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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP SU)

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Rustling Wind (Wolf RP SU)

#76958 Posted on 2016-11-25 16:49:25

Accepted. :)

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#76959 Posted on 2016-11-25 16:53:43

I am currently working on signups but it'll take me a while so if possible id like to reserve these ranks/names until i can post full forms

Ahkan / Alpha / Male / Little Valley Pack
Ryaki / Queen / Female / Free River Pack
Nikitis / Delta / Male / Rustling Wind Pack

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#76960 Posted on 2016-11-25 16:57:29

Name: Ahkan
Nickname: Alpha
Gender: Male
Age: 6 years 5 months
Description: Ahkan is a solid black, muscular and bulky wolf, though he is graying with age. Gray tinges his muzzle, ears, around his hazel eyes, and at the tip of his tail. Ahkan is average size for a male wolf of his pack, with plenty of bulk muscle. He has multiple scars throughout his pelt, but none that are to visible or disrupt the growth of his fur. Ahkan's fur, though short and thin, is rather rough and uneven.
Personality: Ahkan isn't wise beyond his years, or one of those who thinks twice before he acts. But Ahkan is still intelligent, cunning, and quick minded. He is firm in his decisions and will never go back on his word unless his or his pack's life is at jeopardy. He is very stuck in his ways and still believes in the old traditions of the packs. He isn't one to take criticism or disrespect lightly, and gets angered and aggressive easily.
Pack: Little Valley Pack
Rank: Alpha
Desired Rank: N/A
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A (PM me)
Pups: N?A (possibly if he has a mate)
Other: N/A
Example of Writing: (excerpt from a private roleplay of mine)
Oni watched as the canine came within earshot of the pack. He spoke boldly, and full of confidence, as if he was testing the Leader. Poor choice... She said to herslef silently, watching and listening to him as he spoke. Mars of the wolves? Did the "wolves" always introduce themselves with long titles and odd names without meanings?
On oddity he is, out here in the Savannah. The closest thing to him here are the Jackals... The jackals looked similar to him, but smaller, bigger ears, longer tail, differently colored. Oni looked over this "Mars" once more.
Finally the leader, Abasi, spoke. "You are not one of us. You do not understand our customs, the simplest of which even our cubs understand. You never challenge a higher ranking male like you just did to myself." He said in what the pack would say was a fairly neutral tone, though must seem to the newcomer as a growl.
Oni nudged Abasi with a small whimper. "Exactly, sire, he does not know our customs, how could he know he was in the wrong by taking a dominant stance and tone? I fail to see wh-" Oni was cut off by something biting her tail, sending waves of pain through her body.
Turning to look at who was abusing her tail, she saw Ryuke growling behind her, walking forward he pushed her back. "Do you know no better than to question Abasi's actions?" He growled, after Oni was shoved back again, this time by her sister Tania.
Ignoring it, Oni walked away in her submissive stance, tail between her legs and ears flat as she laid under the rock overhang once more, still observing the wolf, waiting to hear his response and how this would all play out.

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#77044 Posted on 2016-11-26 09:33:58

Accepted. :) You will be able to post the other forms with those names. :)

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#77108 Posted on 2016-11-26 18:34:00

(just curious, when will the rp start? When enough spots are filled, or....? Sorry I'm impatient and excited for this CX)

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#77461 Posted on 2016-11-29 15:25:41

(When enough spots get filled. :P Don't worry, I'm also super impatient)

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#79305 Posted on 2016-12-11 17:02:08

Name: Kirai
Nickname: Kai
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Decription: Kirai is a copper red wolf with emerald green eyes. Streaks of silver run from her neck to the base of her tail and her ears are tipped with black. A long scar runs from her nose to the bottom of her lip from an accident as a pup. Her legs are long and lanky but carries a well built muscular body.
Personality: Has a temper under her soft exterior as a very attentive young she wolf. She puts the pack before herself and watches carefully over them. She can be hot headed at times but for the most part she is a free spirited wolf.
Pack: Free River
Rank: Beta
Desired Rank: Beta
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
Other: N/A
Example of Writing: Maddox leaped into the air bringing himself down on a pile of leaves with the crash. He had been eyeing the pile for what seemed like forever sniffing out the chipmunk that had crawled in. Unfortunately, the little guy was just too fast for Maddox and had scrambled away before the big brute of a wolf landed on his paws. Maddox huffed in frustration as his stomach began to growl loudly. Letting out a deep growl, he turned it into a howl to let everyone now of his frustrations. Walking back to his den, he hoped for scraps to be found for him to munch on. "Bones will have to do for now." He laid down on the dirt at the mouth of the den where the remainder of a leg bone, that had once belonged to deer now laid. Maddox chewed at it forcefully, letting all of his anger go with each crushing bite he took at the bone.

