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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#269285 Posted on 2023-05-23 17:59:34

"Worried.." one foal quickly thought of when Eclipsetess said worried, "Scared.." the one had put together, Eclipsetess was worried and scared for Solstice, that and her foals have said "Mum is worried and scared, sending us over to you since your much nearer then dad is.".

Though as the name was rung about, a familiar hiss and slither had begun and that the snake mare was here, though Eclipsetess was curious of when Oceanus would arrive soon, or that she was too busy with family to even realize what is happening until its too late. Or that she was with her mother now..

Eclipsetess's thought on Oceanus already dead made her scared, but she quickly executed it before she did say anything about Oceanus, but the snake mare had gotten quick to do her work and that she could see that something was wrong as her hissed was different.. Telling something is wrong..

"You have miss-ssed your foaling date, you should've foaled the last month that you were supposed to be foaling, yet s-something is-s terribly wrong s-since you miss-ssed it, you are not able to see the sea pony queen at all with your s-strength gone." the snake mare quickly spoke, she then begun feeling around as the stomach was just too much, Making Eclipsetess help the snake mare reach some places of the pregnancy.

"It is-s not twins-s.. It is-s something else.. That and your carrying something that makes you sick when you miss-ss your foaling date. And that you either have two dead foals, or a dead foal and a live one still around. Or triplets-s, a big s-stomach like yours-s would mean triplets-s, but s-sometimes-s triplets-s do not make it.." the snake mare eerily said as it scared Eclipsetess and made her gradually spooked as her wings are out, "But thos-se are not cas-ses-s I've s-seen yet. You may jus-st have a big foal- a very big foal.. Male too.. Or female..? Your foal is-s confus-sing, but I'll guess-ss male s-since 'he' s-shows-s s-signs-s of powerfulness-ss, like you, but maybe; having the coat of your beloved?" the snake mare spoke again, this time she determined the sex, and size of the foal, which is surprising, but she then looked at Orion and guessed that the male foal was going to be him, but the foal was growing still and that he took up too much room.

"Now we began the labor, your foal is-s s-simply too large to grow anymore, causing you ins-somnia, a little s-starvation and deprived of energy as-s well, s-so you are gonna have to force-foal this-s big one out- as-s his-s s-size is gonna kill you, becaus-se your body's-s internals-s would external blood out and kill you s-slowly until you die of birth." the snake mare said, she then commanded a few mares here and there as some had their hooves gently on Solstice's stomach, to help her with pushing the big colt out of her stomach.

"No magic, it is us-seless-ss as-s this colt is-s too powerful, but- maybe name him after the s-sun? Or s-somewhere with his-s name being the s-sun, maybe a unique name? How about S-Summer? Or later.. Right now: birthing." the snake mare did not hesitate to ask Solstice in between questions, or hesitate to say anything at the end really.

Though as the snake mare was ready, Eclipsetess layed down next to Solstice as she began stroking her as soon as the snake mare said "begin!", and that meant Solstice was forced to push, but she had help this time as two or three mares had their hooves on Solstice's stomach and the snake mare was directing the three mares where to push better to help and not kill.

The other mare at the end watched, and another mare came up next to the mare and soon began watching as well, the snake mare still had impressive skills as a birthing and laboring helper, even to the point where she gave at least a few hints that Solstice should choose a sun name after she had had her colt..

"At least everyone mare in the herd is helping you.. You'll be fine as long as the snake mare gives directions for the mares on your stomach to directly push the foal, making an even faster labor.. No excitment until you've slept, and I'll make sure that your colt is sleeping next to you.. After Orion meets his son.." Eclipsetess told Solstice, and Solstice only, she wanted to be happy and have Solstice focus on other things besides the big foal that Eclipsetess was so worried about not moving due his size of the stomach he took up, no wonder Solstice couldn't sleep or eat much.

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#269290 Posted on 2023-05-24 07:44:13

     Orion let out a worried sigh as he looked over at the mare he loved. His ears lowering, "I know young ones...I am too.." he said watching from where he stood. He only hoped Eclipsetess could have helped in some way, but even if he went over, he'd more than likely get in the way. Though it wasn't long before he realized Namir had trotted over to him and stood beside him watching. Orion only looked at him, "She didn't have this much struggle with Nysa...I'm worried something is wrong.."

     Namir just nuzzled the two foals before he looked over at his sister, "We just have to hope that they can help her...there's nothing we can do unfortunately.." he sighed wishing that wasn't the case. They both knew something was wrong, but what were they to do? Everyone knew something was wrong even Moon and Apollo. Moon saw the two stallions and approached them nuzzled them both before she nuzzled the two foals.

     "I know you are both worried...we all are, but she is strong. Solstice is a fighter. We all know that. Eclipsetess won't let anything happen. The best we can do is hope and pray unfortunately." she said in her usual motherly tone. Her words seemed to help the two stallions a bit, but not by much. Moon ended up looking over to see the snake mare as a faint smile appeared on her face, "She will be just fine.."

     Solstice barely even attempted to pick up her head when she heard the familiar slither and hissing of the snake mare. She wasn't even aware of her surroundings all too well, but she hadn't slept in probably over a week if not longer. Everything hurt, and no matter how much she tried, she just could not find a comfortable position. What hurt the most was her abdominal area. 

     Nysa just tried comforting her mother some while making sure she didn't try to move much even if she couldn't. Nysa had heard the approaching mare seeing her only once before, but she knew immediately that something was deeply wrong. "Please help her..." she said deeply worried about her and the foal. "She hasn't slept in more than a week..." she spoke as she softly nuzzled her mother hoping her and the foal would be alright.

