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*Add preferred specialty to Equine Center

ForumsSuggestions and Ideas → *Add preferred specialty to Equine Center

*Add preferred specialty to Equine Center

#250018 Posted on 2021-11-30 08:31:30

I know that a lot of us max out the number of horses we can create in the equine center looking for horses with the perfect stat assignments to fit our preferred specialty, and end up having to dump 90% of them back at the rescue center. 

I think that an option to pick a preferred specialty would be super useful to combat this problem. What I suggest is that there would be an option to choose a specialty, and the stats would still be random but they would just be slightly weighted in the two specialty stats’ favor. Maybe it could look something like the horse getting less than or equal to 60nss (or a maximum of 63 or something like that) in that specialty. This doesn’t mean the specialty is set from birth, just that the stats are more likely to be weighted in that specialty’s favor saving everyone a lot of time.

This would allow people to randomize more easily for desired coat color and conformation without having to sacrifice lower NSS.

This would include the option for “none” in case somebody still wants true randomization.


Last edited on 2021-12-01 at 14:52:05 by River

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#250019 Posted on 2021-11-30 08:43:27

I really like this idea, because I also believe that it'd heavily decrease the number of unwanted horses being dumped in RC

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#250021 Posted on 2021-11-30 08:57:55

i support this because as said in the comments of this article EC pulls do put strain on the server, and it might be more effective to give less reasons to make mass pulls in the first place instead of a hard cap

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#250022 Posted on 2021-11-30 09:49:26

We have this function already in the custom horse creator. The Equine Centre is not intended to give you specific stock or even really be used for pulling 100s of new horses. 

The sever strain refers to 100s (1000s when multiple people were doing it) of horses being pulled and having their data sitting around, 50 is more manageable for both the server and so that people are not overwhelmed with horse management. 

Last edited on 2021-11-30 at 09:52:10 by maplɛ

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#250023 Posted on 2021-11-30 10:57:19

@maple: an issue with the cap is people not being happy with the 50 pulls they made and just asking other players to pull for them, players who probably wouldn't do pulls otherwise which is why they have all the free space. though i won't assume several players asking 1 or 2 other people to hit their EC limit is really enough to bring us all the way back to square one.

like it's a workaround for the 5 EVC fee, but if it doesn't cause any actual problems then i guess that's fair lol

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