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Free with the Wind (Native American RP Sign Up)

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Free with the Wind (Native American RP Sign Up)

#94782 Posted on 2017-02-23 09:58:45

Across the wild plains of America and pretty, young woman raced her horse, her hair flying out behind her as she gripped the gelding with her legs and balanced confidently with her hands out to the side feeling the wind. They galloped towards a group of decorated tee-pees surrounded by horse pens containing many beautiful semi-feral mustangs. This was the Cherokee tribe settlement, famed across the grasslands for the best horses and strongest Chiefs.

Here is where we will build the tribe:
(Please read rules below before creating characters!)

- Human form -
Spirit animal:

- Horse form -
Appearance: (include painted on native markings)

- please have several characters!! Want plenty of characters involved!
- please make all names real Native American names, include first and family name, also try to be descriptive in personality and appearance.
-a family may have many horses if you like, teenagers may have one horse of their own.
- horses can be traded, lost in bets or taken from an individual if they break tribe rules (only with permission of people involved in argument)
- try to reply once a day or let me know if you won't be on for a few days!

WE NEED A CHIEF! Anyone wanting to play the Chief needs to include an example of writing and how often you'll be on.
Need chief's wife too!

I really hope everyone enjoys this!!!

Last edited on 2017-02-25 at 12:24:56 by Tiger

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#95071 Posted on 2017-02-24 19:42:52

Native Americans
Name: Awinita (means "fawn") Sigo
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Appearance: Awinita's skin is like the bitter black coffee the pale men drink mixed with the sweet milk of a buffalo. The summer sun will darken the creamy tone a bit into a healthy tanned complexion. Her eyes are wide, deep pools of dark brown. Her silky hair is long and often kept loose of ties, and it's color is black as the night sky. The girl has a small build and height.
Personality: She is outgoing among the tribe, with a big personality and an easy smile. She loves to joke around and have fun, but she does love to spend some quality time riding in the woods, just her, her horse, and nature. She spends a bit of time at one particular stream every time she can get away from her chores.
Spirit animal: Her spirit animal corresponds with her name - a deer.
Family: A mother and father
Horse: Dohi
Other: Anyone want to play her mother and father? Wouldn't mind her being the chief's son and daughter.

Name: Ahanu ("he laughs") Pondelik
Nickname: Anu (ah-noo)
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Appearance: Ahanu has dark brown hair that is often shaggy but soft. His build isn't particularly muscular, but also not skinny. He is strong, but it isn't obvious by looking at him. Anu has brown eyes and tan skin. He is an average height.
Personality: Despite his name, many who know him have never seen him laugh. Or smile, really. He doesn't talk much and is often very quiet. He isn't a big fan of people. His true personality comes out when it's just him and quiet. Nature appeals heavily to this quiet boy. He has a deep love for all things nature. His true personality is still often quiet, but he has a caring, compassionate side.
Spirit animal: His spirit animal is an eagle.
Family: Ahanu has no family. His mother died in labor and his father got struck with disease when Anu was three. Anu doesn't mind.
Horse: Amadahy
Other: N/A

Name: Dohi (peaceful)
Gender: Stallion
Age: 3 Yrs. Old
Appearance: Dohi is a Spanish Mustang. His fur is blue roan, his extremeties (head, legs) are darker "blue" in color, while his center (stomach/back) is more silver. His large eyes are brown and expressive. His black mane has wisps of silver streaked in for a beautiful effect.
Personality: Dohi loves a good gallop through the forest, but this stallion also loves the quiet moments. He is very trusting of humans in general, and easily can pick out his girl from all the other Native Americans. His favorite things are bread, the sweet refreshing quality of Awinita's favorite stream, and running into wind. He is know to huff every time someone walks by, using his large eyes to his advantage to get treats from the tribesmen.
Foals: N/A
Other: N/A

Name: Amadahy (Forest water)
Nickname: Ama (Ah-mah)
Gender: Mare
Age: 3 Yrs. Old
Appearance: Ama is a simple Spanish Mustang mare. Her light brown fur is soft and short. Her legs have black creeping up them. Her face has some soft black points. Her dark (almost black) mane and tail are long and wispy. Ama's dark eyes are often expressive with Anu, but not many others.
Personality: Ama is very affectionate and loyal to Anu. She loves him deeply and is actually a huge cuddle-bug. Her favorite times are lying beside him. She loves to eat the sweet grass of the woods. Ama does not do well with a rider other than Anu.
Foals: N/A
Other: N/A

Last edited on 2017-02-25 at 12:35:37 by Dog of Oz

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#95115 Posted on 2017-02-25 01:42:16

@Oz accepted!