     Though Nysa's ears lowered when she heard what the snake mare had said, "H-how could she have missed her foaling date..? How has the foal not come yet?" she nervously asked, but now she was scared more then she was worried. Solstice tried to lift herself up as she heard what the mare said, but Nysa just stopped her, "Mom don' shouldn't move.." she said as Solstice just groaned a bit. Even she was scared she was frightened.

     Solstice did cry out in pain when the mare and Eclipsetess had started feeling around her stomach. Nysa just looked at the both of them more worried and scared with each passing minute. Orion and Namir just looked at each other when they heard Solstice cry out in pain. Orion couldn't. He couldn't just stand there any longer as he rushed over. Namir didn't even bother stopping him this time, but he did get a bit closer so that he could hear what was going on while being sure to keep the foals close to him.

      When the snake mare started talking about dead foals, Solstice just teared up a bit even if her eyes were very sore. She could barely keep them open even. Either way she was just more and more scared, but soon she felt Orion's soft touch which helped ease her only a small bit, "Orion.." she said quiet enough it was barely even audible. Though even her breaths weren't normal. Nothing about her was normal, and she was just in terrible health.

     Nysa looked up at her father when he came rushing over. The two nuzzled, but they were just as worried and scared. Solstice was completely terrified when she heard what the snake mare was saying. Nysa just tried keeping her mother calm and relaxed well at least as calm and relaxed as she could be. "She can't go on like this for too much longer.." she said fearing the worst.

      Solstice's breathing was heavy, but she didn't take a breath as often as she should have which worried them more. Most of the time her eyes were closed, but only because she couldn't keep them open. Though once in a while she did open them a bit, but only for a few seconds. Orion just laid down in front of her to help her try and remain relaxed as he nuzzled her often which seemed to help.

     Though when the snake mare said that the foal could end up killing her, Nysa freaked out even more, "I can't lose her a second time! I can't!" she said yelling slightly which provoked Solstice a bit causing her to freak out a bit too. Orion just did his best to calm her which eventually worked. It hurt too much for her to move. Nysa just looked at the snake mare, "Please...just help her..I lost her once..I don't want to lose her again.." she said in a much quieter tone.

     Nysa looked at the mares who had come over to help before she went to stand next to her father. Solstice just cried out in pain again when they touched her stomach. Orion was beyond worried about her and the foal, but something else just did not sit right with him. Little did he know his parent's were on the Isle...and they weren't that far away. Whatever it was that was bugging him, Orion just ignored it. Solstice was more important as well as the foal.

     Solstice barely lifted her head when Eclipsetess had laid down beside her. Everything about her just looked absolutely terrible. She felt absolutely terrible. Though Solstice leaned into Eclipsetess a tad bit which seemed to have relieved some of her pain, but not much. She couldn't even really say anything, but she was more then frightened now then when she was delivering Nysa.

     She could barely even pay attention to what Eclipsetess was saying. Though when it came time, Solstice tried to push as she cried out a third time, but she couldn't. "I can't..." she faintly said as it too was almost inaudible. Nysa's ears just lowered even more as she looked at everyone. Orion just kept on nuzzling Solstice with his soft touch trying to reassure her and tell her that she could. Everything was just too much for Solstice..

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#269291 Posted on 2023-05-24 08:24:19

Eclipsetess took a deep breathe in and exhaled slowly, then she brought out her new spell that she had, and as soon as she put her wing on Solstice's head was when Solstice was transferred to a weird dream, more of a realm, but as the wing was taken off when Eclipsetess did the spell, so the snake mare had Eclipsetess nuzzle a sleeping-like conscious Solstice.

"She's still conscious, I had to put her in a dream-like state in a realm that I made for her.. She'll be moving but she won't feel the pain when she's in her new realm, but it would only keep Solstice in the realm as long as we are doing the rest of the work for her.. I am controlling it after all.." Eclipsetess told the snake mare, the snake mare took a sniff at Solstice and then went back to the work of everything else.

"Ready mares?" the snake mare asked, then she took a deep breathe and exhaled as her hiss started the work, the mares around begun helping as Eclipsetess made sure that Solstice was in her dream realm, the snake mare giving out orders as Eclipsetess sighed and prayed for the better.

"One.. Two.. Big push!" the snake mare asked, even if Solstice's body was the doing the work when she couldn't feel it in her realm, the mares did the rest of the work so that Solstice couldn't feel pain and wouldn't hurt, though as soon as the mares on Solstice's stomach hard onto her belly, two mares called out.

"Alright let me check if it is alive." the snake mare told the two mares, they did see that the foal was half out which the snake mare told the mares again to do a big push, commanding as in a way with Solstice's body as well, though as soon as the snake mare told the mares to stop.

Eclipsetess brought Solstice out of her dream realm, though a big spiral thing disappeared, must've been the dream realm being unused for the time being, but Eclipsetess made sure that Solstice just relaxed for the awhile as Smoke, and Eclipsetess, began putting their magic together to use a spell to help Sosltice regain her energy.

Even Nature came jumping of a bush as she ran to Solstice's front and began accidentally making Solstice eat while she couldn't see her foal in a little bit, but everyone was much worried for her healthbut Nature's healing pancake's made sure to do the rest of the work for them.

"So.. Is the foal alive?" Eclipsetess nervously asked, the snake mare was still analyzing the foal, but she had another mare use a spell as a bucketable size of water was splashed onto the foal.

"He should be since we splashed water onto him, though he does have a bright coat like his father's, though there is this weird symbol.." the snake mare told the group, she was still examining what the mark was, but as the water washed away the grimy duty of a mother cleaning a foal clean.

