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#51724 Posted on 2016-07-08 10:03:44

(sorry I haven't been able to reply guys, been caught up in other roleplays and such. Is everyone still on the train? If not I'll changed my post, ;))

|| Lee Rabnott ||

The husky boy sat in an empty room on the train, well empty aside from him, his toad Clemon, and all of his belongings. He glanced around, hearing some chatting going on around him in different rooms in the train. He wished someone would come talk to him, and when he thought it was someone coming to sit with him, it was an old woman with treats. He took some, chocolate frogs especially. He began eating his candy, smiling as he shoved it in.

|| Narcissa Malfoy ||

The young girl pulled her pale, almost white, hair into a neat bun. She continued walking along the train, looking for a place to sit. Everyone who seemed worth sitting with had people surrounding them. "Hello, anyone have a seat open? Anyone who I can sit with who isn't a mudblood?" She called as she stroked her Eagle Owl, a former hatchling of her grandfather's owl.

|| Lily Corner ||

(can she be sitting with the other captains?)

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#51725 Posted on 2016-07-08 10:10:38

Jennifer Black

Jennifer heard the sound of a girl. She wasn't going to respond though, even if she was alone. She just wasn't the type. "Hello. You know, you have the name of my great uncle is named Serious. Serious Black." she said, looking at the boy called Serious. She said it, hoping the girl would hear her, but didn't want to draw attention. She stood up and looked out the compartment, seeing the girl and the old lady with treats. She knew admittedly it was a Malloy. The hair, and the remarks about mudbloods. She didn't mind though. She wasn't fond of mudbloods either, but didn't say anything about it.

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#51779 Posted on 2016-07-08 16:23:09

Laura Lovegood
Lauralee nodded in understanding. She'd always wondered what it would be like to have a twin. "Sirius. Was it him that ran by with the girl?" The blonde couldn't imagine that anyone else on the train would know of Olivia's nickname. Laura shook her head. "No, not yet, I'm afraid. I once had a pet mouse, though. Do you have any?"

Gwendolyn Weasley
Gwendolyn laughed as she watched Sirius talk in a babyish voice to Fred. The cat simply stated back at the boy, his silky black head cocked to one side. Sirius again bowed, and another laugh escaped Gwen, her eyes sparkling with humor. "Why of course, Mister Mahan. I wouldn't sit anywhere else." She curtsied, much to Fred's annoyance, and smiled at Sirius.

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#51797 Posted on 2016-07-08 18:50:25

Jennifer Black

Her face became red and she looked out of the compartment at the girl named Gwen. She rolled her eyes and looked at the Malfoy girl. And then she walked out to the old lady with the treats. "Hello. Can I buy some of those chocolate candies and some of those, what every you call those orange head candies. Or whatever." She pulled out two Kniuts and looked at the girl. "There are plenty in the back."

Henry Longbottom

Henry finally got up and walked to the Weasly and Serious. "So, did you- Seems you have. She's a cutey." Just then the road that was in his pocket jumped out and crawled away. "Dang it! That toad is related to my father's, except it is even more inbred!" He crawled after it and ran into a girl with bleach blonde hair. He began to say Sorry.

Last edited on 2016-07-08 at 19:09:12 by ♑️Gamzee♑️[Grell]

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#51856 Posted on 2016-07-09 07:08:33

Olivia Mahan
Olivia sighed. "Yeah, that was him who ran by.. And he better not tell anyone my nickname!" Her eyes glared fiercely for a moment, the calmed down at Laura's next question. "Oh, yeah. She looked into her bookbag. "I brought this book bag for him. He hates seeing lots of people. Come on, Kreacher." A black cat slowly crawled out of the bag. "Meet Kreacher. He's sweet when he's not overwhelmed." The cat was small, as if just coming out of kittenhood, with delicate black ears and bright orange eyes.

Sirius Mahan
"Right this way, m'lady," Sirius said with another bow. Henry ran up. "Oh, hi Henry! We found the cat! And - oh, there goes that toad. I'll help you look in a minute, Henry." He looked to Gwen, a sparkle in his eye. "Alright, m'lady, to your carriage!" He bowed, then grabbed her hand and ran down the aisle to his and Henry's compartment. He let go of her hand, stood to the side of the door, and motioned. "M'lady, your ride."

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#51857 Posted on 2016-07-09 07:40:40

(It's nice when your first post gets ignored by everyone accept for the person in it you know irl and ask them to read it.)

