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Warrior Cat RP

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Warrior Cat RP

#98726 Posted on 2017-03-25 01:48:06


He headed back to camp slowly taking his time to think, the sun was setting low in the sky by the time he reached camp again. In his absence he saw Cherrybranch had fixed up a lot of the dens, as he neared her his stomach let out a loud rumble "ohh haha sorry about that" he apologised quickly "how've you got on?" Listening to her carefully he then suggested "I reckon we should go find some prey for when the others get back, what'd you think?"


Encouraged by Stormfur's word she practised the technique a few more time until she'd worked out where each leg was meant to go, "ok so how do you time the leap?" she asked in quiet tones.

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#98769 Posted on 2017-03-25 15:54:04

He nodded. "Leaftail, correct." He heard the other tom call. "It's okay, I think I should be able to find them." He hurried to where he thought he recalled the tansy being. It was there. "How much?" he asked of Tigerheart.

She smiled at Moonpaw. "Great job!" she exclaimed when got the technique. "You leap directly at the fish, and if it tries to dash away, you snag it with your paw and drag it toward your mouth, where you grab it." She sat and studied the water, then leaped. She jumped right onto the fish, and caught it gently in her mouth. When she resurfaced, she let it go, and it dashed away.

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