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Daph and Mag *Private rp*

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Daph and Mag *Private rp*

#35623 Posted on 2016-05-01 13:57:22

Chase parked the car and then walked through the rain to the restaurant. He stopped in the restroom for a bit to dry off his damp blonde hair which was barely holding its up do. He then went and found Nicole and Lynch and joined them at the table. Sitting down he took Nicole's hand and gently squeezed it.

Zander stared at the boy until a rumble of thunder brought him to reality. "Listen Carmen, its been great seeing you. It really has." he said genuinely meaning it. "You too. I'm glad I found you." she replied. "When will I be able to see him again?" he asked. "Next weekend. If you're willing to watch him?" she said answering his question. "Hold him." she said handing him to Zander without waiting for an answer. "Mama!" Adrian exclaimed in protest. "Not now, baby. I'd like a picture of you two." she replied unfazed. Zander held the child, and looked in awe at the minute features that so closely resembled his own. "Smile!" Carmen commanded as she held her phone up to take pictures. The thunder roared again and Adrian jumped. "Mama!" he cried in fright clinging to Zander but stretching an arm out for his mom. "Its all right." she said as she stepped forward to take him. Zander carefully handed him over to her. "I really must be going now." he said though felt reluctant to leave. Carmen nodded in agreement. "Its time for me to be off as well." she acquiesced. They then exchanged numbers and arranged a meeting time for next week. Zander turned to leave, he heard a small 'bye' and looked back to see Adrian waving. Carmen smiled as Zander returned the wave and then left.
Once he had reached his car, Zander pulled out his phone to check it. Scrolling through he saw a message from Talia. "I'm on my way home. I'll see you soon!" he replied to her text as he felt a knot forming in his stomach.

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#35680 Posted on 2016-05-01 18:06:21

Nicole smiled to Chase and to Lynch as she fixed her hair and earrings. The waiter smiled and had a pad of paper asking them for there drink orders. Lynch smiled "A water with lemon" he and Nicole said together in perfect harmony. The waiter laughed looking at Chase and swirled her hair as she winked a eye "What you want?" she said fixing her outfit and hair.

Talia blinked pulling the covers over her head more as she shook. Another clap of thunder rumbled and Talia felt more hot tears come down her face as she read the text message. The rain poured down harder on the metal roof as Talia slipped out the bed and to the drawer beside her. Pulling out a small flashlight she clicked it on and got back in bed. Rocking back and fourth she sung softly "The thunder will disaper and out will come a rainbow." she repeated with her breath coming out raggedly for the fear she had of thunderstorms.

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#35883 Posted on 2016-05-02 14:15:07

Chase smiled and resisted the urge to laugh. For as much as they bickered the siblings definitely had a lot in common he thought to himself. "I'll have an ice water, please." he replied to the waitress. Once she had left the table, he picked up his menu and began to slowly look through it.

Zander drove home as fast as he dared in the rain. He felt equally afraid of facing her and telling her the truth, as he did of leaving her alone in the storm. Upon arriving he parked his car in the garage and then hurried into the house. He was greeted by an empty kitchen and dining room, with no sign of her. "Talia!" he called as he began to search for her. He finally found her in the bedroom with both puppies. Cody woke up from where he had been sleeping snuggled up against her. He yawned and then toddled over the blankets on the bed towards Zander.

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#35939 Posted on 2016-05-02 17:14:56

Nicole smiled as she flipped through the menu landing on her favorite meal she always got and smiled to Chase pointing to it and leaning back proud of it. Lynch on the other hand was flipping through looking at two meals and deciding on the two together. The waitress came back with the waters.

Talia heard the door open and saw Zander enter the room and drew a quick sigh of relief. With Zander she practically gripped onto him hugging him tightly and shaking against him. wiping the stray tears away she pressed her face into his shirt breathing heavily in fear. Hawk whined at the feet of Zander and spun in a circle then wagged his tail spinning again and going to the door and whining.

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#35964 Posted on 2016-05-02 19:12:51

Chase finished looking through his menu, and settled on Nicole's favorite, only with one of his favorite appetizers as a side. He set his menu down, then held Nicole's hand and gave it a light squeeze.

Zander held her close. "Shhhh...its okay." he whispered soothingly. His head resting on hers and giving her hair a few quick kisses. "Its all right. I'm here." he said trying to make her realize that she was okay. The puppy's movements caught his attention. "Hey, I think this little guy needs to go out." he said as he scooped him up.

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#36979 Posted on 2016-05-08 03:17:29

Nicole squeezed his hand as the waiter came back and got there meals and left to the kitchen. Giving a smile she kissed him on the cheek softly and leaned in Chase's body with a grin. Lynch laughed and covered his eyes quickly with a hand.

Talia nodded picking up Hawk and walking to the door and opening it. With another bang of thunder and lightning Talia gulped leaping and knocking into Zander causing them to both fall on the floor. Using a hand she used it to pull Zander's hand over her eyes as she shook.

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#37127 Posted on 2016-05-08 21:26:15

Chase relaxed into his chair and wrapped his arm around her. He sighed in contentment. "You know, we'll have some big changes ahead of us..." he said softly, referring to her pregnancy. He then briefly rested his hand on her stomach before adjusting himself to give her a kiss.

Zander stumbled backwards, barely managing to catch Talia as they fell. He held her tightly and made soothing noises as she shook. "Talia, its okay. The storm will pass." he said reassuringly as he gently rubbed her back. He gulped slightly. She was such a mess how was he ever going to tell her about his son, he thought to himself.

