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#73572 Posted on 2016-10-27 11:56:17

So, I have two stallions who in my opinion are pretty bad(and i just started xD) so im wondering if there is a point to gelding them?

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#73581 Posted on 2016-10-27 14:41:46

Gelding doesn't do anything to affect the horse other than the fact that they obviously cannot breed afterwards. They don't get extra stats or anything like that. You could always geld them later, down the road, especially if you decide to sell them. That way you can ensure that they won't be bred after they leave your care.

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#73591 Posted on 2016-10-27 16:03:12

So basically just money makers? Geld to insure ya dont accidentally breed em?

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#73606 Posted on 2016-10-27 19:07:24

I guess that's one way of looking at it. People usually geld so that when/if they sell the horse, it doesn't get bred, for whatever reason. Some of the most common ones are that they don't want the pedigrees to keep growing, or they don't want their lines to mix with outside lines. There are some stallions out there with 60+ offspring and that can make it hard when you're looking for a pair to breed, because the chances of them being related are higher.

You could geld now to make sure you don't accidentally breed them, but if you're not planning to breed them anyway, you could just leave it until you put them up for sale (if you do). The process isn't reversible, which is why I would suggest leaving them for now. If they turn out to have really good stats, you could always just breed them to a mare with higher health/conformation to help balance it out, then eventually use that foal to breed towards higher stats or health/confo for the next generation. Up to you!

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#73632 Posted on 2016-10-28 07:09:11

Personally I'd geld later. If it's just low stats, they can be brought up through careful treating/training/showing. If it's something like inbred/common pedigree that you want to curb then you could geld now. Personally I don't think 'bad' confo or colour is a good enough reason to geld, but that's just my opinion. If it was a 300 stat 20 year old then I would geld because it's not going to be much use to anyone other than some extra income from showing/riding but not a 100 stat 2 year old because it's still salvageable.

But as tol said there's no benefit to gelding. It's also irreversible so it's a decision you want to think about.

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