The snake mare did declare that Solstice's foal was indeed male, orange coat like his father's but touched the sun more, and that the mare found that the weird symbol was the sun itself, and that Eclipsetess was intrigued to the core but she did get up and walked over as the mares looked at the foal.

"Alright little one, time to get up, you've spent awhile in there. Almost hurt your momma badly." the snake mare told the little foal, then she mare helped up the little colt, he was weak as well but when the snake mare said that the colt felt powerful was when Eclipsetess felt the energy within her veins for sure.

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#269304 Posted on 2023-05-24 14:43:25

     Solstice didn't really know what hit her when Eclipsetess had performed the spell, but she also wasn't thinking very clearly. Well no she couldn't really even think because of how exhausted she was. She wasn't even sure how she had lasted so long without any sleep. Though she did feel better, but she was exhausted enough to not even realize what Eclipsetess had done or even realize that she was put in some sort of dream realm.

     Orion just looked at Eclipsetess as Nysa had done the same. He only sighed, "Let's hope this works...the more time that passes without the foal being born..the higher the chance of both of them getting hurt.." he said even though he didn't like it, but he tried to be as hopeful as he could be which wasn't much. Nysa hardly said anything, but she let the other mares do as they were told as she stood next to her parents. Orion nuzzled her trying to tell her it would be alright.

     Though Nysa watched the mares before she just looked down it was all too much for her. She didn't want to lose her mom a second time. She was scared. Namir had slowly inched his way closer until he knew he wouldn't be allowed any closer. Moon stayed with him and the foals, "They'll be just fine. If I know your sister she won't give up even in the condition she is in." she said as Namir just looked at her and nuzzled her as she returned the gesture.

     Nysa looked up when she heard what the snake mare had said. She then looked at her father as he had the same worried look. Though they weren't given an immediate answer if the foal was alive or not. Nysa just couldn't take much more. She just wanted to know whether or not they were alright. Whether or not they were going to be okay. She almost couldn't stand still, but she couldn't help either. All the other mares were already helping.

     Once Eclipsetess brought Solstice out of the dream realm, Solstice was still as exhausted as she was before. She tried making an effort to pick up her head to see if the foal was alright, but she just couldn't no matter how hard she tried. Orion just nuzzled her, "Just stay put.." he quietly said before he got back up onto his hooves. Nysa watched a mare splash water on the mares as she got worried.

     Though Nysa was relieved to know the foal was going to be alright once the snake mare confirmed it. Orion was relieved as well, but Nysa looked over once she saw Nature had rushed over. She must have been busy caring for an animal. Solstice still wasn't entirely sure about everything that was going on around her, but she heard them say that the foal was alright as she let out a small exhausted sigh of relief.

     Solstice looked up a small bit when she realized Nature was there as she did her best to eat the pancake Nature had given her. Once she had, Solstice just barely readjusted herself before she closed her eyes just trying her best to get some sleep even if she wanted to see her foal. The best thing she could do for herself was just get some sleep and recover. Even if she wanted to see her foal she just couldn't keep her eyes open.

     Orion stepped over to the snake mare as he nuzzled the foal which seemed to be another filly only she seemed to look like her father more than her mother. Orion's coat was chestnut, but the filly's was a plain buckskin. She only had a small star and snip on her small head while she had a single leg marking on her right hind leg. Her eyes were orange and yellow, but seemed to be pupil-less much like her mother's and her sister's eyes. Her hooves were quite odd though. They almost looked like gold of some sort, but her hooves also had a divet in them like some unicorns did.

     What was even weirder was that she didn't have a horn. Instead she had wings. Black wings with a small amount of orange at the tips of the very small feathers that weren't suitable for flying. The filly even had tiny feathers similar to the ones on her wings just above her small tail. Orion just nuzzled her before slowly and carefully directing her to her mother and sister. 

     Nysa looked at the filly seeing she was weak like her mother, but even she could feel the magic herself which baffled her. Orion just slowly helped the filly lay down beside Solstice as she seemed to have fallen asleep slightly. Solstice did wake up some, but he just ushered her back to sleep. She at least needed to sleep for a little bit so that she could get up on her hooves so that the filly could get the milk she needed, but Solstice at least needed a few minutes of rest.

     Orion then looked at the snake mare and everyone else that helped, "Thank you..." he said relieved they were both going to be alright, but something was still bugging him slightly. He wasn't even sure what, but he didn't say anything about it. He only cared about the mare he loved and his new daughter as well as Nysa. Always. Orion just looked at Nysa as he nuzzled her and had returned the gesture. She may have cried a few happy tears..

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#269305 Posted on 2023-05-24 15:23:26

"It was my pleasure, and I'll come again in the time of need once more.." the snake mare spoke, she then walked into the herd and disappeared as her slithering and hissing faded, she was always a mystery when she appeared from somewhere when she hissed or slithered around.

"I'll find her and ask her to be a birther to help us.." Eclipsetess whispered, she mostly told herself but others were welcomed into the hearing of the whisper, though Eclipsetess looked at Orion as she could tell something was bugging him, even if he was happier to know Solstice lived and her brand new foal too.

"I wonder what they'll name her.. Seems like a true goddess instead of a demi-god like Nysa.." Eclipsetess whispered again, though she was now wondering things that can't be real, well the last one didn't seem to be real as Eclipsetess joked, but it could've been a possibility.

Though Eclipsetess went over to her foals and seemed to be wondering how they were doing, even though they seemed to be quiet and anticipating to see their mother, even though they began squeaking when they saw Eclipsetess trotting over to them and Namir, but Eclipsetes got curious when Moon was here..

But Eclipsetess's and Namir's foals just began saying words after an hour as they were just excited to see Eclipsetess, though the foals looked at Moon and how she was, that and because they liked her quite fast, mostly because the twins liked her. Like all babies would like someone.

