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EQ Economy and Weekly Allowance

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EQ Economy and Weekly Allowance

#5944 Posted on 2016-02-19 16:39:12

I kinda have a problem with the weekly allowance being taken away.

Wealthy players were allowed to bring 10 million with them and no doubt their daily interest is great but for those of us that only brought say 100k we get about $150 a day.

This sucks because rich stay rich and the poor don't really get anything. There needs to be a weekly allowance.

I understand that a lot of people make oodles of money by doing art or layouts and whatnot. However a lot of us just play the game without an alternative way of earning EVD and I see the economy turning to crap in just a couple weeks of the recode.

It's unfair to take it away since it's harder for new players to earn money, unless your an artist of course. Wealthy established players have generations of clean lines and high stats and sell their horses for HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars.

New players must either start with foundations or rescue horses which generally have no value and must spend at least a year playing to have horses to sell worth anything.

Now I'm not trying to pick a fight with anyone over this, It's just personal opinions/observations

I would like to read other opinions on the economy of the game or if you miss/don't miss the weekly allowance. What do you think?

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#5949 Posted on 2016-02-19 16:42:53

I agree with this especially since shows give less to everyone now, whether you're entering shows or creating them.

I understand this since shows now give stats, but that doesn't erase that there's less incentive for people to buy arenas and host a whole lot of shows unless it's for their own horses.

I see more ways to spend and less ways to make, since riding doesn't give anything but treats anymore. It doesn't even give peppermints anymore, and they were a good way to make some extra cash.

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#5954 Posted on 2016-02-19 16:47:12

At one time everyone had to put in the time to get good horses. Wealthy players either bought their good horses from someone who put time into them or put the time in themselves.

One way to make money is to show your horses in expensive shows (which means you get more money if/when your horse wins). Also if you are careful with your money you should be able to get good horses, yes it will require a lot of time but it is doable. My original QH line was about 80% rescues, yes they were not great statted but I put in the time and now they are great (and getting better daily).

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#5959 Posted on 2016-02-19 16:52:40

Would you suggest a taxing system as well? C;

Personally, I would have /loved/ to have brought my 96m over and spend it all on the new recode- but no, I'm down 86m, I have sucked up, and cut my losses, and feel significantly poorer now.

If you haven't noticed, Art sales have gone down so much, there's not actually that much interest in them in comparison to the last EV. A lot of money is going into the game for tack repairs/horses and such. In fact, through both versions of EV I've always found it very hard to sell horses unless they were dirt cheap, because nobody was buying horses, hence why most of my income came from Art. With the new recode, hopefully we can get back to the original purpose of the game and actually have a working horse economy now. :3

Though your rich vs poor argument is a bit moot. Our daily interest gets cut with the amount of money we have in total. Once you hit 10m in the old EV, you got 0% interest. On this version of EV, players with lower amounts of money are probably earning more interest than the richer players. I'm sitting on 0.5% interest right now, but I have no doubt that'll turn to 0% pretty soon. There's always going to be rich established players because that's the result of playing a game for so long, and there's always going to be poorer players, that's how things work, that's how things are always going to work.

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#5963 Posted on 2016-02-19 16:57:30

Oh I agree with you on the rides Tayzz. I have completely stopped going on pleasure rides. I used to get a lot of my income from selling potions I found and used the peppermints to raise the stats of my horses.

When I started playing I was able to pick up some decent stat horses and raised them up over time. Sometimes I'm able to sell a horse here or there for 30-60k depending on breed but I've never paid 100k for a horse nor sold one for better anywhere near that price.

I've NEVER made money from shows. If I show all of my horses everyday I'm always in the red. My horses have never had the stats necessary to make shows profitable. They might one day but currently only a handful of my horses place often enough to have earnings. The low stats ones are just grinding for points. :(

Maple you posted while i was typing so i had to edit..

Ok I'm not so upset about the interest thing since it's so low for you apparently. (I couldn't know what it is for 10m players since in all my years I've never had 2mil between my three accounts. :)

Last edited on 2016-02-19 at 17:00:43 by ♏ Insipid Princess

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#5973 Posted on 2016-02-19 17:12:14

If some of your horses are not placing.. Simple. Don't enter those until they get better with treating. Makes no sense to complain about entry fee money when you are knowingly entering the low ones to lose. I never sold horses, art or otherwise on old EV. I did shows, games and the fountain (well plus allowance). If a horse started doing poorly, I pulled it from shows for a while. Horses who never seemed to get back to earning/winning ways (usually when my stores advanced to grade 3), I retired from shows and only kept up with treats for breeding. I only spent show fees on horses I was pretty sure would break even or better.

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#5974 Posted on 2016-02-19 17:13:03

In the previous EV at least you made a bit from hosting shows. And even entering the most expensive shows you don't even come close to making even, so the argument of spending more to make more doesn't work out.

Even with the shows running multiple times when Abbey was fixing things, I had all my horses in the most expensive shows. They all were the only one, or one of two horses in those shows. I didn't even get half back once all was said and done of what I spent on them.

For people who don't have the couple hundred thousand I do to afford that, showing isn't going to be worth it even with cheaper shows.

