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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#268494 Posted on 2023-04-23 17:32:11

     Nysa smiled as she watched Thalassa. Though she couldn't help but laugh as she ran in the opposite direction she was supposed to. "Well this looks familiar." she said giving Carnicus a look, but she just laughed. She was about to offer to help, but it seemed like he had it under control. Though she stayed there for a minute or two to make sure Carnicus had it under control.

     "Well I guess I'll be off then. Maybe I'll see you again before we leave for the next Isle." she said as she gave her farewell before she started trotting back to where the group was. She did look around. Reliving some memories, but when she got back to the group realization hit her. She sighed when the area was quiet as it was only them. No one else was in sight. No guards, no one in the marketplace, just no one.

     Nysa sighed, "It's sad to see this place so empty...the alicorn king would have greeted us if he was here, but it doesn't seem like he is..that anyone is.." she said. They were right. Everyone was hiding, but where were they hiding? Though Nysa just looked over at Apollo before she went to go lay down. It had been a long day especially for her, but she just summoned her spell book.

     She was a bit hesitant since she didn't want it to get stolen again, but she'd keep a closer eye on it from now on. Though Nysa was about to open it, but the book seemed to do it on its own and just opened to the page Lichanura opened it to previously. Nysa looked at the page before she looked over at Lichanura. She knew it was probably important for her to read the pages, but she hesitated because she was scared.

     Scared to find out if it was true. If all of it was. Solstice always feared her daughter's future. She kept her painful past a secret to protect her, so Nysa didn't have to go through anything like she had. Though it didn't matter since Solstice couldn't protect Nysa all the time or change her future. She thought that if something would happen, Solstice was going to be there, but she wasn't..Nysa was lost without her.

     Though Nysa took a small deep breath as she ended up starting to read the pages. She knew she needed to. Even if it was hard to read a bit. Though as she read the more she was starting to think all of this was true. "Why me..?" she asked herself, "Why does it have to be me...?" she asked herself again, but she didn't know if she could read anymore of it. Instead she just closed the book and looked at it unsure of what to think.

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#268495 Posted on 2023-04-23 18:15:52

Esmeray looked at Nysa before walking off to lay down and relax before he scouted out anymore to ensure the group's safety, he didn't know the next Isle would be Isle of Fear, but he had a hunch that everyone would disappear to face something, anything really.. He just prayed that it wasn't anything too difficult for him to face. Or anyone in fact.

But Esmeray got up as he began walking to scout out, the group watched him as he began scouting, seeing if anything would come out to attack just for Esmeray to defeat it, or nothing at all as Esmeray went back to the group though he swore that he felt the ground click clack under him before he returned to the group. The click clacking submerged as Esmeray even got close enough for it to instantly disappear.

"Something wrong Esmeray?" Moonlight asked Esmeray, the stallion was dumfounded as he didn't realized that the group didn't feel what Esmeray felt, but he guessed it was just his mind playing games on him, though he did turn his head really fast before calming down and having Moonlight tell him that it was just nothing, and that his worry was getting to him.

"Esmeray you gotta stop worrying less, we can tell its getting to you more when your walking alone before returning back to us, and that you also are starting to hae paranoia as well.. Which isn't good for a future lead stallion, nor at all if you want to start at all.." Raven came up next to Esmeray and bluntly told him out of worry, and that she was right that Esmeray had paranoia and worry all over his face, but he just layed down and let Moonlight do her job to make Esmeray feel at home.

"But we'll have to move soon, so you can't really stay napping for long Esmeray." Moonlight told Esmeray, the stallion then fell asleep as Moonlight sighed before making sure that he was comfortable, he needed the rest since he has been watching Lichanura a lot, and that walking and keeping him next to him also took out a good chunk of energy as well. Esmeray was just a walking horse that had no energy left until he rested.

"Raven, we'll go when Esmeray has enough sleep, well smaller but as a nap. He needs it more, mostly because he's been watching Lichanura more than any of has, even making sure that-that stallion was at his side the entire time as well. So just give him some slack and lay down next to us, you also need the rest as well as any of us need it." Moonlight told the whole group, everyone just huddled together and made sure that everyone was comfortable and felt protected, though Moonlight also asked Nysa and Apollo the question if they wanted to huddle and feel protected, but Lichanura stood off by himself since he knew that he wasn't supposed to be near anyone for the time being of the huddle, mostly because he doesn't want a mean and snappy Esmeray comign after him.

