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Wild Rose Ranch RP

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Wild Rose Ranch RP

#139527 Posted on 2018-01-07 20:28:42

welcome to Wild Rose Ranch! Home to 1000 acres of internet free forests, rivers and lakes, prairies, animals, and the teens. And their new overseer, Storm Ryder.

The Characters:

Storm Ryder: owner of ranch, played by Midnight Outlaw: Horse-Phantom: Dog-Valkrye

Billy Moon: Midnight Outlaw: Horse- Rebellion: Dog-Orca

Marceline Rochelle Jackson: Raptor: Horse- Buzzard: Dog-Lark

Landyn Chase Cawdwell: Queen Bird: Horse-Bojack: Dog- Sadie

Olivia Jaden Hurst: Oswin: Horse-Jasper: Dog-Kuzco

River: Aloy: Horse-Midnight Blue: Dog-Crick

Ivy Greene: Bandit: Horse-Pheonix: Dog-Dexter

Hazel Lynn Haltt: Daphne101: Horse-Apache's Sunset: Dog-Sable

Katherine Aldebrandi: The Gaiaphage: Horse-Black Tie Affair: Dog-Scout

Alex Ivanov: The Gaiaphage: Horse-Whipperwill: Dog-Monet

Laura Fiona Claire Wagner: Iwagner Eventing: Horse- Justin Illusian: Dog- Rolo

Tana Moore: Luminescent: Horse- Prince: Dog- Bindi

Hannah White: The Secret Mansion: Horse- Fire: Dog- Max


-You're all not used to ranch life and mess up some!
-You're teens aren't allowed smoking, drinking, doing drugs, or any of that stuff.
-You're teens may argue with Storm some about rules and such, but after a threat of punishments they listen alright?
-PLEASE, if you gonna cuss keep it to drat, darn, shoot, etc etc, in other words, keep it to light stuff.
-Romance is neither encouraged nor forbidden, if you do it make sure the other players fine with it, and keep it small, no gory stuffs.
-If there's a problem with another player or you have questions, suggestions for rules, etc please PM me instead of filling this sheet with other talk, let's keep the roleplaying sheet for roleplaying!
-If you wanna join in or add another player just post on the sign ups and as soon as I OK ur sheet, hop inย and go ahead. :)
-HAVE FUN!!! (yes that's a rule, lol! XD)

So you're all gonna start in a vehicle with either cops or your social service worker on the way to the ranch. Whether they tell you where ur headed or not is up to you, thanks for joining ya'll! :)

Last edited on 2018-04-05 at 13:15:35 by Midnight Outlaw

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#139531 Posted on 2018-01-07 20:37:20

Storm- As the sun broke above the Alberta hills surrounding her ranch, Storm stood on her porch, watching the sunrise. she then donned her cowboy hat and walked towards the bunkhouses to wake the ranch hands, dust puffing around her boots. They had to get the horses, dogs, and bunk houses the teens would be in ready for them. She whistled a merry tune as she walked, Valkrye bounding around her feet happily.

Billy- He sat hunched in the back of a cop car. He carefully scrutinized the 2 cops in the front seats, trying to see from their faces whether this trip would land him in some other juvie prison or what. He sighed and slumped back wondering what was in store for him. The look on the cops face and the feeling in his stomach didn't give him a good feeling. He stared out the window, wondering where the asphalt had gone while he was trying to figure out where HE was going. All that was there was trees, trees, and more trees. His eyes almost popped out as he saw a moose lumber into the marsh in the hazy light of dawn. "Ohh man" he muttered. nope, definitely NOT good.

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#139539 Posted on 2018-01-07 20:56:49

Ivy Greene
Ivy stared out the backseat window of the small car. Her social worker, a bubbly, annoyingly optimistic woman talked, it seemed, just to hear her own voice, occasionally asking Ivy stereotypical questions like how she'd been in the last 6 months, did she like her previous foster home, blah blah blah, et cetera. Ivy's answers were only about one word long, or nothing at all.ย 
Wisely, her social worker had opted not to tell Ivy where she was going next- any mention of anything of the sort and Ivy had a tendency to disappear for a few days- and the suspense was driving Ivy crazy. I wonder where we're going... Probably to someplace like the rest of them.ย  Ivy sighed and prepared herself for another long, tortuous 6 months.

