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Andalusian Club - April 2016 info thread

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Andalusian Club - April 2016 info thread

#25546 Posted on 2016-04-01 13:00:12

4/19/16 - All contests canceled due to no entries. I'll try again next month.

4/15/16 - This stuff starts today. I'm not feeling too motivated right now (pain related), so if no one is interested I won't be offended. We can always try again next month. But if you are interested go ahead and make your submissions - I'll still carry it out even if I'm a little silent for a while.

4/9/16 - Congrats to Amarathine for her horse Divine Emporer winning the mascot contest. His picture and link are posted on the club page.




1) Yet Another Foundation Horse Contest - Yes, every other club is doing this, so why not us too? I figure whatever helps inspire people to get more new bloodlines in to the game can't possibly be a bad thing, so...


- On April 15, anyone interested in participating in the Foundation Horse Contest should purchase one (1) Andalusian foal (0 yrs. old) from the Equine Center (EC). It may be whatever gender you prefer. Custom horses are okay as long as you wait to create them until April 15. You must be an Andalusian Club member. Don't forget to register your entry horse with the club as well.

- Once you've created a horse you're satisfied with, please post a link to it in this thread. I will compile them all in to one post once all entries are in. ONE entry per person only. *Each horse's starting stats will be listed with the horse itself on the thread - there's a reason for this. Please do not give any treats to the horse until I've added it to the list (that is, it should still have 100 starting stats when I get to it - don't worry, I'll get this done plenty early so you'll be able to treat it later in the day).

- Once you have declared your contest horse it cannot be changed. You must compete with the horse you originally selected for the entirety of the contest. Selling the horse for any reason during the contest period automatically disqualifies it from the remainder of competition.

- Your horse can be put in to any discipline you want.

- On June 24 (10 weeks from the start date), horses will be evaluated and listed on the contest thread (there may be a new one by then - we'll see how sloppy this one ends up being, lol) in order of current placing.

- On August 5 (15 weeks from the start date), the winner will be selected. The winning criteria is simple - the horse with the most total stats wins.

* - NO 'SPECIAL' TREAT USAGE (that is, no peppermints or other non-store-bought treats). Regular treats only. This is part of the reason that each horse's starting stats will be listed with it (since stats not related to the horse's discipline shouldn't change with just regular treating & showing - not sure how training may end up playing in to this since we don't know when it'll be up again, but I'll update when/if it gets reintroduced). I will of course allow for an errant stat here and there - I mean, who hasn't accidentally given a horse the wrong treat? But, an obvious pattern of all stats being raised may result in disqualification.

Frankly, I assume everyone will be honest since I have no reason to believe otherwise. This rule is just to ensure this contest is fair to everyone, in the event we do end up with someone slightly less honest. :(

No entries will be accepted after April 20. I strongly suggest you enter on the 15th as even a day can make a difference between winning and... not winning.



Reminders for this contest will be posted next week. :)

***If for some reason I am no longer the president of the club for the duration of this contest, I will still carry it out to completion. But, I intend to maintain my stranglehold continue running for prez. every month, so hopefully that won't be an issue.

2) Raise a Second Gen Contest!

We'll go a step further and see how great our second gen Andalusians can become!


- This contest officially begins on April 15. Foals must be born between April 15 and April 20 in order to qualify. Please post your entry in this thread (and like the above contest, I will compile them all in to a single post). ONE entry per person. No entries will be accepted after April 20.

- ALL entries MUST have foundation (aka 'store') parents. You can either breed the foal yourself or purchase it from another player as long as it meets the above criteria (birth date and lineage requirements). You must compete with the same horse for the entirety of the contest - no switching allowed. Selling the horse for any reason will result in disqualification.

- Entries must list their birth stats. NO TREATING until you've posted your entry.

- Any discipline is fine.

- No 'special' treat usage (see contest #1 rules).

Contest ends August 5 (same day as the foundation contest). I may or may not put up rankings halfway through (in June like above). Winning criteria is the same as above - highest overall stats wins.


There are two prizes for this contest.


Remember that only ONE entry per person is allowed, so take a look at these prize horses and see which you'd rather compete for. Contest will be divided in to mare entries and stallion entries (based on the sex of your horse, not the prize horses). You CAN gender swap your foal if you want/need to, but this must be done by the START of the competition. No switching once the contest has already started.

***In regards to this contest, if I am no longer president of the club for some reason, I reserve the right to cancel and award no prizes.

3) Recruit Some New Breeders Contest

This might actually be more difficult than the first two contests, lol.