Eclipsetess was just happy now, she did realize that she didn't nuzzle Namir, so she got to that and wanted to have a chat with Moon, but she was probably busy.. So Eclipsetess just wanted to check on her foals and see if they would follow her after meeting a new mare.

As Eclipsetess got to grazing a little away, mostly for making sure that Solstice's family was alright before grazing somewhere, but like what Eclipsetess has- her foals stayed next to Namir and Moon, which she knew as she knew how that feels as a mother.. Only because she used to do that with her parents as well..

"Memories.. Oh foals are so much like one parent, or the other, but some could be both if they could be like that. But that's never the case sometimes.." Eclipsetess spoke, she knew what it was like being a foal and following one parent or staying with the other, because she used to do that alot, she was like her father but much more her mother.

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#269308 Posted on 2023-05-24 16:51:05

     Orion just gave a small thankful nod to the snake mare as Nysa had thanked her herself. Nysa watched the mare leave, but she stayed where she was. Esmeray might have been worried about where she was, but Nysa was still worried about her mother..and her new sister. Though she was nowhere near as worried as she was only a few minutes prior. Orion just made sure Solstice had gotten rest before she did anything.

     Though after a short while, Orion gently nudged Solstice to get her to wake up. She did..eventually as she groaned a bit. She did feel better then she was before, but it would probably take her a couple days to recover. Solstice knew why Orion had woken her knowing he wouldn't have done it as she slowly and carefully got on her hooves saying nothing. Nysa just stood beside her mother for support if it was needed.

     It was needed as Solstice put some of her weight into Nysa. The filly scrambled to her hooves with Orion's help before she was steady enough to nurse. Solstice was still exhausted, but she looked at the filly as she nursed her small fuzzy black tail flicking back and forth. "She's perfect.." she quietly spoke as a small tired smile formed on her face. Though it took her a second to realize the filly had black wings upon her back, "Wings..?"

     Orion only pressed his muzzle against her's gently, "Don't worry about that now. Don't worry about anything other then getting better." he said as Solstice just gave a small nod. When the filly was done nursing, Solstice carefully laid back down before she closed her eyes again. The filly still standing until Orion helped her lay down so she too could rest. It wasn't long before Nysa laid down beside them as Orion watched over the three of them.

     Namir was more then relieved once he knew they were going to be okay. Moon had ended up laying down since she was getting older and it was starting to show a bit. Though she had a smile when she saw Eclipsetess coming over before she looked over seeing Solstice resting just as she should have been. She did enjoy getting to know the twins a bit, but she stayed there for a little bit longer.

     Namir nuzzled Eclipsetess when she had nuzzled him. He didn't mind that it took her a minute to do so. He was just relieved to know his sister and the foal were going to be alright. He did nuzzle Moon too since she was like family to him in a way. She was best friends with his mother after all. Always cared about Namir and Solstice even if they weren't her son and daughter. She owed their mother that much. "Foals will be foals...curious ones they are." Namir said with a small chuckle.

     Though there was a mare and stallion walking through the trees as they were nearing the herd. They thought they had heard something, so they headed in the direction of what they had heard. They were looking for their son..It wasn't long before they came across a meadow filled with horses of all kinds, but it appeared to be three different herds. The mare quickly noticed one of the many horses, "Son...?" she said as she took a step towards the stallion.

     Orion just stayed with his family as they rested. Even he was starting to fall asleep slightly. Though he didn't realize that a mare and stallion had emerged from the trees not too far away. At least until he heard the mare as he froze before he looked up at the mare and stallion. His eyes widened. No. This wasn't real. It couldn't be real. "Mom...? Dad..? W-what are you doing here..?" he asked as he glanced at Solstice and the others being sure not to wake them up.

     The mare had let out a sigh of relief knowing they had found their son as she quickly trotted over to him as she wrapped herself around him, "You never came back home. We've been looking for you for a while now. We got worried when you never came back.." she said relieved. The mare had looked a lot like Orion, but she didn't have any tobiano markings on her unlike Orion did.

     Orion had only stepped back away from his mother and soon his father, but she also stayed close to his mate and his two daughters getting defensive which was unlike him, "You really expected me to come back? I found a better place here. You should have never come looking for me." he quietly snorted as his teal eyes glowed slightly, "You have no right to be here, and you aren't going to get to meet them either." he said unhappy that they were there let alone looking for him.

     Orion's mother just lowered her ears seeing her son's reaction, "We were worried about you. We didn't know where you ran off to." she said before she laid eyes on Solstice, Nysa, and the newborn filly. Though Solstice had done the same with the filly she had done with Nysa when she was born: lay her wing over the filly. Her head was able to be see though as least as it was easy to see that she probably wasn't even two hours old yet.

     Though his father just snorted, "This isn't how you treat your own parents. We have a right to get to meet the granddaughters we didn't even know we had." he said stepping up to his son. Namir noticed what was going on noticing Orion getting defensive with the strange mare and stallion. Where did they even come from, and why was Orion getting defensive?

     Namir just quickly trotted over snorting quietly as his glowed red slightly, "I don't know what is going on, but let's take whatever is going on somewhere else. My sister is not well and is trying to recover." he said in a small demanding tone as he directed the mare, Althea, and the stallion, Diablo, just gave a small nod as Namir directed them away from them. Orion gave a quiet thank you as he walked beside Namir.

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#269310 Posted on 2023-05-24 18:00:58

Eclipsetess looked up when Namir and Orion had already took two horses over to somewhere where they could talk, unfortantely Eclipsetess could not join as she wanted to spend some time grazing and letting her foals wander around her, the titan would also get up and help the foals over to Eclipsetess before walking over to Namir and Orion in the forest..

