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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#267186 Posted on 2023-03-09 20:13:31

"Oh then explain to me; that Minette was REJECTED! By Faith herself!" Eclipsetess still yelled but she directed it at Solstice this time, she was surely mad at this and also worried that her foal won't have motivation- for flying or magic.

"Being REJECTED means Minette cannot participate in the courses until she's at least two years old! She's only a year old- I think- but she shouldn't have been rejected." Eclipsetess was yelling still but not as bad as when she pointed it at Solstice, it seemed like she was calming down.

"I told you hundreds of times that Minette was on the list! I don't know who could have put her on the rejected foals list! I only made sure that Minette was-" Eclipsetess cut off Faith "No! You don't know how much she was excited for this and then you cut her off just like that! Like it meant nothing!" Eclipsetess was mad mad as she didn't let this go unlike other things sometimes.

"I told you I didn't do it!" Faith yelled back defensively, Eclipsetess was madly shocked before getting angrier at Faith, and so, this argument was heating up then it should have.

"THEN WHO?! HUH?! WHO WAS IT THAT TOOK MY DAUGHTER OFF THE HORSEIN' LIST?!" Eclipsetess yelled at the air, at everyone, she was going wild as Faith looked at Solstice for help on how to stop this as she didn't want to be in this argument.

Though a couple foals were yelling at Titanus as Faith and a mad Eclipsetess that stopped being mad as she was confused on what was happening with at the post, a couple foals were asking and yelling why Titanus was removing them and adding others onto the list.

"That son of a sea pickle! He ruined the lists!" Faith was now mad, and with Eclipsetess already angry and angrier, both mares looked at each other before dashing off as Titanus put the new list on the post, but as he looked at Faith and Eclipsetess, the two were already at nipping him, punching him, and biting him in several places to where it hurt the most.

Some mares were getting up to take their foals back to their regular spots to graze, but the mothers and foals were watching a beating happen and Eclipsetess already had her anger out and went up to Solstice to apologize and to apologize for disturbing her peace.

Meanwhile, Faith was still nipping and biting the crap out of Titanus until Eclipetess bubbled Titanus and Faith as she needed to cool off and Eclipsetess sent Titanus to Oceanus's healing pool..

"Well we know to never get on another god's badside, including another goddess.. But I'm sorry to disturb of whatever you were planning to do, I was just so ferious at Faith that I just wanted Minette to get to where she needed to go, she even cried more and I had to calm her down before speaking to her, she was at least calmed down enough to talk after. For not getting on the list.. But I know it's immature and stupid behaviour of me to go after another horse just for a piece of paper, but I had my reasons for that. Much like eeryone else, but everyone knows better than to get on my badside for not letting Minette do something she wants to do.." Eclipsetess said, she was hellbent on getting Minette on to the list that she never realized that it was Titanus who was the one to switch everyone's role, now Faith had to get back to rediting the paper.

"But now Faith has to redo the paper for everyone to see, I just wonder if I'm gonna go Hellbent again for not hearing she made it again- Faith's also considering on getting me a stadium to train myself on whenever I feel a strong emotion, like being Hellbent, so that I can take my anger out on fake objects and feel calmer and more collective in dire situations, but my love for Minette will never vanish, that anger is only used for- not gonna say the rest.. Don't want you to go through any more hellbent stuff Solstice.." Eclipsetess told Solstice, she was caring for respecting to not going onto the topic about the two fights with Dra and Atrium- that was just a nightmare really..

"No I am not Nysa, I wasn't picked to be on the list, Marrow gets to go but I stay here until I'm two years old. That's the requirment, Marrow gets to be a Guardian and graduate and have a friend to protect while I'm over here still learning to use my wings more in the Guardian Courses.. She gets to go to a real school while I don't until I get finalized.. Taking mother's direction is what I dreamed about; following behind her footsteps is why I want to protect you more, I want to be a Guardian because they are loyale and protectful to those who they care for. Like Auntie Solstice/your mom and my mom/Auntie Eclipsetess. My mom became a Guardian so that she could have a friend to have with during her life, and that's how Auntie Solstice made it through great sacrifices.." Minette looked off to the side before continuing to speak on, it was sad but it helped clear more stuff up for Nysa.

"I heard from Auntie Azulia that mom literally faded into dust when she used her magic to get Solstice to not faint or die.. And that's how she and Auntie Solstice became goddesses, and being a Demi-God allows you to have the immortality! Whether or not your family, like how I'm not actually mother and father's real filly, but they treat me the same way a normal filly would be." Minette looked at Nysa, she even nibbled her mane a little bit as it was adorable! So cute!

"But I wouldn't be leaving you soon, the Heavens speed up time and our time doesn't, allowing me to be the same age as I am whilst I learned what I had to do, but I also have to re-enter courses sometimes since foal years for a Guardian is ALOT shorter then normal one or two yearling years, so we train before actually graduating. Allowing me to relax before I come back for real. And plus; I think we're nieces to each other anyways, so I will always protect you even if Auntie Solstice is there!" Minette tried cheering up Nysa from what Minette said before, Minette was right about everything and that not all foals are close to cutting it to the mark for graduating.

