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Daph and Mag *Private rp*

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Daph and Mag *Private rp*

#34335 Posted on 2016-04-26 18:38:48

Chase returned the kiss as relief flooded through him. "Come on, Dixie" he called to his dog as he followed Nicole to the table. Chase sat down near Nicole and opened his own bag of food. He ate his breakfast in silence both ignoring and avoiding her brother.

Zander looked down at the wiggling black puppy in his own arms. "We agreed on one." he pleaded her. His mind began to quickly run the mental calculations of whether or not they would be able to afford a second. He felt a small sigh. Glancing down he saw the puppy relaxed and snuggled into his chest. "I guess we'll take two." he said looking at the owner.

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#34337 Posted on 2016-04-26 18:47:31

Nicole sighed looking at her husband and to her younger brother as she finished her meal. Getting up she went to the trash throwing the bag away and walking back over to the table. Going to the chair that Chase was in she leaned down whispering quietly in his ear "I have my doctors appointment today so keep him outta trouble. Unless you want to drive me to there? " she said smiling to him. Lych finished his meal "So Chase I've never asked whats your job?" he said leaning back against the chair.

The owner nodded "congrats on the new pups they've already been vaccinated update on there shots and all." Talia smiled getting up with the puppy in her arms and smiled to Zander mouthing a thank you to him. She stepped over the baby gate with the puppy in her arms and kissed it gently as she looked to Zander holding out her free arm to take the puppy with her too the car. The owner smiled looking at them and waited for the money patently.

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#34344 Posted on 2016-04-26 19:07:46

Chase stood and walked with her to the door. "I'd love to." he replied quietly "But, I'd better stay." he added with a glance at Lynch. He lightly kissed her good bye and then went back to his seat. "I work as a substance abuse counselor." he informed him.

Zander carefully handed her the puppy, and then pulled out his wallet to pay the owner. He thanked her for the dogs and then followed his wife to the car. "So....what are we going to name them?" he asked once seated. "And where to now?" he added as he pulled the car out and drove onto the road.

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#34407 Posted on 2016-04-27 02:39:26

Nicole smiled to her husband as she walked out to the car staring it. Buckling her seatbelt she drive onto the main road and into town. Shortly after she was in town and in front of the doctors office. Taking a breath she stepped out of the car and locked it going into the waiting room and signing in. About ten minutes later they called her back to examine her. The doctor began to listen to her heart, take the blood, do squeezes. Nicole looked to the doctor blinking her eyes hopefully "Am I pregnant?" Nicole asked softly to the doctor knowing this was the real reason she came. The doctor smiled and patted her back "2 months" Nicole had to stop and clutch the bench she was on and nodded. after the appointment she walked back to her car and sat in it trying to think of a way to tell Chase. Lych blinked puzzled "Whats that?" he said not knowing what that ment. Genesis barked sharply and bounded down the hall to where Chase was and wagged her tail back and forth putting her big paws on his laps and licking him.

Talia smiled to her husband "You name the one you pick out and I name the one I pick out." Talia said with a smile as she leaned across the seat kissing Zander in thanks. Looking back to the puppies at the chocolate one she smiled "Bear or Hawk" she said pulling both the puppies close as she sunk in the seat as they began to lick her face. The chocolate lab puppy wagged his little tail hitting her in the chest with it as he continued licking. Talia pulled the puppies to her lap and held them as her Iphone rang with the caller I.D. as Nicole. Answering the phone and hearing Nicole say "Im pregnant and dont know how to tell Chase" Talia smiled and shook her head "Listen, Nicole he's going to be the father of course he's going to want the baby!" she said grinning as Nicole replied "When do I tell him?'" Talia looked to the puppies then replied "Tell him in private that's what I would do if I was pregnant" Nicole then hung up and Talia clicked off her phone "Im not pregnant honey...okay" she said kissing Zander once more "I'd tell you if i was"Taking a deep breath she relaxed aganist the seat "Home, lets go home and play with the puppies!" she said excitedly.

