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Daph and Oswin Private Rp

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Daph and Oswin Private Rp

#77463 Posted on 2016-11-29 15:48:14

Codik jumped back onto the spine of the elk. He dug his claws in as he bit down as much as he could, hoping to hit a weak spot. As the elk stopped thrashing, he lifted his head and jumped down, looking at the downed elk satisfactorily. He looked to the sky to see its dimness. He was surprised to see how dark it had become. Hush might be looking for him. He gave his unique locating howl, then gurned to the other two. "Howling so my sister knows where I am. Hope you don't mind if she comes? Not sure if she will."

"No, but I stay with my brother," she breathed lowly. She stared awkwardly at her paws for a while. Then she heard her brother's howl. "That's-that's my brother. I...I gotta go. Thanks for the deer...Dagger..... Maybe you could... come meet him? My brother, I mean." The last part tumbled out in a rush of quiet words.

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#89604 Posted on 2017-01-28 12:38:02


The she-wolf dipped her head in agreement as she stepped back and sat down shaking her red-brown fur that was matted but only worsened it. Looking at Codik she thumped her tail on the ground excitedly "I would love to meet your sister" she said thumping her tail more at the thought of it. Shaking her head and looking at Saffron you sat on the other side of the carcass looking at it. "So Codik how long have you lived with your sister?" she asked her hazel-green eyes shining as she looked at him.


The grey she-wolf sat down looking at Chali and Codik thumping her tail as well at pride for helping them bring down the big elk. "Codik is you s-sister nice?"she questioned hoping that his sister was a nice wolf and not a mean one. Shaking her light gray fur and looking at the carcass drool coming out the side of her mouth as she looked at Chali and Codik begging them to take a bite of it.


The male pricked his ears hearing the unique locating howl and stepping back. Looking at Hush as she spoke he stepped foreword again shaking his dark pelt and blinking his ice blue eyes. "Of course I would love to come and meet him" he wagged his tail and looked at Hush following her to where her brother was.

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#89608 Posted on 2017-01-28 12:45:42

He grinned at Saffron. "She's very nice. The nicest wolf I know." Turning to Chali, he answered her question. "We've lived together since we were pups." He looked at the elk, then cocked his head. "Well, we caught it. Let's eat!" He stood and padded to the elk, taking a bite from it's side. "Mmmmm," he murmured as he chewed. It was so good. He hoped Hush would hurry.

She hurried toward her brother's howl. Her fur felt hot whenever she remembered that she was taking a he-wolf with her. She stopped short in some bushes. Her brother was eating elk with two she-wolves. She slowly made her presence known. "C-Codik," she stammered, looking back at Dagger. "I-I met a wolf..."

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#89689 Posted on 2017-01-28 19:58:27


Dipping her head and thumping her tail she looked to Saffron giving her a look to be patient and wait for the food. Hearing Codik say they could eat it she went to the carcass beginning to eat the tender and warm meat. Ripping of a tender part and chewing then swallowing and repeating the process.


Thumping her tail on the ground "Maybe we can be friends!" she said excitedly and lept into a play bow as she wagged her fluffy tail behind her. Then turning to the carcass she sat down and began to dig into the warm and mouth watering prey in front of her. Ripping off a small piece and chewing it and swallowing it repeating it again.


Walking after Hush in a fast pace to not lose the pretty she-wolf in front of him. Halting in the bushes and waiting for Hush to introduce him to her brother. Once she called him he exited the bush like a pup drawn to its mother. Walking slowly out and dipping his head in greeting at her brother and sitting down to show him he was no threat.

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#89869 Posted on 2017-01-29 15:11:28

He grinned and wagged his tail, happy Hush had met someone. She didn't usually do well with strangers. "Nice to meet you. I'm Codik." He gestured to the elk. "You can join us if you'd like."

"We ate, Codik," she smiled at her brother and stepped up to give him a friendly nuzzle. He was the only one she could talk to without stammering. A feat this was, though, when others were around.

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#89877 Posted on 2017-01-29 15:33:05

Continuing to eat the elk ignoring the other two wolves for the hunger inside her was greater. Finally eating her fill she stepped back and sat down looking at Hush with a thump of her tail. "Hello Hush....I'm Chali and that's Saffron" she said wagging her tail at the other she-wolf in front of her and dipped her head in a friendly gesture. Blinking her hazel-green orbs and looking at the male "Nice to meet both of you" she said once again wagging her tail.


Stepping away from the elk once she was done with her fill and eating her favorite part she smiled and wagged her tail at the new wolves in front of her. "Your brother has told me about you" she said looking at Hush and wagging her tail much harder now. "We can be friends!" with a happy leap half twist she went into a play bow in front of Hush wagging her tail back and fourth quickly.