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#267192 Posted on 2023-03-10 08:04:22

     Solstice just took a step back when Eclipsetess had yelled at her. She knew it would be hard to calm her down when she was this mad, but Eclipsetess had to calm down with all the foals around. Though she was really surprised to hear that Minette was rejected, "Wait what? I would have thought she was going to get in. She's practically just like you. It's easy to see she wants to be just like you." she said confused, but still calmly.

     Though Solstice had then looked at Faith then back at Eclipsetess when she cut Faith off. She wasn't sure how to settle this. "Eclipsetess...I don't think Faith rejected her...I remember her being excited about Minette trying out." she said though she took another step back in case Eclipsetess tried to nip her or something, "Maybe it was someone else? We'll just have to figure it out.." she said though that's when she looked over at the post and the foals.

     Solstice just looked over and saw the foals yelling at Titanus, "You might want to ask hi-" she was cut off when they both ran over and started nipping the poor stallion. Sure he deserved it, but she still felt a bit bad..even if he got himself into that mess. Solstice just stood back though. It was actually kind of fun to watch Faith and Eclipsetess, but they were similar to each other sometimes.

      Solstice just looked at the two as they walked back over, "Eclipsetess you were defending Minette..trying to find out why she was rejected. You may have gone a bit too far, but you were just doing what a mother should. It's not just a piece of paper. It's the future for some of these foals. The next guardians. Plus I wasn't even doing much of anything.." she said shrugging a bit, "Now we just wait for the real results.." she said with her normal small but soft smile.

     Though she couldn't help but to let out a small sigh, "Eclipsetess...none of us knew that any of that was going to happen. I was still young then..I was in a world where I knew nothing about it...I had to learn anything and everything while on the run, but none of that matters's the past...and so is Dra. He's finally gone..sure he haunts me from time to time, but I don't have to fear that he'll go after Nysa...she's safe from him.." she said, "I don't have to live my life in fear anymore because of can put an end to someone just like I did to Dra if it comes to it..I won't let Nysa grow up the way I did..."

     Nysa just looked over where the argument was happening, but she stayed away from it and looked back at Minette and Marrow. She just looked down a bit hearing that she wasn't leaving, and she knew what it meant. "Oh..sorry.." she said figuring that was why there was yelling. Though she looked at Minette again, "I want to do the same...everyone seems to like my mom...but I don't know why...I just want to be like her..." she admitted looking down a bit again.

     Though what did Minette mean by sacrifices? Was there something Solstice was keeping from her? Though Nysa didn't dare to say a word about it. Or even ask her mom about it..not after what happened earlier, but she was definitely curious about it. Maybe she'd ask her dad about it? No...he'd tell Solstice. Nysa just looked around for a moment while she listened to Minette.

     "She...turned to dust..?" she asked curiously and confused. She was starting to get curious about what else Minette knew. She always liked learning things...even if it was something she shouldn't know about. "Immortality?" she said slowly as the word was a little challenging for her to say, but she only heard it once before. Nysa was just getting more curious about everything Minette was telling her.

     Though Nysa just looked at her, "How do you know all of this stuff? My mom won't tell me things like this. She hardly tells me anything...I know there's something she's keeping from me.." she said mumbling that last bit rather quietly as she looked over at her mom. Seemed like the yelling had stopped. Though she just flicked her tail around and looked back at Minette, "Wanna play?" she said excitedly as she trotted around in a small circle a bit. It had been awhile since she ran around and played.

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#267197 Posted on 2023-03-10 08:59:22

"I got it from mom's sister, she'll answer anything that you ask!" Minette smiled, "Sure! Where do you wanna play? There's a lot of spots that are free~!" Minette said, she did let Nysa decide on where to play as it was a big open space that was free and no one was playing on it.

"Yeah why don't you two go on and play? I got to go see how my mom's doing anyways." Marrow nudged Minette and Nysa to go play, Minette did nuzzle Marrow goodbye before she left, now Minette jumped around Nysa to start playing as it was fun.

"I'm gonna chase ya!" Minette playfully said, she did creep up to Nysa before jumping back, she was being careful but more playful as well, Minette seemed relaxed and happy to be playing with Nysa again- it had been awhile since the two ever played..

Eclipsetess looked at Solstice before looking off and around, she then sighed before Faith came over and nuzzled the two mares before she left for where she needed to go to check mark any foals and redo the foal lists, but at least she was calm first but she did say goodbye before going to her place to decide which foals can be picked and which cannot..

And that means Minette was going to be on the list, this time not on the rejected list, Eclipsetess just looked at Solstice before apologizing once more, she apologized for not realizing that she shouldn't have yelled at Faith before, but that was the past and she hung her head before walking off to go relax somewhere for the time being..

Though Azulia wandered over since most mares kept her back from experiencing another fight, an argument really, but she did walk over to Solstice before walking past her to let her cool down and.. Yeah it was a pretty bad fight.. At least the group of foals had disbanded for the time being..

But Azulia walked back over to Solstice once she couldn't find Eclipsetess in her normal grazing spot now, she guessed that Eclipsetess was protective of Minette again and had to spill the beans, but Azulia was also looking around like something was off to her..

"I thought I had heard a foal or two talking about something rather private that only our herd knows, I don't know who since gossip can spread like wild- nevermind.. Don't want to say the last part.. But still, I thought I felt them talking, the only foal that knew what was going on was Smoke- but she never says a word about privacy. Scorn raised her right for one thing.." Azulia said, she was still looking around like something was still happening, but all of the herds and horses around were doing their normal things.. As usual really.

