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[ADDED] *Breeder Prefixes & Easy-See Confo

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Topic is locked [ADDED] *Breeder Prefixes & Easy-See Confo

#49759 Posted on 2016-06-28 08:52:32

This suggestion has been marked as "Added To The Game". Thank you, Silver Foxie Sox, for the suggestion and to those of you who supported for making Equiverse better!

I don't know if anyone ever suggested this, but one of the things I would like to see is a setting where I can establish a permanent prefix that will not change even if the new owner of a horse changes its name, and show up on certain places, such as pedigrees, for easy identification.  For me, this would be helpful in readily tracking which horses are mine so I don't buy or stud to my own lines without realizing it when I only want to outbreed. I also feel like it would reflect real life, because in real life, you would have a breeder prefix that could not be changed in most pedigreed species.

Also, on the links to horses (like when you do a search), I would like to see average confo next to stats for easy viewing.  For those who shop stats only, the current setup is fine, but for those of us who are also concerned about confo, horse searching can get extremely tedious, because you have to open every single profile.  I would like to just be able to skip over horses that don't meet my confo standards when shopping for studs or new animals.

Yeah, I know...little fussy, but these two features would make breeding decisions SOOOO much easier!!!

Last edited on 2017-08-29 at 15:18:13 by River

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#49774 Posted on 2016-06-28 09:58:49

Yes to conformation, please!

I don't mind the prefix idea, but I think it should cost something to establish your brand/prefix. Perhaps it's only a deluxe feature as well?

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#49786 Posted on 2016-06-28 11:15:54

I like these ideas, especially the permanent breeder's prefix. But I do not agree that it should be a deluxe feature. Perhaps, instead, to enable the prefix you would have to pay a one time fee of EVC? I know nothing about coding or how hard it would be to create this feature, so I do not have an opinion on how much EVC.

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#49791 Posted on 2016-06-28 11:31:30

Prefixes have been suggested before, and I sincerely hope they are never added. They are ugly and I will not buy horses that have them, no matter how much I like them. I am sure other players feel the same way (based on many opinions in the other thread). I would suggest separating this into two separate suggestions, as many players may like one idea but not the other (I wouldn't mind your second suggestion, but I cannot click support because I hate prefixes).

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#49843 Posted on 2016-06-28 15:20:56

I don't really like prefixes. The bred by link covers that.

Love the conformation idea though!

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#49894 Posted on 2016-06-28 20:20:29

Both these ideas have been previously suggested.
Prefixes suggestion (mixed support)
Conformation suggestion (unanimous support)
Related suggestion, being able to search by conformation: here & here & here (unanimous support each time)

Also, when you're making suggestions try to put separate suggestions in different topics, that way people can vote on each suggestion. Making a ton of suggestions at the same time is considered helpful, not spamming. ;)

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#49930 Posted on 2016-06-28 22:28:34

Thank you, Ulysses! I almost separated them, except they are largely the same issue for me. Both require looking at the profiles, and finding out what I bred is actually the worst of the two because I sometimes have to check every horse on the pedigree, which is a more serious issue on the new EV due to the inbreeding blocks. The confo has, of course, always been an aggravation, but I can see it would be a much simpler improvement on the EV than the old one.

So basically, the issue, for me, is overall practicality in stud or new horse shopping.

At which point, I will mention my own counter-opinion on the prefixes here in case I cannot post on thee other thread; I consider it more akin to a person's last name than to branding, and that is for simple identification purposes. Pretty or not, it is important for responsible breeding, not for stroking egos...I have always hated how people could change a horse's entire name on me after sale, and as a result, I easily lose track of who's who. I almost feel people should have to pay credits to change the name of a horse that has produced foals, or at least the game should update owners of those foals, but I would personally find those things aggravating compared to a way of simply seeing who bred what.

I do NOT agree that prefixes should be deluxe-only or paid features because they are not that way in real life; however, because you would only know them in real life by looking at a ped, I could understand if that were the only place they showed up.

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#49944 Posted on 2016-06-28 23:25:58

Except that the two are entirely different issues... Prefixes and conformation are entirely separate and have no bearing on each other.

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#49953 Posted on 2016-06-29 00:57:52

"because you would only know them in real life by looking at a ped"

That is actually untrue. A lot of breeders use their operation name or acronym in the horse's official registered name itself, so it would be on every paper - pedigree, registration papers. Some shows even prohibit the use of any name other than the horse's registered name.

Examples would be: T C F Palladium (True Colours Farm), Flamenco SF (Spring Fever), to name just a couple out of the possible dozens if not hundreds.

Just don't want inaccurate information floating around...

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#50092 Posted on 2016-06-29 16:07:15

Maybe not, Syrien, but they are both associated with deciding which horses I breed to what; I lump ancestry, stats, and conformation all into my decision-making factors, so they all become relevant for the same purpose in my barn. Nevertheless, I was wondering when I posted if they had been discussed, and it looks like they have been, and perhaps maybe in somewhat of a rehashed manner. I'm just leaving this post alone for that reason; people can read the thread and follow Ulysses' links to vote on the separate issues.

I apparently just resurrected a previous debate...and according to one of the threads, Abbey already seems to be working on it in a way that will satisfy the majority, which seems to be in favor of prefixes, in a manner which is sensitive to the opposing opinion. She'll figure it out. :)

@Vos: *metaphorically, only by looking at a ped (I don't have horses in real life, but I raise rabbits, and have registered animals before)...the idea I was trying to convey is, most people refer to their horses by barn names on a daily basis, not by whatever is on the paperwork, so having to look at the ped on a horse to see the prefixes would make perfect sense to me. As long as the confo and stats are easy to find in the search, it wouldn't be the greatest headache on earth to check the ped.

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#50173 Posted on 2016-06-29 19:59:25

Love the conformation suggestion! That would make it so much easier to find horses for the people that breed for high conformation like myself :D

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#50231 Posted on 2016-06-30 01:25:22

I do not agree with the prefixes either, I will not hit either button however as two separate issues.

To add to VOS' on prefixes in real life it exists very much in horse registered names

Morgan's example: HVK (Henry Von Kholer) UVM (University of Vermont) "Hillwood" (Hillwood Stables)
Example names: HVK Santanna, UVM Triumph, Hillwood Irish Rose (all real horses)

Two horses I personally own/owned: RMK Super Nova (the RMK standing for Rumonek) and my mare Nemo: Misty Wind McCue the "Misty Wind" references the farm she came from.

There's others out there, you see it in more breeds such as Morgan's, Saddlebreds, and some breeders just prefer it.

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#50265 Posted on 2016-06-30 08:29:06

I love the breeder prefix idea.
Lots of games establish a similar feature and no one complains. It, however, should be a deluxe feature. One of the points of deluxe is to be come a larger operation easier, and this could easily fit in with the other features.
And don't say you wouldn't buy a horse with a prefix. You totally would. I personally don't change prefixes of horses I've bought if it's a breeder prefix such as initials or a "brand". I only change if it's an orginazational prefix. And I personally despise it when people change mine.

Honestly, I'm in favor of permanent "registered names" that you have to pay a fee to change. But this is my compromise.

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#50269 Posted on 2016-06-30 08:34:12

I mean it when I say I won't buy them. I immediately change them now if someone slaps a prefix on a horse.

(e) I could deal with prefixes as long as there were an option to hide them. Then everyone who wants them could see them but I wouldn't have to.

Last edited on 2016-06-30 at 08:36:47 by Syrien 🐇 ☽

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#50273 Posted on 2016-06-30 08:47:41

Perhaps they would not show on your "my horses" list but will show on the horse's page? That's how a certain game I played way back when did it.

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