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CFTB - July Entries! - Opinions Needed

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CFTB - July Entries! - Opinions Needed

#111434 Posted on 2017-06-27 00:41:33

How it works:
Anyways, as a reminder for those who know, and for those who are new to this: 

Basically how this contest runs is the horses who gain the most stats (through showing, riding schools, treats whatever) will win. This is a month long contest starting on the 1st of the month, ending on the 31st. I manually get on and write down beginning stats, and at the end get on and write down the ending stats. 

How to enter:
To enter, all you have to do is reply to this topic with a LINK to your horse. I will not accept any entry that is not in link format. 


The Rules:
~ Horses will be disqualified if sold or transferred
~ Horses will be disqualified if they die (become deceased)
~ All horses are allowed. Mares, Stallions and Geldings. Pregnant Mares are also allowed.

The Prize List:
1st Place: 250k
2nd Place: 175k
3rd Place: 75k

Helpful Hints:
~ Entering horses between the ages of 3 and 17. Horses that are 3 are eligible for shows, while 17 is old enough for the horse to still be alive when the contest ends. 
~ Giving your horse treats will increase stats. Some treats may give more stats per use, but they may not give the stats in your chosen specialty. 
~ Entering shows can give stats. Shows need to have more then 5 horses in the show for a *chance* of a stat increase. 
~ Riding schools give stats, however they will not allow you to show. 
~ Locking is not recommended, however is allowed. The more your horse is locked, the less treats it can be fed and less shows it can be shown in. This decreases the amount of stats the horse can get during the month. 

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News: As most of you are aware, I am pregnant with twins. If not, I'm due in October with Identical Twin Boys. Most twins do not make it to their due date, most being born premature. This puts me at a high risk of a premature labor that could interrupt the contest for the better. I'm really hoping the boys hold off until at least October (They're due the 12th) but at the earliest I'm hoping late September. What this means for the contest is, I may literally vanish without warning and the contest would be at a standstill. Should I have to leave for a medical reason I have one of two options I would like your input on. 

Option 1: Keep the contest running indefinitely until my return. This could be a few days, to even a few weeks. That means no new contests would be created, no updates. You would just keep training your horse as if the month never ended. 

Option 2: Get an assistant. This person would have to completely take over for me should I need it. This means towards the end of the month get a new contest post running, on the last and first day get all of the stats written down, and possibly even post updates. They would need to be a member that has skype, and would be willing to put in the time and effort for basically no reward. They would be disqualified from winning the contest if they had entered it, and would be unable to enter future contests (as long as they are the assistant). They wouldn't be able to change any contest rules/guidelines without running them past me first. I would need someone very active to fill this position, and preferably an adult.

I am leaning towards option 2, however I am not sure how many members would volunteer. What is your input?

Last edited on 2017-07-08 at 21:33:22 by kimtia

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#111437 Posted on 2017-06-27 02:58:10

I'll throw Retrouvaille into the mix.

Last edited on 2017-06-27 at 02:58:33 by Sonoma

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#111474 Posted on 2017-06-27 08:56:50

I'm going to stick with Kim Possible 

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#111475 Posted on 2017-06-27 09:05:44


also, any update on the june orrr are we just forgetting that cause my girl earned a lotta stats imo

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#111476 Posted on 2017-06-27 09:13:40

Precious Gift is my entry

Last edited on 2017-06-27 at 09:14:35 by RemRem

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#111479 Posted on 2017-06-27 09:24:58

I think I'll try Afraid To Shine this time.

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#111495 Posted on 2017-06-27 13:11:16

Sticking with hey summer

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#111499 Posted on 2017-06-27 13:49:53

@Lurk: Honestly, I was going to update last night until I got home from work and passed out. I barely made it to post the new topic. I'll try and work on an update tonight or tomorrow, but I may just wait until Friday as the contest is almost done. 

News: As most of you are aware, I am pregnant with twins. If not, I'm due in October with Identical Twin Boys. Most twins do not make it to their due date, most being born premature. This puts me at a high risk of a premature labor that could interrupt the contest for the better. I'm really hoping the boys hold off until at least October (They're due the 12th) but at the earliest I'm hoping late September. What this means for the contest is, I may literally vanish without warning and the contest would be at a standstill. Should I have to leave for a medical reason I have one of two options I would like your input on. 

Option 1: Keep the contest running indefinitely until my return. This could be a few days, to even a few weeks. That means no new contests would be created, no updates. You would just keep training your horse as if the month never ended. 

Option 2: Get an assistant. This person would have to completely take over for me should I need it. This means towards the end of the month get a new contest post running, on the last and first day get all of the stats written down, and possibly even post updates. They would need to be a member that has skype, and would be willing to put in the time and effort for basically no reward. They would be disqualified from winning the contest if they had entered it, and would be unable to enter future contests (as long as they are the assistant). They wouldn't be able to change any contest rules/guidelines without running them past me first. I would need someone very active to fill this position, and preferably an adult.

I am leaning towards option 2, however I am not sure how many members would volunteer. What is your input?

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#111821 Posted on 2017-06-29 18:06:58

I would like to enter Illegitimate Heir [DZ] into the contest.

As for the news. I would offer to be an admin and help out but I'm currently in the runnings to be the Friesian Club president. 

Option 2 is god for if you want the contest to defiantly end when July ends. 

Option one would give the contest a very interesting edge. No one would know when their time would be up and the winner getting announced would be quite the surprise for those who were unprepared or trying to catch first place. 

I'm leaning towards option one but not opposed to option two

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#111851 Posted on 2017-06-29 20:30:55

kimmeh i never got to say congrats on the babies! i'm so excited for you c: 

i would like option one except that i love the updates that's what makes it exciting :3 so i lean towards option two and i would love to help out but i'm getting promoted at work so my workload is going to double :I if you can't find anyone else and want to do option two let me know and i will work my hardest to do updates and make posts from my spare account (and lock this one) :D 

edit: my entry for july! cherry chaser ♥

Last edited on 2017-06-29 at 20:31:46 by madoka.

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#111879 Posted on 2017-06-30 01:09:47

Thanks Madoka!

I agree with both of you. It definitely would give the contest an interesting swing, but i know how much everyone loves updates. I also know that everyone has their own personal life, and I don't want to take away from anyones personal life. 

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#112098 Posted on 2017-06-30 21:25:59

Entries are now CLOSED!


Below is the final start list for July:

Members in red won the June contest, and TYPICALLY i don't allow them to win 2 months in a row, but I seem to have forgotten to add it to the rules, so I'm going to let it slide for July. I also have so few entries. Please note this rule will be in place for future contests.

Good Luck!

Last edited on 2017-06-30 at 21:39:28 by kimtia

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#112319 Posted on 2017-07-02 05:05:43

I forgot that Retrouvaille still had a training boost coming, so not sure if it needs to be noted. She gained 52 stats that way--not sure of if it's fair for that to count towards her total.

Last edited on 2017-07-02 at 05:51:26 by Sonoma

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#113286 Posted on 2017-07-08 21:38:42

@Sonoma, At this time I am not concerned about training boosts. As far as I am concerned, it is a legitimate training technique. 

Update! :D

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#116274 Posted on 2017-08-01 13:36:28

I forgot to end this yesterday, so I'll try and remember to end it tonight when I get home and give you all 1 extra day. :)

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