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#268500 Posted on 2023-04-24 06:05:00

     Nysa just kept to herself. She kept her eyes on the book unsure of what to think, but she couldn't take her eyes off the book. She wondered if her mother knew. It was her book after all. Though Solstice never knew about it. She never saw the page. Almost like it was hidden from her in her own book. Nysa just sighed as she looked up at the sky. Only for a moment as she looked back down.

     Though she looked over at the others noticing something off about Esmeray, but she stayed put. Raven and Moonlight had it handled, but she looked back over when everyone huddled together a bit. Apollo was just standing off by himself looking around. He walked over to the others and laid down next to them. He did watch Lichanura for a moment before he looked over at Nysa.

     She was a bit hesitant to go over to them. Apollo knew that. Though he wanted her to come over, and Nysa could tell from his body language. Hesitantly, Nysa got up and walked over as she put her book away before she made it over to them. Nysa found a spot before she laid back down. Nysa didn't say anything, but she curled up and laid her head gently on the ground closing her eyes. 

     Nysa ended up falling asleep though which was a good thing, but she woke up during the night. She couldn't help but to look up at the sky and watch the moon and stars. Nysa sighed as she looked at the moon. Her star-like markings seemed to twinkle in the night while her white markings seemed to have a small glow. It was a normal occurrence for most nights, but Nysa could see a change in the moon, and she didn't like it.

     "I miss you mom.." she mumbled. The moon wasn't as bright as it normally would be, and Nysa knew why, but she looked at the others before she got up and started to walk away. Nysa decided to go on a walk through the night. She just felt like she needed to. See what had changed, and just think. Nysa was definitely her mother's daughter. Though Nysa used her horn to light the way a little bit since some places were too dark to see. Apollo was sound asleep like everyone else should have been, so he didn't realize Nysa had left.

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#268502 Posted on 2023-04-24 06:45:58

Esmeray moved a bit before settling down, though Lichanura was off sleeping until he woke up, he got up and looked around before checking on the group, he counted every horse in the group, but he noticed that Nysa wasn't there anymore. So Lichanura looked around the neccessary perimeter before worrying for his life as he was up and if Esmeray woke up- he was a goner for sure.

But Esmeray was sound asleep as Lichanura began looking around worriedly, and worried for his own coat as well, then Lichanura started to look around in areas that Nysa wouldn't normally go, well still in the perimeter of Esmeray's sight and how he would watch Lichanura.

But Lichanura walked over to the group, before settling near Esmeray and not the others, he knew Esmeray now and that he still respected the stalion, even after he was scared off. But Lichanura knew that he shouldn't have flung Esmeray into the air hard, but he did anyways..

Though Lichanura fell asleep just before Esmeray woke up, Esmeray got up as Raven curled up some more, but the stallion stumbled on Lichanura on accident which woke him up too, but Esmeray ignored him and had Lichanura come with him to search for Nysa.. Since he didn't know anything but still had the sense to go search for her..

Lichanura nodded as he followed Esmeray, who began searching nearly in the same areas but relatively different and more harder to spot, perfect for a mare or horse really, but Lichanura confirmed no in some areas that he already searched and the same areas that were near where Lichanura searched.

Which upset Esmeray, but he was too tired to even make emotions appear on his face, which Lichanura could understand since it was still night and that Esmeray still needed some more sleep before he officially woke up and could make emotions appear..

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#268506 Posted on 2023-04-24 08:08:37

     Nysa looked around as her horn lit the way. She was calm. Everything was. Even if she thought of it being a little odd with everything going on, but her biggest question about the Isle was where did everyone go? Though she wasn't looking for them..well maybe a little bit. She mainly just needed to clear her head, and going for a walk beneath the moon and stars was the easiest way for her to do so.

     Though she was unaware that Lichanura ended up waking up and was looking around for her. Nysa was quite a ways from the others, but she didn't even notice how far she had gone. Either way Nysa seemed to be feeling better the longer she was out there. Like her mom would. Except Nysa wasn't really tied to the moon like her mother was. Nysa could feel a connection, but it was nothing like the one Solstice had.

     Nysa did stop once she realized she had probably gone pretty far from the others. She wasn't paying attention. She was just thinking in the silence. Well she listened to some of the sounds of the night like crickets. They were peaceful even if others didn't agree. Though Nysa knew she should probably start to head back, but she liked it out here. She knew this place, and everything was peaceful.

     It didn't matter. She was sure the longer she was gone that there was a higher chance of someone waking up and realizing she was gone. Nysa sighed, "Best I turn around now. I should still be able to find my way back. If not I can just use that one spell." she told herself as she turned around and started walking back, but she had a ways to go. Nysa didn't mind though. She still had a ways until she reached the group.