Thanks for picking that up, my surnames I meant family name, just as a way of grouping families. Do you think that would be ok?
Also, no not all horses need painted markings, I think a horse must have to earn a painted mark and different marks, hold different levels of respect ect. Any unbroken horse shouldn't have painted markings.

Also Awinita can be chiefs youngest daughter if you like.

I will get my characters up ASAP!

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#95117 Posted on 2017-02-25 02:13:55

- Human form –
Name: Ameria Sigo (meaning ‘american’)
Nickname: Ammy
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: Ameria has milky brown skin that tans to a rich brown in the strong sun. She has wide brown eyes that usually hold a glint of adventure under dark but fine eyebrows. She values the beauty afternoons some of the women hold to tidy up her eyebrows and keep her skin clear for example. Her face has strong family features with a few darker freckles across her nose. Her jet black hair is always tied into plaits and often has ribbons woven through it. She is a very beautiful girl and her father is keen for her to marry a suitable man soon.
Personality: Ameria is full of life and fun, she loves wild races across the plains and intoxicating haren a pitahaya made from saguaro cactus. She is respectful of her father and how he leads the tribe but she hates the way he is trying to force her to marry as soon as possible. She loves her younger siblings dearly and is very loyal to the tribe. As much as she loves socializing she often needs time away from people to be with nature and her horse to control her temper. Her temper comes from her spirit creature the bear, she gets flares of rage but is usually calm and relaxed when not under pressure.
Spirit animal: Bear
Family: Sigo, chief’s family – she is the eldest daughter, little sister is Awintia.
Horse(s): Chavan
Other: Looking for love but on her terms, not her fathers.

- Horse form -
Name: Chavan
Gender: Stallion
Age: 5
Appearance: Wild bay with distinctive tiger-like leg stripes, dark brown eyes offer a window to his soul. He is a smaller horse standing at 14.2hh but he makes up for it in speed and strength. His bloodline comes from Sorria and Barb horses which make him hardy and small whilst being fast. He is often painted by Ameria with the chiefs mark, a blue circle around the left eye and nostrils, also yellow pat hand on special occasions.
Personality: Calm and responsive, totally focused on Ameria when she’s with him. He dislikes tack and restrictions and Ameria understands this often riding him bareback. Loves to go swimming and treats of wild apples.
Foals: Looking for a mare.
Other: Given to Ameria as a 16th birthday present.

(I will post my adult character later)

Last edited on 2017-02-25 at 12:23:43 by Tiger

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#95139 Posted on 2017-02-25 08:55:44


Name: Agasga (Generous)
Nickname: None
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: Agasga is of average height and build, with milk chocolate skin and hair so dark that it's near black, but not quite. Her eyes are a beautiful brown, with flecks of gold and amber that give them a unique quality. Her very long, thick hair is usually kept in a braid or two, rarely being left down except to sleep.
Personality: Agasga is a quiet, kept-to-herself young woman who doesn't care much for social interaction or drama. She would happily spend time with her horse all day if she could. But as she is becoming a woman, she is gradually forced to widen her social horizons and communicate more and more with people.
Spirit animal: Buffalo
Family: Mother Tsula - Father died in battle when Agasga was young - No siblings
Horse(s): Yona