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#34656 Posted on 2016-04-27 16:04:53

Chase ruffled Genesis's thick fur. "Easy girl." he murmured to her. He then pushed her paws to the floor so that he could reply to Lynch. "Its a drug addict counselor. I help young adults and teens over come their addictions." he explained. Most of the time it wasn't bad, he connected well with his patients since he was familiar some times too familiar with their struggles. The hardest part was when they reminded him of himself or his brother. Chase's thoughts then drifted to Nicole, he really felt that he should do more to make it up to her. He glanced around the house only to find that it was generally clean, most likely in preparation for Lynch. Another option was buying flowers, but then he'd have to drag Lynch out along with him. Finally, he resolved on cleaning. Turning to Lynch he announced. "Its cleaning day. You can either vacuum or mop."

Zander quirked an eyebrow at her. "Bear or Hawk?" he repeated. "My little guy's name is Cody." he said, reaching over and rubbing the puppy's head. Zander continued to drive, while Talia talked on the phone. He listened intently and tensed with out meaning to. They were almost home by the time Talia's conversation ended. He got out of the car and opened her door. "You know, we could make that happen if you wanted to." he said as he helped her out.

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#34683 Posted on 2016-04-27 18:12:14

Lynch nodded "Cool!" he said going to the vacuum and begin to vacuum. Nicole gulped staring the car and driving by the starbucks as she got Chase's favorite coffee and a cookie for him with Lynch one of his favorite drinks with a cookie. Driving home and feeling butterfly's in her stomache she pulled into the driveway. Taking a breath of air she exited the car with the two coffee's and cookie's. Opening the door she dropped the keys in the box "Boys I'm home!" she called as she set the two coffee's down and the bag with the cookies. Genesis barked running into the kitchen with a loud bark and spinned in a circle her tail wagging back and fourth. Nicole giggled and sat down at the chair waiting for the boys to enter and for her to tell the news.

Talia smiled "I'm going to name him Hawk" she said getting out of the car with the puppies. Glancing at Zander and taking a breath like it was caught in her throat she gulped quickly and shook her head looking scared. "I'm not ready to be a parent yet..." she said stuttering as she held both puppies to her body shaking some. Talia blinked her eyes gazing off into the yard "I just want to learn some skills from these two at first" she said her voice cracking as she dropped the puppies to the ground and sat down cross legged. Hawk woofed lightly and totterd over to the hose and began to chew it.

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#34699 Posted on 2016-04-27 19:17:44

Chase sighed in relief that Lynch was willing to comply. He then brought out the vacuum for him, and then went to mop. Once he had finished he called out for Lynch to stop. "That will do. Let's put these away before she gets back!" he said as he started to store the cleaning supplies. "Oh, and thanks for the help." he added. Then he went and sat down on the living room sofa and watched TV until Nicole returned.
As soon as she arrived, Dixie got up and ran to go great her. She barked in excitement as she nuzzled her face against Nicole arm. Chase followed Dixie into the kitchen.

Zander sat down besides his wife and looked at her adoringly. "You underestimate yourself. You'd make a great mom." he reached out lovingly and held her hand. "But we'll take it one step at a time. Right now we have puppies to attend to." he added with a wink as he picked up Hawk and handed him to her. He then scooped up Cody and headed into the house.

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#34747 Posted on 2016-04-28 03:16:33

Nicole looked at Dixie smiling and sat down on the floor beside her petting her softly. Nicole watched both of them enter and gulped as she pulled both dogs close and rubbed them. Taking a breath she looked to Chase as he entered with soft hazel eyes as she held out a hand for him to grab so she could pull him beside her.

Talia blinked "I'm just not ready" she said taking Hawk and walking into the house with him. Once she was in she sat on the floor with him getting one of the toys and sliding it on the floor. Hawk barked and followe after it pouncing onto the toy with a squeak.

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#34814 Posted on 2016-04-28 10:57:33

Chase went to Nicole and took her hand. He lightly kissed her forehead, and ran his free hand through her blonde hair. "How did it go?" he asked just audible for her to hear.