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#139542 Posted on 2018-01-07 21:00:44

She had a new social worker. Olivia had met the lady after being moved from the one foster home to the house she just left. She had only been there a week. This new lady seemed nice enough, but Olivia had been quiet the whole car ride. After a lifetime of shuffling homes, the teen girl had given up hope when she was moved. She sighed and leaned her head against the cold window. Trees all around. A faint smile curved her lips. That was a plus to whichever foster home shed be in. Too bad shed be there only a week.ย 
"Olivia, I thought I'd inform you that this isn't a foster home."
Olivia looked over at the social worker. "What do you mean?" She asked softly, surprised.
"She speaks!" The lady joked before continuing. "It's a ranch. You'll be working with some animals, I think. There will be other teens, some in trouble with the law and others like you - no success in the foster system. I'm hoping this place is good for you. What do you think?"
Olivia shrugged. "Sounds fine." Inside, she was super excited. Getting away from the foster system for a while would be a relief, with the plus of working with animals. Her stomach turned a little at the thought of all the new people shed have to meet. Both excited and nervous, Olivia sat up when they pulled into the long drive.

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#139549 Posted on 2018-01-07 21:27:19


Sitting in the back seat of her car and her social worker Tim drove down the dirt road. Exhaling and giving a sigh she leaned against the back door blinking her hazel-green eyes as she watched trees after trees go by in the car. โ€œAm I going to another foster home because they donโ€™t want me.... since Iโ€™m worthless and rejected....โ€ giving an exasperated eye roll and blinking at the cat carrier beside her which held her Maine coon Salsa. Tim looked back to where Hazel was giving a smile in the mirror โ€œNo Haze....l this is where kids like you go who canโ€™t find homes or get in trouble with the law. Giving another eye roll she stuck her fingers through the wire cage feeling Salsa push his face against her fingers. Rubbing his cheek and watching out the car window she hummed in response to what Tim said. โ€œItโ€™ll be for the best okay....โ€ pulling into the long dusty dirt road, Hazel let out a sigh looking at her feet and running a hand through her blonde hair and then moving her eyes to watch Salsa in the cat carrier.

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#139555 Posted on 2018-01-07 21:45:12

Ivy Greene
As they rounded the next bend, Ivy caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a ranch with a long, winding gravel driveway. Her eyes widened. Ivy's social worker, however, just nodded matter-of-factly at the ranch, as if this was completely normal and not in any way out of the ordinary.
Ivy watched in guarded amazement as they drove up the driveway. There was NO possible way this was where she was going. Whoever lived here would not want a quiet, extremely antisocial strange teenage girl with so little to offer. Ivy glanced at her social worker suspiciously.
Ivy's social worker sighed. She might as well tell Ivy where she was going while she was unable to discreetly disappear.
"So, Ivy." She continued. "Ahem. This is Wild Rose Ranch." Silence followed. Uncharacteristically, Ivy broke the silence. "And what about it...?" Ivy trailed off. "Uh, well, you'll be spending a long time here......" Her social worker searched frantically for the right way to phrase this next part. "Ahem... This ranch takes in.. uh, well, teens... like you," she finished weakly.ย 
Ivy caught her meaning. "You mean you're dumping me with a bunch of strangers that are..... unwanted. Kids who only have one chance left," she said coldly.
Her social worker was surprised. Ivy'd but the nail right on the head. "Well... not exactly. Some will be foster kids, yes, but others... no." She cut Ivy's retort off to finish hopefully, "and the brochure said you'll be working with animals!"
Ivy went back to staring out the window. Great. Just great. This is exactly what I wanted. To be left with complete strangers. Yaay, she thought. Although, working with animals made the situation only a fraction of a percent better, this was all she could get. Her last chance, as Ivy'd so bluntly put it. She was determined to slip away to some quiet hiding spot as soon as possible.

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#139558 Posted on 2018-01-07 21:59:26


River sat in the passenger seat of the truck listening to her music and leaning her head against the window. Her social worker kept talking about random things and would never shut up. Getting annoyed she rolled down the window trying to drown out voice

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#139653 Posted on 2018-01-08 11:02:14

She sat in the old wooden rocker on her porch, rocking gently, with Valkrye at her feet. The dust from the long driveway told her what the trees hid. At leastย 2 of the kids where almost there. "Well, we're ready. Bring em on eh Valkrye?" She fondled the huge dogs ears and kept rocking, watching the bend.