Name: Adahy (Lives in the woods)
Nickname: 'Ada'
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Adahy is rather tall, with a lean build, acquired through years of training - himself and some of the horses in the tribe. His dark skin is complimented by his pitch black hair, which he typically keeps in one long braid, so as to keep it out of his face while he's working. His eyes are a lighter brown than most others, making him look a little different than the others in the tribe, which he likes.
Personality: Adahy is quite outgoing, and joys in having company, usually that of the beautiful young women in the tribe, or simply of his horse. He is known for both his sense of humor and use of sarcasm, which can get him in trouble, often.
Spirit animal: Coyote
Family: Mother and father died a few years ago - Little brother Onacona (12) - Little sister Galilahi (9)
Horse(s): Gawonii


Paint Meanings

Name: Yona (Dove)
Gender: Mare
Age: 7 years
Appearance: Body - Cremello; Painting - Pat hand, coup feathers, arrow on hoof, circle eye, circle nostril, escaped ambush
Personality: Quiet; willing; kind; gentle
Foals: None yet

Name: Gawonii (He is speaking)
Gender: Stallion
Age: 5 years
Appearance: Body - Chestnut leopard Appaloosa (heavy spotting); Painting - Pat hand, many wounds, arrow on hoof, circle eye, fire arrow, thunder stripe, escaped ambush
Personality: Rambunctious; obnoxious; good fighter; strong; powerful
Foals: None yet

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#95154 Posted on 2017-02-25 10:40:56

- Human form -
Name: Anemy Atohi
Nickname: Emy
Gender: Female
Age: 16 years old
Appearance: Anemy is fit in a slim kind of way. Her body is very petite, and she really only stands at 5'3, but despite that, her legs are long in proportion to the rest of her. Her face is round enough to fit her big dark eyes which is framed off by her long black hair tied in two tight braids. Brushing across her eyebrows, one of them cut through with a small scar, are her straight cut bangs. Usually her everyday outfits include a tasseled dress with warm animal skin pants and boots. Decorating her neck and wrists are several different kinds of small animal bones.
Personality: Emy is an unusual child, something she is known for is being a scavenger and picking up anything that catches interest. This obsession she has was always stressed her brother out, worried that she would never find love from it. She is very spiritual, and always believes there is a meaning behind something. She's easily excited by such spiritual things, but can get very defensive when someone makes it clear she doesn't believe her.
Spirit animal: Elk
Family: Maska
Horse(s): Lallo

Name: Maska Atohi
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Appearance: Maska is a built young man that stands tall at a rough 5'10. His dark shik compliments his dark, warm eyes nicely, giving him the impression of being mysterious when he hardly is at all. His hair is left out in soft waves, reaching down close to his chest. Occasionally he'll put it into a braid, but he prefers it out.
Personality: Maska matured early in his age so he could take care of his troubling sister. He's very kind to others in his tribe, and tries to keep everyone happy, even if they aren't his problems. In a way, he's that everyday brotherly friend that attempts to act very fatherly like. He isn't afraid to keep others in check, specifically his sister, but in the end, he doesn't hold grudges. That is, unless someone has daed attack their tribe.
Spirit animal: Bearded Vulture
Family: Anemy
Horse(s): Keme

- Horse forms -
Name: Lallo
Gender: Stallion
Age: 5
Appearance: Lallo is a smaller horse, along the height of 14.5 hands, which fits with his name well "little boy". His is perfectly shaped for sharp turns, and greta stamina, something that has always been proven useful as being Emy's horse. He is a Nokota, sired by Maska's own stallion. His coat is a dark blue roan, and his black mane and tail are long. Blue paint circles one of his dark eyes, and his mane is decorated with coup feathers along with a couple light animal bones. Resting on his hide is a pat hand, and on his shoulder is a fire arrow.
Personality: Unlike Emy, he is a mellow horse which suits his owner very nicely. He does have his spurts of attitude, but over all he is a loyal fearless horse. He has yet to meet battle, but because its very hard to pull him away from a task, he'd probably do just fine.
Foals: None

