. She had caused him to break it, after all. Another kid walked over to them. He gestured in the direction the girl had gone. "Emily sent me to care for you guys. Her hands are a bit tied. She's a pro. Now which of you has the broken leg?" He smiled at them and tilted his head slightly. Jade pointed at Alex. "This one."ย 

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#143336 Posted on 2018-01-26 14:18:16

ย Catching Katie's eye, James nodded at her slightly before watching the others leave.
ย "Thanks, guys," he responded as they walked down the steps. He turned to face Katie once more.
ย "You act like I can't read your face. What is it? I mentioned the, er, lock... thing, and you're the only one who actually seemed to care."
ย He was freaking out on the inside, but he forced himself to remain calm. He'd been pushing the events to the back of his mind for years, telling himself that they were just coincidences... but Katie had had a different reaction than the others. He needed to look into that, because maybe then he'd finally understand why he seemed to have such good luck at opening locks without a key or combination. Or you're overthinking it and freaking her out. Don't get too excited.

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#143341 Posted on 2018-01-26 14:38:43

Katie sighed, running a hand wearily through her hair. "I just..." She paused, debating on how much she could actually tell James. "I've done bad things before.... I once helped break into.... somewhere, where there was quite high security, and I could just put my hands on the door and screw up the mechanics from the outside." Her face darkened, turning to watch where her friends were heading over to the infirmary. "But you can't tell anybody." And then, quieter. "I don't want them finding out what I've done."

"Yeah, that would be me." Alex grinned sheepishly, wincing as the boy slit down the side of his pants with a knife so that they wouldn't have to roll them up over his injured knee. "A textbook dislocation. You're gonna be fine. We have ambrosia for this, but your leg might still be a little numb and tender for the next week or so."

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#143343 Posted on 2018-01-26 14:43:27

She was still really freaking out about earlier, but she managed to smile a little as she watched her brother curiously explore.

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