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#267203 Posted on 2023-03-10 09:59:12

     Nysa just looked around a bit as she looked down for a second, "I shouldn' wouldn't be happy if I found out about whatever she is hiding..." she said hesitantly before she looked back up at Minette perking up again. "I don't care. I just want to play." she said as she reared a small bit and jumped to the side. Her tail flicking around. Her mood had definitely changed, but she was still young. One moment she could be asleep and the next she could be running around. That's just a foal for ya. 

     She only giggled a bit as she ran a bit. Nysa always loved running around. If she couldn't fly, she could surely run around, and she seemed to have gotten pretty good at it. Even at her age. Though she squealed a bit happily as she ran around and jumped around. Though Minette was going to leave. Neither of them knew that yet, but Nysa just played around with Minette having fun. It was the only time she ignored being the youngest and everything else. Playing seemed to make her feel like she fit in more. Though she did fit in just fine. She just didn't know it.

     Solstice smiled a bit as Faith came over and nuzzled the both of them as Solstice had returned the gesture before she looked at Eclipsetess. "You were looking out for Minette. There's no need to apologize." she said before Eclipsetess had left to probably be alone for a little bit. Solstice just stood there looking around before she noticed Azulia was making her way over.

     She listened to Azulia before she had another look around, "And what was it these foals were talking about? Sure hope it wasn't Nysa...she doesn't need to know anything about what's happened. I don't want to ever know, but I'll have no choice when she's older. Rumors spread..that's for sure.." she said taking another look around knowing that whatever it was clearly bugging Azulia.

     Though Namir ended up trotting over, "Thought I heard some yelling...I was going on a small walk. Has the results come in yet?" he said completely clueless as to what had just happened. Solstice couldn't help but to giggle before she told him everything, "Well I'm sure Minette would be more then happy to know she actually got in.." he said noticing she had been playing with Nysa, "Let them play...I'm sure Nysa won't like that Minette will be leaving...I guess I'm not leaving was hard enough.." he said looking at his sister.

     Solstice had only rolled her eyes, "I didn't have a choice Namir. It was only what like two weeks for you guys? At least you knew I was safe. I had to stay up there worrying about all of you because I couldn't do anything to see if you were alright." she said nipping him softly before she glanced at Azulia, "We'll try to keep an ear out to see who's the one talking about things..foals aren't always sneaky that's for sure." she said before looking at Nysa and Minette in the distance as she sighed.

     "Yeah...she will be...Minette has been by her side since she was born. Literally. Nysa doesn't even hang out with the other foals much...not even Apollo or the other colts. She's just used to Minette, but at least she's happy. They both are.." she said as Namir nodded. Though Solstice just stretched her wings some, "Hopefully there ain't nothing we have to worry about with those know how they are. How's Raven anyway?" she said looking at Azulia again.

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#267207 Posted on 2023-03-10 11:18:03

"Oh she's doing fine, but.. She's not talking like she always does, Cronsi even tries to get her to say a word but she only squeaks, we're looking through some books to see what's up. But I wanted to check on you before I left, and if you can't find Eclipsetess when she's gone- look for a cave entrance behind a mountain, it's above a tiny spot of sand, it has almost everything that we could use- almost.. Eclipsetess made the hole herself and even did the decorating, she says its her "Hidy Space" or "Safe Space" for her to relax when she gets really mad and sad afterwards, she used to have a tree that she could jump into- but a bird took it and then.. Yeah.." Azulia replied, Raven was jumping around in some mud that Cronsi seemed to have made- that alicorn is a real trouble, and Azulia just realized that Raven was jumping in a puddle.

"That alicorn.. I can't with him when he does that- Raven is gonna be so messy now that we'll have to wash her in the ocean this time, but its how it is.. Foals and Alicorns.." Azulia sighed, though she did leave to go get Raven washed in the ocean's water.

Though as Minette was playing with Nysa she thought that she saw another horse like her- well she was still gray and not brown or black like how Eclipsetess matched Solstice, but she did see a big black alicorn stallion with wings out passing by her, it got her to be curious and then she realized that the stallion had the same- well a brightly faded rainbow mane and tail that matched Minette's faded rainbow mane and tail.

"Huh? But I thought that I was the only foal- horse to have rainbow hair? Did I not realize that there was another horse? I know that I was adopted but still.." Minette asked herself, she just watched the stallion pass by with his big silver and grey armor as he was informing the Alicorn King as he was also passing by the herd.

"Mmmmmm- I'm gonna find mom Nysa, I'll come back and play with you! I promise!" Minette nuzzled Nysa, she did guide Nysa over to some foals before racing off to find Eclipsetess, but she did trot over to Solstice to see which direction Eclipsetess went to.

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#267242 Posted on 2023-03-11 18:02:39

     "That's strange...she's normally quite the talker like Nysa can be sometimes..." Solstice said as she looked around for a quick moment. "I'm sure you two will figure it out. Maybe she just doesn't want to talk much." she said as Namir shrugged a bit before he left the conversation. He just went to go graze or roll around. That stallion was definitely getting older, but not any near Moon's age. Though that stallion seemed to be mysterious at times. 