     Though after a while Nysa knew she got close to the group, but she had the feeling someone else was out there. Nysa stepped through some brush to see Esmeray and Lichanura. She might have spooked them since it was pretty dark there, but she was confused about why they were awake especially Esmeray. "What are the two of you doing out here?" she asked. She didn't even think to consider that they were looking for her.

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#268542 Posted on 2023-04-24 14:41:21

"Ah- hunting for berries? I mean we do need to eat after all, but I'd love to have everyone have a different diet then just normal grass." Esmeray made up a lie, and that Lichanura was confused, but he said nothing and agreed. Even though no one would trust Lichanura to cook.

"I thought that we were looking for you?" Lichanura finally asked, Esmeray was blown but was also now hunting berries and other things, I mean you can't beat a good brekafast after all!

But Esmeray just then told Lichanura that he and him were looking for Nysa, while also hunting for berries, Esmeray just wanted Lichanura to think that the two were searching for Nysa, while Esmeray hunted with Lichanura being quiet, which was nice.

"But it was peaceful, without you nagging me about finding spots that were there for Nysa to hide in, but hey, if your going for a walk I would love to join. But also have your peace. Still you should've let me know anyways, but it was your time. So I'm not even going to say anything about this, alright?" Esmeray told Lichanura first, before moving onto Nysa lastly, he wasn't going to do anything about Nysa wandering off, if she wanted her time it was her time.

Lichanura just looked away as Esmeray just rolled his eyes and huffed, Lichanura then turned around and began walking as Esmeray watched him, which Lichanura actually just sat far away from Esmeray and Nysa. He was being pouty but still looked away from Esmeray and Nysa.

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#268543 Posted on 2023-04-24 15:59:11

     Nysa flicked her ear a bit. She looked at Esmeray with a confused look, "Hunting for berries...late at night..?" she asked confused. It was clear Esmeray lied, but she didn't force the truth out of him. Though she looked at Lichanura with the same look. "We can do that in the morning. It's too dark out here for that." she said as she dimmed her horn's glow, "It gets pretty dark here at night with no one else here." she admitted.

     Though Lichanura ended up spilling the truth. Nysa had a small hunch, but she looked at Esmeray letting out a sigh, "That was why you lied? Really?" she said shaking her head a bit. "Esmeray its like you said. I'm like my mother. A lot like her. I tend to stay up a lot of nights. I can feel some sort of connection with the moon and stars, but nothing like my mother's." she said.

     "I wasn't going to wake you up. You need the sleep just like everyone else. Sure I do too, but I can't sleep. I just needed to clear my's relaxing whenever I go on a walk under the moon and stars." she said pausing, "I feel closer to her..." she said quieter as she looked down, "The moon isn't as bright without her..I can tell, but at the same time I can feel her more then I do during the day.."

     Though Nysa looked up at the moon before she looked at the two stallions, mainly Esmeray, "You should really be asleep right now. You need it the most. Don't worry about me. It's normal for me to walking all around the place at night..actually went a little farther than I intended, but I was on my way back when I stumbled across you two." she said rambling on a little bit on accident.

     "Alright let's go back to the others before they all wake up and start looking for us." she said softly nudging Esmeray even nibbling on his mane a little bit before she started to walk back to the others. "I know the way." she said even if they knew. Nysa seemed to remember a lot about this Isle even some short cuts and secret places. Didn't really seem like she was tired, but she wasn't hiding from the others. She just went on a walk..a long one at that.

     Though when they got back, Nysa just laid down right where she was before she woke. Close to Apollo, but he normally slept with his wings spread out. Classic Apollo. He never really had an interest in magic. He was always interested in flying. Nysa just always wanted to know what it was even like to fly. Though she just got comfortable and ended up closing her eyes falling asleep again for the rest of the night.

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#268544 Posted on 2023-04-24 16:32:37

Esmeray was embarrassed before letting Nysa nibble his mane, but he did follow her in silence as Lichanura got up and followed the two, he wasn't purely interested in the Isle but he wanted to know some short cuts here and there to dodge the king of stone and to help the others as well.

Though when the three got back, Lichanura went to his spot and layed down, but Esmeray sighed as he forgot that some of the group members piled on top of him, well not merely as all the group but just two or three members of the group. But Esmeray just went to lay down somewhere else..

But he stayed up the whole night tending to himself, even though he didn't realize that it was day, but he did everything he wanted under a single night, which was surprising for Esmeray, but Esmeray was just Esmeray. He did then notice that it was day and took a nap out of the group but near them.

That was when Moonlight and Raven got up later then the rest of the group, Esmeray did open his eyes before Moonlight walked over to him, Moonlight then noticed that Esmeray spent the whole night doing whatever he wanted, but she said nothing and went to do things herself.