The titan had gotten curious instantly as he looked at the two horses, he could guess that they were Orion's parents as the mare seemed to have his coat but without tobiano markings, though the two horses would definately be scared at a large wolf-ish creature that had guarded this herd and had looked at them with curiousity.

"Who are they?" the titan asked Namir and Orion as he looked defensively at Orion's parents, sure he could've be nicer as he knew that Orion's parent where behind him, but he was the guard and guardian to watch over the three herds now on Isle of Dreams, so he would use his deep scary (or relaxing) voice.

Though the titan went quiet mostly to listen to Namir and Orion's answer to his question, but he also drew his head closer to the horses before shotting back into the forest and watching in the trees, his big black shadow almost fitting in within the dark green trees, almost can see him- technically you can if you squint your eyes enough to make him blurry and he's right there.

The titan was watching as some horses did get curious of the two horses, but dared not to get close to them for fear of Orion, as he had gotten defensive to Solstice and their two children now, mostly because the herd could feel that Orion had disliked their parents..

Eclipsetess wanted to trot over- well run over- but she knew she had to miss the juiciness of the drama starting, and that everyone likes a good drama story here and there from time to time, even foals that are into dramatic stories would also want to listen, but there was only three foals; Eclipsetess's two foals and Solstice's new filly.

"Man.. Sometimes when your a mare and your young; always go to the juicy drama bits that always start up, in case you like a good drama story or two, but you two don't have too as your both still young as it is." Eclipsetess told her two foals, and that she was right as horses (people) love drama, but bragging about a selected drama is enough as it is already with everything happening.

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#269314 Posted on 2023-05-25 06:03:34

     Namir just gave a small nod to Orion before he kept a close eye on the mare and stallion. Orion never expected anything like this, and it had taken him by surprise. He didn't know what to do. He never expected them to actually care about where he was. If he never returned. He always thought they never cared about him. He was just quiet for a moment trying to figure out a way to handle this.

     At least until the titan had come over. Althea and Diablo just stepped back away from the titan as Diablo kept Althea close. They'd never seen a creature like that let alone the size of it. Orion just looked down a bit and sighed, " parents.." he said unhappily as he just wasn't in the mood to deal with anything like this. Namir looked at him a bit surprised. He didn't even know he even had parents.

     Orion just watched the titan jump into the trees before he looked at his parents again, "Of all days it has to be today." he quickly muttered, "Why did you even go looking for me? I'm a grown stallion. I don't need you either of you. I was a mature stallion when I left. You were always too focused trying to teach me all the magic you could you never realized I didn't want to learn magic at all."

     Althea just lowered her ears as she looked down. She wasn't expecting this. Not at all. She just wanted to see her son again. To know what had happened to him. "Orion..I.." she didn't know what to say, but they did deserve it in a way. The two of them just went quiet as Orion just snorted having his ears pinned. Namir just gave them a little bit of space, but he was still next to Orion.

     Though Nysa ended up waking up as she carefully got up making sure not to wake her mother or even her new sister. She noticed her father wasn't with them as she found it odd knowing he wouldn't just leave them. At least until she spotted him with her uncle as well as another mare and stallion she'd never seen before which sparked her curiosity as she trotted over, "Father what is going on? Who are they?" she asked once she stood beside her father knowing he was defensive which was very odd.

     Orion looked at Nysa once he realized she had woken. He nuzzled her softly, "You should be asleep." he said before he looked at his mother and father and sighed, "Your grandparent's.." he said. Althea and Diablo had just looked up when they heard Nysa's voice. Nysa looked at them then her father. Did he really just say what she thought he just said? She had grandparents? Why did her father not seem too happy to see them either?

     Althea smiled seeing at least one of her granddaughters. She wanted to say something, but nothing came to mind. She figured her only son wouldn't even let her speak with Nysa. Nysa looked at her father, "I'll be fine. Mother needs more rest than I do..she had us very worried." she said in a respectable and soft tone. Seemed like she had matured more over the past few months. 

     Though Nysa just looked at her supposed grandparents. Even she didn't know what to say or even what to think. Orion just gently nuzzled her shoulder, "She will be fine in a few days. Why don't you go back over and keep an eye on them? I would be with them, but I'm busy." he said as Nysa nodded saying goodbye to her father and her uncle. She did look at her grandparents, but she just flew back over to her mother and sister even if she could have walked.

     Althea watched her leave before she looked at her son, "Your daughter is quite the mare.." she hesitantly said, "She grew up quite nicely.." she said trying to spark some sort of conversation. Namir just snorted a bit as he stood in a spot where they couldn't really see his sister, Nysa, or the new filly. If Orion wasn't going to let them meet, then Namir wouldn't let them either.

     Orion snorted slightly, "Yes she did, but it doesn't change things. You never treated me as your son. Just a pupil. Do you really expect me to be happy to see both of you? I left the second I could. I never planned to come back to you. Sure I planned on going back to another Isle, but I stayed here. I'm not going back with you or even let you stay here." he snorted getting a bit annoyed.

     Though he just sighed and looked down. He looked over at Solstice making sure she was still asleep before he looked back at his parents. What was he going to do? He knew very well they weren't going to leave, and he was right. "You don't have the right to tell us whether or not we can stay here. We are your parents. We took care of you. Protected you. When you never came back home we started looking all over for you until we came here." his father snorted stepping up to his son slightly, but Namir just snorted stepping up to him as his eyes glowed that same red color. Diablo just took a step back..

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#269317 Posted on 2023-05-25 07:40:10

Scorn was rolling around happily, only some things could go another direction with another stallion's help, though Grey Cloud was getting ansy due to the two horses being in the herd and making her get nervous, to which Scorn got up finally and trotted over to the four.