     Solstice just brought her attention back to Azulia, "I had a feeling she had a hiding place, but I'll leave her alone for now. It's starting to get a bit late, but I know she'll be fine by herself." she said not worried, "Eclipsetess just needed to get away for a bit, but thanks for letting me know!" she said with a smile before she looked at Cronsi and Raven letting out a small giggle.

     "Oh come now Azulia. He's trying to make up for leaving you two. He's trying, and I can see that. You two were never apart when you met after all. It was obvious you two liked each other," she said giggling again, "But you are right. Foals can be quite the handful sometimes. "Good luck." she said as Azulia left before she smiled and trotted back over to Orion nuzzling him once she was by his side.

     Nysa was having a lot of fun playing with Minette, and she let out a small snort when Minette stopped. Though she quickly noticed why when she saw the stallion. She just stepped over to Minette a bit more since she didn't know the stallion, but it seemed like Minette didn't either. Nysa did notice that they both had similarities, but Nysa just looked at Minette.

    "He looks like you..or you look like him..?" she said excited at first but then she was confused as she looked down for a moment thinking about it before she just gave up on that and looked at Minette again. "Maybe your related?" she asked still confused until she jumped up a bit, "Maybe he's your dad!" she said a bit louder, but she quickly calmed and hushed herself as she looked at Minette again.

     She frowned a bit, but she nodded. Though she wasn't so sure about the foals Minette had brought her too. Just like her mom around strangers. Very shy. Though Solstice learned to grow out of it, and hopefully Nysa would too. Besides it was normal for foals to get nervous around strangers. Instead Nysa just waited for Minette to get back, but in the mean time she just stood there looking at the foals a bit.

     Solstice just started messing with Orion's mane a bit before she noticed Minette had come over. Orion just gave her a look, but Solstice had ignored it for the time being. "Oh your mom? She's somewhere in the mountains, but I'm not so sure where. I don't think you'd be able to get to her anyway since your still learning to fly.." she said looking at the mountains, "I'm sure she'll be back soon. Is there a reason your looking for her?" she asked calmly with a smile.

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#267243 Posted on 2023-03-11 18:29:34

"Oh yes, there's this big black stallion, he's alicorn too, but he has fading rainbow tips from his mane down to his tail, including his wings! Nysa said that I could be related, then she suggested that he was my father, but I don't know. So I want to ask mom to tell me if that's my dad! Mostly because I never knew my parents besides being at the adoption center for awhile before getting adopted.." Minette told Solstice, she then made her hoof spin in a circle before looking at the big black alicorn as he was walking back over to his post at the inner entrance of where the bridge was/is.

Though another armored alicorn flew over to the black armored alicorn as the two flew off to wherever they needed to go, which was important to a guard but not a normal horse used to everything, though another guard filled the black armored alicorn's post for the while as the other guard still remained at his post.

"Man, there's sure a lot of drama with guards coming and going.." Minette told herself aloud, though she was pretty sure that Solstice and Orion heard her, but she was just curious of what the guards do anyways.

With Nysa as a foal was sniffing her before wagging their cute little tail, the foal seemed to be interested in Nysa as the other foals stared at the foal with Nysa, but they did shortly go back to playing within their group as the foal next to Nysa sat down next to her but a little away, just for her personal space only.

Though Eclipsetess did fly out of her little homie cave before flying back to the herds, she was sure that Minette was playing with Nysa as usual with those foals sometimes, but she spotted Nysa alone with another foal giving her space, she nodded her head before walking over to Nysa.

"Nysa? Where's Minette?" Eclipsetess asked the young foal, she was surely mad at Minette for leaving her alone with another foal that's just sitting next to her, though she did nuzzle the foal before spotting Minette with Solstice.

"Come on, I'm sure you want to play with Minette again, I'll even escort you." Eclipsetess told Nysa, Eclipsetess then began walking over to Solstice as Minette looked at her surprisedly but then got excited as Eclipsetess returned from her little space.

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#267255 Posted on 2023-03-12 08:34:23

     Solstice and Orion had listened to Minette while they both looked over at the guard, "I remember seeing him the day we came here. Guess...I don't pay as much attention to the guards as I used to." she said mumbling most of what she said since she was sort of talking to herself, but she then just looked back at Minette. "Oh? Well it is possible...but I can't really help you out...I don't even know my parents."

     Though Solstice just watched the guard's activity thinking it was odd. They used to make her nervous, but now she just ignored them for the most part, but there was definitely something going on if there was more activity with the guards. Usually they just stay at their posts. Solstice did hear Minette though, "Your right...there's a lot more activity coming from them then there normally is."

     Nysa didn't even notice it when another filly seemed to sneak over to her and start sniffing her. She just looked at the filly a bit with her head lowered before she looked at the other foals. Eventually she looked over and saw Eclipsetess walking over as she smiled and trotted over. "She was looking for you Auntie." she said flicking her tail around happily before she jumped around a bit, "Okay!" she said as she started to canter ahead before she slowed down and stayed with her aunt.

     Solstice had then looked up seeing Eclipsetess and Nysa coming over. Her and Orion had nuzzled their filly before Solstice had looked at Eclipsetess and Minette, "I suppose we'll let you two talk alone. I'm sure Faith is getting close to finishing the list, but you can play with Minette again later Nysa.." she said as the three of them walked away to a different spot and laid down.

