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Foals of {SJ} Jived Fox

All Foals of {SJ} Jived Fox
Name Age Owned By Other Parent
(SJ)New Foal l 36 21 years old CarrierPigeon (SJ) Gazelle
DFW Agate | 40 15 years old NippyEquine DFW Aquamarine | 55
{SJ} Launch 6 years old Timberdoodle {SJ} Quick Gray Fox
{SJ} Leaping Fox 5 years old Timberdoodle {SJ} Quick Gray Fox
{SJ} Reynard 4 years old Timberdoodle {SJ} Quick Gray Fox
{SJ} L'Envol 3 years old Timberdoodle {SJ} Quick Gray Fox