Though he was quiet and still when he looked at the two horses before looking at Namir and Orion, he then walked up next to Namir and then shortly circling back behind Orion before standing next to him, he then did intimdating when he circled around two other stallions, making it seem like he was really heck bent on protecting them.

"Dare take another step, and you'll see with him.." Scorn cut in before talking about Namir, he knew that Namir wasn't gonna take a no for an answer when he was getting defensive and really protective, and he knew that Orion was being protective but Scorn had brought out his wings and horn from within his magic.

"And if you try to fight, you'll see with my herd themselves." Scorn looked at the mares that were watching, some getting ansy for a fight, and others nervous but intimadating, Scorn knew that a herd of mares was extremely more powerful then two stallions, that was why Scorn trotted over protectively.

Though when Scorn looked away, the herd of Scorn's mares crept up until they felt like they were alright to be in an angled view of the two horses, one thing was for certain: never fight Scorn or his two stallions with families, because; you'll get a butt whooping from a herd of mares that are more protective..

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#269320 Posted on 2023-05-25 09:01:07

     Orion just stomped his hoof, "You may be my father, but you don't deserve to be here. I've only spoken about you two once since I left. If I wanted you to know my family I would have told them about you, but I didn't." he snorted before he looked over seeing Scorn had come over knowing exactly what Scorn was doing. Namir looked at Scorn giving a small nod before he took a small step back spreading out his wings slightly.

     Orion's parents looked at the black stallion that had come over showing his wings and his horn. Diablo just kept Althea close to him pinning his ears as this third stallion approached. Nysa just looked over getting a bit worried since she didn't want a fight to break out. Especially with how her mother was. Though Nysa watched seeing the herd mares approach as well, but she stayed put at least for the time being.

     Solstice seemed to feel that something wasn't right as she started to wake up as Nysa quickly noticed. She just nuzzled her softly, "Everything's fine mother just go back to're still sick.." she said softly as Solstice closed her eyes again. "I hope.." she mumbled as she looked back over at everyone. Nysa did check on her sister who still appeared to be asleep underneath Solstice's wing. A small smile came across her face as she stayed with the two just in case.

     Though Diablo just looked at all the mares that crept over before he looked at the black stallion then Namir. Namir seemed to have a small grin on his face, but he wasn't messing around. "I do whatever it takes to protect my family...which includes your son and my sister." he said firmly. Orion had a bit of surprised look as he heard what Namir had said. Namir only gave him a small nod.

     Orion just sighed as he looked at his parents again, "You had a long travel...I won't send you off without some rest I suppose. Just be gone before sundown tomorrow." he said, "Just don't try anything and stay away from my family." he snorted before he turned around and walked back over to his family laying down beside Solstice and softly laying his head over her withers..

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#269321 Posted on 2023-05-25 09:47:22

Scorn watched Orion walk away with what he had said, Scorn nodded in what Orion said before leaving, but without a warning for the Althea and Diablo, that and Namir was gonna watch them of what the two would do, the mares did back away a little bit since they knew that Scorn would give them a look.

And then the mares shuffled around so that Scorn could walk through them before the mares looked at Orion's parents and watched them before returning to where they were previously, with giving the two quick glances.. Scorn still gave the mares a quicker glance as they felt Scorn's glare on them, making them look away and return to their usual habit of everything.

"Making foals do magic to your will will only make them revolt, making them loved and they'll love you. Never understood horses.." the titan spoke as he walked away to his spot where Eclipsetess, Azulia and her mate went through, as he did block it off so that he could make sure that he was protecting the herd.

Eclipsetess was relieved of what would happen, and that she watched all the whole play out when she felt Scorn go over to where Namir was, and that was never a good sign when Scorn walked next to another stallion before knowing what was going on as he would walk to the other stallion- if any were around and Scorn'll give you warnings with the biggest and baddest protective stallion.

Eclipsetess thought that when Scorn began warning Orion's parents with Namir was like he was getting older and his unknown death made him now age, being blasted away from magic would make your thing that you have on you disappear like nothing, but goddess magic would make immortal horses disappear in a second. But Eclipsetess didn't dwell on what she was thinking of.

Instead she refocused on her two foals and then began thinking of perfect names for them, she had always wanted to name her foals since the day she had them, even if she couldn't name them, but Eclipsetess looked around and then looked at her foals eyes.

"How about.. Blue Arch and Golden Dawn? I like those two names, they seem to fit onto both your personalities. But your eyes.. I'll just tell Namir when he thinks of coming over, its still an exciting thing but being secretive and waiting is better! I'll wait til he comes here, his sister and her family is more important right now.. Alright little ones?" Eclipsetess nuzzled her two foals, Blue Arch and Golden Dawn seemed to fit them perfectly as the one with the more bluer eyes seemed to be liking Blue Arch and Eclipsetess gave her excited foal that name and the one was for the only foal left.

"Hm, Blue Arch and Golden Dawn.. Couldn't have thought of better names for you two." Eclipsetess mumbled as she was getting humble of this moment, the two foals just smiled as Eclipsetess gently smiled back at them, their names were more perfect then something else.

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#269323 Posted on 2023-05-25 13:13:36

     Althea eventually spoke up once more, "We didn't come here for a fight..we just came here for our son.." she said seeming to be saddened by her tone. "We don't mean any harm.." she said quieter before she heard what her son had said. She didn't know what to do. Never once did she expect this from her son. Though she just pressed her face softly into Diablo's shoulder.