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#51925 Posted on 2016-07-09 13:39:57

(a lot of our characters are occupied. I would have responded - i did read it - but Olivia is in a compartment and Sirius is occupied with Gwen and Henry at the moment)

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#51936 Posted on 2016-07-09 14:28:19

(But I asked a question and got no reply is what I meant,)

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#51943 Posted on 2016-07-09 15:49:32

Lauralee Lovegood
Lauralee noticed Olivia's eyes growing angrily, and she squirmed uneasily in her seat, wondering what all the other girl could be capable of. However the blonde kept silent, taking note of how the brunette quickly calmed herself. She watched as Olivia opened her bag, a small, black cat crawling out through the opening. Laura grinned. "Oh, he's precious!" she said, glancing up at the other girl momentarily before going back to admiring Kreacher from afar, keeping in mind what Olivia had said about his being sweet when not overwhelmed. "Hello, Kreacher," Lee said, waving slightly to the cat.

Gwendolyn Weasley
Gwendolyn glanced over at Henry as he approached. "Why thank you," she said to him, stroking the top of Freddie's soft head as she spoke. She watched as Henry's frog leapt out of his pocket and hopped off down the aisle, the boy following not far behind. "Oh dear. There goes another one." Gwen paused as if contemplating an idea. "I have a feeling that our pets are set on getting us into trouble..." The red-head turned her focus back to Sirius, however, as he bowed, called her m'lady, and grabbed her hand before running back down the aisle in the direction that they'd come. She laughed. Gwendolyn liked Sirius. He had a good sense of humor. As the two came to the compartment door, he let go of her hand and motioned to the door. Gwen smiled and stepped inside. "Thank you, kind sir, for the escort." Her eyes glittered with amusement as she again curtsied.

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#51966 Posted on 2016-07-09 18:43:57

[I see a click with Sirius and Gwen!! 😍]

Henry Longbottom

Henry looked back at the two and made a blush. Not a blush of liking, but a blush of amusement. Henry laughed and went after his toad, it jumped into an apartment with a Black cat and orange eyes. He looked at the Blonde head who kept quiet, and looked into to compartment. "Hello... I like-" he noticed the old lady with sweets and the girl with wavey, whiney shineyblack hair. "In Dumbledore's name, look at those sweets! Sad that I don't have very much money left, and I need this for emergency bills at school!" He pulled out a Gallon and ten knuts. He sighed and looked back into the compartment. "My toad is somewhere in there.... I am sorry to disturb you." He looked back at Sirius and decided to try what he did. "May I enter your holiness?" He tried to bow, but was knocked over by tripping over his own shoe and fell with a clump to the floor.


Last edited on 2016-07-09 at 20:08:17 by ♑️Gamzee♑️[Grell]

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#52084 Posted on 2016-07-10 09:50:46

(@Agapi - oh. must have missed that. sorry. ♥)

Olivia Mahan
Olivia laughed good-naturally and helped the boy to his feet. "Trying to be my brother, Sirius? Don't. He's annoying." She laughed again and scanned the compartment. "Well, I'll look for your toad." Kreacher had jumped back into the book bag and Olivia saw his bright orange eyes wide in terror. She reached in and patted him. "Kreacher, there's only three of us. Calm down! Laura, want to help look? You don't have to, though." She peered under the seats and lifted a couple cushions.

Sirius Mahan
Sirius plopped himself down in a seat, then jumped up. "Oh, Henry! I'll be back." He raced out of the compartment and found Henry looking into another, which held his sister and another girl. Olivia rolled her eyes when he appeared. "Oh look, trouble's come to visit," he heard her announce. He laughed and patted her on the head. "Come now, Olive, I'm not that bad." Olivia just scowled. Sirius laughed again.

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#52252 Posted on 2016-07-11 05:18:58

Lauralee Lovegood
Lauralee sat in silence, watching first as a frog came hopping into their compartment, and then as a boy came after it, tripping as he made a failed attempt to bow. The blonde gave him a look of sympathy as Olivia helped him to his feet. Kreacher jumped back into his bag, as if the addition of another person into their compartment might be harmful to his health. Laura shook her head in amusement before looking back to Olivia and the newcomer. "Yes, I'll help you look. I'm Lauralee, by the way. Lauralee Lovegood." She gave the boy a small smile before getting to her feet to join the other two in the search for the lost toad.