Shaking his dark black pelt and looking at Codik he straightened his body as he looked at the other male. "I'm Dagger....its nice to meet all of you" he said quickly and hesitantly as he looked at Hush blinking his ice blue eyes and moving closer to her side there pelts brushing each other as he did. "Your the famous Codik...that Hush has talked about?" he questioned and looked at the male dipping his head in respect.

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#89899 Posted on 2017-01-29 16:31:52

Codik laughed. "I'm nowhere near famous. Just her brother. But yes, I'm Codik." He wasn't sure if he liked the male sitting so near his little sister, but he didn't comment on it. He turned twinkling eyes to Saffron. "My sister's a bit shy, Saffron." He chuckled. "Your obviously not." He wagged his dark tail and then curled it around his paws.

She smiled shyly at Chali, dipping her head. It faltered slightly at Saffron's eagerness. "I-I guess." Dagger moved closer to her, and Hush's skin grew hot. Their pelts were brushing against each other, and the sensation sent warm darts through the tan she-wolf. She blinked her chocolate eyes and tried not to focus on the strange sensation flowing through her. "I-I m-met D-Dagger in th-the woods... W-We h-had d-deer." Her stammer grew stronger when Dagger had moved close to her. Yet... she liked it.

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#89928 Posted on 2017-01-29 18:52:37


The light red she-wolf blinked her hazel-green orbs looking at Codik. Stepping foreword a bit she looked at all the wolves around her and gulped at what she was about to ask "We have enough to start a all hunt well together and bring down large enough prey." she paused looking around and going onto her stomach ears pinned as she waited for everyone to answer there opinion.


Saffron nodded stepping back but still wagging her tail at her "It's still nice to see you" she said with a grin on her face. Sitting down and looking at her paws she put her fluffy grey tail back on her paws. Taking a breath at what Chali said she nodded her head taking in every word. "I think Chali has a point there." she said nodding her head in agreement to start a pack together.


The dark black male looked at Hush feeling the tingling feeling in his fur not wanting to step away from her. Staying where he was he looked at the tan wolf and blinked his ice blue eyes at her with a wag of his tail. Looking at Codik and stepping back some so he was still touching Hush but not as much. Looking at Chali the light red she-wolf he took in her words she had just said. "I think it would be a great idea!" he said looking at Hush and nudging her gently out of happiness in him that he might be in a pack with her.

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#90238 Posted on 2017-01-31 12:21:15

He sat down and curled his tail around his paws. He stared at the ground thoughtfully, mulling over the idea. He looked up and met his sister's eyes. With a slight nod, he swept to his feet. "Hush and I need to talk about it. I won't leave her alone." He motioned to her, and she followed him. He led her a few feet away, behind a large oak, and sat. "I know you're shy, Hush. And if you don't want to do this, then I won't do it. We stick together till the end. But... If we join with them and form a pack, then we will have hunting partners and friends." He tilted his head. Her choice.

She had stiffened a little when Chali had suggested a pack, fear coursing through her. She needed time to think about it... but doubtless Codik would pipe up and say he was joining. And she would have to decide for herself. Dagger agreed with the idea, giving her a happy nudge that made her head swirl. She sighed in relief as Codik motioned for her to follow, glad he hadn't just agreed. He was such a thoughtful brother. As she stepped away from Dagger, she missed the warmth at her side.
"I don't know," she sighed in response to her brother. "It sounds wonderful, but..." she let slip another sigh. "I don't think I will ever get over my shyness." She imagined life in a pack, and a shiver of worry swept through her. She lifted her chocolate orbs to Codik. She had made a decision. She told Codik, and he nodded. She wondered what he thought of her decision. They padded back to the others.

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#90323 Posted on 2017-01-31 19:42:47


Looking at Saffron then to Dagger she thumped her tail at the thought of them liking her suggestion. Blinking her hazel-green eyes back to were Codik and Hush went she sighed and looked at Saffron blinking them with worry. "I don't know if they will join us or not...." she said with a sigh and laid on the ground below them shaking her light red pelt and looking at the ground in front of her. Lifting her head as she saw them approach she gulped in fear that they wouldn't join them. Giving a half sigh to herself and a quiet mumble aloud about how she didn't want Codik to leave them.


Blinking her eyes for a moment she sighed "Hush was like me before I met Chali" she mumbled aloud and shuffled her paws on the ground. Laying down beside Chali she rolled onto her back and blinked rolling onto her back and looking at the sky. Rolling back over as they approached she shuffled her paws slowly waiting for an answer from them.