     Hearing what the titan had said only caused her to press her face into her mate's shoulder more, "We were horrible parents.." she said quietly as a few tears ran down her face, "We failed him.." she murmured. Diablo just let out a small sigh as he laid down Althea doing the same as she remained as close to him as she could have like she wanted to hide. To disappear. Like she was embarrassed. They both were.

     Namir just stayed where he was as his eyes turned back to their normal brown color. He did remain a bit tense, but he kept an eye on this mare and stallion. If Orion didn't trust them and wasn't going to let them near his family, Namir wasn't going to let them anywhere near his sister..especially with the condition she was in. There wasn't a day that would by that he wouldn't protect his sister...or his family in general.

     Orion just closed his eyes for a few minutes as he calmed himself down without waking Solstice. He never even thought he would see his parents again let alone even think about them looking for him. Though once he settled himself down, he checked on Solstice as she slept. It looked like she was more comfortable since she was getting the sleep she needed a long time ago. He was just glad she was doing better.

     Nysa still stood where she was like she was asked to, but she couldn't help but to look over at her grandparent's. Eventually she looked at her father as she laid back down, "Why don't you talk about them? What happened?" she asked curiously, but she wanted to know, "You don't have to tell me dad, but it is a bit nice to know I do have grandparents.." she said mumbling that last part a bit. 

     Orion just looked at her and sighed. He didn't really feel like talking about it, "I'll tell you's been a long day and I really don't want to talk about it right now." he said as Nysa understood and gave a small nod and a small smile. "It's getting late..try to get some more sleep." he said before he laid his head back down on Solstice's withers carefully not wanting to wake her.

     Namir wanted to be with his family, but he just stayed where he was. He didn't trust Althea and Diablo. Though he could only think about his parents. The day they left. He remembered it like it was yesterday including the promise he made. To look after his sister and protect her..always. That was why he was so protective of her. He made a promise, and it was a promise he was never going to break.

     Though Apollo slowly walked up to Namir quickly glancing at the mare and stallion, "Hey Namir...if you want I could watch should be with Eclipsetess and your foals.." he said looking over at Eclipsetess for a moment, "I don't have anything to do either..they seem harmless.." he said as he glanced at the mare and stallion. Seemed Althea had quietly cried herself to sleep while Diablo stayed up keeping a close eye on the bay stallion that stayed near them when it seemed a younger one had approached him.

     Namir just looked at Apollo as he came over before he glanced at Diablo his eyes turning red for a second. Though he thought about it as he eventually let out a small sigh, "I suppose. Just come get me if you need to, or even at some point during the night. I don't want you staying up all night. Be careful. If Orion doesn't trust them..we shouldn't either." he said as Apollo nodded before Namir walked off.

     He nuzzled Eclipsetess and the foals once he got to them, but he said nothing about Orion's parents. Not a word. Instead he focused on his family. "How are you three doing? Minette too..she hasn't been as social as she normally is." he said looking around for her, but didn't really see her around. Maybe she was just somewhere he couldn't see, but he was a bit worried about her too..

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#269324 Posted on 2023-05-25 15:48:28

"We're doing good, and I finally thought of two perfect names for our foals as well! I don't know if I could have made better names, but they sound perfect! Blue Arches and Golden Dawn, those are the names I had come up with- inspiration from everywhere you could see! Though I haven't seen Minette around in the herd, and she wouldn't be out in the forest, maybe she's just somewhere where she found a spot to relax away from things that affect her foal? She's just being sure to have a happy and healthy foal, and that she's making sure that at least some things she hears but just wants to be sure she's getting the things that she needs. She'll be fine Namir, worry about other things then her, you got stuff to do and protect- well your sister. She'll be fine, Minette will be fine, and me and our foals will be fine. Promise on that Namir." Eclipsetess nuzzled reassuringly, though the way she said 'worry about other things' means that she could tell that Namir was always worrying about everything, and that she could tell instantly and say it at this time means that she knew since she had met Namir and after everything that had happened.

"And yes I could tell that you've always been worried since I met you, I know horses instantly, but I didn't say until now- because I love you that way enough to not tell you something so obvious, and that means I do really care about you and worry about you, your sister, Nysa, our foals, your new niece, myself, and the rest of herd. I've always been worried since I was a foal, but I hid my feelings since I was chosen to go back and choose a new soul to guide- not all horses are having an easy life, you can just tell with Orion. But don't say anything that I've known you to worry, since I just told you this after all." Eclipsetess messed with Namir's mane a little bit, but she did the samething with Blue Arches and Golden Dawn, Blue Arches- the more bluer eyed heterochromia foal and Golden Dawn was a little of both Namir and Eclipsetess.

"And shouldn't you be over with your sister and her family? I'm just getting worried that your not!" Eclipsetess sarcastically said in a surprised manner, but she did seem to be worried as a bit of worry entered her voice, she was telling the truth while trying to hide it.

"Now scoot on off to your sister, if I need something and its mare related: I'll have a mare to talk too, and that you don't have to worry about me either, I'm fine and healthy with our healthy foals." Eclipsetess nuzzled Namir before she nudged him towards Solstice, and that she cared too deeply for Namir to not be with his sister; she cared as much when someone needs to be let go and that Lichanura had seemed to have wandered over as Eclipsetess wanted to talk to him and that a mare came along since Eclipsetess wanted her.

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#269325 Posted on 2023-05-25 16:46:23

     Namir seemed to perk up a bit when Eclipsetess said she had thought of names for their foals. Though he smiled as he nibbled on the foal's manes a bit messing around with them. "If you say the names sound perfect, then they are perfect." he said nuzzling her and the foals. "We'll more the likely end up giving them nicknames or someone else in the herd will. Almost everyone has nicknames either way." he said with a small chuckle.

