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#83391 Posted on 2016-12-27 19:09:26

Before you comment, please understand that I'm upset and can't take criticism, advice, or mean comments at the moment. I know it may seem stupid or weird to care so much and make a post about a fish. But, hopefully by reading the full post, you will understand my reasoning for adoring this fish.

Most people know that we have a large freshwater fish tank in our living room. It holds two Long Skirt Tetras, three Zebra Danios, four Tiger Barbs, and one Rainbow Shark. The Rainbow Shark, Toothless is probably the most famous out of the bunch. I knew this day would come, as she's been looking worse and worse each day. Before, you scream "Maybe she's sick and needs medicine!". Toothless is 6.5 years old, and is simply dying of old age, judging by the various signs she's showing. Rainbow Sharks lifespans are around 4-6 years, if they are well cared for. I'm not saying they can't live longer, but that's just the average. We've dealt with sick fish in the past, and it is not the cause of Toothless dying.

So, as you can tell, Toothless hasn't died just yet. But, judging by her behavior, and the way she's swimming; I'd say she has about 12 hours-2 days maximum, unfortunately. Now onto some things to say about dear old Toothless, and why she's our favorite fish we've ever owned (not including the bettas).

She's 6 inches long, is active day and night, and isn't shy like some sharks are. When we bought Toothless in 2010, we originally thought she was a male. But, after observing her behavior, and other aspects, we found out she was a female. I'm a huge HTTYD fan, that's where she got the name.

Toothless gets along with all of the other fish. Though, she has to do an inspection whenever we bring in new fish lol. She's the boss of the tank, and we've jokingly called her the Loch Ness Monster.

I know quite of few of you have been fans of Toothless ever since I first mentioned her. So, I felt it necessary to let everyone know of her soon to be passing.

Thank you so much for loving Toothless as much as I have all these years.

Here's a little bonus tribute to her, made by a friend of mine

If I can find the pictures I've taken of her, then I will post them c:

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#83400 Posted on 2016-12-27 19:32:17

Aww I sorry Sibbers ♥

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#83402 Posted on 2016-12-27 19:41:01

I know what it's like to love your fish. I love mine dearly (especially my little Sharkie, a botia shark) and hate to see any of them go.

I'm so sorry. I bet she's an amazing fish with an amazing personality from what I've heard. I'd love to see pictures and I'm open to be spammed through PM about her. ♥

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#83416 Posted on 2016-12-27 20:30:46

She sounds like an awesome pet and I'm sorry she seems to be on her way out. I loved my tank I had for many years too. ♥

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#83418 Posted on 2016-12-27 20:33:31

Aww I'm sorry Sib. :(
It sounds like she was an great pet. And she had a really long life with you!

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#83461 Posted on 2016-12-28 00:27:14

I'm so sorry Sib. )': I recently got a fish, so I kinda know what it's like for you to get so attached to it, and then one day have a pet, and a friend go. If you need to talk about it more, I'm around alot, and I wouldn't mind hearing about her. She sounds like she was an amazing pet.

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#83778 Posted on 2016-12-29 09:27:07

So, she passed away some time during the night, and we'll be giving her a proper funeral tonight or tomorrow. We're burying her rather than flushing her, as she's been a part of our family for 6.5 years. She deserves it. We've since taken a lot of the decor out of the tank, to redecorate seeing as we no longer have a bottom feeder. We plan on getting a Pictus Catfish once we buy our new tank. Here's a picture of the tank we're buying boop and it comes with the stand.

The reason we haven't upgraded our tank sooner is because Toothless would get easily stressed out, no matter the situation. She did fine in our travel tank, with the other fish when we were moving back to this house from VA. It was a long 10 hour trip, and they did so well.

Anyways, thank you for all the nice replies and comments, I truly appreciate it! RIP Toothless.

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#83781 Posted on 2016-12-29 09:29:44

D: So sorry. RIP Toothless.

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#83783 Posted on 2016-12-29 09:35:03

Poor old gal.

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