     Nysa looked at her mom though once they all laid down, "What do you mean about Faith finishing the list?  I thought it was already done..Minette wasn't accepted." she said before looking at Eclipsetess and Minette for a moment. Though Solstice just smiled and placed her wing over Nysa knowing she always liked it. Though Nysa just looked around a bit as Solstice explained things.

     "Oh..." she said looking down, "So Minette really is leaving?" she asked as Solstice nodded. Nysa just looked over at Minette before she just curled up and somewhat hid underneath her mother's wing. Solstice sighed and looked at Orion before she had just placed her head on his soft back. Orion looked at the two before he looked around. Everything was quiet except for some of the guards.

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#267258 Posted on 2023-03-12 11:03:27

"So.. A little birdie told me about your question about your real parents?" Eclipsetess looked at Minette as she seemed shocked to know what Eclipsetess had already known about most or all of the Isle already.

"Yeah.. That big black alicorn stallion looks like me except for the more brightly faded hair then mine. Mine is more faded then his, and I want to know who he is and why he looks like me, and Nysa suggested that he was my father! So yeah.. Who is he?" Minette let out her questions to be answered by Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess smiled only lovingly before looking at where the black armored alicorn was.

"He is.. Your father, Nysa was correct about that, but even I have no idea who he is. He was here when me and your aunt were staying here for an adventure alone, but even he was intimadating just his armor. Minette: He's a guard, he's too busy to take care of you, and I have no idea who your mother is, but they left you in an adoption center for a reason: To be adopted by a mare that truly loves you and will forever. And that mare is.." Eclipsetess went silent at the end, like she was asking Minette a question.

"You.. You truly love me aongside dad, even though I have a father that I now know of, your still gonna be my mother. And so is my new dad! My dad! The one who loves me alongside you mom!" Minette reared up in the air, Eclipsetess smiled and giggled as she joined Minette in the rearing.. Such a cute moment.

Though a couple of guards were talking, but not all of them were in the group as most returned to their posts, except Minette's father who was still with that other alicorn, but he was somewhere inside the Alicorn King's home, just somewhere..

But the couple of guards disbanded quickly and went back to their posts for the rest of the time, some even walked with another alicorn guard to talk about something, Azulia picked up some vibrations as her eyes went wide when she stopped grazing to hear the noisey talk of two alicorn guards passing by..

"Have you heard?" the right alicorn guard asked the left, "No, what?" the left alicorn guard asked the right guard, "A new royale foal is being born, this time it's like with Minette." the right alicorn told the left alicorn, "What?! Since when?!" the left alicorn shouted at the right alicorn, "Since a year ago, the queen is expecting alongside her friend, but you know how alicorn foals take at least two years since the horn, the wings, and maybe a perfect mark- well the mark doesn't appear until the foals are at least able to talk." the right alicorn said, Azulia was shocked as she now noticed a weird marking fading onto Minette's coat.

"Holy.. Information.." Azulia whispered, she watched the two alicorn guards walk to their posts, then Azulia looked back at Eclipsetess and Minette, that was when Azulia with emotions that she at least sent a wave of them all over..

The wave of emotions flooded every horse as they felt the same emotion like that of Azulia- the source of it, Eclipsetess could tell that the emotions were fear, anger, and the more bigger threat of an emotion: crying, Eclipsetess turned her head and body as she saw Azulia cry..

"Minette stay, I need to go help my sister, you'll be fine right here right?" Eclipsetess asked Minette, Minette nodded but tears were coming out of her eyes, Eclipsetess could see the tears in Minette's eyes as tears were forming in Eclipsetess's eyes but Eclipsetess started running over to Azulia as she was still crying..

"I wonder what's so wrong, and why Auntie Azulia is crying so much and letting the emotions flood her.." Minette said worriedly, but she sat down and began calming herself as it was better to be calm instead of crying/bawling out so much tears.

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#267260 Posted on 2023-03-12 11:24:19

     Nysa seemed to completely hid herself underneath Solstice's wing as Solstice had eventually sighed and lifted up her wing. "Nysa." she said as the filly just wanted to be left alone, but Solstice didn't care, "Minette won't be gone forever. She won't be gone as long as you think she will be." she said from experience as she softly nudged the filly. "You should be happy for her."

    Nysa hesitantly looked at her mom before she laid her head in the grass and looked down letting out a small snort, "What will I do when she's gone? She's always been by my side from what you say." she said glancing at Minette, "How would you even know?" she said before curling back up. Solstice just looked at Orion, but he just softly nudged her. Solstice was a bit hesitant.

    "Because I was at the school Minette will be going to. It was the only way I could learn my magic in safety." she said not realizing what she said until she said it. Solstice had only paused for a moment, "The time up there is different. May feel like years up there, but down here it could only be a couple of weeks. I know what you can do during that time though. You can practice that spell more, and I'll help. I could even show you a few more spells...once I feel like your ready." she said.

    Nysa looked at her again the second Solstice had mentioned magic. "Really!?" she said excitedly as her tail flicked around side to side. Solstice just chuckled and nodded. "Ok mom!" she said excitedly as she seemed to have sprung up on her hooves. Though suddenly she was saddened again, and she didn't know why. Nysa looked at both of her parents again as they seemed to feel the same way. "Mom?" she said confused.