     Though he did look around again for Minette as he let out a sigh, "I's just that my sister was way overdo..Minette should be close to having that foal by now, and I don't want things to go wrong with her.." he said sounding worried as always, "Haven't seen her in awhile and even if I'm not her real father, she's my daughter. I'm going to worry about her." he said hoping she would show up soon. 

     Namir did nuzzle her back though knowing she was trying to ease his worries. He listened to what she had to say, but he was quiet for a moment as he looked down, "The day my parents left...I made a protect my sister." he said, "I couldn't live with myself if I broke that promise. That's why I always worry. That's why I'm so protective of her and my family." he said as he looked at Eclipsetess, "I remember everything about that day...and the day I found them in the woods."

     Though Namir had only looked down slightly once again, "Well it is pretty obvious that I worry a lot, but after all these years..I just can't help it. So much has happened in what seems to be a short now I'm just paranoid about things that may or may not happen...just my way of showing I care I suppose.." he said. Though he relaxed as she messed with his black mane a bit as he had done the same to her.

     Namir did look over at his sister, "She's resting. They all are. It's better for me to stay here and not disturb them as much as I want to see how she's doing." he said trying to be respectable and let his sister and the others rest. Though Eclipsetess wasn't giving him much of a choice though as she nudged him towards his sister, "Alright alright..." he said giving her a small look before he walked over.

     Nysa was still awake as she couldn't really sleep yet. She seemed to be too curious about her grandparents since she didn't even know she had any. Though she looked over seeing her uncle coming over which confused her, "I thought you were watching that mare and stallion?" she asked him confused as Namir laid down next to her, but far enough to give them enough space. 

     "I was until Apollo offered to watch them. I wouldn't have let him, but they don't seem like the type to harm anyone, and he could probably use the practice. Besides your aunt didn't give me much of a choice but to come over here. I didn't want to disturb you guys especially my sister, but sometimes Eclipsetess doesn't give me a choice." he said with a very quiet chuckle.

     Nysa just quietly giggled before she looked at her mother, "She's pretty much been asleep since the foal was born. It'll definitely take her a couple days to fully recover. The filly also seems to be a bit weak as well, but I'm not too surprised considering the condition my mother was in.." she said before she looked at her uncle once again, "She's getting the sleep she needs which is a good thing."

     Namir flicked his ear as he listened giving a small nod, "She's doing better which is a good thing. Sleep is what's most important, and shouldn't be getting some sleep as well? It is starting to get late." he said giving his niece a small look. Nysa only rolled her eyes, "You're still young Nysa. You still need as much sleep that you can get. Trust me. I raised your mother, and it was not easy."

     "I'll be fine Uncle Namir. You should go check on Apollo. Knowing him he won't last all night. He sleeps all night every night. Well he does get up early to go on a morning fly, but either way he'll probably fall asleep watching those two." Namir just sighed knowing she was right as he got up and said his farewell before he took a look around. Not just a quick look around, Namir actually took a few good minutes to look around the herd before he started walking over to check on Apollo.

     Though what he didn't realize was that something wasn't right until he had approached Apollo...who had fallen asleep. Namir just gently nudged the young stallion which awoke him as they both looked over at Althea and Diablo, but Diablo was gone. Althea sound asleep still. Namir snorted as he looked around for Diablo, but there was no sign of him as Namir started trotting around the area searching for the stallion...

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#269327 Posted on 2023-05-25 17:40:16

Minette was coming back from her hidden spot somewhere as she yawned, still tired but seemed to have fallen asleep as she trotted over to her mother, though Eclipsetess nuzzled Minette- she then told her daughter that she had finally the two perfect names for Minette's siblngs.

"Good, it'll be awhile before I think of a name, at least you had time to think.. Well maybe too much since you did do other things to advert of thinking of a name." Minette said, though she nuzzled her mother again before going to graze since she seemed to need it as she did wake up from a long nap.

"Always sleeping.. Your aunt taught you that for sure.." Eclipsetess whispered, she did feel guilty for not teaching Minette more things that she could have done, but she was always so busy with everything and at least she had flying off of the list with Eclipsetess as the coach.

Though Eclipsetess went back to grazing as her foals trotted around Eclipsetess for a bit, before going ahead and starting to tussle around playfully, Eclipsetess would look at them and they'd turn their heads as Eclipsetess taught the two foals how to tussle better and that they don't bite each other's nose ridges.

"It is bad behaviour to bite your sibling's nose ridge, that and he won't be able to breath if you do bite him hard enough. So.. Do not bite your sibling's nose ridges." Eclipsetess looked at the two foals, her two foals: Blue Arches and Golden Dawn, as she told them what to do and what not to do, and that was very motherly of her as she remembered doing the same situation with a different lecture.

Though Minette came trotting over as she looked at Nysa, Minette then looked back at Eclipsetess and her two siblings, Eclipsetess looked back at Minette as she told Minette to go see Nysa, and that; to see her and ask her a question- even though she's being protective right now.

But Minette began trotting over to Nysa, partly more near Nysa then Solstice- she was sleeping and Nysa tried stepping lightly when around Solstice when she's sleeping, though Minette walked up next to Nysa before looking at her and around at the situation of what was happening.

Minette wanted to ask Nysa a question, but she didn't want to wake up Solstice, even though she could whisper to Nysa, Minette still felt like Solstice could hear her. But Minette took a deep breath or two before looking at Nysa again, and thinking of her words.

"Nysa.. Do you want to tussle..? Even though your protecting your mother right now.." Minette asking in a hopeful tone, though her voice did end off with a barely heard a sigh that sounded sad, but Minette did nuzzle Nysa lovingly and telling her that she's a good daughter and cousin. More like a hopeful compliment from a friendly cousin that loves ans respects.

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