Gwendolyn Weasley
Gwendolyn watched as Sirius sat down, then hopped back up as if the seat of his pants had been spring-loaded. She laughed, shaking her head slightly as the boy said he'd be back before sprinting out of the compartment. Gwen peeked her head through the doorway and then turned, walking to the small group that had gathered in order to help Henry find his toad. Fred had stretched out across the back of Gwendolyn's neck, looking more like a fur scarf than a cat. Sirius had joined up with the girl from before, and the red-head couldn't help wondering how the two knew each other. It was then, however, that Gwen looked between the two and noticed the resemblance. Are they twins? she thought, her eyes moving from Sirius, to the girl, then back again.

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#52277 Posted on 2016-07-11 09:31:12

Olivia Mahan
Olivia looked under her seat. "There he is!" She grabbed the toad gently and handed it to Henry. "Keep a good hold on him - he's squirming." Olivia looked up and noticed a redhead looking in. She smiled. "Hi, I'm Olivia. I saw you with this toad here earlier." She glared at Sirius.

Sirius Mahan
Sirius laughed. "I'm a toad now, Olive?" He froghopped around his sister's compartment. "Sirius, stop!" Olivia demanded, hands on hips. "Why should I listen to you, Olive? I'm older than you." Sirius stopped frog hopping and mocked his sister's stance, hands on hips. "Like I said, you are NOT older then me! We are twins, Sirius! And you are a toad. Now get out, Sirius, before I boil you for potions class." Sirius laughed and stepped out. "Come on, Gwen, my loving sister doesn't appreciate my presence." He frog hopped down the aisle to his own compartment.

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#52292 Posted on 2016-07-11 10:43:53

Lauralee Lovegood
Lauralee had become aware that their compartment had drawn the attention of quite a few students by now. However, she paid them no attention as she crawled along the line of seats, peeking under each of them in case the boy's toad had decided to take up residence there. She heard Olivia make the announcemental that she'd found it, and Laura stood up and dusted off her jeans, her long blonde hair falling in front of her face, hiding the lovely shade of pink that her cheeks had turned. Lee wasn't quite sure why, but the presence of more than three people always made her a bit uncomfortable. She found herself wishing that she, too, had a bag that she could crawl into as Kreacher had done.

Gwendolyn Weasley
Gwendolyn smiled at the girl who'd introduced herself as 'Olivia'. "A pleasure. I'm Gwen Weasley." She turned to Sirius, smirking at the thought of him being a toad, then turned back to the girl. "Yes, I'm afraid you did," she said, her dark eyes sparkling. Suddenly, Sirius began hopping about the compartment doing a rather convincing frog impersonation. Gwen laughed, one hand on her stomach. Something about his antics, mixed with Olivia's complaints, was amusing to the red-head. She watched as Sirius got to his feet and joined her in the doorway, complaining about how his sister didn't enjoy his presence. "Such a pity," Gwendolyn said, shaking her head as she made a clicking sound with her tongue. "She just doesn't know what she's missing out on." Gwen gave Olivia a lopsided grin before following Sirius out, laughing at his frog-hopping down the aisle. She skipped along after him, quickly coming back to her compartment. As she slowed to a stop, Fred, who'd apparently drifted off to sleep, batted the side of the red-head's neck in aggravation. Gwendolyn glanced up at the cat, her eyebrows raised. "Alright mister. You know you don't want to go there again. Remember what happened last time?"

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#52479 Posted on 2016-07-12 07:20:37

Jennifer Black

Jennifer almost fell to her knees when a large bump from the bottom of the train had happened. Then she heard someone over the announcements. "All must be seated. The train is about to run in approximately 20 seconds." The train started to move. "Or less." She fell into Olivia's compartment startled and embarrassed. "I, I.... I, um, sssorry."

Henry Longbottom

The chubby boy sat down in the compartment with Sirius and Gwen. Henry looked to the side of the train and shook his head. "The bloody crazy people we are going to meet! I mean, the conductor is already insane, starting like that!

Kenny Rendolf

His head jerked to the side as he looked at the girl with blonde hair. Her cheeks were red and she looked so shy. He liked her. He liked her personality, well aside from shy being the only thing he knew. He took a closer look, and admittedly thought she looked like Luna Lovegood, but wasn't for sure. Then he proceeded to sit lonely on the train ride.

Professor Cant remember will edit

The old man looked around at the decorations and the tables that were being set by house elves. He took out his wand and made it glow. Then, he began to talk. "All teachers please make your way to the cafeteria!" his voice was increased as it made it loud enough for the whole Hogwarts University to hear if children were home.

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