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#54198 Posted on 2016-07-19 04:46:42

Nicole smiled as she kissed him back and then eyed her food as she smiled "This looks perfect" she said as she looked at Lynch's food and did a shudder at how bad it looked. Looking at Chase's food she took a breath and looked at it. Going back to her food she began to eat it. Lynch giggled at his sister and picked up a long noodle "You don't like it?" he said knowing she didnt like noodles. Nicole gave a eye roll and didnt look up at the noodle in front of her.

The rain poured down hard as Hawk came back through the door after going potty. Taking a breath Talia nodded slowly standing up "But I dont like storms.." she said quietly and picking up Hawk. Looking at Zander she frowned "Where were you?" she said eyes shining with hurt as she blinked her blue eyes at him.

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#56267 Posted on 2016-07-25 18:27:21

Chase ate his meal enjoying each the taste and the pleasant aroma. He wasn't quite sure how he would ever get used to Nicole's sibling and their constant bickering. He finished all except for a third of his meal. "Would you like some of mine?" he said offering his plate to Nicole. "You're eating for two now." he added as a gentle reminder.

"I know," Zander replied getting to his feet as his phone slid from his pocket to the floor. He felt a pang of discomfort. "I'm sorry." he apologized gazing at her steadily. "The meeting ran longer than I expected." he replied gradually averting his eyes as he told his wife a half lie. He noticed Cody standing in the corner. "I'm going to take him out. I'll be right back." he said as he walked over to get the puppy. He went outside and stood in the rain with Cody while waiting for him to do his business. Inside his phone vibrated as he received a text with the picture of him and Adrian.

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#56615 Posted on 2016-07-27 04:20:02

Nicole looked at Chase her husband and shook her head up and down. Taking his plate she began to eat the small portion. After she finished she leaned back into the seat and into Chase as she smiled. Lynch looked at both and shook his head as he placed down a tip and the money for the bill.

Talia stood there quietly looking at the floor in front of her. taking a breath to calm her nerves she saw a phone his phone on the floor and picked it up seeing the picture of Zander and the little boy. Feeling confused and dizzy she dropped the phone on the counter and backed up a bit feeling the blood rush to her ears. Taking a single breath she walked to the bedroom with Hawk and crawled in bed with him petting him quietly as she shook and tears streamed down her face.

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#57625 Posted on 2016-07-30 10:27:49

Chase hid his surprise as Lynch paid. He had taken the guy as a cheapskate and freeloader. Why else would he be crashing in on their first home? he thought to himself. He took Nicole's hand and held it in his own as they left the restaurant and walked to the car. The rain had mostly cleared leaving behind billowy clouds and golden rays of sunlight.

Zander brought Cody back in. He found a towel and dried himself and the puppy. He then placed Cody back on the ground and watched as the puppy happily scampered off. "Talia, its still pouring out there." he remarked conversationally. Glancing around the room he noticed that she wasn't their. His phone vibrated on the counter letting him know that he had an unread message. He picked it up, the screen lit up with the photo of him and Adrian. A soft smile tugged at his lips and he looked at the picture. He then felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he realized what had happened.

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#57643 Posted on 2016-07-30 12:43:03

Nicole had seemed surprised that her brother paid for once and stood there mouth gaping. Closing it she walked out of the restaurant and followed Chase as they went to the car. Getting in the drivers side this time and buckling up she waited for the boys to get in. Lynch walked and got into the back once again as he smiled to both of them and buckled up.

Talia was hiding in bed with the sheets pulled up to her neck as she trembled and cried. "How could he...was he cheating on me?" all these thoughts rushed through her mind and she shook in fear. Giving a sniffle she looked at the door and waited for him to come in not minding the storm right now as she was in tears now because of Zander.

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#57720 Posted on 2016-07-30 19:17:58

Chase sat down in the passenger seat of the car. He waited for Nicole to start the car, wondering if she would like to do anything else for the evening or just head home.

Zander followed the muffled sounds of crying to the master bedroom. He approached the bed quietly. "Talia...." he said as he sat down next to her on the bed. He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. "Talia, I'd like to talk to you." he said gently then waited for her to come out from under the covers.

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#57731 Posted on 2016-07-30 20:14:40

Nicole looked to Chase and then started the car as she began to drive home. "So Lynch what was that back there?" she looked into the rear-view mirror at him. She continued to drive to home waiting for the answer from him. Lynch finally answered "i was being nice for you letting me have a place to stay." he said and looked at his thumbs. Taking a breath he looked at Chase in the front seat "What type of dog is Dixie?" he said tilting his head some and looking at him still.

Talia finally put her head out of the covers "What do you want?" she blinked a him and grabbed Hawk into her lap and started petting him. Hawk licked her fingers and laid down falling asleep in her lap. "Who was that a picture of?" she blinked softly and sadness shimmered off of her blue eyes as she looked at him and grabbed his hand.

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#58393 Posted on 2016-08-02 18:39:06

Chase stared straight ahead while Nicole drove. Her questioned to Lynched piqued his interest. He listened carefully to the answer scrutinizing it and trying to make sense of this guy known as his wife's brother. Chase relaxed slightly as the conversation changed to his dog. "She's a golden retriever." he said in reply.

Zander regarded his wife for a moment, she looked so pretty when she was upset. He took a deep breath to gather his thoughts. "Thats my son, Adrian." he paused before continuing on. "I met him for the first time today. If you'll allow it, I'd like to be a part of his life." he said the last part in a rush his eyes gently pleading with her to understand.

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