The dark black wolf stumbled backwards head dizzy from the feeling he had for Hush that words could not explain and make sense. Looking at the ground and starting to breathe hard focusing on the ground he sniffled in the air to prevent himself from whining. Blinking his ice blue eyes at the ground his body swayed as he felt the churning sensation in his stomach area and struggled to keep himself from getting sick. Looking at both she-wolves he swayed again as he bent his head down throwing up a warm hot liquid out of him. Blinking back towards the approaching wolves he squeezed his eyes shut not wanting to hear the answer if it was bad.

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#90517 Posted on 2017-02-01 15:29:51

She heard the sound of retching and raced ahead of Codik, worried about the others' safety. She saw Dagger and ran to him. "A-Are you o-okay?" she murmured. She looked to Codik and blinked, begging him to give them their answer. She was occupied.

He nodded at his sister and sat, curling his tail around his paws. "May as well get to the point." He looked from Chali to Saffron. "We've decided to join this budding pack." He grinned.

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#90518 Posted on 2017-02-01 15:40:39

The light red she-wolf gasped her maw hanging open as she blinked to take in the shock they were joining. Giving a happy wag of her tail as leaping up from her little spot on the ground and racing to Codik's side giving him a nuzzle of joy. Stepping back and blinking her hazel-green eyes at him she wagged her tail back and fourth quickly behind her. Finally stopping her tail from wagging crazily she smiled at Codik.

The light gray she-wolf blinked her eyes at the news. Thumping her tail on the ground quickly she jumped up with excitement for them joining the pack. "Im so glad that you two are joining us" she smiled and then looked at Dagger worry flooding her eyes at him as he just threw up. Laying down on the ground and beating her tail happily beside her.

The pure black male opened his ice blue eyes wide as he heard the news they were staying. "Im okay Hush...." he said wagging his tail quickly and nuzzling the tan she-wolf and smiling. "Im glad your staying here with us....I'd be lost if you didn't stay with us..." he mumbled only for her ears as he nuzzled her once more standing beside her his black pelt touching her tan one as he stayed there pressing against her without moving away.

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#92729 Posted on 2017-02-12 11:59:01

He grinned at the two excited she-wolves. "I'm glad, too. You guys are great!" He wagged his tail. Codik scanned the tiny clearing where they stood. "Well, we're going to have to find a place for this pack to call home. I say we split up guys and girls. If one group thinks they find a good place, they'll howl like this." He gave off one of Hush and his locator howls.

She was surprised at his nuzzles, but was inwardly pleased. His black body pressed against her tan fur warmed her slightly chilled skin. She wagged her tail a little bit at Codik and nodded once. She was a bit nervous about going with the other two she-wolves. She wasn't comfortable with anyone yet. Though she liked Dagger a lot, she was still kind of shy around him.

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#93861 Posted on 2017-02-18 13:53:55

The light red she wolf gave a nod and looked to Hush blinking her hazel eyes. Looking to Saffron she wagged her tail "Lets go then" she said looking at the sky seeing the sun starting to set on the horizon. Moving the direction towards the forest with Saffron at her feet coming along with them. Blinking her hazel eyes she went into a jog hoping the faster pace would let them find a den faster.

The gray she-wolf gave a solemn nod of her head as she heard the locator howl that Codik did. Looking at Hush then to Chali already starting to jog ahead of them she looked back to the males and dipped her head "Good luck" she called and began to jog after Chali to keep pace with her and hopefully find a den soon.

The black coated male gave Hush a little nuzzle and whispered for her ears only "Be careful" he then stepped back as they began to move in a different direction than them. "Where do you wanna start?" he questioned to Codik and shook his black pelt and blinking his ice blue eyes at him waiting for an answer from him.

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#93888 Posted on 2017-02-18 16:48:59

Codik yawned a little and cast a studying glance at the sky. "Okay, we are going to walk towards this clearing and follow the stream. If we don't see anything for a while, we'll distance ourselves from the bank on each side but still follow it's path. It'd be nice to be near the water." He smiled at the other black wolf and began a loping pace toward the clearing. After a time of jogging, he saw the clearing ahead and slowed enough to talk. "Well," he commented to his look-alike. "I've noticed your interest in Hush." The words were cordial, but not overly warm. Better than cold and angry. "She's shy, and not used to other wolves."

Hush watched as the males jogged out, and suddenly realized that the other females had already headed out. The tan she-wolf stood and shook out her feathery fur before sprinting after them. She caught up to them and slowed to a comfortable jog. "Where are we going to search?" she panted.

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