Esmeray did wobble from time to time before stopping and shaking, sometime almost falling over but stopping himself and getting his balance back, Esmeray was obviously tired by how he walked but he said nothing and pressed on to find food for the group to eat besides the grass.

Which Esmeray did go off to find food, then came back and settled down as Smoke summoned a campfire and helped Esmeray cook the perfect meal for everyone to enjoy, though it didn't seem like Esmeray got enough for himself to feed, but he wanted the grass as everyone else had a fine meal.

It was nice of Esmeray to find food for everyone but not himself, he really wanted everyone to have a more different adulthood and have memories that they would remember forever, but not for Esmeray.. He'll have the different memories that everyone else won't have.

But as the berries and other delacies were done cooking, Smoke handed everyone a different type of delacy to eat and enjoy the food, though Smoke copied her plate and mixed with Emseray's as the stallion came over to smell his dish since he saw Smoke make one for him.

"Thought you'd be sleepy, take this dish, it'll help with your sleepiness and restore your tiredness back as well, so you won't be tired until it gets dark again. Which will be helpful actually!" Smoke told Esmeray, the stallion listened before taking his meal and eating it as it was delicious.

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#268545 Posted on 2023-04-24 18:07:14

     Nysa ended up sleeping the rest of the night. It was normal for her to sleep for a few hours then wake up for the next few before she went back to sleep until morning. She was used to it, so she wasn't really tired during her walk. Now that she actually had the proper time to process things and all, she felt better, but she still held a few burdens. About who she was, and what she seemed to be destined to do.

     Though Nysa seemed to sleep a little better than she did before causing her to sleep in a little later than she had hoped. Nysa didn't even wake up when the morning light hit her least not at first. She did eventually as she yawned before looking around. Seemed like Esmeray was already up, but she figured he would be. She didn't like it though. Not at all. Even if he was the leader of the group, he was hurting himself. 

     Nysa did lay where she was for a few minutes before she got up on her hooves stretching. She did have a smirk on her face as she looked over at Apollo since he was still asleep. Nysa stepped over to him quietly making sure he didn't wake up before she pulled one of his feathers. The stallion didn't suspect a thing since he was still fully asleep, but that changed in what seemed like less then a second.

     "Ow!" he hollered a little bit as he was jolted awake. Apollo looked at his wing before he looked to see it was Nysa that pulled his feathers as he snorted, "Why do you keep on doing that? It hurts!" he snorted as he got up starting to go after Nysa by chasing her. He was about to pull on her tail, but Nysa made a sharp turn just before he could. She was clearly smart..she may have picked up a couple things from Namir. Though Apollo just slid to a stop snorting as he stomped his hoof. He wasn't all to happy.

     Nysa just ran a short way before she stopped. Apollo snorted walking back over to the others a bit, "I hope you know I'll get you back. You know I don't like it when you pull my feathers." he said. Apollo just went to stand by himself for a minute as he tended to his wings. Though Nysa just walked over to him. Apollo tried nipping Nysa, but she avoided it. Though she let him pull on her mane a bit.

     Nysa softly nudged him, "Oh you know I'm just messing around with you Apollo. We always have messed around together, but I'm just trying to make the best of things.." she said nuzzling his side. Though she looked over once she realized breakfast must have been done, "Come on let's eat. I'm starving." she said trotting over to everyone. Apollo just watched her before he did the same. 

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#268546 Posted on 2023-04-24 19:01:53

Smoke giggled out as she just began eating her meal she cooked, Esmeray already chowed his down and was looking for more by Smoke, but the mare was obviously busy, so Esmeray began grazing but had gotten to eating quite fast as the stallion was really busy with that.

Though Smoke did also make a meal for Lichanura, who smelled the food and walked over to Smoke, to have only layed down quite a ways before accepting his meal, he didn't want to take it if the others thought badly of him. But he let Smoke make him take it and eat.

"Now that everyone has a meal out, including Nysa and Apollo as yours are ready and still steaming to where you can find them." Smoke told the two, she went ahead and teleported the warm meals to the two, at least to try it out since it was new to everyone, but Esmeray did find the best berries and other foods to make a good meal out of.

As Smoke finished her meal up, she teleported some water onto the campfire underneath the cooking pot that Smoke had teleported from making it appear as well, lots of horses create things so it wasn't uncommon to find a couldron that can be used for anything.