    Though Solstice just stood up, "It's Azulia...I can tell she sent a wave of emotions to everyone." she said knowing it was Azulia's magic. "Stay with your father now Nysa." she said before she followed Eclipsetess over to Azulia. "Azulia? What's wrong." she asked before she looked at Eclipsetess, "What's got you crying?" she asked again in a calm and quiet tone. She didn't want to see her cry.

    "Fine." Nysa said before she looked at her father then over to where Minette was. She just ran over to Minette, and Orion just stood up and walked over to the two fillies while giving them some space. He knew Eclipsetess and Solstice would probably go after him if he just stayed where he was. Nysa just sat down next to Minette hoping it'd help to comfort her, "Did you find out who that stallion was?" she asked curiously.

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#267261 Posted on 2023-03-12 12:11:09

"Yes.. He's my father, mom confirmed of what you said, and that he couldn't take care of me because he's a guard.. And guards are really busy with things, but mom told me that she didn't know who he actually was, and that.. She doesn't know who my mother is, I only know my father- my real father.. But it's alright, I have you, Auntie Solstice, Uncle Orion, Auntie Azulia and everyone else to be family, my dad knows who I am by the way he notices me sometimes and seems to smile happily at me.. I guess he still remembers me after all, but like I; I have everyone else here as family, not just mom and dad now." Minette told Nysa, Minette looked happy at Nysa as happy tears formed and fell from her face, she was truly happy and was even more happier at that.

Azulia quickly looked at Eclipsetess and Solstice before looking at the two guards that were at their posts, and that they looked at Azulia but sighed and began talking- again, man so much gossip.. More then usual, but we now know!

"I-it-its- it's about Minette and.. Her mother.. The one she seems to be more curious of, her biological mother.. Is.. The Alicorn Queen, and that her father is the black alicorn guard, I heard two guards say that when a non-alicorn king is born from the queen- royale markings start fading onto the foal's coats as soon as they start talking. That's when they shed their lower and dark undersides of their coats- Alicorn Foal documentation.. Can't be blamed.. But- Minette is also from half royale-blood, meaning a weird marking is starting to show on her coat, I can already tell that the marking already appeared just by noticing it alone." Azulia told Eclipsetess and Solstice, Eclipsetess was taken back by what Azulia said, she then looked at Azulia and Solstice. Eclipsetess then started to take shorter breaths, Azulia noticed Eclipsetess breathing slower and heavier.

"Sis- are you okay?" Azulia asked Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess only looked down before started to turn away slowly- a hoof and a leg at a time, then when Eclipsetess stopped turning, she looked at Azulia with wide eyes. Azulia saw the emotion coming from Eclipsetess's eyes.

"Sis..?" Azulia asked Eclipsetess, she knew that something was gonna go wrong..

But when Eclipsetess looked back down at the ground, she then closed her eyes and fainted, she had too much information- something was familiar about this, oh yes! Remember when Solstice fainted and Eclipsetess sacrificed her Guardian life to become a goddess..?

"SIS!" Azulia shouted, she saw her sister fall to the ground, it was just- too familiar at this scene befell everyone, though most herds watched as Scorn ran over to calm down Azulia as Eclipsetess fainting on the ground and now going through the information..

"NO! LET ME SEE HER! I AM NOT LETTING THIS SCENE GET TO HER!" Azulia shouted, Scorn only kept Azulia back and away from Eclipsetess so that Azulia didn't cry at the moment, the same moment when Solstice fainted, the same scene getting to Scorn's herd as everyone came together..

"She's sleeping, you know that she processes the information instead of actually being unconscious!" Scorn protested to Azulia, Azulia broke free and Scorn let her run back as Azulia put her head on Eclipsetess's neck, it was just too much for anyone..

"She's- not dying again right? She never faints! She doesn't know how to faint!" a mare yelled, Grey Cloud trotted over to the mare as she put her head on Grey Cloud's broad chest, as Grey Cloud began calming the mare down.

"We aren't helping her, she needs the quiet peace, let her sleep." Smoke said as she walked over to Eclipsetess, Azulia was protective of her and hissed at her before she apologized to Smoke.

"Its alright, no need for apologies, now relax and control yourself Azulia- your making everyone worried with yourself, your making yourself a big threat to all of us with everything that you feel, take a breath and relax your mind. Father told me this trick whenever I got too fiesty and in a fit rage when I was very little. He's a good leader, but- he's just stressed out by everything here- that's why he's acting so much like a foal sometimes, he's using the trick to ease his mind and act more mature, but you aren't helping him if you are not calm." Smoke confidentely told Azulia, Scorn smiled at his daughter as he was proud of her to stand up and help like a real mature mare would in danger.

"A-alright.. I'm still sorry, to everyone actually.. Making myself worried and then putting you all through the same emotions is a really bad burden I have to live with sometimes.. And help is really appreciated." Azulia said, she started calming down as a lot of tension began disappearing, though Minette was inside the grouped herd and saw her mother in an unconscious state.