Name: Keme
Gender: Stallion
Age: 15 years old.
Appearance: Keme, unlike his son, is a large Nokota, inching towards 16 hands. His coat dark gray color which really emphasizes on his muscle mass. Maska definitely works him hard because his body is clearly built for strength and stamina. Across his nose are two yellow lines representing his the honor in his previous battles, and both of his eyes are circles in blue, as well are his nostrils. He does have the message of Death Oath of Vengence, as well as a Thunder Stripe. Resting on his shoulder is a red Fire Arrow, and an escaped ambushed on his hind. He has not recieved the pat hand yet simply because Maska hasn't felt like Keme's job is complete.
Personality: Keme is a very wild, aggressive horse at times. His emotions feed off of Maska's, so if his owner has a problem, you can very well guarantee he will throw a tantrum. But, if Maska is at ease, he is very calm and content with life. However, that doesn't mean he has a great temper. That is probably why he has so many battle markings painted on his coat.
Foals: Lallo is his only offspring at the moment.

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#95157 Posted on 2017-02-25 10:46:53


Both accepted, good characters! I'll get my other character up soon then we can start. If you know of anyone who would be interested in this RP please tell them about it.

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#95171 Posted on 2017-02-25 12:24:24

- Human form -
Name: Mingan (grey wolf)
Nickname: Ming
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Ming is a thicker set, muscled man under a deep brown skin. His brown hair is tied back into a long pony tail and he wears a red head band to keep stray hairs out of his face and light brown eyes. He has many scars covering his arms and torso from fights and injuries from his foolish behaviour.
Personality: Solid and strong leadership qualities, will look to be second in command when he is married, currently he is too boisterous and immature to lead. He rides his fiery mare fast and has little fear in any situation as his spirit animal does which often gets him into fights. When he is relaxed he is openly sensitive and understanding, he really enjoys sitting around a fire talking to his fellow tribe mates.
Spirit animal: Wolf
Family: Any one want to be brother or sister?
Horse(s): Tamia
Other: Looking for a woman

- Horse form -
Name: Tamia
Gender: Mare
Age: 7
Appearance: Deep fiery red with wild black eyes. She has bright blue painted marks, lighting stripes, fire arrows and coup feathers.
Personality: She lives only for Mingan and will behave for no other, he is the only one she repects. She knows her mind and will challenge any other horse mare or stallion; she is generally lead mare of the horses. She loves a wild gallop and is an exceptional jumper. However her attitude often ruins her performance ability if she decides just doesn’t fancy doing something.
Foals: Maybe in future.
Other: N/A

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#95232 Posted on 2017-02-25 16:03:03

Name: Citlali (means "Like a star") Tanguma
Nickname: Lali
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Appearance: Lali is a short, thin lady standing around 5'2". She has milky tan skin and is usually seen with her dark brown hair in one long braid that falls midway down her back. She has rich hazel brown eyes and a plump nose to set off her facial features. She has two long scars on her left shoulder blade from a raid when she was younger. Colorful beads are often put in her braided hair.
Personality: Lali has much wisdom of the goings on in the tribe, though is quite reserved with her words. She is beyond loyal and friendly to many people she meets, never to get angry with anyone. In many ways, she is a mother figure to many of the younger ones in the tribe, though she does not have any children of her own. She was many dreams of having her own children and is being patience for the right partner to be sent her way. Patience is key with her.
Spirit animal: Otter
Family: If anyone would like to be her family let me know
Horse(s): Namid
Other: Namid was found on one of the hunts and given to Lali as a gift after losing her last horse to a raid.

Name: Guatemoc (means "one who falls like an eagle") Wawia
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Appearance: Guatemoc has darker, rich tan complexion that corresponds with his milky brown eyes. He tends to keep his hair short, but when it is long he lets it flow in one long ponytail. His hair is dark and very straight. Guatemoc isn't very tall, standing around 5'5" and he has broad shoulders that show off his strength.
Personality: Guatemoc is rarely, if ever, a guy that jokes around. He has a serious expression almost all the time. He doesn't go wild and do crazy things. It makes him look boring to others, but he doesn't like chaos, therefore, he does not create chaos himself. He is very respectful and knows when it is not the time to open his mouth.
Spirit Animal: Eagle
Family: Miakoda (younger sister)
Horse(s): Tadita & Nanook
Other: Tadita was given to him by his father

