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Flying Free (Equine RP)

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Flying Free (Equine RP)

#86370 Posted on 2017-01-08 14:11:11


Orie nodded. "Yeah, come back! There's plenty."
He didn't really like to be around others, but he didn't want to be rude.

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#86386 Posted on 2017-01-08 15:02:59


Tracent cocked his head in consideration, and smiled to himself before turning. The fragrant, citrusy scent was incredibly good, and plenty tempting for a hungry colt who was perfectly flexible for staying. Go ahead and join them, you could use some food anyway, He told himself, trotting back. Still, I want to find out what made that noise earlier. Well, that was certainly true. You're probably the only one in the forest who doesn't know.

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#86396 Posted on 2017-01-08 15:24:22


Archer smiled as Tracent came back to eat with them, it would be waste if any was left behind. Now that he was eating with them, he wasn't sure what to say. "it's uh a nice day today" he trying to make a conversation, it was the only thing he could think of to start it off.

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#86398 Posted on 2017-01-08 15:25:57

Orie smiled faintly at Archer's awkwardness. "Yeah, yeah it is." he answered. The sky was blue, the sun was shining... the only problem was the fallen tree. It was scary. How long until they all came crashing down?

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#86402 Posted on 2017-01-08 15:39:45


Archer felt stupid at the feeble attempt of starting a conversation, he smiled and fell silent. Trying something else he said "Tracent why aren't you playing with the other flutter-foals", he thought that they always played together. He took another bite, trying to act like he talked others more then he actually did.

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#86403 Posted on 2017-01-08 15:39:58


"Yeah, it is, but with the big crash I heard, you'd think there was a thunderstorm going on," Tracent said, referring to the source of his "monster hunt".

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#86412 Posted on 2017-01-08 16:07:20

"Just a few more trips, I'd think. It's not that far to the tree." She smiled before zipping back and grabbing an orange. "You might be able to take two plums..."

He giggled, continuing to fight the little stick he had. He felt it begin to give in. He gave it a big kick. Craaaaaaaaaaaack. The stick broke. Orfao's momentum didn't give him time to stop. His giggle turned into horror as he plunged over the edge of the leaf he was standing on. Too scared to scream, he fell, spinning head over heels. A loud bump and a squeak. The squeak came from Orfao, and the bump from his impact onto a cluster of leaves. He lay there shaking, his eyes wide. "Hello?" he whispered, wondering where his playmate was. He was scared. And alone. And he hurt a little bit from where he hit the leaves.
"Mommy?" a little voice called. "Where are you?" The little flutter-foal lay on his side, scared and alone. His chest felt tight where his heart was beating really hard.
Orfao shook his head. Where had that come from? He looked around again for his playmate, still shaking. He wanted someone to help him go back to his regular place, but he didn't know where he was or how to get back.

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#86415 Posted on 2017-01-08 16:12:24


Faith smiled and followed, going to the plums she had seen earlier. She bit down gently on one so she wouldn't bite through it, she hovered over the other one. With her two front legs she grabbed the other, "I feel like I look funny" she looked down at the plum she had between her two front legs.

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#86501 Posted on 2017-01-08 19:04:53


Her eyes wider than the full moon over the forest, she scrambled toward the edge of the branch, peering down. There were thousands of places near this tree for a young flutter-horse to hide, even if he wasn't trying to, and even with his best attempts, who knows how long it could take to find him... If they could find him at all. "Orfao? Are you down there?" She called, straining to hear. It was no use. Any sound loud enough to be heard was muffled by her echo, winding through the trees and vines. "That's it," She said finally. "I'm going down to find him." A slight breeze twisted it's way through the branches, and she twitched her wings, preparing for flight. She had a long trip ahead of her.


Hearing Archer ask him something, he turned, and spoke. "I do when I can, but otherwise I play alone." Well, that's sort of obvious, He thought, and tried again. "I don't mind playing alone, though, as long I have something to play."

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#86598 Posted on 2017-01-09 09:52:17


Archer still didn't understand how he would want to play alone, but then again he himself is always alone. Tracent kind of reminder him of himself when he was a flutter-foal, he had always played alone. "Oh then what where you playing just now that made you run into the orange", he must of been distracted not to see it.

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#86644 Posted on 2017-01-09 13:38:38

Orie genuinely felt bad for Tracent. He himself was always alone because he was blind and couldn't exactly play... at least, not with others.

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#86696 Posted on 2017-01-09 16:39:38


Nalacia headed downward, her wings humming softly. "Hello? Orfao? Are you there?" She landed on the ground, her body quivering. It was spooky there, most of the remaining light blocked by the leaves. She walked slowly through past the silhouetted trees, hoping to hear a voice, a signal as to where to look. There's too much ground to cover, She thought. I should go tell someone. She flew up, and, though reluctant to leave the area Orfao was in, she breathed a sigh of relief when she reached the light.


"I was racing a ladybug." Tracent felt stupid crashing into an orange well racing a bug, and kept talking before anyone could answer. "I wanted to get a snack, then go find out what made that crash earlier, maybe you heard it? He took a bite of orange, chewing it slowly. Hopefully, the subject was changed, and would remain changed long enough for them to forget what he'd said about ladybug-racing.

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#86705 Posted on 2017-01-09 16:47:19

Orie laughed a bit. That sounds fun...
"Yeah, we did hear the crash. It was a tree falling." Orie told Tracent. "It was really loud!"

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#86706 Posted on 2017-01-09 16:47:36


Archer nodded his head as he chewed, "yea I heard it a tree fell". He didn't say that it was the humans, he figured that Tracent could figure that out on his own. He was looking at Tracent, he wasn't going to say anything about the ladybug of his. He took one last bite of the orange, knowing he was getting full.

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#86709 Posted on 2017-01-09 16:53:24

"I'm here," he said every time she called, his voice weak and terrified. He had discovered his leaf cluster was connected to two trees, several branches connecting to make the mess. He was thankful, for otherwise... He shook his head. He had never fallen before, and it was scary.

She used the same hold on this pomegranate as the last. "You look like you were foraging," she replied to Faith. Two plums in one flight was impressive, but not impossible. The tiny horses wohld feast on all these fruits. The pomegranate would provide the whole herd a meal. She stared at the tree a moment, angry at what the humans had done.

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