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#267267 Posted on 2023-03-13 03:17:47

     Nysa just smiled a bit flicking her tail around, "Well at least you know who your real father is." she said a bit excitedly. "My mom always says that the herd is her family...and my family. She says she didn't have one growing up...that I'm lucky.." she said looking down some before looking back at Minette. Though she just rolled around in the grass a bit excitedly next to Minette. 

     Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess confused when Azulia mentioned Minette and her real mother. "The queen? But how can that be? H-how could that guard be her father if the queen is her mother?" she said more then shocked, but she tried to keep her voice down. Solstice just tried to think about it and process it, "What do we do? Do...we tell Minette..?" she hesitantly asked looking at Eclipsetess.

     Though Solstice knew there was something off about her, "Eclipsetess...?" she said ignoring everything else going on around her. Solstice knew something was wrong. That was when Eclipsetess fainted. " no no no no.." she said knowing what happened to her, "Eclipsetess..." she said worriedly unsure what to do as she looked at Azulia then everyone  who was rushing over.

    Nysa looked over when she heard yelling as she looked over seeing the herd gathering. She looked at Minette before she had got up and run over. She made her way through the herd quite easily due to her small size until she saw what happened. "Mom...? Is auntie going to be okay..?" she asked nervously as she looked at Eclipsetess. "What happened..?" she asked nervously.

     Though Namir was on the outskirts of the herd when he heard the yelling. He knew something was wrong, so he started to gallop towards the herd seeing them gathered which made him more nervous. Namir slowed down and made his way through the herd when he saw Eclipsetess. "Eclipsetess..." he said worriedly as he went to her side. Solstice was already laying down beside Eclipsetess. "What happened sis?" he asked worriedly.

     Solstice decided to lay down beside Eclipsetess. Eclipsetess was always there for her, so Solstice was there for Eclipsetess. Though her mind was everything and she couldn't think straight. Until she heard Nysa and saw Minette there and soon Namir. She just looked at Namir, "The same thing that happened to me when you guys told me I was supposed to be a goddess..." she said unsure of what to say really.

     Namir just looked at the two fillies before looking back at his sister, "But what would cause this to happen to her?" he asked still worried as he looked at everyone. Solstice just looked at Minette unsure whether or not she should say why. Namir just looked at Eclipsetess worriedly then his sister. Even Orion was there, but he was somewhere in the herd. Everyone was worried.

     Solstice just looked down, "I shouldn't's not something for me to say." she said before looking back at Nysa and Minette, "She'll be alright. This had happened to me before..." she said looking down before she immediately looked back up at everyone with more worry in her eyes, "W-what if the same thing that happened to me is happening to her? W-with the dreams?" she asked hoping someone had an answer, but Namir only got more worried.

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#267269 Posted on 2023-03-13 09:47:14

Azulia sighed, though a mare walked up a little bit as she was curious at the mare laying on the ground all exhuasted, tired, from the fainting, the mare that walked up seemed to not have been in the herd but she did come over like any other mare would do, even if she wasn't in the herd specifically.

"Time will tell, but if she manages to get up quickly then she has sorted everything out and accepted it." the random estrange mare said, the other mares looked up at her before looking at Eclipsetess with worried and nervous faces, they were worried for their herdmate- they had her the longest besides Azulia.

"Yes time will tell for sure," a mare agreed with the estrange mare, "But if she doesn't get up what would happen?" another asked the entire group, "Like the estrange mare said; we need to keep our hopes up for our herdmate, whether or not we're nervous or afraid, we have to keep our hope with us. No matter what its for Eclipsetess." another told the previous mare the aswer to her question.

"If she'll wake up quickly, doesn't that mean she'll need to rest for the while? And doesn't that mean Minette can't keep practicing with Marrow and her mother? If so, Minette and Marrow have no coach that'll teach them until Eclipsetess is ready to get them back to practising." Azulia quietly but a little loudly spoke about the herd, the mares went quiet as to what Azulia said, she was right if Eclipsetess did wake up.

"And that means they'll miss out on the courses and to see who's on the list to go to the Guardian School." the same mare spoke about as well.

"Exactly." Azulia agreed with the mare.

"They would have to be assigned when their two anyways, but they'll take longer in the school since older horses have more work then yearlings/foals do, and that they'll take longer from week to be off to four-five weeks later- depends on how smart and knowledgable you are as an Alicorn/Unicorn/Pegasus. Mostly alicorns though.." another mare spoke as well, Azulia sighed and looked at the ground.

"I love it how we went from worrying about a friend/love interest to a school for our foals to be in the future/sometime." Azulia said, everyone looked at each other as they giggled before focusing back on Eclipsetess as every single smile faded to a frown.

"But we'll have to get back to our normal spots soon everyone; the guards are watching out of curiosity, even some are unhappy about it." Azulia pointed out, she was right as guards left and right were watching from curiosity to down right disgusted by it.

Though Minette's real father was watching as he was back from whatever it was, though he did notice Minette within the herd and even started to trot up to the herd and inside it as the mares looked at the curious stallion and got anxious about him.

No guard would ever cross into a herd, not one that is connected in some way, but Minette was right about her father being big as a normal stallion couldn't match up to his height, he looked like the same size as a shire horse, only just without the feathering.

