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I am really scared

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I am really scared

#114757 Posted on 2017-07-18 14:25:33

Okay so for those of you who don't know (everyone) I am going into 8th grade in a couple weeks. I am really scared to do so. I just don't think that I can handle the emotional pain. I have this one teacher who I will have next year and this year he let everyone bully me. I heard daily insults like: you should kill yourself,( like I haven't already though about and tried to kill myself) your are the devil's spawn, your parents hate you, no one loves you, everything in the world would be better without you, you have no friends and some other very nasty things. I also get hit, slapped and kicked by this one girl and she has bitten yes bitten me many times. The principals have no time and the teachers take no action. it got so bad that for my last quarter I was crying outside the classroom everyday. I just can't do it and I can't switch schools because of other reasons. Sorry to bother you all.

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#114766 Posted on 2017-07-18 15:07:19

No it's not a bother. What is going on at your school is wrong. You need to show the bite marks to your parents and that person should be kicked out of school. The human mouth is a disgusting place and you could get very sick if your skin ever got broken. If that doesn't work say loudly in front of people when she tries it again "What are you a b***h with rabbies or you to stupid and immature to do anything else. Yes it could make things worse but if her friends start laughing you won and it will get better for you. As for your other stuff killing yourself is not answer. I should know I was there myself and I am glad I didn't because now I have a great husband and a loving friends who I would not of met if I chose that other option. Remember don't quit when you run the farthest because the race is almost won. Good luck and I hope that things will work out for you. 

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#114767 Posted on 2017-07-18 15:24:39

I'm so sorry you get to deal with these ugly people dear ♥
Me being the "take no crap" person that I am, I'd call everyone out on it, verbally rip into them, and slug em all into next week if it got to that point. But unfortunately violence is generally frowned upon and can get you in trouble :'D

Definitely try to get some teachers on your side love, try to find people who have no problem standing up for what they believe in who will help you out (befriend them!). If you have problems with this particular teacher again ask your parents to report them if they haven't already.
I very highly recommend constantly speaking up, don't ever remain silent because it will snowball to the point where they forget they're actually saying hurtful things to an actual person. Even if Speaking up is really hard for you! It's not an easy thing to do but by making it known that you do definitely have feelings and are a HUMAN BEING then people generally figure out that they should treat you as such.

Some of the ways you can speak up directly to your bullies is by asking them why they're being mean and how they would feel if someone did the same to them, ask them what good does it do to beat down on someone who they don't really know and state that they are in fact being a bully and they don't even have a reason for it. Just in general retaliate by asking them questions that take the focus off of you and forces them to reflect on their actions and if they'd appreciate similar treatment. Nobody likes seeing themselves in the mirror when they're ugly.
(please be warned they might get a little worse when you do this because they wont like it, don't let that get you down!)

I don't know what the one girl's problem is but if you've been ignoring her actions then maybe make a scene every time she does it, if you HAVE been making a scene then just say "Dude you behavior is ridiculous and you need to stop" and then ignore her. Basically find the reason why the heck she's being violent toward you (what does she get out of it?) and take that reason away. Make sure every time she does something you go and bring it up with someone higher up that day. If she ever breaks your skin go to the nurse's office to get it cleaned because like arbutus said, mouths are gross and you don't want to get infected with anything.

Please please please talk to your school counselor and ask them for more ideas on what to do when people are bullying you because you just want it to stop (don't be afraid to cry, don't let them think that this issue isn't as serious as it really is). Guidance counselors are there for a reason and should be equipped with how to handle situations like these. Take advantage of any resources you can get!

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#114771 Posted on 2017-07-18 16:05:28

Do I need to open up a can of pony whoop a**? Bullying is never okay. I was bullied and I hate seeing . Just pm if you need help hun. I will be here 

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#114792 Posted on 2017-07-18 21:00:35

I've been bullied and also been told to kill myself and all that before (by my former BF, who was my only friend then) and it sucks! try to hang in there, and tell your parents, maybe they can help you. man, I feel like finding those kids and doing who knows what to them! i'm here if you need someone to talk to or to try to beat them up through thought, although that probably wouldn't work...

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#114794 Posted on 2017-07-18 21:12:04

I have no respect for teachers that do nothing about bullying!!! D: 

Getting bullied is no fun, as I got bullied a lot in Middle, and halfway into High School because of my weight, my clothes, and because I was prettier than the other girls. 

Education major here and many times the reason why student's bully other student's; it's because the bullies have super low self-esteem and try to take others down with them. *groans*

I'm so sorry Midnight!!! *hugs tightly*

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#114837 Posted on 2017-07-19 09:45:29

I would talk to the school. I, myself, have been bullied my first year in a new school after years of moving (dad was in the military). I guess the person realized that it wasn't affecting me (although it was, I just didn't show it) and they stopped. My parents didn't know until it stopped because I never told them. My brother was also bullied but after I yelled at the kid (and almost got kicked off my bus for it), he finally stopped and I sat near my brother the rest of the year.

I believe that bullies bully because they are insecure about themselves and want to put others down for it. Most of the time it's because they see you as a threat to either their 'popularity' or because you are better in some way. 

