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War In Orioch RP

#202021 Posted on 2019-04-07 06:21:49

ย His frustration was all but forgotten when they neared the castle. The massive walls of obsidian rose into the sky, shooting up so high that they seemed to pierce the clouds. The sun dazzling off of the surface clouded Jasper's vision, but he didn't particularly care, blinking the brightness away. "Whoa...," he breathed, craning his neck to get a better view of the magnificent structure.

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#202102 Posted on 2019-04-08 14:22:17

They pulled up to the gate. An enchanted sound crystal set in the wall of the carriage hummed to life. "What's the password?" a guard's voice said through the crystal. Kellan responded and the group continued on through to the castle itself. Soon the carriage came to a stop and Kellan's captain opened the door. Kellan nodded and stepped out, waiting for the others.

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#202132 Posted on 2019-04-09 12:10:30

Huli grabbed her basket and climbed out of the carriage. After adjusting her headband, she looked at the castle now looming above them. "I think I'm going to get lost in there. It's huge." She paused in her marveling of her home for the foreseeable future to ask about the crystal that had been used to communicate. "Does the crystal work via magic? Are there other magic wielders here?"

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#202138 Posted on 2019-04-09 14:53:49

Kellan shook his head. "The crystal does, yes, but there aren't any Specials." I guess I would count, and my parents, but I don't know if I want to. "All we've got left is the remains of when we did have them." The rest filed out of the caravan and Kellan started to walk. "The password for the gates every fifteen minutes. When you've got clearance for exit, either I or the captain here-" he gestured to Gatlon- "will give it to you. In the event it changes before you are clear of all the gates, page me over crystal and I'll give it to you."

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#202144 Posted on 2019-04-09 15:39:22

She fell into step just behind Kellan, nodding to convey she heard and understood the bit about the passwords. โ€œWhat happened to all of them? The Specials, I mean,โ€ Huli asked. The lack of people capable of magic outside the village was interesting to her, considering her background.

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#202151 Posted on 2019-04-09 16:19:30

Kellan was reluctant to answer. "They... disappeared, during my parents' reign. Your village is the last group left, to our knowledge."ย 

Wren stopped studying her surroundings to listen to the conversation and frowned. It seemed like the prince didn't want to share that information. She glanced around and it struck her that Kellan kept an excessive amount of guards close on hand - it was like they could sense the prince as he moved around the castle, and more appeared as they walked, in alcoves, hallways, and emerging from rooms. None of them said anything. The group headed down a large passageway with a starglass roof that sparkled like the obsidian and sloped into a sort of triangle. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and a few seconds later, raindrops hit the glass.

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#202172 Posted on 2019-04-10 12:47:15

ย "Spooky," Jasper commented in response to what the prince had said, staring up at the glass ceiling with his mouth slightly open. He flinched when the rain first started to speckle the glass, but the pooling droplets ended up making it appear even cooler, the raindrops distorting and blurring the world above the glass.

Last edited on 2019-04-10 at 12:47:31 by Raptor

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#202191 Posted on 2019-04-11 09:57:29

Kellan looked up at the ceiling, where buckets of rain were pouring over the glass. It looked cool, but the rainy season was several months away. Why would there be rain in the middle of summer? He glanced at his group of specials and remembered the girl with the storm cloud in her hand. He nodded, filing that away for later. "Each of you will get a suite of rooms on the second floor, accessible by stairs or the lift down the servant's hallway. Feel free to make yourself at home." They reached the throne room, which had paintings of all the great rulers hanging on the sparkling walls. In the center, between two grand staircases, placed on a raised platform, was the now-empty throne made of diamond. Someone stood by the throne now, watching them enter. "You made it back," Genessa said, sounding more than a little miffed about it. "We were starting to think we'd have to put someone else in your place." The tall girl's expression was dark and Kellan returned the glare. "I live to disappoint," he snapped. Genessa held his glare for a second before ignoring him to study the newcomers. "Who are these? Your last ditch attempt to keep your throne under you?"ย 

Last edited on 2019-04-13 at 13:21:25 by ๐ŸŽถBandit๐ŸŽถ

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#202426 Posted on 2019-04-20 14:42:31

She had dismounted from Phantom, trailing the reins onto the ground and mumbling a "I'll come take care of ya soon" before silently following the group from the back, listening to the prince's information and studying her surroundings. She stood, silently taking in the prince's interaction with the girl. If that's the kinda people he's got no wonder he's so all-fired jumpy and short. She mused to herself.

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#202566 Posted on 2019-04-27 11:41:38

Kellan didn't have a clever retort for Genessa, and it didn't help that she was right. "Shouldn't you be moping in your room staring at your 'all powerful' crystal ball?" he said instead as she stalked around the group. That enraged her just fine, and she threw one more look at him as she stormed off. Kellan rolled his eyes and shook his head. "She thinks she can intimidate me," he muttered to no one in particular. "Anyway, any questions?"

Last edited on 2019-04-27 at 20:21:42 by ๐ŸŽถBandit๐ŸŽถ

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#202569 Posted on 2019-04-27 19:33:05

She watched the girl storm off, then turned her gaze back to Kellan. At his question she spoke up in to ask mildly "Is there anywhere I can put my horses?"

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#202732 Posted on 2019-05-03 19:29:18

Finally, the castle! Tracks thought. He straightened himself and attempted to appear aloof and as if he knew precisely what he was doing. He silently strode away, ignoring the conversation between the Kellan and the others. He tried to seem like he knew his way around the castle so as to not draw attention to himself, even though, for all he knew, he could turn the corner and find himself in the stables.ย 

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#203975 Posted on 2019-05-29 05:55:10

ย Without any notice, Jasper scampered away as soon as the group came to a halt, heading in the direction opposite of Tracks. He approached a dark, unlit hallway and cautiously peeked down the corridor, making sure the coast was clear before starting down it. Once inside, he turned and looked back over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching, then promptly broke into a jog, occasionally slowing down to glance down a hall running perpendicular to the one he was in or to study a locked door. Cool place, he mused as he finally came to a halt at the mouth of one of the perpendicular hallways, head turning from left to right and back again as he tried to decide which way to go. He eventually settled on right, as there appeared to be a light source farther down the left side that would take away from the mystery aspect of his little adventure. He set off again, walking this time.

Last edited on 2019-05-29 at 05:55:52 by Raptor

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#204010 Posted on 2019-05-29 16:55:34

"Back out the way we came, to the left. Ask someone if you get lost," he answered Outlaw, scanning the group. Two down, and knowing what he did about the young boy, he was probably getting into trouble. "Well, if that's all, I've got a country to run."

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#204025 Posted on 2019-05-30 06:32:06

ย Interestingly, the farther he got down the hall, the lower the temperature seemed to be getting. Unfazed, Jasper continued on, though he gradually began to slow down as it continued to get colder. That's... odd, he thought to himself, frowning slightly as he began to shiver, folding his arms across his chest for warmth. Eventually, the cold got so extreme that he began running again just to try and warm himself, but he ended up coming to an abrupt stop when the source of the temperature change was revealed. Up ahead of him to his left, there was an open door, and he could see the frosty air it was emitting even in the darkness. Shakily he approached it, blinking wearily into the open doorway, greeted by a cloud of frozen air so thick all he could see was white. Wonder what this is?, he thought in an almost unimpressed - but mildly curious nonetheless - manner, deciding that the door wasn't worth exploring further and turning around to go back the way he'd came.

Last edited on 2019-05-30 at 06:33:10 by Raptor

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