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#267272 Posted on 2023-03-13 12:57:37

     The mare's answer didn't help Solstice any. She didn't even notice that the mare wasn't from the herd. "I only got out of those dreams because of Nature. I don't even remember originally fainting..." she said looking down her tone clearly hurt, "W-what if she doesn't wake?" she said ignoring the mare's a bit. She was worried about Eclipsetess just like Eclipsetess was always worried about her. The least she could do was be by her side. Solstice was just getting more and more worried. She knew she had to be hopeful, but she was just worried. 

     Namir sighed and nuzzled his sister softly. He was just as worried, but he knew Eclipsetess. She was his mate after all. "Sis...she'll wake up..." he said in a worried and saddened tone, "We both know that she is a fighter. Nothing will keep her down for long. The only thing we can do is be here for her. Just like we all were with you." Namir was only talking to her, and Solstice just looked at him and nodded before looking back down a bit.

     Though Nysa just kept her head down as stepped over to her mother and her uncle who were right there with Eclipsetess. She just flicked her tail around like she always was as she nuzzled her mom's side trying to comfort her. Solstice just barely smiled and nuzzled Nysa, "Oh how lucky I am to have you as a daughter..." she said softly and quietly, but she was still worried.

     Nysa had then been listening in on what the mares were saying as she looked at Minette and stepped back over to her with her head down, "I don't want you to leave, but I know you have too..." she said saddened as her ears were lowered. She was quiet for a moment before she looked at her mom, "Couldn't you coach them...?" she asked hesitantly. Nysa knew Minette wanted to go, and she knew it was important..

     Solstice watched Nysa and let out a sigh, "I'm not a guardian Nysa..." she said wishing she could, "Sure I've learned a lot from your aunt, but I couldn't coach them. I don't know much about guardians." Though Nysa asked about the school. "Yes I've been there Nysa, but it wasn't to become a guardian. You are far too young to know why I was there, but it was not to become a guardian." she said before looking at the herd then the guards in view.

     "I'm staying here...Eclipsetess wouldn't leave my side, so I'm not leaving her's." she said making it clear she wasn't going to go anywhere. "What will the guards even do. We're worried about's not often something like this happens to's normally me.." she said mumbling that last bit. Though she noticed some of the mares moving to the side as one of the guard's came over.

     Solstice had gotten a bit defensive of Eclipsetess whether or not this was Minette's real father. She just opened her wings and placed one just above her. She did this not wanting him to get too close, but she was just being protective of her loved ones. Nysa had gone by her mother once she realized the guard had come over, and the size of him. Even Solstice was a bit nervous of his size, but she still showed that she was protective..

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#267273 Posted on 2023-03-13 16:52:47

The big black alicorn looked down at an angle before looking at Minette, then at Eclipsetess as he stepped over but in personal space before laying down somewhere nearby to Eclipsetess, though the guard made himself comfortable before looking as another guard came through.

"You got a post to watch sir, you can't just be doing this all the time, not especially with another one." a guard told the black alicorn, the black alicorn guard just shook his head no to the other guard as he sighed and walked away with all eyes staring at him.

But the black alicorn guard still stayed next to Eclipsetess for the time being as the mares were still cautious but also stayed grouped up, Minette then walked out of the grouped up herd and somewhere else, probably somewhere else to stay for the time being just so that she can accept if her mother was waking up or not..

Though a good few hours passed by as more and more guards were beginning and sometimes trotting around Scorn's herd as he was confused by the more busy and annoying activity, so Scorn walked up to the only guard in the herd and was surprised to see that the guard got up and bowed to him with respect as a usual guard would to his king..

"What is your question?" the black alicorn guard asked Scorn, Scorn was still surprised in his shock, but he then refocused and asked why there was so much more activity around their herd instead of the others or around.

"Hm, it only happens when a guard refuses to leave a herd, mostly for a reason or that they are or were connected to a herdmate, sometimes guards refuse to go back to their posts because they want to be in a herd and how it feels like being inside one and having the opportunity to have friends and maybe a love interest form. But not all relationships end bad, you can tell by some guards refusing to go near any of your herds and can feel the staring from the disgusted guards." the black alicorn answered Scorn's question with honesty, but information like that comes from inside the kingdom and inside the guards themselves.

"So what happens for a couple days when a guard refuses to go back to their post?" Scorn asked another question, the black alicorn guard seemed to have looked off into a direction as his ears barely flicked from each side like they were supposed too.

"A general comes and hurts us until we go back, cutting us from our food from within the herd and the kingdom itself, and sometimes even messes with the mare or fights the lead stallion until they are tired and still refused to go back until said guard goes back to their post. It is a brutual world, but guards were fit for the fight. Alicorn wise, we can go with a year or more without food, kind of like a type of animal that went extinct because of it." the black alicorn guard told Scorn, the mares froze in fear of what the guard spoke about the herd and they were nervous if the general was like one of them, even Scorn seemed to look towards where the alicorn guard was looking at.

"What did the other guard mean about you having another one?" a mare asked the alicorn guard, the guard turned to face her before looking back at the same direction he was staring at.

"A new foal, your a mare after all, you know this stuff better then us stallions do." the alicorn guard told the mare, the only mare that would stay somewhere was the queen, but was this guard like that? It seemed so as no mare from the market or around/outside the herd ever came near, the queen was barely out due to her big stomach as she was close to foaling but the queen did periodically look at the alicorn guard as he looked at Minette in her spot.

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