If you talk to the school the kids would most likely get in trouble and the teacher may even be fired or put in jail fir allowing it to happen.  Also talk to your parents. I learned the hard way that parents can be a big help it may not seem like it but they are awesome!  :)

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#114846 Posted on 2017-07-19 10:39:23

Eliza D. and Beacon are right. And this makes me mad and sad at the same time. I feel so bad for you, I want those mean students to okay never mind I'm going to keep this nice I was gonna say something   Remember, what they say won't change how special you are. ♥

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#114888 Posted on 2017-07-19 13:51:56

I've never personally been bullied because I'm 5'9. But you can probably go to the police if you wanted to. Or if you really want to get back at your school, contact your local news station about it or anyone who has an influence over the public. This will shed light on the situation and will definitely make the bullying stop and get your school in trouble. If you ever want to talk about what's going on, I'm here for you and so is everyone else here. I hope that everything gets better and remember that this you will not go to that school forever.

You can also try to record the bullying for proof and take pictures of any bruises/scratches/red marks/bites that you get from your classmates.

And own your insults. Talk back to them. If they try to insult you, say "Hmmm, incorrect." Think about what to say to shock them and shut them up. You can also write down what you want to say to them.

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#114891 Posted on 2017-07-19 14:37:24

All these suggestions, are good alternatives on actions to take:) don't get discouraged and don't let some low life get to you.Some times best thing you can do is use reverse psychology on them, strike them back with smart remarks, or comments ,believe me they will get tired of it quick enough and drop the insults. But do definitely  bring it up to media,police and your parents, this needs to be addressed. 

Last edited on 2017-07-19 at 14:38:48 by Celestial Solstice

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#114932 Posted on 2017-07-19 20:20:36

I had to deal with years of bullying myself but it was never physical. Personally, if I was physically attacked by someone I would get away from them and then call the cops immediately. Assault is NOT okay and the police showing up at their school should be a wake up call for the teachers/principal.

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#114948 Posted on 2017-07-19 22:29:12

Dude.. if someone is physically injuring you on school property, you CAN sue the school and the person who injured you. That's a HUGE liability for the school to do nothing about. As far as mean comments, I know it's hard but stop caring. It took me a long time to quit caring about a vast majority of what people think. In fact, it took me going to a psychiatric hospital for nearly a month because I was extremely suicidal. Don't let yourself get that far honey. Those people aren't worth your life. Remember that there a lot of good people, even right here on EV, that love and support you. Don't let the haters dictate your life. 

I know that there a lot of things you can't say or do on school property because you'll be the one to get in trouble and not the bully (which I could write a novel of my issues with that on), so I won't tell you to do what I did.. mostly cuz it was kinda sorta illegal.. but honey, if they start it you finish it. Sometimes you getting into trouble with the school is far less punishment than just taking it day after day. It's ok to stand up for yourself. But first, document. EVERYTHING. If you can, get voice recordings or video of what they say/do to you. Get undeniable proof. And then.. do what you gotta do to defend yourself.

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#114953 Posted on 2017-07-20 01:26:09

Those people do not know you, they are just being mean to make themselves feel better. My mom who was bullied says "You are a beautiful person, they are disgusting." Please know I will always care, no matter what. Hugs. You are worth every second. You have an amazing heart and are kind and wonderful. Those people are liars who don't like themselves and want to make others miserable to help. If you need me, PM me :D     ♥

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#115007 Posted on 2017-07-20 16:23:12

I am so sorry that it is happening to you. I was bullied in middle school as well and nobody steps in. None of staffs saw anything and they refused to believe me. My mom have to get involved several time and made no progress. One day, I got called in the office and principal and other higher people apologized to me. I was confused at first because they did nothing for nearly whole year. Later, I found out that one of my least favorite teacher saw kids in action and report it repeatedly until higher people finally listened. That teacher became my favorite teacher after that because she is the only teacher I can trusted even if she's very strict. Next year, my school added new policy about bullying and we can sue staffs if they didn't take proper procedure... I was so p****d when I found out because that policy only applied to year 2008 and up. I was bullied in 2007 so I couldn't sue and get those horrible people fired -_-

Mouse is correct, you can sue them. There are laws against bullying so you can do something if you get documents. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. Use audio recorders on your phone and leave it on all day. Call cops right away after that nasty girl bite you so you have evidence. Do not wash the wound if it is not open so you can get DNA test on that nasty saliva. If it is open wounds, go to health center/service to have it treated and call cops. Get your parents (or trusted adult in your life) involved and ask them to threat the school to sue in order to scare them into do something. Go to your school counselor and have meetings with them. They are required to document the meetings so you will have records to prove that you're regular to school counseling. In case of the court, you can force counselor to reveal the context of meetings in your favor.

Last edited on 2017-07-20 at 16:28:01 by Aɴᴅʀᴏᴍᴇᴅᴀ

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#115012 Posted on 2017-07-20 18:17:05

Andromeda and Mouse are so right! (I can't believe I didn't think of that, I'm always threatening to sue someone for something XD) But really, it's not okay to let this happen. And don't kill yourself or run away. I've been through a lot, and have tried to run away and kill myself, but it's not the right decision. Life will get better, but you have to tell.

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