Then Smoke went ahead and took down the rest of the small kitchen-like cooking station that she used to make everyone a warm meal to enjoy, Esmeray was still hungry but filled himself up with grass and some extra food lying around that he ate, no wonder why he was still hungry- because he thanked Smoke for the delicious breakfast and had room for grass as well.

"Well couldn't make it without your expertise on fruits, veggies, and the sorts that you found Esmeray! So I should be thanking you." Smoke told the stallion, Esmeray only nodded and smiled as Smoke thanked him for the actual food and that he had the time to go find it for everyone.

"Heh.. Well we best be going to the next Isle, or else it'll become day two on here, I mean it did.. But you know what I mean by that.." Esmeray spoke up, he then began leading as the resting group got up and started walking, Lichanura also caught up with the group as well as Smoke.

"At least we had time to eat our breakfast before we left." Smoke said aloud, Esmeray agreed on that, but he was nervous underneath that layer of happiness, and that the next Isle would be more desolate then Nysa's home Isle really. And it scared Esmeray to his wits.

But as the group was walking until Esmeray felt sand, then he looked up and realized that the next Isle was really more desolate then the last, and Esmeray's nervous and fright showed as he then turned around to face the group, he remembered reading about the Isle of Fear..

"Alright group, this is the Isle of Fear, we can't go on until we face our fears.. That's what the Isle is known for; making you face your fears, and that you can't progress until you go into it.. Meaning we'll be alone to see our fears, but we can conquer them! Much like everything else we can conquer! Nysa.. I hope you can handle yourself for this one.." Esmeray speeched, then he looked at Nysa before turning around and walking into the Isle of Fear and disappearing into it.

Then Raven went ahead, then Moonlight, and then the rest of the group followed behind until it was just Lichanura, Nysa, and Apollo. Lichanura didn't budge as he knew his fears would come back and haunt him, but even he stepped forward and walked into the sandy Isle before he too disappeared into it..

Leaving Nysa and Apollo alone until they too choose to walk into the Isle themselves as well, they won't have each other, much like everyone else that took the risk and went ahead bravely, like Esmeray said in his speech "We conquer our fears!!" or well the simplified version of it..

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#268553 Posted on 2023-04-25 05:29:46

     Nysa didn't say anything about last night, but why would she? She didn't have a reason to. Maybe she would if something happened, but nothing did. Though Apollo caught up to her and nipped her hind for payback before they came to a stop. "Thanks Smoke." they both said before they happily ate their meals. It was different, but they both seemed to enjoy this new meal.

     Though once they were finished, Nysa went to help out if it was needed while Apollo just went on a small fly around the area the group was in. Nysa watched Esmeray for a moment. She wished he hadn't been up and around that night. He needed sleep. Even with only a half night's rest, Nysa felt fine, but because it was normal for her. Though Nysa didn't say anything, and just read her book for a few minutes. She liked to read just like her father.

     Apollo finished his little fly once Esmeray said it was time to leave. Nysa put her book away and nodded. "Well it was good to be here again.." she said mainly to herself as she followed everyone. Though she knew Esmeray was hiding something. She could feel it, but she was a bit scared to ask. It didn't seem like Esmeray wanted to talk about it either. Though Apollo got bored with walking, so he flew instead but he kept pace with the group.

     Though they all stopped when they reached the next Isle. Nysa then saw that Esmeray was nervous, and she didn't like it. Her ears lowered as she heard what he said. Though she gave a faint nod when Esmeray spoke to her specifically before he vanished as well as everyone else one by one until it was just her and Apollo. Apollo sighed as he seemed nervous too, "We go in there alone, but that doesn't mean we are alone. Whatever happens we'll all be waiting for you Nysa. Your mother had to do the same thing. If you are her daughter then I know you can do this." he said trying to comfort her a bit before he nuzzled her. Though Apollo then walked into the next Isle as he disappeared.

     Nysa looked at him before looking down. She didn't say anything, but she watched him walk into the Isle. She couldn't do it. Not alone. "Apollo wai-" she tried stopping him, but he was already gone. It was only her. Nysa didn't know what to do. She was scared about what would happen. What she would have to face, but if she wanted to see everyone again, she didn't have a choice. Hesitantly, Nysa walked into the Isle as it brought her to her biggest fear..

     Though with Apollo, he surely didn't like his. He was brought to the Isle of Dreams. Apollo had a feeling what his fear was going to be about, and he was right. Apollo was alone, but then a large pegasus stallion approached him. Apollo looked just like him only the stallion had scars all over his body. The stallion was missing several feathers, and the feathers he did have were ripped. 