He moaned as they bounced down a long, gravel driveway. "Come on, seriously?" He demanded of the cops. "Your gonna stick me out here? By the way, where's here." He anxiously fondled his cat's ears through the cage, his eyes popping out as they came into view of what looked to be a large log house. "Ohhh man" he hissed as he saw the tall, lanky person rocking on the porch with an enourmous dog at her feet.

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#139707 Posted on 2018-01-08 14:11:31

ย Marce stared through the window at the trees zooming past. The constant, smooth motion of her social worker's car had caused her to doze off several times during the ride, but she was trying her best to remain alert and on edge. The night before, she had been caught stealing a loaf of bread and two bottles of Pepsi from a gas station, so the cops had loaded her into their car and called her social worker to come pick her up from the jail. However, this time seemed... different. The 50-year-old woman seemed more anxious today, though she was trying to hide it with incessant comments, including "Marceline, darling, what did I say to you about stealing?", and "Marcey dear, can you pick up my sunglasses for me?". However, the 17-year-old delinquent knew better than to assume that everything was normal. Marc could tell by the way that the woman's eyes kept flicking back to her in the rearview mirror that something was up.

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#139718 Posted on 2018-01-08 14:43:47

The bending driveway was longer then expected. Turning a corner, the ranch house came into view. A woman was sitting in a rocking chair on the porch, a huge dog at her feet. Olivia nervously unbuckled her seat belt when the car pulled to a stop. She opened her door and walked around the car, pulling a small suitcase from the trunk. It was all her belongings, just a few items, but hers all the same. Her social worker was heading toward the porch and the woman sitting there when a cop car pulled up beside the sleek Hundai. Olivia saw a little of the boy inside before shyly glancing away and following her social worker. "Hello, ma'am. This is Olivia, I'm Margaret Brooklyn, her social worker. Storm Ryder, I presume?" she smiled and extended her hand. Olivia stood at the bottom of the porch steps, rocking slightly on her feet, looking around at the ranch. She twirled a tendril of hair around her finger absentmindedly.

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#139748 Posted on 2018-01-08 16:24:50


River growled as she saw the place. The place had no where to skate or tag any thing. Rolling up the window she pulled her hoodie on trying to hide from view

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#139760 Posted on 2018-01-08 17:41:41

Ivy Greene
As they rounded the last bend and pulled up the driveway, Ivy saw three other cars already there, and someone sitting on the porch. Oh crap, she thought. People are already here! Ivy went into semi-panic mode, thoughts flying through her head so fast that her brain couldn't process them and was overwhelmed.ย 
Her social worker stopped the car and said brightly, "We're here!" Ivy, in a daze, got out of the car and grabbed her suitcase and followed her social worker up the driveway.ย 

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#139770 Posted on 2018-01-08 18:07:07

More cars pulled into the driveway, and Olivia wished she could fade into the woodwork of the porch. She tightened her grip on her suitcase and avoided eye contact with all the new people. Thankfully, her social worker hopped off the porch and stood smiling next to her. "What do you think?" the lady asked. Olivia smiled weakly. "Looks like a nice place," she muttered under her breath. Her social worker nodded and looked at the new cars. "New place, new chance, new people," Margaret said. Olivia shrugged, not liking to be reminded of all the people here. She fidgeted with a loose clasp on the suitcase.

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#139790 Posted on 2018-01-08 20:03:09


Once the truck stopped she got out of the truck slamming the door shut. She grabbed her bag and set it on the ground and sat on it. "Why do people hate me so much. I was perfectly fine living with my grandparents"she said and crossed her arms.

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#139794 Posted on 2018-01-08 20:50:58

Ivy Greene
Ivy stared ahead at the gravel driveway in front of her, in full panic mode now. Ahead of her, she was dimly aware of other people talking. Their voices seemed far away and a little fuzzy. Eventually, Ivy stopped. Her legs seemed to forget how to work and her hands were shaking as she fought back tears.

Last edited on 2018-01-08 at 20:51:20 by Bandit

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