Name: Miakoda (means "the moon is powerful") Wawia
Nickname: Koda
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Appearance: Miakoda has that youthful look about her, with innocent eyes and perfect milky tan skin. He dark hair is wavy and the only blemish on her skin is a tiny birthmark on her right wrist, just under the palm of her hand. She currently stands at 4'9" but is still growing, though maybe not much taller.
Personality: Koda has a fiery personality that is quite the opposite of her brothers. She is outspoken and loves to talk others heads off. She loses her patience and easily gives up if she doesn't get it right the first time. She's a dreamer and is often caught in the midst of those dreams, which doesn't help with her brother's teachings of facing reality.
Spirit Animal: Wolf
Family: Guatemoc (older brother)
Horse(s): She has not chosen her horse yet
Other: N/A

Name: Namid (means "dancing star")
Gender: Mare
Age: 4
Appearance: Namid is a 15.3 hh mare with a seal bay pelt stricken with four tall stockings and a patch of white on her left rump. He mane is dark and her tail starts off white at the base and turns darker. She has large brown eyes and a small, petite muzzle with no markings covering it. She has a single blue-green circle around her left eye and an owl feather placed in her mane right behind her left ear.
Personality: Namid trusts anyone and everyone, probably a little too much sometimes. She has absolute loyalty to Lali and won't let anyone else ride her unless Lali tells her it's okay. She never thinks twice when Lali asks her of something.
Foals: None
Other: N/A

Name: Tadita (means "the running one")
Gender: Mare
Age: 7
Appearance: Tadita is a copper red dun with a dark brown dorsal stripe and stripes covering her legs. Her mane and tail is a rich creamy yellow color with some black hairs spotting in a few places. She has a single stocking on her back left leg and half a bald face that covers the entire left side, from the tip of her ear to the bottom of her muzzle. She has minimal feathering on her feet and has one blue eye (left) and one brown eye (right). She stands around 16.2 hh and is stocky built like a draft cross. There is a falcon painted on her right rump.
Personality: Tadita is a bold mare that sometimes likes to boss around the others. She is loyal to her rider and wears the paint with pride. She is patient with anyone, though prefers Guatemoc over anyone. She gets very pushy if she doesn't have her way.
Foals: Nanook

Name: Nanook (means "polar bear")
Gender: Colt
Age: 1
Appearance: Nanook is a solid white colt with only black tipping the top of his ears. He has grey-blue eyes and a red ring around his right eye as well as two wavy blue lines on his right shoulder. He has minimal feathering like his mother and a small petite like frame more like his father. He currently stands at 13.3, but has some growing room.
Personality: Nanook is a wild, free-spirited young colt that would rather run around and play rather than be ridden by anyone. He lives in the now and doesn't think ahead. He's alert at all times and very gentle for anyone who comes around.
Foals: N/A
Other: His father was a wild stallion

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#95326 Posted on 2017-02-26 05:15:02

Ameria Sigo – 17 – female – Tiger
Mingan – 19 – male - Tiger
Awinita Sigo – 14 – female
Ahanu Pondelik – 13 – male
Agasga – 16 – female - AID
Adahy – 19 – male - AID
Anemy Atohi – 16 – female – Rem
Maska Atohi – 21 – male – Rem
Citlali Tanguma – 28 – female – QueenBird
Guatemoc Wawia – 21 – male – QueenBird
Miakoda Wawia – 12 – female – QueenBird

@ QueenBird Could Minghan be Citlali’s younger brother?

We need a chief then we can begin, is anyone interested in playing him? If not I will!

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#95361 Posted on 2017-02-26 14:13:08

I don't mind Tiger! :)

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#95367 Posted on 2017-02-26 15:07:13

@Queen I know they're polar opposite personalities but that might make it interesting.

I will write up chief tomorrow, unless anyone else wants to play him?