     There was no doubt that this was his father, Phoenix. He was scared of becoming him. Turning into the monster his father was. "So that mare really did keep this pathetic colt. Too small and weak to be mine." Phoenix said as his voice was harsh and coarse. Apollo took a step back from him, but Phoenix stepped towards him, "That mare is probably too old by now. Guess I'm stuck with you." he said unhappily.

     Apollo snorted, "No you aren't. I may have been then, but I'm not anymore. You expect me to turn into you, but I'm not going to. I'm not corrupt like you are." Apollo said with a snort as he stepped up to his father, "Besides at least I can fly while you can't." he said with a smirk as he flew over his father and flew away. Though before he realized it, he was on the other side of the Isle. He was confused, but it was clear Nysa hadn't returned. He was a bit worried, but he was still confused about his fear. Was that all there was to it?

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#268587 Posted on 2023-04-25 15:04:23

As Esmeray found that he was walking on dark black marsh, he looked around confused before a large creature rose from the side of Esmeray, the stallion backed up surprised but yet he was scared and intimdated by this creature or thing he heard from his voice..

"So.. long.. Need.. To.. Talk.. No.. Longer.. Wanted.. You.." the creature looked at Esmeray, it was clear and obvious that this was one of many of Esmeray's fears, but it was the biggest but the less difficult to achieve no fear from it, but as Esmeray ran from his first fear others began forming and chasing Esmeray.

Though as Esmeray fell another fear rose from the marsh, which we switch over to Raven as her fear is only being alone and that she already conquered it and reappeared as she got out from the Isle's fearscape, though Moonlight soon came out as she was wearing clothing? Before the clothing disappeared rather quick..

"Um.. well okay then!" Raven was confused about the clothing before it disappeared, Moonlight just hugged Raven as the two were close friends, though Roulette came out sliding on his bum before he stopped including Silhouette as he knocked down his brother.

"Well nice entrance there you two!" Raven giggled, the twin stallions just got up and sighed +rolled their eyes at her, Moonlight laughed, as the stallions chose a spot to sit down since they didn't want to deal with Raven for the time being and that Moonlight seemed to help.

Then the rest of the group came out, but Raven did a head count and spoke that Esmeray wasn't here, nor anywhere outside of the Isle itself, well mainly the Isle of Fear since the natural fear there is creating a barrier which lets the horses escape after they are done and achieved their greatness above their fear..

But Moonlight told Raven that some horses have more fear then less fear to some, and Moonlight was right as Esmeray didn't come out after she spoke, which made Raven nervous since Esmeray was the leader and took the position willingly so that everyone had a key idea in what to do..

"Come on, I bet he's fighting his fears and winning them over!" Moonlight cheered up Raven, the mare smiled as Moonlight was being positive, like Esmeray always tries to do to try and cheer up, even going so far to even make encouraging speeches to the group! Well the one.. But still.

"Heh yeah, but wouldn't he still have come out by now? I mean we can't go on without him, he gave us that encouraging speech to fight our fears, and that he went so far as to find a new meal for us to try out. And he even.. Made sure that we were safe, he's even sweet.. Trying to relate to some situations, and even trying to get along with others, some lead stallions like Esmeray and Scorn only come once in a great awhile, and we need to cherish him and praise his sweet nature for making sure we're here today. And also helping out as Esmeray would do the same if- we.. Ever split up.. Somehow.." Raven made a point at the end and even a bigger one, she was right, well also to include the alicorn king as well, which Moonlight corrected Raven with three great stallions being the sweetest like what Raven made a point of, which Moonlight did agree anyways.

"Your absolutely right, but we still can't go on without Esmeray's guidance, and he knows where to find the grazing spots if we ever come across an Isle that didn't have grass, instead, other things we don't know of. And Esmeray researched all of that before we even got here, making him more useful then what he seems.. Also to include he's like a sibling to me, to all of us, well I don't know how you all feel. But I imagine the same thing." Moonlight came out and agreed with Raven, but she also made a point which Raven had to make no more points in since Moonlight made the biggest that was also the least important but had the biggest thing in all of it.

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#268588 Posted on 2023-04-25 15:59:04

     Some of the others seemed to already face their fear. Though he did come in flying quickly before he realized that was it. He was a bit confused thinking there would be more to it, but probably not for his fear. He was always scared that he would become his father. After finding out what he looked like..Apollo knew that he wouldn't. That stallion was corrupt from day one. Apollo was nothing like his father.

     Though Apollo laid down with the others waiting for everyone else. He couldn't help but to listen in on the conversation Raven and Moonlight were having, "While the both of you are correct in many ways, but we also can't leave without Nysa. She's just as important as Esmeray is. She's one of us. Nysa already doesn't trust us now.." he said. "We'll wait here as long as we have to."