Name: Java
Nickname: Java
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Decription: Java is a silver-gray wolf with white paws and grey-blue eyes. She's on the shorter side of the spectrum, making her more nimble and fast. Her size might not look like much to any wolf, but she's still built strong like an alpha.
Personality: Hot headed and short tempered, she is easily irritated if someone pushes the wrong buttons at the wrong time. She's more of an 'attack and ask questions later' kind of wolf. Doesn't take kindly to many newcomers, and puts her duty to the pack before any other needs. Loyalty comes before anything with her.
Pack: Rustling Wind
Rank: Alpha
Desired Rank: Alpha
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
Other: N/A
Example of Writing: Juniper yelped as a moose chased after her through the trees. He clearly wasn't happy about a wolf being so close to him. She leaped over a log and laid low, just out of the moose's sight. As she heard the moose stumble off in the direction they came she stood to her feet. "I'll teach you," she cursed in the direction of the moose. Turning on her heels, she headed out of Red Ash Forest. The aching of her right hind leg let her know she had a wound from her encounter with the moose moments ago. It didn't bother her though. As she neared the edge of the trees, she noticed a wolf near the other side of Little Bear River. She froze in panic, not knowing whether to hide herself or not.

(thought I'd make two more characters :p)

Last edited on 2016-12-11 at 17:05:00 by Regime.Bird

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#79695 Posted on 2016-12-13 09:45:17

You guys are still accepting applications?

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#79705 Posted on 2016-12-13 10:14:52

I think so.

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#82626 Posted on 2016-12-24 18:16:20

Yes, we are. :) Sorry for my absence.
Regime.Bird, your wolves are accepted. Thank you for filling some much needed slots. Wasn't expecting female alpha, but I like it. :D

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#82628 Posted on 2016-12-24 18:20:33

Free River Pack
Alpha: Codex
Beta: Kirai
Queens: N/A
Pups: N/A

Little Valley Pack
Alpha: Ahkan
Beta: OPEN
Queens: N/A
Pups: N/A

Rustling Wind Pack
Alpha: Java
Beta: Aqui
Deltas: N/A
Pups: N/A

Needed Spots to Start:
Rustling Wind Deltas
Free River Deltas

Spots That Would Be Nice To Have Added To:
All Queen Spots
All Delta Spots
Pups Are Always Nice :)

After we have some more Deltas, we will start. The sign-up will remain open for a while after we first start. :D

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#82884 Posted on 2016-12-25 20:30:34

Name: Convoi
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 2 1/2
Description: He has a large masculine build he was granted with since he was a pup. A large head withholding two though seemingly soft dark brown eyes and massive paws teaching him balance and during his younger years was the excuse for his clumsiness. Since then of course, his muscles grew filling in the once awkwardly shaped body. His pelt gleams a rich golden shade in which tends to get dirty from time to time while he is out hunting or exploring or causing trouble.
Personality: In his younger puppy-hood years he was the adventurer and trouble-maker in the litter. Learning discipline and manors at a youthful age made him who he is, serious and rarely the one to stray away from his duties to the pack. Though he finds himself wondering off from time to time, he is well aware of the consequences he may deal with. He is reserved and observant, keeping to himself within the pack until something goes wrong or he needs to speak up. From time to time he is a bit prideful and cocky, he doesn't express himself fully to others.
Pack: Rustling Winds
Rank: Delta?
Desired Rank: Delta
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A

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#82920 Posted on 2016-12-25 23:02:16

Accepted! Delta is just your average Joe rank. :)

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#84821 Posted on 2017-01-02 13:48:34

Hi, are sign ups still going on??

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#84824 Posted on 2017-01-02 14:19:25

Name: Saphria
Nickname: Saffy
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Description: Saffy is blessed with a sleek, shining sliver pelt tipped with black on her legs, tail and ears. Summers-day blue eyes and a flirty smile she tends to draw attention but her attention is already captured. She's a taller wolf but has a more delicate build making her an excellent hunter of fish and has the speed to catch the larger prey.
Personality: Sociable wolf who loves attention and a bit of a flirt which was frowned apon greatly my her parents, their disaproval lead to her slightly wayward behaviour and pushed her to join the Rustling Winds pack. However, although social most of the time she values time alone to relaxin wild places more than anythin. Her perfect fairytale would be to have someone to share her wild places with.
Pack: Rustling Winds
Rank: Delta
Desired Rank: Beta (but if love life works out Queen)
Crush: Convoi
Mate: not yet...
Pups: N/A

Name: Cana
Nickname: N/A
Gender: female
Age: 5
Description: Jet black pelt with a healthy sheen, bright yellow eyes that can scold a pup with a single glance. Larger build with strong, powerful legs that make her a great asset to a large prey hunting team. Large, fluffy black ears often give her an endearing look but watch out for for her sharp looks.
Personality: Cana was a feisty young wolf, the pride and joy of her father compared to her very ordinary litter brothers, she would always put 110% into her training as a young wolf and was in the running for the Beta rank. She was pipped-to-the-post for Beta rank at 3 years old which left her raw and bitter for a long time. Since meeting her (MATE?) she settled to a life of looking after her pups and being spoilt. She will be keen to step back up into the pack as a strong warrior if any trouble should arise.
Pack: Little Valley
Rank: Queen
Desired Rank:N/A
Mate: ??? (would love someone to be her mate please)
Pups: Kiyiya (kay-y-ya), Zeyve (zay-veev), Felan (fee-lan)(runt)

Would you like me to do mini forms for pups?? or would anyone like to play them??

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