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#95450 Posted on 2017-02-27 11:06:17

- Human form -
Name: Chief Sigo
Nickname: The Chief
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Appearance: He is of average height and has a thicker build with a deep permanent tan from years living on the plains, his face is lined with soft wrinkles and his teeth yellowing from chewing Yabaca root. His face has strong features that run in his family and deep brown eyes. His black hair is the longest in the tribe having never been cut as a sign of his years in charge, however it is beginning to fade around his face to grey and the ends have been bleached to almost blonde buy the sun, it is worn in a long plait down his back and woven with beads. He wheres a coup of feathers on a blue, beaded head band everyday, only wearing his full headdress for occasions or meeting new people. His clothes are of fine quality and beautifully embroidered as a Chief's should be.
Personality: The Chief is a reliable, confident leader having been in charge for 7 years now he knows how to run the tribe efficiently and has gained a lot of respect from his people for being diplomatic in tribal disputes. He can be firm and decisive but is generally jolly and enjoys sitting with his tribe around a fire and telling stories. He is very proud of his daughters and will do everything he can to give them the best chance to find the right man but his opinions often irritate his eldest Ameria.
Spirit animal: Mountain Lion
Family: Ameria and Awinita (daughters), also adopted Ahanu as his own when his parents died. (Hope that is ok Oz?)
Horse(s): Soriia (sore-ii-a), Tawki , Yoki, Fala, Unega

- Horse form -
Name: Tawki (tor-kee)
Meaning: 'Wind'
Gender: Stallion
Age: 10
Appearance: Bright bay overo with long wild mane that is plaited near his ears and threaded with beads, he wears a large coup of blue and red feathers when ridden on occasions, painted with circles around eyes and nose as well as thunder stripes and several pat hands as he is an accomplished stallion.
Personality: Intelligent and confident, can feel the Chiefs thoughts through how he moves in the saddle and responds making it seem that he is ridden with no instruction. Quiet in the pen and enjoys playing with the foals but won't put up with the young pushy stallions or mares, he really dislikes Tamia. He is respected by most horses as he is the Cheifs war stallion.
Foals: Chavan (Ameria's horse), Yoki
Other: Mate is usually Soriia.

- Human form -
Name: Chief Sigo
Nickname: The Chief
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Appearance: He is of average height and has a thicker build with a deep permanent tan from years living on the plains, his face is lined with soft wrinkles and his teeth yellowing from chewing Yabaca root. His face has strong features that run in his family and deep brown eyes. His black hair is the longest in the tribe having never been cut as a sign of his years in charge, however it is beginning to fade around his face to grey and the ends have been bleached to almost blonde buy the sun, it is worn in a long plait down his back and woven with beads. He wheres a coup of feathers on a blue, beaded head band everyday, only wearing his full headdress for occasions or meeting new people. His clothes are of fine quality and beautifully embroidered as a Chief's should be.
Personality: The Chief is a reliable, confident leader having been in charge for 7 years now he knows how to run the tribe efficiently and has gained a lot of respect from his people for being diplomatic in tribal disputes. He can be firm and decisive but is generally jolly and enjoys sitting with his tribe around a fire and telling stories. He is very proud of his daughters and will do everything he can to give them the best chance to find the right man but his opinions often irritate his eldest Ameria.
Spirit animal: Mountain Lion
Family: Ameria and Awinita (daughters), also adopted Ahanu as his own when his parents died. (Hope that is ok Oz?)
Horse(s): Soriia, Tawki , Yoki, Unega

- Horse form -
Name: Soriia (sore-ii-a)
Meaning: 'stripped'
Gender: Mare
Age: 7
Appearance: Buckskin mare with distinctive stripes up her legs and black mane, white feathered coup and white beads plaited all the way down her mane, red circles painted around eyes and nose as well as a single red pat hand.
Personality: Sweet, loving mare with humans and respected by other horses for her calm courage when ridden. She is often used to teach the youngest tribe members to ride as she is gentle and calm.
Foals: Chavan (Ameria's horse), Yoki
Other: Produced two foals for the Chief, coming into season again soon.

(other horse forms to come later)

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#95629 Posted on 2017-02-28 11:06:25

Everyone the RP is up and running here!

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#95928 Posted on 2017-03-02 01:35:59

Will there be romance?

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