Zander sat down with Cody. The puppy wiggled and squirmed until he was released. Zander watched as he then toddled off to explore the kitchen floor. "You know we should probably stop by the pet store to pick up some more supplies, now that we have two puppies instead of one." he said with a look of pretend disapproval at the mention of the extra puppy. In truth, he couldn't be happier with Cody and Hawk.

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#35294 Posted on 2016-04-30 09:18:28

Nicole blinked tugging him down beside her as she breathed in. "What if I was expecting a baby?" she said tugging the dogs on the other side closer as she snuggled closer to Chase her heart beating fast as she hid her head behind his back just focusing on the smell of him to calm her anxiety down. Genesis woofed lightly snuggling closer as she licked her hand.

Talia blinked with love "We can go later" she said giggling and picking up Hawk who she gave plenty of kisses to. She looked to Zander "I bet you wish you were the one geting the kisses?" she said giving more to Hawk and then grabbing Cody and giving both kisses to the head.Hawk squirmed getting closer and licking her chin give licks back.

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#35299 Posted on 2016-04-30 09:36:11

Chase eased into the chair besides her. He felt her next to him as he heard her question. A flash back of a similar one she'd asked years ago played in his mind, 'What if someone like me liked you?'. It had been the start of their relationship. "Then this would be the happiest moment of my life." he replied to her.

Zander grinned, "You bet I'm jealous!" he said going over and stealing a kiss from her lips, before sitting down by her. He ruffled the pups fur as he pet them. Cody squirmed, his whole body moving in excitement.

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#35303 Posted on 2016-04-30 09:40:47

there on the floor shes like on the floor against he cabinets)

Nicole blinked still hiding her face behind his back as she breathed in slowly " I am" she squeaked softly and pulled closer to Chase. Not looking up at him she whispered into the shirt close to his ear "Im scared though..' she mumbled.

Talia blinked as she leaned against Zander with the puppies beside her.. Hawk wiggled out of her arms and tottered into the other room seeing Zander's shoe and began to chew it.

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#35306 Posted on 2016-04-30 09:50:49

Chase caressed her face. "It'll be okay. This is a happy moment." he reassured her, softly kissing her hair. As the realization of the news set in, he felt a jolt of fear at the thought of being a father.

Zander wrapped his arm around Talia's shoulders. He relaxed, enjoying the feeling of her besides him. Cody squirmed free of being held, and scampered off into the dining room. Zander groaned as he looked up to see the other pup chewing his shoe. He got up and put away his shoes, before bringing the puppy back. "Perhaps we should take them outside, before they get into more mischief?" he asked glancing around for Cody.

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#35312 Posted on 2016-04-30 10:06:46

"Chase Im scared" she said mumbling and feeling a hot tear slide onto onto his shirt leaving a wet spot. Nicole pressed closer accepting the comfort from Chase and pulling both dogs tighter to her. Finally after a couple minutes she blinked up at Chase wiping her face "Your right Im supposed to be happy.." she said breathing calmly in and out as she stood up with Chase's hand and tugged him after her as she walked to the living room looking at Lynch. Genesis wagged her tail following them as she wagged her tail sitting down. Lynch looked at sister and smiled up at her. Nicole looked at Lynch "If you mess this house up or put anything put of order, or dont help your out!" she said glaring at her younger brother and then speaking again "Im expecting a child so if you dont behave you'll sleep outside or go live with mom, your choice." she said looking to Chase and just hugging him.

Talia smiled picking up Hawk and going outside as she called to Zander "I'm playing Hide and Seek your the finder!" she said as she ran with Hawk behind a bush and sat down petting him. Hawk let out a bark and then started to lick Talia's hand.

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#35333 Posted on 2016-04-30 11:27:30

Chase went with Nicole, walking besides her as she led the way. He listened disinterestedly as she spoke to her brother, but had to resist the urge to smirk at some parts. Instead he returned her embrace and held her tightly. He felt very protective of her and their unborn child.

Zander found Cody and scooped him up. Laughing he went outside. "Ready or not here I come!" he called. He then placed the puppy on the grass before going to find Talia. Cody sniffed tentatively at the grass and then toddled off towards the fence. Zander heard a bark and turned towards a bush, leaning over he spied Talia. "Found you!" he announced with a huge grin.

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