     Though Nysa closed her eyes nervously. Well no she was scared. Purely scared. She didn't want to face whatever the Isle had waiting for her, but she knew she didn't have a choice. Hesitantly Nysa opened her eyes and looked around keeping her head down. She couldn't see a thing. Not a single thing. There was only a black void. Pure darkness. She wasn't afraid of the dark, but this was different. Way different. Nysa could feel something out there though..

     Nysa tried to keep herself calm. "Like what Apollo said.." she said to herself mumbling things, "If my mom did this..then I'm sure I can.." she said to herself trying to calm herself more. Though she started to hear hissing. She thought that was odd. She was never scared of snakes. Sometimes she lets them slither on her. Why would there be hissing? She was confused.

     Until a figure appeared amongst the darkness. A stallion. She didn't recognize him, but then a second figure appeared right beside the stallion. Only this one she recognized. How could she not? It was the King of Stone. Nysa stepped back as she looked at the first stallion. It made sense. Somehow she realized that it was Dra. Though Dra vanished, but the king hadn't. He only stood there. Saying nothing. Which was to be expected.

     Though he too vanished once more. Then there was a light. A familiar light. A light blue glow breaking the darkness. There was someone walking towards her. The closer they got the quicker Nysa realized who it was. Her mother. She wasn't scared of her mother. What was going on? "Mom..?" Nysa said nervously. Solstice only stood there as her horn was the cause of the light. Nysa stepped back keeping her head down. 

     Then it hit her. She was scared of being a disappointment. Scared that she wouldn't get her mother back. Scared of what Solstice would think of everything. Nysa just teared up, "I'm doing my best..I'm trying to help the others..I-I'm trying to fix things. I'm sorry I found some of the truth you kept from me. Just don't be mad..just don't be disappointed in me. I'm not you. I want to live up to you...but it's hard.." she said rambling as she kept her head down.

     Solstice stood there looking at Nysa. She didn't move or say anything. At least not for a few minutes. "I was keeping you safe from my past to better your future. It didn't matter in the end what I did to protect you. Even I can't stop or prevent the future. You are my daughter. You will never disappoint me. The fact that you think that saddens me, but that's not the point." Though once Solstice was finished speaking, she faded away. 

    The king of stone appeared once again. Nysa looked up to see the king instead of her mother. Though she snorted and stomped her hoof. The king only had a smirk, but Nysa just ran towards him. Once Nysa reached him, he vanished as she ran through him in a way. Nysa didn't even have the chance to stop and look back. Instead she stumbled and tumbled. Once she was able to sit up, Nysa realized the others were there. 

    Apollo was starting to get worried wondering when the two would make it out. Though suddenly Nysa tumbled out of nowhere. He instantly got up and went to her, "Are you okay? You were in there for awhile.." he said making sure she was alright. Though Nysa only nodded and looked at everyone else before she got up and went to lay down to calm herself and process what just happened.

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#268589 Posted on 2023-04-25 16:30:24

The two mares stopped talking after Apollo also proved that Nysa was just as important as Esmeray, in fact more important, she held the key to stopping the king of stone, and that Lichanura had collected the pieces to assemble the thing that would allow Nysa to fight back with power.

Though the group was starting to get worried since Esmeray didn't appear, Nysa was the only one that appeared once her fear was over, but Esmeray didn't follow behind like most horses would do, so what kept him in there? No one knew but lightning did sound as it was black and shocked +struck down the ground before burning it last.

That was purely random, but Raven stated that black lightning is common mostly because it holds lots of different emotions from horses and swells up to appear as lightning, so horses with negative emotions can form a piece of lightning, but Raven also noted that black lightning can also be controlled by one emotion that's really powerful when hoarded.

"And what emotion would be that?" Moonlight asked, Raven just shook and gulped before speaking up.

"Black lightning can sometimes form from shock, dread, nervousness. But the most common emotion would fear, and having more then one fear can make black lightning swell up and direct it as somewhere without a horse knowing. Meaning that I was right when Esmeray is hoarding fears that he forgot where there.." Raven answered Moonlight's question, and also lectured her a bit, well Raven surely studied about black lightning perfectly.

Though more lightning formed and struck down in the same spot, good thing everyone was originally away from there, or else you'd feel the extreme emotion that was being released, but the Isle probably is collecting Esmeray's fear and trying to help him, but with it being too strong the Isle can't take control.

"But this Isle is called Isle of Fear, meaning that its trying to help Esmeray with completing his fears, but with Esmeray's emotion being too strong, it actually can't control it. Making the Isle being forced to strike one spot only, and that would be where horses would come out of, with the exception of the spot being struck widely and normally." Raven mentioned, everyone was happy that the Isle was doing its best, but it wasn't enough as Esmeray wa still inside the Isle.