- Contest starts from the moment you read this post. Your goal is to recruit five (5) NEW players ("new players" means either an established player who has no Andalusians on any account or players brand new to the game or some combination of the two) to the lovely land of Andalusians. In order for your recruits to count, the following must occur:

1. Each person you recruit must message me directly and tell me who sent them, post in this thread that they are a 'new recruit', AND join the Andalusian Club (all three). Like the other contests, a compilation post will be made for this contest as well.

2. Each person you recruit must buy at least three pairs of Andalusians (so, three stallions and three mares). These can be stores or lined, from the store directly or from other players (or the RC). Horses must be kept and cared for for a minimum of six weeks from the time of recruitment. They must have a set discipline and be treated regularly. Showing is optional. I will be keeping track of who's tending to their horses and who isn't. If one of your recruits sells off their Andalusians before the first six weeks have passed, or stops caring for them for two weeks or longer, that recruit will be removed from your total count.

3. Contest ends July 15. Please post in this thread once you have your five recruits. The player who has their five recruits that meet the above guidelines on July 15 wins. In the event of a tie, the person who posted their recruits in the thread first wins.

ETA: Don't harass anyone. If someone you ask is not interested, simply move on.


1st place = $50,000 EVD
2nd place = $25,000 EVD
3rd place = $10,000 EVD

*If we have club banks running by the end of this contest, these prizes may increase. As of now, I'm funding this personally.

***If I am no longer president of the club for some reason when this contest is scheduled to end, it will be canceled unless the new president wants to take full responsibility for it (including the payout of prizes).

Older news:

4/7/16 - VOTE FOR MASCOT. Ends Sat. 4/9/16 around noon-ish my time (US MST).

Re-using March's club card due to no submissions for this month.

Last edited on 2016-04-19 at 12:53:15 by Rising Dawn

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#25547 Posted on 2016-04-01 13:04:34

Harsh harsh judgement XD

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tg :^)

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#25548 Posted on 2016-04-01 13:05:49



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#25597 Posted on 2016-04-01 14:03:44


Thank you for being clear. I often get confused easily.

For clarity, this is Gaiaphage's nomination for mascot:

JP Phantom of the Opera (#450651)

I'll add other nominations to this post just so they're all together. So I don't get confused.

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#25601 Posted on 2016-04-01 14:06:23

Your welcome :)

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tg :^)

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#25800 Posted on 2016-04-02 00:49:57


♫ Amarathine

(Oh, if locked horses are not allowed to be nominated, I'll nominate another hehe)


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#25819 Posted on 2016-04-02 05:51:10

I'm nominating my only good luck....
Divine Emperor

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#26013 Posted on 2016-04-02 16:45:31

Nominating one of my beauties for club mascot. ♥

Prince Charming

He is Silver Perlino Rabicano, 154 stats, and 60.75 in conformation. ♥

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#27603 Posted on 2016-04-06 13:36:02

So.. sorry I vanished for a few days. Didn't mean to, just kinda ran out of time to do much more than feed and get my horses entered in to shows. :/

Here's what I'll do - I'm sort of assuming we have all of the mascot submissions already but since I wasn't around to keep the thread really visible, I'll give one more day for nominations. After that I'll give one day for voting (yes, you can vote for your own horse :D ). If we end up with everyone tied (that is, no one but you guys who nominated vote for your own horses), I'll make the selection.

Still looking for a club card for this month, but if no one is interested in doing it we'll just keep the one from March. If this keeps being a problem in the future I'll just start making them myself. :) Not that the one from March is bad or anything (I like it), it's just that some occasional change would be nice.

I will get contest information up either later today or sometime tomorrow - kind of depends on what sort of time I have, but I don't foresee anything that would keep me from being able to get it done now. :)

Thanks for being patient with me.

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#28082 Posted on 2016-04-07 14:40:30

Mascot entry #1

Prince Charming owned by Oswin.

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#28086 Posted on 2016-04-07 14:43:32

Mascot entry #2

JP Phantom of the Opera owned by The Gaiaphage

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#28087 Posted on 2016-04-07 14:45:08

Mascot entry #3

♫ Amarathine owned by Raiyne.

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#28088 Posted on 2016-04-07 14:47:05

Mascot entry #4

Divine Emperor owned by Amarathine.

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#28111 Posted on 2016-04-07 16:00:41

Shall we vote?

And may I vote for two pleeeaase? :P

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#28157 Posted on 2016-04-07 17:37:04

Yes, do vote. :) You can vote for as many as you'd like.

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