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Foals of ⁸WP Bourbon ✠ R4_65

All Foals of ⁸WP Bourbon ✠ R4_65
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
ʙǫ Taliesin [62.22] 22 years old denim m| 56.38c [60]
Mitra 22 years old oswin 𓃥 Liselotte [21.17.22]
Autumn 22 years old Parachutes Shaak
𝓼. ovses 63.48 20 years old Spooks Dynamo Karin 344/62.48
♧ ♂ Bourbon Neat ᴶ [67.96] 17 years old Gothl⚕︎n Silver Conference (68)
Jeanne 13 years old Tegwan Pony Mare (54.50)
|70:103| œ Bourbon 13 years old œ Summit ⁵WP Buttercup ✠ R1_80
Amazon 12 years old Azzy 5>WP Starlinger R4/79
Fragile Lullaby ✠ R2/71 7 years old Junebug ⁵WP Buttercup ✠ R1_80
²WP Irish Coffee ✠ R3_65 7 years old Manthy Lucjnda
Bayla ✠ R4_58 7 years old Manthy 𝓢☣ Ayla 53.10 60
retired 2 years old