"Should we pray to Faith? I think we should since she'll give us faith for Esmeray, and also to calm us down as well.." Moonlight asked the group, she also provided a valid answer as well, Raven nodded as she walked over to Moonlight as the mare stood up and the two began praying together, to create a stronger emotion that would also help the Isle take better control of Esmeray's emotion as well.

Though as Esmeray was still stuck inside the Isle, he tried getting out as he found the way out, it was glowing but it was blocked as the Isle didn't let Esmeray out, which was bad since Esmeray's fears were chasing him. But he felt faith and then a horn appeared on Esmeray's forehead, this time appeaing out of the thin air.

Esmeray also had the confidence too, so he stopped and turned around and jumped into the air as he began blasting his fears away, he was always fearing that he would never be something that he couldn't, also mostly because he knew that his parents would also be disappointed by Esmeray since they wanted him to be someone he was: himself, but Esmeray didn't notice until now.

But as Esmeray kept blasting his enemies, having the courage as his enemies began running from him, he even smiled until his last enemy was defeated, but when he returned the same creature from his distorted voice appeared from the marsh again..

Raven and Moonlight were done praying as they looked at the Isle, getting scared that Esmeray wouldn't get out, but when the mares looked at each other, they heard a tear and turned their heads to see Esmeray out, but then a creature came rushing out as it claws were slicing the air when it attacked Esmeray.

"WHAT IS THAT THING?!" Raven shouted, she didn't know better and Moonlight hushed her up, but Moonlight looked at the tear and saw that it was Esmeray's one main emotion that became too hard to control nor defeat, but when Esmeray came running out of the tear, his horn vanished and didn't appear. Esmeray did feel the horn vanish just as it had appeared.

"It's Esmeray's fear! He's fearing this thing!!" Moonlight shouted, Moonlight's shouting would've fit Raven perfectly- not gonna lie about that, it's true, but Esmeray turned as the creature began slicing the air. Nearly missing a horses hair, but chopped off some hair as well.

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#268590 Posted on 2023-04-25 17:16:15

     Apollo looked at Nysa knowing she didn't want to talk. He didn't even want to talk about his fear. Though it seemed like a burden was lifted off of his shoulders. Now he wasn't afraid. He knew he wasn't his father. That he would never become in. That was what was holding him back all this time. Now he almost felt like he was free. Like coming to this Isle was just what he needed.

     Though Nysa..she felt different, but she almost wanted to stay in that simulation of the sort. She was closest to her mother then she was with anyone else. Just hearing her voice again was music to her ears, but Nysa needed to understand that it wasn't her mother. In a way it was, but not the real her. Though Nysa would have thought she would have been the last one to face her fear, but Esmeray was still in there facing his own..

     She was worried about him. She didn't expect him to take the longest, but she understood it. Nysa did look at the others before lightning struck, but it was strangely black. Nysa was unsettled by it, but she didn't seem to like this Isle at all, but who would? Did anyone even live here? Nysa sure wouldn't if anyone did. Though she looked at the others with a worried and concerned look.

     Apollo was startled by the lighting. "Woah..never seen black lightning before..that can't be good.." he said to himself, but he knew the others heard him. Though Nysa and Apollo listened to Raven, "I would ask why you know this stuff, but I think I already know the answer to that question." he said hoping that things wouldn't get worse. Did something have to happen each and every day?

     Nysa was more concerned about Esmeray though. "We can't help him in any way? There must be something we can do. He could be trapped..wherever he is.." she said as she got up wanting to help. Though she went over to Moonlight and Raven as she nodded agreeing with them. Nysa started to pray with them. They all needed each other. They all needed Esmeray.

     Though some time passed as everyone was worried, "I would have hoped he'd be out of there by now." Nysa said as she hoped he was okay. Nysa ended up looking away only to hear something as she looked to see Esmeray. She was relieved, but not for long. Nysa didn't even think as she jumped in between the creature and Esmeray. Apollo spread out his wings defensively unsure of what this creature was.

     "What do we do?" Apollo asked unsure of what was happening, but he didn't even know what this creature was. Though he didn't like that Nysa jumped between it and Esmeray. "Nysa get away from it! It's not safe!" he said wanting her to get away from it, but Nysa didn't listen. No. She wasn't going to let everyone tell her what she could and couldn't do. Apollo just snorted knowing she wasn't going to budge even if she was hurt. Nysa was just trying to protect Esmeray.

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