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Foals of ༺ 𝓛𝓡𝓟𝓗 ༻ Prized Dragon

All Foals of ༺ 𝓛𝓡𝓟𝓗 ༻ Prized Dragon
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
≛ Downtown Sunway [33.62.48] 11 years old Black Heights Stables ༺ 𝓛𝓡𝓟𝓗 ༻It's a dun deal
༺ 𝓛𝓡𝓟𝓗 ༻ Dun winniner 11 years old ♧Legacy Ranch ♧ ༺ 𝓛𝓡𝓟𝓗 ༻It's a dun deal
༺ 𝓛𝓡𝓟𝓗 ༻ Lazy Luvuh 9 years old ♧Legacy Ranch ♧ ༺ 𝓛𝓡𝓟𝓗 ༻High on lovin you