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On The Run

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On The Run

#128339 Posted on 2017-11-15 12:12:12


Beautiful yet feared.

It would be a shame if that fear turned into something beyond control.

You are an everyday student attending the Academy Of Sortilege on an ordinary school day when an expected yet sudden disaster hits.

Requirements to attend the Academy Of Sortilege:

Must be one of the following:



Magic Wielder (force fields, necromancy, abnormal speed, etc.) Needs Approval



Nature Tongued


Be nice when out-of-character, don't let a roleplay cause tension

Show some weakness, your character is still learning

You cannot control how other characters feel or react, please do not try

If there is a problem with the plot, pm me

Follow the basic rules!


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#128341 Posted on 2017-11-15 12:26:23

“Oh cr*p” Lynn muttered to herself, as she speedwalked towards her homeroom. 
She was late to class. Again. She had set 5 different alarms this morning and she still didn’t manage to get up on time. “They’re gonna kill me, maybe even kick me out, and if I get kicked out where am I supposed to go?” She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice she had walked right past her door. “Great” she thought, turned around, and opened the door to walk in

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#128342 Posted on 2017-11-15 12:30:33

Ramses Euphrates

Ram stared up at the familiar large dome like building from out his window. The circular school was a white, almost to the point of being blinding, and the top of the dome was made up of over sized windows to give the inside of the school some natural light. The school's count was quite small, just about one hundred students, all of them coming from around the country just to attend. He understand he should count himself lucky to be so gifted, but life outside the school causes him to think otherwise. 
As long as your back is towards the outside, the view is beautiful. Turn around... and it's another story. A small crowd of humans, the powerless, lining the barbed wire school property fence with angry signs and a mouth full of filthy words. While the crowd may be small, the media constantly reminds the students that the majority of citizens favor that crowd greatly.

Ram turned his head to look over his shoulder at the crowd of vengeful citizens, and held the urge to shift into one of them and mock them immaturely. His brother always reminded him to never let a human see his true power. He shifted his black eyes back towards his destination, and quickly zipped up his baggy sweater before running up the school steps to the entrance. He needs to study before the test next class.

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#128354 Posted on 2017-11-15 13:36:04

Mika rushed to her first class of the day, pausing to listen to trees whisper and sway. Some other students stared at her as she tucked a few stray strands of her blazing red hair behind her ear to listen to the crickets chirp and birds sing. A large tabby cat crept past her towards a lonely mouse in the grass. Mika scooped the mouse up in her palms and put it gently on the ground with the rest of its family. 
"There you go," Whispered Mika, and the mouse squeaked in thanks. She couldn't quite understand what animals and plants were saying, but she could read their body language just fine. Lost in her trail of thought, she was snapped back to the present and hurried up the steps with her fellow classmates.

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#128355 Posted on 2017-11-15 13:51:42

Lynn avoided the teacher’s cutting stare as she entered the classroom. “Sorry I’m late” she said under her breath as she started towards her seat at the back of the class, when she noticed someone had taken it. She glared at the boy in her spot and took the only empty seat, up at the very front.
“Wow, this day’s going just great” she thought
Lynn liked being able to come here in the way that is was somewhere she could go. God knew she had nowhere else to stay, but at the same time it was a drag. She didn’t think she would get along with anyone, so she didn’t even give most people a chance, and although she appreciated learning about who she was and the full extent of what she could do, sometimes she just wished she could be normal... life would be much easier that way

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#128359 Posted on 2017-11-15 14:24:22

The small girl sighed and shifted in her seat. The class was a bit boring, if she was being honest, but she tried to pay attention. The book in her desk tempted her, but she knew that if she gave in she would be confused later on. She ran a hand through her brown hair and looked at the teacher. His eyes swept the room as he spoke with his hands. She turned her eyes back to her hands and fiddled with a pencil. A small smile creased her face as she thought about turning into a wolf and walking out of class. She imagined not being able to open the door and silenced a giggle that wanted to burst out. She knew it would never happen, anyways. She wasn't really that good at turning into a wolf at will, and she would never do it in class. She didn't want to get in trouble and be kicked out. While at a new school, she felt more at ease. Everyone here was like her - different. So in a way, being different made them all the same. Killa reached for her book and pulled it onto her lap, staring at the cover. She opened the leather binding and ruffled the pages, letting the breeze created send a whiff of book-smell her way. She closed it and put it back in her desk. Pay attention, Killa!

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#128393 Posted on 2017-11-15 18:16:59


It didn't matter that poor Ram had gone to the school for about two years already, he never seemed to make it to the correct room at first. He barged into the correct classroom with a groan, "Hehe, I made it." He announced, despite being a couple minutes late. Oblivious to the teacher's annoyance, he shot her a small smile, brushing his hair back. 
"Carry on carry on." He mumbled, and swiftly went to his designated seat in the back of the class. He adjusted the hood of his sweater, and flung his book bag off and onto the ground without much of a care.

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#128396 Posted on 2017-11-15 18:32:12


“Well, at least I’m not the last one for once” Lynn thought when she saw Ram enter the classroom. 
She had seen him around before, sure, but she had never really talked to him much except for class projects they had together. It’s not that she didn’t like him (actually she found him more tolerable than many of the people in the school, although he was a bit odd about his hair) it’s just that she wasn’t very good connecting with people sometimes.

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#128400 Posted on 2017-11-15 18:42:14

[Are they all in the same room or separate ones depending on grade or age?]

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#128402 Posted on 2017-11-15 18:53:13

[My apologies. I recommend they be in the same room, however if you'd like for them to be separated, they is fine by me :)]

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#128406 Posted on 2017-11-15 19:34:54

[I just assumed Ram and Lynn were in the same room because they’re the same age, but idk, however you guys wanna do it]

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#128485 Posted on 2017-11-16 18:47:06

She looked up as a boy barged into the room. He chuckled and announced his arrival. She watched as he sat in the row behind her. The boy was lucky to have a backseat. She was in the middle, but she felt like the eyes of the people behind her were staring into her skull. She didn't like not being in the back. Realizing she was staring, she looked back at the teacher. She groaned inwardly. She hadn't been staring out of interest, but had merely zoned out in thought. She thought of her friend Ana back home who would do it too. She would have to text her and tell her about it. Ana would laugh, and Killa felt a smile curve her lips. She missed Ana, the only person she was sad to not see anymore when coming here.

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#128526 Posted on 2017-11-16 23:11:39

She had rushed into the class room and sat down earlier than some. She smiled at the teacher and trying to relax. The desk she had gotten was towards the back. She smirked and laughed. When the rest of the students came in, she tried not to roll her eyes too much.

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#128553 Posted on 2017-11-17 08:10:33


As the began to drone on after his arrival, Ram turned toward Alice. He studied her with narrowed dark eyes, and propped his chin up in his hand. He peeked over at the teacher to make sure she wasn't watching, then easily shifted his face to look exactly like Alice's, but that was as far as he could get. "Psst, Ali." He cooed.
He made several different mocking faces, then sat back and rolled his eyes much like she does.

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#128577 Posted on 2017-11-17 10:13:49


Mika tried not to laugh when she noticed a girl's face on a boy's body. Hearing the teacher carry on with the lesson, she  tried to listen, but it was too boring. She gazed out of the window, longing to get out of the stuffy classroom and into the outdoors.

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