Edit: Arty that would be well and good except shows are one of the two ways to get stats right now. Its a catch 22. Can't enter because it's not worth it... Can't not enter because you need those bad horses to get better by increasing stats.

I want to point out im comfortable in this economy despite not actually making back what I'm spending. I'm looking at this from the prospective of new players. If they feel its such an uphill battle to progress, they won't want to stay. I'm not saying handouts everywhere so much as don't make these certain areas a turn off.

Last edited on 2016-02-19 at 17:15:51 by ₸ayzz

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#5976 Posted on 2016-02-19 17:14:59

Bearing in mind, the old showing system was broken. Nobody was getting good earnings from that, even with high statted horses that had a lot of effort put into them.

The showing system here as yet to get off the ground because this version of EV has only been open for a week. You need to give it time to get going, jeez.

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#5980 Posted on 2016-02-19 17:24:24

Every member starts somewhere, the rich members didn't have the money just appear in their accounts one day. It took me 3 years to reach 1 mill on my main account, really it's about weighing out what is worth purchasing and what is not. So you don't sell art? I didn't till last year, and by that point I have over 2 mill from proper savings. I'm not sure if it's just me but i've gotten a decent amount of show earnings on this version too, I collected 5k from it the other day.

Some horses aren't worth entering in shows, if they aren't worth it don't enter them or lock them till you can afford to get those stats. The only reason I enter some of my horses in shows is because I can. I know they probably won't place well but that doesn't bother me.

Sometimes you have to spend money to make money.

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#5981 Posted on 2016-02-19 17:24:29

I'm on both sides for this.

I agree about the loss of income due to only being able to ride every 30 minutes in pleasure riding and barely getting anything from that. Especially peppermints, those were a great way to make an extra 10k or two. I also agree with the not making any income from creating shows. I've been getting around 1-2k from my shows now and am pricing them at the most expensive fee ($100), while on the old EV I used to get 15-20k from creating shows. I also am not too keen on the new interest system. It was nice to be able to look forward to/know I would be saved by the extra 30k I got each week. Now I'm getting roughly $100/day which is obviously no where near the old system.

However, as Maple stated, members who have been playing longer and have been putting in the effort in their horses do have the better horses and make better money from them. It does suck for newer members or members who can't make an income from art, but then again, Equiverse isn't focused on art. You really just have to put the time and effort into your horses to get somewhere in the horse economy on here.

Edit: Like Zest said, buy what's worth it and save. I am guilty of being a horrible spender so I have no room to complain about having no money when I spend it like I do. I've been playing the game since 2012 and had only just recently reached 1 mill EVD from art as I don't focus as much on my horses as I should or could. My bank account is constantly all over the place. I just had 1 mill EVD yesterday and am down to 648k already by my own fault. If I weren't so addicted to buying art I'd probably be extremely rich, but I'm not.

Last edited on 2016-02-19 at 17:27:58 by wey™

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#5983 Posted on 2016-02-19 17:26:51

Also, Abbey IS planning on adding more things for pleasure riding, but seeing as how this version has been live for 6 days you need to be patient.

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#5985 Posted on 2016-02-19 17:28:36

I make an average of 3k per night from hosting shows. This is mostly because it's a hit or miss on if I make them for the correct level.

In looking at your horses, of course they're not going to place. Their tack is all level 1-2. I have far fewer horses than you and yesterday I made a bit over 4.5k from shows.

This honestly seems like a case of "Baww. Other people are doing better than me."

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#6000 Posted on 2016-02-19 17:53:32

No, as things stand, it really is nearly impossible to get anywhere as a beginner. I have one account that is doing OK, mainly because of EVC sales, but my secondary accounts are really struggling. All this "spend money to make money" talk only makes sense if you have money to start with. For a horse to progress at all, you need to enter it in shows, even if it's going to lose everything, or you will hardly get any stat increase. To upgrade your tack, you first need to get points so you can level up to the point that you are allowed to upgrade, meaning... yup, you have to enter shows with those low-statted horses with non-upgraded tack.

My account that came into the update with the lowest amount of cash is bleeding money.

I am sure things will be tweaked and improved over the coming weeks, but Abbey isn't going to know how things are running if we don't tell her.

You should be able to join the game and run a decent small farm without buying a deluxe membership, and without going bankrupt. Yes, it should be difficult, and take a lot of very careful planning to become a top breeder, but it shouldn't be so difficult to survive that people end up giving up in discouragement.

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#6003 Posted on 2016-02-19 17:57:13

People who have money have earned it. I have put in a lot of my own money to earn what I have now. I spent over $150 on a graphics tablet and $200 on a graphics program to make art to sell and earn money. Plus I have bought and sold for EVD.

I don't think poor players just should get "handouts", they should have to earn their EVD just like everyone else did.

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#6011 Posted on 2016-02-19 18:08:11

Well, I haven't been here since 2008 or anything...making art for the most part is tedious after a while. I very rarely order any art from people...this could be a way to save money in the first place? *gasp* People always want to complain about not having any money but don't want to for-go buying art XD

For a while on the old EV I got lucky with scoring some nicely colored stallions and then spent my time raising their stats. I make quite a bit of money from stud fees can be done.

Since the new EV I have spent a couple million with buying new horses, treats, tack (and upgrading it all)...

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