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Foals of Aneks

All Foals of Aneks
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
DFW Heliotrope | 28 17 years old NippyEquine DFW Amethyst | 47
Oceanside Lexus 10 years old Reina Oceanside Crème
GE Marbles (NSS31) 6 years old Graves Stud New Foal
β„’ πŸ“πŸ†ƒ Kornelia (37) 3 years old β„’πŸ“Lenka β„’ πŸ“πŸ†ƒ Korina (63)
Trake S 23ns Tobi 74.52 SJ 0 years old Fabelhaft [DWBs & Trakes] Fabelhaft Callous [Agility